I don't know about this Ann Coulter...


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
today she was on los angeles radio

"if the Democrats would listen to me , they would beat Trump by pointing out he hasn't kept promises"

why would someone who identifies as "republican conservative" even fkn say something like that?

I think fame has gone to her head.
'today i'm not going to agree with Trump'
...like she's God talking or something
I never liked her, I think she's a fraud and a phony. I can only put all of this down to the fact that she has a single minded view, she wants the wall desperately. Anything less than that and she will never be onboard. I understand this, but she is being disingenuous with this assessment.

It's funny though, she states what I've said from the beginning that if Trump didn't keep his promises, he was finished (along with his legacy) however, she's wrong, he HAS kept many, though not all of his promises. The Never Trumper (of which I believe she secretly is), along with the Democrats have driven themselves to stop his agenda at all costs. If he can win the Mid-Terms, replace some of the old bark with those supportive of his agenda, the second half of his term can be enormous.

If he would have had support, he would have a wall, he would have full repeal and replace of Obamacare, he would have strict and drastically altered immigration policies. As well as more leverage on the International stage as he wouldn't have his own party whining that he is "being too mean" to the very countries who have fleeced the U.S.

I think he's done enough and shown himself to be a man of his word with even more to come to ensure that nobody avoids voting for him because he is a liar. His actions against the Paris Accord, his renegotiation of NAFTA, tax cuts, regulation cuts, movement of the embassy to Jerusalem, and demands for a wall (which would really be the icing on his legacy) are issues GOP supporters want. As well as Supreme Court Justices who interpret the Constitution.

In short, Coulter is wrong and she's really a provocateur as far as I am concerned.
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today she was on los angeles radio

"if the Democrats would listen to me , they would beat Trump by pointing out he hasn't kept promises"

why would someone who identifies as "republican conservative" even fkn say something like that?

I think fame has gone to her head.
'today i'm not going to agree with Trump'
...like she's God talking or something

No Ann Coulter has finally stuck her finger up in the air, to see which direction the wind is blowing, and has decided to jump ship before it goes down. Coulter was one of Trump's biggest promoters, now she isn't. She wants YOU TO FORGET that she shoved him down your throats so the next time she speaks she can say--"see I told you so."--:aug08_031::auiqs.jpg:


A great article for you to spend the next 25 minutes reading is here.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


After the midterm, it's going to be real interesting to see how your favorite right wing talk show hosts are going to spin it.
today she was on los angeles radio

"if the Democrats would listen to me , they would beat Trump by pointing out he hasn't kept promises"

why would someone who identifies as "republican conservative" even fkn say something like that?

I think fame has gone to her head.
'today i'm not going to agree with Trump'
...like she's God talking or something
I like to listen to Ann as she makes a lot of sense. She is right about "the Wall"; Republicans need to get their collective asses into gear and make it happen. On other things she simply has a different perspective but she is one shrewd Lady.

today she was on los angeles radio

"if the Democrats would listen to me , they would beat Trump by pointing out he hasn't kept promises"

why would someone who identifies as "republican conservative" even fkn say something like that?

I think fame has gone to her head.
'today i'm not going to agree with Trump'
...like she's God talking or something

No Ann Coulter has finally stuck her finger up in the air, to see which direction the wind is blowing, and has decided to jump ship before it goes down. Coulter was one of Trump's biggest promoters, now she isn't. She wants YOU TO FORGET that she shoved him down your throats so the next time she speaks she can say--"see I told you so."--:aug08_031::auiqs.jpg:


A great article for you to spend the next 25 minutes reading is here.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


After the midterm, it's going to be real interesting to see how your favorite right wing talk show hosts are going to spin it.

Nope; she's pointing to the border and saying "BUILD THAT WALL". She's pointing to ACA and saying "get it done".

No problem with that; the Pubbies need to deliver. I'd say they're about two votes short in the Senate max!

She lost her way. Once upon her time her analysis of things was first rate. In her arroganc she's challenging Trump, never mind Democrats. We're supposed to ignore the many Trump promises that have been kept. She wants all or nothing.
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today she was on los angeles radio

"if the Democrats would listen to me , they would beat Trump by pointing out he hasn't kept promises"

why would someone who identifies as "republican conservative" even fkn say something like that?

I think fame has gone to her head.
'today i'm not going to agree with Trump'
...like she's God talking or something
Trumps not a Conservative. Even though I believe he has kept some promises and doing pretty well in office he is still spending at drunken sailor speeds. Same as the old boss and the one before him and so on.
Illegal immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border is "the lowest in 17 years."
Donald Trump on Friday, April 21st, 2017 in an interview with the Associated Press

we dont need a wall
today she was on los angeles radio

"if the Democrats would listen to me , they would beat Trump by pointing out he hasn't kept promises"

why would someone who identifies as "republican conservative" even fkn say something like that?

I think fame has gone to her head.
'today i'm not going to agree with Trump'
...like she's God talking or something

I don't care for her at all. She's half-crazy at best.

She lost me entirely as a so-called "conservative" when she said she'd be happy if Trump committed abortions on the White House lawn if he would build the wall. No "Christian conservative" would ever say that.

Goodbye, Ann Coulter.
Trump said illegal immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border is "the lowest in 17 years."

Border Patrol data support Trump’s claim. In March, Border Patrol recorded 12,193 apprehensions at the southwest border, the lowest in at least 17 years.

It’s worth noting that apprehension rates have been declining since the recession, and significantly so since their peak of 1.6 million in 2000.
today she was on los angeles radio

"if the Democrats would listen to me , they would beat Trump by pointing out he hasn't kept promises"

why would someone who identifies as "republican conservative" even fkn say something like that?

I think fame has gone to her head.
'today i'm not going to agree with Trump'
...like she's God talking or something
Just a guess here, but I think you may be misunderstanding her intent.
Once again, the ever repeating cycle of the conservatives eating their own. Coulter used to be a darling to the far right, like with Palin, these guys were tripping over each other heaping praises on her. Now make no mistake, she's still 100% conservative and Republican but unlike the herd, she's not a tump worshiper and sees him as the charlatan he is. For that sin, the tumpers can't line up fast enough to condemn her.
Once again, the ever repeating cycle of the conservatives eating their own. Coulter used to be a darling to the far right, like with Palin, these guys were tripping over each other heaping praises on her. Now make no mistake, she's still 100% conservative and Republican but unlike the herd, she's not a tump worshiper and sees him as the charlatan he is. For that sin, the tumpers can't line up fast enough to condemn her.

Do you have a reading problem?

I don't care what she thinks about Trump. I have divorced myself from her for what she said about abortion. No conservative Christian would say that about abortion. It proves that she's an opportunist.

Unlike Leftists, we have actual principles. We're not just opportunists.
Do you have a reading problem?I don't care what she thinks about Trump. I have divorced myself from her for what she said about abortion. No conservative Christian would say that about abortion. It proves that she's an opportunist.Unlike Leftists, we have actual principles. We're not just opportunists.
No but it sure seems you do knucklehead. I wasn't replying to you, I was commenting on the article. It's what is done in forums like this. Take a chill pill.
Once again, the ever repeating cycle of the conservatives eating their own. Coulter used to be a darling to the far right, like with Palin, these guys were tripping over each other heaping praises on her. Now make no mistake, she's still 100% conservative and Republican but unlike the herd, she's not a tump worshiper and sees him as the charlatan he is. For that sin, the tumpers can't line up fast enough to condemn her.

Do you have a reading problem?

I don't care what she thinks about Trump. I have divorced myself from her for what she said about abortion. No conservative Christian would say that about abortion. It proves that she's an opportunist.

Unlike Leftists, we have actual principles. We're not just opportunists.

You said "conservatives"....I am a conservative.

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