Hypothetical: If world peace could magically be had sacrificing all religions would you support it?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If world peace could be had if we eliminated all public/overt practise of religion (took down all churches, synagogues, mosques, etc.) banned it from tv/radio/internet and public speech, BUT you could still practice a given religion but must keep it private and in your home (can have friends over for 'home churches' or minyans, etc.) but some misdeamenor type charge would be levelled for breech of the laws restricting exercise of religion to private-only,

would you support such an idea?

Could have peace, no more wars, no civil violence, etc. and all you had to do was limit your practice of religion to your own homes. Would you?
If world peace could be had if we eliminated all public/overt practice of atheism would you support such an idea?


Communist atheists in only 80 years killed about 94 million! And the number of deaths caused by atheism is much higher. An atheist, Stalin, along with his fellow Christian-hater Hitler started the worst war in human history. And don't forget all the deaths caused by right wing atheists like Mussolini, who was in part inspired by another blood-thirsty atheist Nietzsche. And don't forget the Armenian genocide, committed by secular fanatics: the Young Turks.

Please also remember that the austere atheist philosophy has never attracted a large number of believers. Under 3% of the world population is atheist. So a small number of atheists are responsible for a tremendous amount of carnage. On a per capita basis atheists are by far the worst murderers in human history.

Recent examples of atheist intolerance and brutality:

Chinese Police Proudly Record Their Torture of Christians

New Reports Tell of Executions, Torture of Christians in North Korea
New reports from former North Korean eye-witnesses indicate that the totalitarian government tortures, executes Christians and people related to the faith.

I would not give up freedom for tyranny

What I figured.

Most people's feelings about religion aren't religious but social. If they can't pretend to be more religious than others being religious in private where it's between you and your god(s) isn't worth it. Even if the payoff is world peace.

I would not give up freedom for tyranny

What I figured.

Most people's feelings about religion aren't religious but social. If they can't pretend to be more religious than others being religious in private where it's between you and your god(s) isn't worth it. Even if the payoff is world peace.
Youre a complete ffffffucking idiot.

If people are persecuted from public displays of their religion...

Religion is not freedom, it is conformity.
Peace does not have to be tyranny. The fighting between faiths has brought billions in deaths to mankind. To eliminate that hate would be ideal.
No most struggle of who's belief is the real one or better than the other. No more death in the name of god. No more dispute over books or verses. No more struggle between muslims and christians and jews............... No more battle over symbols and rituals.
We are all just people of one planet.
We would find other things to disagree with, but the violence of religions and sects to be removed would save millions.
Most that fight in the name of religion don't even really understand their faith, or faith in general.
We could be a lot better if we were not using religion to separate us, if we were not willing to kill in god's name.
Thomas Jefferson hated religion or rather what the people who ran religion did to the words of the bible. He believed that the words of Jesus Christ were the most sublime and perfect philosophy and religious idiots twisted his words to suit themselves and their pursuit of power.
Thread was making the point that religious people don't actually care about their religion so much as telling people how religious they are. As with if they can't do that, then being religious isn't worth it.

You would keep the world at war and crime violent if in order to have peace, you couldn't act religious, yet could still BE religious but had to keep it private.

I would not give up freedom for tyranny

What I figured.

Most people's feelings about religion aren't religious but social. If they can't pretend to be more religious than others being religious in private where it's between you and your god(s) isn't worth it. Even if the payoff is world peace.

How do you know what other people do in private? You don't.
A pay off? ...to silence people.
answer is no
If world peace could be had if we eliminated all public/overt practise of religion (took down all churches, synagogues, mosques, etc.) banned it from tv/radio/internet and public speech, BUT you could still practice a given religion but must keep it private and in your home (can have friends over for 'home churches' or minyans, etc.) but some misdeamenor type charge would be levelled for breech of the laws restricting exercise of religion to private-only,

would you support such an idea?

Could have peace, no more wars, no civil violence, etc. and all you had to do was limit your practice of religion to your own homes. Would you?

Dude....you're becoming Guano with these obsessive religious hating threads.

It's okay. You hate God. We get it. :thup:

No need to keep repeating the same stupid shit 8,437 times....okay? Maybe give the Jesus bashing a rest for a little while. :)

Hypothetical: If world peace could magically be had sacrificing all religions would you support it?

What about if you would sacrifice your belief Atheism first while we Christians continue to follow the tradition not to sacrifice anything - specially not if it is not ours? And what exactly say your leaders about how to reach world peace? With or without implanted tasers?

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I would not give up freedom for tyranny

What I figured.

Most people's feelings about religion aren't religious but social. If they can't pretend to be more religious than others being religious in private where it's between you and your god(s) isn't worth it. Even if the payoff is world peace.
Tyranny is not peace and it's not good.

ussr, china, north korea, cuba, veit nam, etc, etc
If world peace could be had if we eliminated all public/overt practise of religion (took down all churches, synagogues, mosques, etc.) banned it from tv/radio/internet and public speech, BUT you could still practice a given religion but must keep it private and in your home (can have friends over for 'home churches' or minyans, etc.) but some misdeamenor type charge would be levelled for breech of the laws restricting exercise of religion to private-only,

would you support such an idea?

Could have peace, no more wars, no civil violence, etc. and all you had to do was limit your practice of religion to your own homes. Would you?

Dude....you're becoming Guano with these obsessive religious hating threads.

It's okay. You hate God. We get it. :thup:

No need to keep repeating the same stupid shit 8,437 times....okay? Maybe give the Jesus bashing a rest for a little while. :)


Can't hate God if ya don't believe in him. I hate religions acting like their version of theology is after thousands of years suddenly the one and only correct one. Be fine if no one took it seriously, but since many do, it's for those with a conscious to speak out against it as much as those still duped by it speak on half of it.

You for letting religious people forgo medical treatment for their young children believing they'll be healed by their idea of God?

Are you for allowing people's highly subjective interpretations of theology be incorporated into law which binds everyone whether members of their religion or not?

Are for using God and some specific religion as a justification for going to war?

If not for these things your only difference to me is you haven't thought about such things as much.
It would be throwing the baby out with the bath water. Although there are many false religions in the world, the one true religion that would give mankind peace in the world and eternal life in the world to come would also be destroyed. Man has had many thousands of years and still has not been able to establish world peace. Is this the fault of all religions? Many great and wonderful things have come about on this earth due to the teachings of Jesus Christ. He is the master of peace. It is an epic failure for man, in his arrogance, to blame God for his own failures. If all men were to live according to the gospel of Jesus Christ, there would be peace on earth.
So to sum up, because people's religions are more important than people, you would continue having wars and violence just to be able to parade around publicly congratulating yourselves on your religious faith.

Hard to imagine why anyone might not like religion or religious people huh?

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