Hurricane Sandy Aftermath (Death toll reaches 109) - Obama Does Not Receive Katrina T


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Douglas V. Gibbs
If this was going on during a Republican Presidency. . .

Drivers Waiting 6 Hours For Gas in NYC...
Tempers Rise in Wake of Storm...
'Finding bodies left and right'...
Restaurant, hotel prices skyrocket...
CRAIGSLIST: $15 a gallon...
Utility workers pelted with eggs...
'We have nothing'...
Residents Furious RED CROSS Offering Cookies & Hot Chocolate, Not Blankets Or Clothes...
Jet Fuel Supply Fast Becoming Concern At Airports...
Staten Islanders Plead for Help: 'We Need Food'...
'Please don't leave us'...
VIDEO: Stranded New Yorkers Defecating in Apartment Buildings...
NJ counties enact 70s style gas rationing... Developing...

All hell would break lose!

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary @ Political Pistachio: Hurricane Sandy Aftermath (Death toll reaches 109) - Obama Does Not Receive Katrina Treatment with all the above links.
You cheering this?

Sorta looks like it.

The area is returning to normalcy pretty quickly.

The gas thing, pretty annoying.
My heart goes out to those suffering so greatly from this tragedy.

However, the biggest tragedy of all is the ineptitude of government agencies and their stupidity which is hindering efforts to get much needed aid to these people.

Generator sitting idle in a parking lot because some desk jockey doesn't know what to do or is afraid to make a decision?

That's the tragedy!
Bluntly, nothing that the President does is going to please people like you. You, and others like you, are searching for anything to hang your hatred for the President on.

This is a major disaster with a huge area affected. The infrastructure damage is extreme in many areas. There will be errors and snafus as is the norm in situations like this. However, the local, state, and federal governments have done a very good job in this disaster, before and after. Real cooperation, and effort to get the material and personel to where it is needed.

Thus far, given the scope of the disaster, I think all have done very well.
Bluntly, nothing that the President does is going to please people like you. You, and others like you, are searching for anything to hang your hatred for the President on.

This is a major disaster with a huge area affected. The infrastructure damage is extreme in many areas. There will be errors and snafus as is the norm in situations like this.

Yeah, but I gotta' wonder. Would you be saying this same thing if it was still George W. Bush who was president? And, did you say anything similar to this when George W. Bush was president, after Katrina? No, I suspect you didn't...huh, hypocrite?
Sandy is fitting exclamation point to the end of a presidency that began with "today is the day the seas stopped their rise".

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