How to take down the your own country in under 2 years.

Ah, you have a vice-like grip on The Truth.

Okay. Good to know.
To be fair 7 major failures isn't all that bad.
Almost as bad as George W Bush's first couple years.
Last week the US produce about 12 million barrels of oil every day.

We have never stopped producing oil since that first well was drilled......

In fact the recent slow down was due to the pandemic under Trumpybears regime. The cuts Trump urged on world producers came so late that they hindered the recovery and created the high inflation rates we've seen since the recovery started.
I don't care how many barrels we pumped last week... its not enough to keep up with demand and lower the cost... Obviously... oil production must grow just like demand grows or you will fall behind... we were energy independent and selling our oil and natural gas abroad under Trump and now we don't have enough for ourselves... we have to beg and rely OPEC..... its amazing that you don't get that because its so simple....
What happened to the dems creed of no blood for oil?..... gone just like all the other shit you guys say but don't mean....
So, I was right. You have no proof that Biden has stopped oil production? And yet, like a typical retard, you keep repeating lies?

You, idiots, are all the same. Repeat the same lie over and over again and when challenged to provide proof, you descend into incoherence twaddle.

Fucking lying retards.
You are stupid... I bet you didn't read a word of what I posted....
It's absolutely 180° different and you know it John Brennan James Comey Jim Clapper Susan Rice all sitting in Obama's office concocting a scheme to go after the campaign including a four-star general
Hahaha, you’re nuts
Your claims are backed by proven liars. You do not need facts. Like truth they mean nothing.
Aren’t you a proven liar? Didn’t I prove that you were lying about voting laws? Why should anybody believe a word of what you say??
Aren’t you a proven liar? Didn’t I prove that you were lying about voting laws? Why should anybody believe a word of what you say??
You proved I said ballot trafficking was a felony in some states where it is not. Big fucking deal.
You proved I said ballot trafficking was a felony in some states where it is not. Big fucking deal.
Haha, so proving you lied about a evidence that presidential election was stolen and undermining our democracy isn’t a big deal? But when anybody else lies it’s the end of the world?! Give me a break. Youre lost in your own lala land
Haha, so proving you lied about a evidence that presidential election was stolen and undermining our democracy isn’t a big deal? But when anybody else lies it’s the end of the world?! Give me a break. Youre lost in your own lala land
The punishment for a crime is somehow evidence? You are making a fool out of yourself, again.
Stopping oil production has killed us.... I watched a Vlog on youtube where this guy tried to drive an electric truck across the country from NY to LA... he spent hours in charging stations some not working and others only the long charge was working... he sat in his truck for 6 hours one morning waiting to get to 75%.... and he ended up having to be towed three times before he hit Denver.... he finally made it but it took him 5 days more than it should have....
But these fools won't stop and admit they are on the wrong track.... and bigger fools follow along with this crazyness....

1. Nobody stopped oil production. Oil production is expected to reach record numbers this year and next. Stop believing FOX News.

2. Included in Biden's infrastructure bill are the funds to build a network of charging stations throughout the nation.

3. They're not on the wrong track. Biden has said the change over will take 2 decades, but the first step is to build the charging stations. We have them everywhere in Canada and they're free in mall parking lots.
we were energy independent and selling our oil and natural gas abroad under Trump and now we don't have enough for ourselves...
Contrary to known reality.

The United States became a net total energy exporter in 2019 for the first time since 1952 and maintained that position in 2020 and 2021.

Crude oil accounts for the largest share of U.S. total energy imports on an energy content basis. Even though the United States remained a net importer of crude oil in 2021, crude oil net imports were at the second lowest annual level since 1985.
The United States became a net total energy exporter in 2019 for the first time since 1952 and maintained that position in 2020 and 2021.
Yes... under Trump... until Joe messed it up when he took office...
Thanks for showing me you are learning...

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