How to save America


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
How to save America....

Bring the troops home and put them on the Mexican border.

Force auto companies to produce fuel efficient cars.

Start a Manhatten Project for American Energy Independence. Develop solar power, wind power, and algae based ethanol.

Establish term limits for members of Congress.

Outlaw deficit spending by Congress except in cases of national emergency.

Keep mandatory sentencing for violent criminal behavior.

Restrict the sale of handguns. You can protect your home with a rifle.
Are you going to make this in a book?

Cus gee golly gosh, this is all so very original my friend! Especially the brilliant and original title, which is totally appropriate for an opinion piece.
I could sign on to many of those ideas.

Of course calling for something and putting it into practice are two differnet things.

But I like the outcomes you like even if I think some of them aren't really practical.

For example, we can't just outlaw deficit spending at the drop of a hat.

Government and this nation would collapse in a week if we did.

We can work toward that, however, but grdually increasing taxes on the superrich, and gradually cutting spending in many areas, too.
I could sign on to many of those ideas.

Of course calling for something and putting it into practice are two differnet things.

But I like the outcomes you like even if I think some of them aren't really practical.

For example, we can't just outlaw deficit spending at the drop of a hat.

Government and this nation would collapse in a week if we did.

We can work toward that, however, but grdually increasing taxes on the superrich, and gradually cutting spending in many areas, too.

We need a president who thinks of America first, not just some partisan political position. We are facing some of the toughest problems in our history, and all of our politicians are running for cover instead of facing these problems head on.
Every single one of those ideas except the first, I think, means limiting the freedom of Americans.
How to save America....

Bring the troops home and put them on the Mexican border.

Not going to stop terrorism, there's still the Canadian border where they cross as well. What about that?

Force auto companies to produce fuel efficient cars.

Isn't this kind of socialist, when the government tells the private industries what to produce. How about letting companies fail that can't market something people buy?

Start a Manhatten Project for American Energy Independence. Develop solar power, wind power, and algae based ethanol.

Been working ont hat for awhile. Still need oil in the meantime. Why not tell the oil comapnies that they can drill in ANWR if they work on these problems as well?

Establish term limits for members of Congress.

Now this is an idea whose time is WELL overdue.

Outlaw deficit spending by Congress except in cases of national emergency.

Whoe defines what a national emergency is? Guarantee you someone will call a tornado in Texas a national emergency and spend billions.

Keep mandatory sentencing for violent criminal behavior.

Another good idea.

Restrict the sale of handguns. You can protect your home with a rifle.

What kind of stupidity is this? Studies have shown that the only gun control methods that work to stop crime is the gun control making sure you put the rounds into the target. All of these other gun control laws are just so much crap.
Who said anything about "terrorism?" We are being invaded from the south.

"Socialism" is the government owning the means of production. "Regulation" is the government looking after the national interest, and energy is the most important national security issue.

Drilling is fine, but let's move toward solar, wind, and algae based ethanol.

Gun control combined with tough sentencing will help stop crime and gun deaths related to suicides. 1,000,000 Americans have been killed by guns since 1960. That is insane. We can do better.
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For me, why not get America back on track by ploughing money into real R&D? Let become the global leader in renewable resource management.

Renewable energy will be the most important industry in the 21st century. The technology is already here, and some Americans are moving forward with it. T. Boone Pickens is investing $10 billion dollars to build a wind farm in Texas. Startup companies are already farming algae in the Southwest. We need to get moving!
Lets take some of those Oil Tax Dollars and plough it into R&D.

The China situation worries me, they are a clever nation trying to get up the food chain. Sooner or later they will move out of manufacturing and into R&D. If this happens on a large scale we are hosed.

Thanks for posting this topic, this is a really hot topic at the moment. I have created a poll to try and get some quantitative feedback.

iRank Results

I believe that a lot of these topics need more than an emotive context. At some point we, the public need to be able to put numbers as evidence behind our thoughts. Maybe then politicians would listen?

I wish politics was easy . . . .:eusa_pray:

How to save America....

Bring the troops home and put them on the Mexican border.
Kind of against the law.

Force auto companies to produce fuel efficient cars.
The market is pushing them off of that cliff already..

Start a Manhatten Project for American Energy Independence. Develop solar power, wind power, and algae based ethanol.

Establish term limits for members of Congress.
Gives lobbyists too much power...

Outlaw deficit spending by Congress except in cases of national emergency.
Some merit here but people would have to get over their fear of paying taxes..
Keep mandatory sentencing for violent criminal behavior.
Not that big a deal really...

Restrict the sale of handguns. You can protect your home with a rifle.
I'm curious what the correlative figures are both before and after a ban... was just reading and interesting article on gun violence against gun owners at their own hand...Suicides apparently account for over half of yearly gun deaths.
"The Supreme Court's landmark ruling on gun ownership last week focused on citizens' ability to defend themselves from intruders in their homes. But research shows that surprisingly often, gun owners use the weapons on themselves."
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Thanks for posting this topic, this is a really hot topic at the moment. I have created a poll to try and get some quantitative feedback.

iRank Results

I believe that a lot of these topics need more than an emotive context. At some point we, the public need to be able to put numbers as evidence behind our thoughts. Maybe then politicians would listen?

I wish politics was easy . . . .:eusa_pray:


btopping, thank you for the kind words. I really thing this right wing, left wing thing is ridiculous. We need a president who asks two questions about every issue, "Is this the best thing for America?" and "Will this work?"
We have an ethos of the rugged individual (AKA every man for himself); an economic system which lauds ideas like "whatever the market will bear" and puts profit before people ; a legal system which has decided that legal entities (corporations) have constitutional rights; and yet we are surprised when our polticians put their own relections ahead of the welfare of the nation?

Much of the American ethos is guanteed to destroy the collective, if it is the interests of the most powerful individuals to destroy it.

In fact, that is exactly what is happening to this nation, now that the threat of communism is past.

It is in the interests of the superwealthy class to ride this nation hard and put it away wet. To suck the life force out of it, and to leave it a lifeless poverty ridden husk of it once former greatness.

Americans are now little more than the HESSIANS of the ruling internationalist class.

We pay for and fight their wars.

The ruling classes who most benfit from these imperialistic wars do not pay enough taxes to pay for THEIR wars -- and we the people do not make enough money to pay for THEIR wars either -- so they are borrowing (in our children's names) enough money to sieze control of every asset they can get their hands on while the getting is STILL good.

Meanwhile, they internationalize (read: though the fraud that is free trade) their assets such that, when America goes bankrupt, they won't suffer the same consequences as those of us whose roots and assets and homes, and families and everyhthing that matter to us DEPENDS on a fuctional nation.

They are going to win this game, too and you want to know why?

Because about half the American people are such clueless sheep that they will read the above and think I am a socialist,
who must hate America.

Therefore, people who understand what going on but who are not part of this system, or who won't be a part of it even if asked, will forever be forced on the margins, called radicals (when they're anything BUT radical) out of power, and dispised by the majority of sheeple that are do busy bleating the jingoistic blather they've been INDICTINATED TO BELIEVE, that they can't hear the truth for the lies.

So just keep blaming the liberals or the conservtives, or the welfare shirkers, or the hiippies or the gun owners, or the abortionist, or one race or the other INSTEAD to looking at who BENEFITS from the system and asking yourselves:

Why do THEY benefit but AMERICA KEEPS LOSING?!?
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