How to Out-Stalinize


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
today's Stalinists { Leftists }.Not a piece of cake.But far easier than
in 1930's Germany as Hitler managed to virtually take over his
Fatherland with his vast army of Stormtroopers and Third reich.
Just watch most any hollywood movie depicting War during WW II
where Germany was featured.Like the Spencer Tracy movie ... :
-- The Seventh Cross - { 1944 } or Walter Pidgeon in :
- Man Hunt - { 1941 }
However it takes a differert sort of bravura.One that requires the same
degree of stark sneakiness than what yer garden variety Leftist engage.
Only instead of stark lies and character assasination it requires bold
Truth and the American Way.The foundation of the greatest country on earth.
So a degree of pretentiousness is recommended.This is not the time in history
where being a bumbling weakling or ne'er-do-well will make headway.
As a simpleton or insignificant and harmless foil.This is no territory for
Hollywood comedy.Or a black comedy like - Catch-22 - { 1970 }
Which failed as a hollywood blockbuster.
So role playing has a distinct advantage.Not to impliment tolerance
but to ward off the effects of Intolerance such as leftist and those of
the woke persuation are actively engaged.

* " In an absolutely corrupt age,such as the one we are
living in,the safest course is to do as the others do.
It is infinitely better to take the side of the wicked who
prosper than of the righteous who fail. "
- Donatien Alphonse Francois Comte De Sade - { 1740-1814 }

* Yeah ... Up yours pally
In short one must design a firm,reasonably logical and
ethical mindset according to purpose.One in today's heated
and illogical political arena should take heed in expectations of
fairness and justice.It is not practiced let alone honored.
Barack Obama's 2008 Election saw to that.His 2 terms are the
proof in the puddin'. As if the Movie - Puddin'Head - {1941 } starring
Comedienne Judy Canova as hillbilly girl Judy Goober.
Whose corny,albeit yokel nature pays dividend against city slickers.
The basic theme throughout most of - The Andy Griffith Show -
and also - No Time for Sergeants - { 1958 } which is in polar
opposition to Elia Kazan's - A Face in the Crowd - { 1957 }
One can learn a lot from movies.Not so mush from today's
politicans.In point of fact,almost nil to nothing,at best.

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