How to lose a job at NASA


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2012
State of Jefferson
I admit this is a few years old, but I just found out about it and thought it was hilarious.

First some background. For anybody that remembers the 1999 movie "October Sky", it was about a group of West Virginia High School kids in 1957 who after Sputnik decided to build their own rockets. They were successful, and after several incidents where they learned more and more about the science were actually the winner of the National Science Fair. And one of the leaders of the group was Homer Hickam, who after attending Virginia Tech where he got a degree in engineering and serving in the Army in Vietnam got a job at NASA.

He then worked for NASA from 1981-1998, working on multiple missions for the Space Shuttle and Hubble Space Telescope, in addition to the ISS and others. And in 2018 was appointed to the National Space Council.

But apparently in 2019 a gal who had gotten an internship at NASA sent out a tweet with some rather foul language in it. And Mr. Hickam politely sent her one back which simply said "Language".

And in response, she sent one back saying "Suck my d***, b****. I'm working at NASA". At which point he simply stated that he was on the National Space Council that oversees NASA.


And apparently somebody that actually works at NASA saw this exchange, and her internship offer was withdrawn.

This should be a lesson to everybody to be careful what they say on social media. As you never know who might be reading it.

I admit this is a few years old, but I just found out about it and thought it was hilarious.

First some background. For anybody that remembers the 1999 movie "October Sky", it was about a group of West Virginia High School kids in 1957 who after Sputnik decided to build their own rockets. They were successful, and after several incidents where they learned more and more about the science were actually the winner of the National Science Fair. And one of the leaders of the group was Homer Hickam, who after attending Virginia Tech where he got a degree in engineering and serving in the Army in Vietnam got a job at NASA.

He then worked for NASA from 1981-1998, working on multiple missions for the Space Shuttle and Hubble Space Telescope, in addition to the ISS and others. And in 2018 was appointed to the National Space Council.

But apparently in 2019 a gal who had gotten an internship at NASA sent out a tweet with some rather foul language in it. And Mr. Hickam politely sent her one back which simply said "Language".

And in response, she sent one back saying "Suck my d***, b****. I'm working at NASA". At which point he simply stated that he was on the National Space Council that oversees NASA.


And apparently somebody that actually works at NASA saw this exchange, and her internship offer was withdrawn.

This should be a lesson to everybody to be careful what they say on social media. As you never know who might be reading it.

It's common practice for organizations to screen social media posts of its candidates before bringing them onboard. As an example, when I was working in pharmacy, the organization scanned a potential candidate's social media feeds and halted the hiring process based on her anti-pharmaceutical posts about medical marijuana.

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