How The Trump Con Works


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.
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Trump's Ukrainian con heavily depended on the rube herd not knowing his behind-the-scenes machinations.

A variation of Trump's con is to get someone else to make an assertion, and then to point to that person as an authority and therefore lending validation to the assertion Trump got them to make, without the rubes knowing he asked that person to make that assertion for that very reason.

Trump wanted Zelensky to say he was investigating the Bidens. Trump didn't care if the investigation actually happened. All he wanted was an announcement to that effect so he could tell the rube herd, "Why would the President of Ukraine be investigating the Bidens if they didn't do anything wrong?"

And the rube herd would take it from there.

But while Trump was setting up this scam, a whole lot of people saw the illegality of it and started speaking to lawyers about it. They tried to stop this stupid bullshit. When Trump was told by Sondland that several people were worried about this illegal "quid pro quo", Trump told Sondland to say there was no quid pro quo, which Sondland obediently texted to the others.

Trump then pointed to Sondland's text as evidence there was no quid pro quo. What Trump did not tell the rube herd is that he had Sondland say that for him.

Watch (time mark 2:50):

Notice how Trump says Sondland is "highly respected" to add validity/weight to what he,Trump, is about to say.

Then he quotes Sondland's text which he himself had dictated. "He said that!"

Trump tried to do the exact same thing the other day by selectively quoting from Sondland's congressional testimony. The infamous "I WANT NOTHING" notes he made to himself.

Trump left out the fact Sondland unequivocally stated during his testimony that Trump did indeed want the investigations in exchange for military aid and a White House visit.
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Republican replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.

Trump: "Unemployment is at record low rates and millions of people are off Food Stamps!"

American Workers: "Thank you, Mr. President! Things are finally looking up for me!"

Reporter: "Mr. President, why do you hate the poor?"

Trump: "I don't. My policies have helped the poor more than my predecessor's."

Reporter: "Well, a lot of people we've talked to don't believe that."
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

Uh-huh, as the old saying goes "takes one to know one".

Anywho, one wonders how you can derive entertainment from posting what is essentially the same post with only minor changes in the organization of the content on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis; a mixture a slinging childish insults at everyone that doesn't share your view of the world sprinkled with an amalgam of cherry picked trivia, ad hominem and straw men.:yapyapyapf:
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.
You should be an excellent con artist then. Where did you go wrong?
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

Uh-huh, as the old saying goes "takes one to know one".

Anywho, one wonders how you can derive entertainment from posting what is essentially the same post with only minor changes in the organization of the content on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis; a mixture a slinging childish insults at everyone that doesn't share your view of the world sprinkled with an amalgam of cherry picked trivia, ad hominem and straw men.:yapyapyapf:
Amd another!
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.
You should be an excellent con artist then. Where did you go wrong?
And another!
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.

You are really a sick individual.
Clearly you are a legend in your own mind.

Learn to pronounce
plural noun: psychoses
  1. a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.

Your side is really getting desperate. You need to face the fact—Mr. Trump won the election fair and square, and your candidate lost.

Insulting potential Trump voters (“basket of deplorables”) didn't help Hillary Clinton, and insulting us now won't help your side. All it does is demonstrate and reinforce juist how deeply those of you on the left wrong hold most of mainstream Americans in contempt, and why we should never support your side.

I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.
You should be an excellent con artist then. Where did you go wrong?
Having studied the tactics of con men for so many years, there have been times when I've been tempted to bilk rubes like you. The temptation can be quite strong when talking to a con man's rubes. It's as if they beg to be taken.

I'd be wealthier than Trump since I am far more intelligent than he is.

But, unlike Trump and so many other con artists, I have a conscience.

What has been so disappointing to me over the years is just how easy it is to con people like you. It is amazingly easy. All because of that powerful desire to believe some serious bullshit on the part of the marks.
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.

Spot on, I've been calling Trump a sociopath, certified, for 4 years now, ever since his first month in the race. Two speeches in and I said out loud, SOCIOPATH!
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.

Your side is really getting desperate. You need to face the fact—Mr. Trump won the election fair and square, and your candidate lost.
And what candidate would that be?

Yeah, Trump won. Because there are tens of millions of gullible rubes and he had no problem exploiting their weaknesses, just as he has done his entire life.

That does not take away from the fact he is a con artist and has fooled, and continues to fool, idiots like yourself.
Having studied the tactics of con men for so many years, there have been times when I've been tempted to bilk rubes like you. The temptation can be quite strong when talking to a con man's rubes. It's as if they beg to be taken.

I'd be wealthier than Trump since I am far more intelligent than he is.

But, unlike Trump and so many other con artists, I have a conscience.

What has been so disappointing to me over the years is just how easy it is to con people like you. It is amazingly easy. All because of that powerful desire to believe some serious bullshit on the part of the marks.

I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.

Spot on, I've been calling Trump a sociopath, certified, for 4 years now, ever since his first month in the race. Two speeches in and I said out loud, SOCIOPATH!
I've watched Trump since the 80s. He's always been like that. His patter is completely unchanged from 30 years ago.

You stick with what works.
Yeah, Trump won. Because there are tens of millions of gullible rubes and he had no problem exploiting their weaknesses, just as he has done his entire life.

That does not take away from the fact he is a con artist and has fooled, and continues to fool, idiots like yourself.

You seem to have mistaken a greatly-exaggerated sense of your own importance and intelligence for actual intelligence.

Perhaps this is a form of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Trump's Ukrainian con heavily depended on the rube herd not knowing his behind-the-scenes machinations.

A variation of Trump's con is to get someone else to make an assertion, and then to point to that person as an authority and therefore lending validation to the assertion Trump got them to make, without the rubes knowing he asked that person to make that assertion for that very reason.

Trump wanted Zelensky to say he was investigating the Bidens. Trump didn't care if the investigation actually happened. All he wanted was an announcement to that effect so he could tell the rube herd, "Why would the President of Ukraine be investigating the Bidens if they didn't do anything wrong?"

And the rube herd would take it from there.

But while Trump was setting up this scam, a whole lot of people saw the illegality of it and started speaking to lawyers about it. They tried to stop this stupid bullshit. When Trump was told by Sondland that several people were worried about this illegal "quid pro quo", Trump told Sondland to say there was no quid pro quo, which Sondland obediently texted to the others.

Trump then pointed to Sondland's text as evidence there was no quid pro quo. What Trump did not tell the rube herd is that he had Sondland say that for him.

Watch (time mark 2:50):

Notice how Trump says Sondland is "highly respected" to add validity/weight to what he,Trump, is about to say.

Then he quotes Sondland's text which he himself had dictated. "He said that!"

Trump tried to do the exact same thing the other day by selectively quoting from Sondland's congressional testimony. The infamous "I WANT NOTHING" notes he made to himself.

Trump left out the fact Sondland unequivocally stated during his testimony that Trump did indeed want the investigations in exchange for military aid and a White House visit.

Great summary- but you forgot to mention that Trump always intended his 'perfect' phone call to be secret.

And that his personal envoys- Giuliani and Sondland- along with Trump- avoided creating any paper trail that could link this with Trump. A paper trail was created- but by people questioning what was going on.

Trump though didn't want a paper trail- case in point? There was never an official request to Ukraine to investigate the Bidens- it was all done in person, over the phone- informally.

A Ukrainian official at one point did ask the U.S. to make a formal request for investigation- but the U.S. never responded.

Secret calls, off the book, no paper trail, personal lawyer acting on behalf of Trump,- all part of the con.
Notice that not one of the Trumpkins denies that Trump actually does his con's like this.

One of my favorite Trumpism's is how slimy he is when he says: "People are saying" "Well some people say" "People tell me" - all so he can deny that he is responsible for asking whatever he asks.

The sign on Trump's desk is "The Buck Never Stops Here- except to be Deposited"
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Republican replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.

Trump: "Unemployment is at record low rates and millions of people are off Food Stamps!"

American Workers: "Thank you, Mr. President! Things are finally looking up for me!"

Reporter: "Mr. President, why do you hate the poor?"

Trump: "I don't. My policies have helped the poor more than my predecessor's."

Reporter: "Well, a lot of people we've talked to don't believe that."

Want to provide a video or article link to that? Or just make shit up?

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