How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
Theism and Atheism are belief systems.

Deism is a Philosophy.

Agnosticism is a science.
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.
One can tell you are an expert on ignorance.

Origin and Etymology of agnostic
Greek agnōstos unknown, unknowable, from a- + gnōstos known, from gignōskein to know —
Definition of AGNOSTIC
It's all Greek to me!

1895-1900; < Greek agnōsía ignorance,equivalent to ágnōt(os) unknown (see agnostic )

Ignorance is no crime or disgrace. It simply means somebody does not know or has not been informed. The person who does not know if there is a god/deity/creator/et al but who keeps an open mind may indeed be ignorant. But he is head and shoulders more educated than the person who is absolutely convinced there is no god and considers all who disagree to be fools or gullible or disallusioned etc etc.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
Means you have simply made Science your religion.

You have ignored Religion and you are ignorant of Philosophy.

So you are not completely superstitious but not completely smart either.
Philosophy and religion are just words. You can't prove god with words only. Dingbat already tried. :biggrin:
You will be hard pressed to argue against Aquinas. And Aristotle also agreed with Prime Mover too.
Five Ways (Aquinas) - Wikipedia
Other: Gods are real, but not necessarily in the way believers imagine. Gods are essentially distributed personas existing in the networked minds of followers. Think of them as elaborate 'memes', with motives and ambitions all their own, propagating themselves via the minds of their hosts (believers).
Get an avatar.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.
So no, while agnostic is about thinking, a thinking person must seek the truth and find it.
Everyone seeks the truth, agnostics simply acknowledge that we haven't found it yet.
Admitting lack of knowledge is, indeed, the smartest position to take, but saying only smart people take it is ignorant.
An agnostic is someone to lazy to make up their mind in the most important issue in their lives.

On the contrary, an agnostic is at the least one who sees the folly in binary thinking.
The existence of God is a binary issue. It's a yes/no issue.
And the most important issue every person has in their lives.

It's a yes/no question. But as such, an invalid one.

Pop quiz --- do you believe Mrs. Irma Schwartz of Pineapple South Dakota has blue eyes or brown eyes? You have to choose one.
Says a lot about you thinking the existence of God or not is just as important as the color of Irma Schwatz's eyes.

Irma Schwartz's eye colour is not a matter of how "important" the question is. It's a matter of being forced into a binary choice that is illegitimate. You can't make that choice. For all you know Irma Schwartz has green eyes.
Who is Irma Schwartz ??

Irma Schwartz - 37 Public Records Found
Well, it's an ideology, one way or the other.
I didn't realise lack of knowledge was an ideology.
I meant claiming to know for sure, one way or the other. Religiosity or atheism.
Some people probably know for sure one way or the other, but not many.

Specifically, "zero".
Your fallacy is an argument from ignorance.

This makes you a fool.

List of fallacies - Wikipedia
One may say that 'God' made the Universe, but the idea that 'God' is an old male human with magical powers is no more than a fairytale.

Of course the first question I always put to that contingent is ---- where's the female that makes "God" "male"?
Usually get a lot of humma-humma on that. But the last guy tried to tell me God is hermaphroditic. Kind of a SuperSnail.
LOL. Sex is a mortal, natural universe limitation. Asking the gender of an entity capable of creating the Universe and also exists outside of it is like asking "How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?"
Well, it's an ideology, one way or the other.
I didn't realise lack of knowledge was an ideology.
I meant claiming to know for sure, one way or the other. Religiosity or atheism.
Some people probably know for sure one way or the other, but not many.

Specifically, "zero".
Your fallacy is an argument from ignorance.

This makes you a fool.

List of fallacies - Wikipedia
Agreed, as are all those who claim, as statements of fact, things which cannot be proven. That's why it's called "Faith".
I never said athiests are right. I said they think they have no possibility in their thought process that maybe they are wrong.
ag-nos-tic, not atheist.
An agnostic is someone to lazy to make up their mind in the most important issue in their lives.
Show me some real proof to tilt me one way or the other and I'll stop being lazy. :D
I said the decision must be made upon available evidence. It's like gravity. All the available evidence is there and you can make a decision if it exists or not.
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
Like gravity, the existence of God is seperate to a person deciding if gravity or God really exist.
Your intellectual retardation says a lot about why you have such opinions.
Strong theist. I don't think it makes sense to walk into a house and make the claim that there was no builder, citing the fact that you never met them as evidence.

Bad analogy. A house is a construction. Obviously a construction is by definition constructed. Nowhere near as bad an analogy though as the post immediately before this one crashed with.

Substitute "universe" for "house" and the point is quite valid. But by the same logic --- neither does it make sense to claim there was one.
I think it's a perfect analogy, it makes far more sense for everything in the universe to have been made that way, rather than just... being there... because... just because.
How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?
Strong theist. I don't think it makes sense to walk into a house and make the claim that there was no builder, citing the fact that you never met them as evidence.

Bad analogy. A house is a construction. Obviously a construction is by definition constructed. Nowhere near as bad an analogy though as the post immediately before this one crashed with.

Substitute "universe" for "house" and the point is quite valid. But by the same logic --- neither does it make sense to claim there was one.
I think it's a perfect analogy, it makes far more sense for everything in the universe to have been made that way, rather than just... being there... because... just because.
I think it's a perfect analogy, it makes far more sense for everything in the universe to have been made that way, rather than just... being there... because... just because.


the genome of life has not had much of an impact on the rest of the universe, why isn't there an interrelated universe per a master builder ...
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
I don't recall anyone saying that the miracles that Jesus performed were allegories. Except Hobo and he doesn't count. He's a militant atheist like you guys.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
I don't recall anyone saying that the miracles that Jesus performed were allegories. Except Hobo and he doesn't count. He's a militant atheist like you guys.

I see them more as tall tales to impress the dimwits. Sophisticated spiritual enlightenment just isn't as flashy as magic tricks.
What level of theist are YOU? A total koolaid drinking plane crashing idiot, Or are you lost fool like the rest of us and don't have a clue and don't care if god exists? I am the latter. Good luck with that god shit, it hasn't worked for a millennium or two.
One may say that 'God' made the Universe, but the idea that 'God' is an old male human with magical powers is no more than a fairytale.
Yeah, I have a pretty hard time buying into the notion that He is/would be as advertised, but I do hold out the possibility that some creator may exist.
This is Deist not Theist, Atheist, nor Agnostic.

A Deist is a theist. A Deist is convinced that there is a Creator God, he/she just doesn't believe in a personal relationship with that Creator/God. You are correct that a Deist is neither Atheist or agnostic.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
I don't recall anyone saying that the miracles that Jesus performed were allegories. Except Hobo and he doesn't count. He's a militant atheist like you guys.
Not Jesus. He's the one you claim is real. What about lazeris? My priest told the story as fact. He also tells the Jonah story as fact. Don't pretend these are just allegories. Your church says they are facts.
What level of theist are YOU? A total koolaid drinking plane crashing idiot, Or are you lost fool like the rest of us and don't have a clue and don't care if god exists? I am the latter. Good luck with that god shit, it hasn't worked for a millennium or two.
If there is a God it's not worrying about if you believe in him. Christianity worries you don't believe in Christianity. God don't give a fuck.

If he exists he may care about rape and murder but not if you believe father nick
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
Means you have simply made Science your religion.

You have ignored Religion and you are ignorant of Philosophy.

So you are not completely superstitious but not completely smart either.
Philosophy and religion are just words. You can't prove god with words only. Dingbat already tried. :biggrin:
You will be hard pressed to argue against Aquinas. And Aristotle also agreed with Prime Mover too.
Five Ways (Aquinas) - Wikipedia
I checked out the 5 ways, all are simplistic, unscientific, and wrong. NEXT! :D

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