How much alike they are


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
A few weeks ago I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX news. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, while Rachel Maddow (a Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and provided documentation to back up her commentary. That's where the differences ended. Both painted a picture of their side as innocent victims, while portraying the other side as evil, corrupt, lying villain's.

I read many of these same talking points (on both sides) in these forums, and wonder how many here are letting their media outlets do their thinking for them, instead of thinking for themselves....:neutral:

Line 4 from my sig: From Maddow to Hannity: How the Division Pimps operate and win

So here's the question: When fans are watching these shows, do they ever pause and wonder: What are they not telling me? What contrary information are they holding back? How are they distorting the positions and perspectives of the other tribe? What would this look like if they were accurately and comprehensively discussing this story?

My guess is that they're not thinking that, and that's the problem.

How much alike they are​



A few weeks ago I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX news. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, while Rachel Maddow (a Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and provided documentation to back up her commentary. That's where the differences ended. Both painted a picture of their side as innocent victims, while portraying the other side as evil, corrupt, lying villain's.

I read many of these same talking points (on both sides) in these forums, and wonder how many here are letting their media outlets do their thinking for them, instead of thinking for themselves....:neutral:
So one side is pushing for this country to go full on Communist, while the other side is pushing for a free, capitalist society. Hmmm... I tell the left to go fuck themselves...

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