What Does Build Back Better Mean?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Build Back Better is a slogan....plagiarized from the United Nations.
Build Back Better is essentially a Trojan Horse.

Build Back Better Simplified:
  • Bail out mismanaged Blue States
  • Pay workers to stay home causing shortages and encouraging dependency on government
  • Install massive tax hikes not just on the rich but reversing the Trump tax cuts
  • Destroy entire industries and put millions out of work

They're doing it in the UK.....and people there can see it for what it is.....shared suffering and misery.

We need to learn to grasp the absolute reality that our government is part of a world wide move to destroy economies and eventually kill off excess populations. Australia is feeling it right now. They're being locked down because they gave away so much of their freedom that government overreach became inevitable. Socialist governments are using their pandemic to clamp down on their populations.....that's why so many are so skeptical about the origins of the virus and the reaction by so-called liberal politicians to the virus.

It can mean whatever you want it to mean. In the UK its just a hook to hang on anything that might actually work. Nothing to point to yet.
Build Back Better is a slogan....plagiarized from the United Nations.
Build Back Better is essentially a Trojan Horse.

Build Back Better Simplified:
  • Bail out mismanaged Blue States
  • Pay workers to stay home causing shortages and encouraging dependency on government
  • Install massive tax hikes not just on the rich but reversing the Trump tax cuts
  • Destroy entire industries and put millions out of work

They're doing it in the UK.....and people there can see it for what it is.....shared suffering and misery.

We need to learn to grasp the absolute reality that our government is part of a world wide move to destroy economies and eventually kill off excess populations. Australia is feeling it right now. They're being locked down because they gave away so much of their freedom that government overreach became inevitable. Socialist governments are using their pandemic to clamp down on their populations.....that's why so many are so skeptical about the origins of the virus and the reaction by so-called liberal politicians to the virus.

"better" is a matter of perspective,,

whats better for the government is never better for the people,,

whats better for the people is never better for the government,,
States who depend on Federal money

1New MexicoBlue100.0$3.6634.79%-14%
4North DakotaRed69.4$3.7519.09%-3%
5West VirginiaRed67.1$2.9031.35%-5%
10South CarolinaRed49.4$2.3027.13%-7%

Mitch McConnel's state of Kentucky takes a lot out of the federal treasury.

California and New York pay into the federal treasury cause they're rich.
States who depend on Federal money

1New MexicoBlue100.0$3.6634.79%-14%
4North DakotaRed69.4$3.7519.09%-3%
5West VirginiaRed67.1$2.9031.35%-5%
10South CarolinaRed49.4$2.3027.13%-7%

Mitch McConnel's state of Kentucky takes a lot out of the federal treasury.

California and New York pay into the federal treasury cause they're rich.
cut off all federal funding, lower fed taxs and let the states fend for themselves,,
Build Back Better is why they wanted to take our guns.
Build Back Better is a slogan....plagiarized from the United Nations.
Build Back Better is essentially a Trojan Horse.

Build Back Better Simplified:
  • Bail out mismanaged Blue States
  • Pay workers to stay home causing shortages and encouraging dependency on government
  • Install massive tax hikes not just on the rich but reversing the Trump tax cuts
  • Destroy entire industries and put millions out of work

They're doing it in the UK.....and people there can see it for what it is.....shared suffering and misery.

We need to learn to grasp the absolute reality that our government is part of a world wide move to destroy economies and eventually kill off excess populations. Australia is feeling it right now. They're being locked down because they gave away so much of their freedom that government overreach became inevitable. Socialist governments are using their pandemic to clamp down on their populations.....that's why so many are so skeptical about the origins of the virus and the reaction by so-called liberal politicians to the virus.

This is what it means.
Build Back Better is a slogan....plagiarized from the United Nations.
Build Back Better is essentially a Trojan Horse.

Build Back Better Simplified:
  • Bail out mismanaged Blue States
  • Pay workers to stay home causing shortages and encouraging dependency on government
  • Install massive tax hikes not just on the rich but reversing the Trump tax cuts
  • Destroy entire industries and put millions out of work

They're doing it in the UK.....and people there can see it for what it is.....shared suffering and misery.

We need to learn to grasp the absolute reality that our government is part of a world wide move to destroy economies and eventually kill off excess populations. Australia is feeling it right now. They're being locked down because they gave away so much of their freedom that government overreach became inevitable. Socialist governments are using their pandemic to clamp down on their populations.....that's why so many are so skeptical about the origins of the virus and the reaction by so-called liberal politicians to the virus.

This is what it means.

It's a stupid bumper sticker slogan like "Make America Great Again, Again, Again, Again, Again".
Only it is backed by the New World Order Elites who control vast swaths of the globe. And they wait patiently as they have for many decades and even centuries. The Western Hemisphere existence slowed them up even if they were weaker before the discovery. Printing the fiat currency and controlling economics for the people ruling the nations over centuries has made them trillionaires today.
Build back better is just an abrieviated version.

It stands for "build back the entirety of our society with better chances for the Biden Family and other influential Democrats to sell out this country for personal enrichment".
The Great Reset and Agenda 2030.

All of these 'leaders' simply parrot what is put on the prompter in front of them.

They are all empty vessels at the end of the day.

Hungry ghosts simply waiting for their ride to Hell.

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