How Many Vaccine Deaths, Permanent Vaccine Health Damage, Children put In Danger Is Acceptable?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Every single day I read the articles and watch the reports on how so many people who surrender to Biden's Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate suffer life/career-altering heart problems or die.

Not only completely healthy people but world-class athletes have, if they are lucky, only had their careers and lives destroyed from taking the Vaccine.

Two days ago it was reported that the world's greatest, record- holding free diver in the world suffered a heart problem that has as of immediately ended his career and put his life at risk.

Athletes, body builders, and average people...forced to comply with Vaccine mandates...

The government does not blink, does not hesitate, but continues to Mmarch on, demanding subjugated compliance irregardless of the effects / damage being done in their 1-size fits all mandate enforced by threats, extortion, and punishment - losing their jobs / careers, losing their pensions, being given dishonorable discharges that follows and negatively impacts them for tge rest of their lives...

Adults were 1st...then came the children, 5 years old and up. I have counted 4 articles / reports in just the last 2 days of how medical personnel, pharmacy workers, and govt Vaccine administers have given children the wrong dose - adult doses instead of half the amount for children...but we are told the vaccines are safe for kids and those administering the vaccines are professionals....

Is this enough for the Marxist Democrat tyrants? Every American, every child 5-11, ignoring how UN-safe tge vaccines are proving to be for so many, ignoring the deaths and medical damage to healthy Americans?

No. I just read an article withered permission has been given to begin experimenting / testing vaccinations on babies as young as 6 months old.

How many deaths are too many?

How many perfectly healthy people permanently medically damaged is too many??

How many of our children is it okay to put in danger? Now babies?

You personal choice dies not matter.

Your personal health condition does not matter.

Your doctor's diagnosis and advice doesn't matter.

Your body your choice? Not unless you want to kill a baby inside you.

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I am very concerned at the moment for a friend at work, double vaccinated and VERY VERY sick with covid. She cannot get the monoclonal antibodies until her PCR test comes back positive. Which will take a days. By that time, who knows?

THIS is why they are forcing all of us to take the vaccines--to destroy the control groups. It's awful
Franklin Grahm.PNG

I wonder where that trust went while he was promoting jabs and taking them?
Every single day I read the articles and watch the reports on how so many people who surrender to Biden's Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate suffer life/career-altering heart problems or die.

Not only completely healthy people but world-class athletes have, if they are lucky, only had their careers and lives destroyed from taking the Vaccine.

Two days ago it was reported that the world's greatest, record- holding free diver in the world suffered a heart problem that has as of immediately ended his career and put his life at risk.

Athletes, body builders, and average people...forced to comply with Vaccine mandates...

The government does not blink, does not hesitate, but continues to Mmarch on, demanding subjugated compliance irregardless of the effects / damage being done in their 1-size fits all mandate enforced by threats, extortion, and punishment - losing their jobs / careers, losing their pensions, being given dishonorable discharges that follows and negatively impacts them for tge rest of their lives...

Adults were 1st...then came the children, 5 years old and up. I have counted 4 articles / reports in just the last 2 days of how medical personnel, pharmacy workers, and govt Vaccine administers have given children the wrong dose - adult doses instead of half the amount for children...but we are told the vaccines are safe for kids and those administering the vaccines are professionals....

Is this enough for the Marxist Democrat tyrants? Every American, every child 5-11, ignoring how UN-safe tge vaccines are proving to be for so many, ignoring the deaths and medical damage to healthy Americans?

No. I just read an article withered permission has been given to begin experimenting / testing vaccinations on babies as young as 6 months old.

How many deaths are too many?

How many perfectly healthy people permanently medically damaged is too many??

How many of our children is it okay to put in danger? Now babies?

You personal choice dies not matter.

Your personal health condition does not matter.

Your doctor's diagnosis and advice doesn't matter.

Your body your choice? Not unless you want to kill a baby inside you.

She cannot get the monoclonal antibodies until her PCR test comes back positive
You mean unless her pcr test comes back positive. Covid is not the only upper respiratory disease circulating at the moment.
Every single day I read the articles and watch the reports on how so many people who surrender to Biden's Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate suffer life/career-altering heart problems or die.

Not only completely healthy people but world-class athletes have, if they are lucky, only had their careers and lives destroyed from taking the Vaccine.

Two days ago it was reported that the world's greatest, record- holding free diver in the world suffered a heart problem that has as of immediately ended his career and put his life at risk.

Athletes, body builders, and average people...forced to comply with Vaccine mandates...

The government does not blink, does not hesitate, but continues to Mmarch on, demanding subjugated compliance irregardless of the effects / damage being done in their 1-size fits all mandate enforced by threats, extortion, and punishment - losing their jobs / careers, losing their pensions, being given dishonorable discharges that follows and negatively impacts them for tge rest of their lives...

Adults were 1st...then came the children, 5 years old and up. I have counted 4 articles / reports in just the last 2 days of how medical personnel, pharmacy workers, and govt Vaccine administers have given children the wrong dose - adult doses instead of half the amount for children...but we are told the vaccines are safe for kids and those administering the vaccines are professionals....

Is this enough for the Marxist Democrat tyrants? Every American, every child 5-11, ignoring how UN-safe tge vaccines are proving to be for so many, ignoring the deaths and medical damage to healthy Americans?

No. I just read an article withered permission has been given to begin experimenting / testing vaccinations on babies as young as 6 months old.

How many deaths are too many?

How many perfectly healthy people permanently medically damaged is too many??

How many of our children is it okay to put in danger? Now babies?

You personal choice dies not matter.

Your personal health condition does not matter.

Your doctor's diagnosis and advice doesn't matter.

Your body your choice? Not unless you want to kill a baby inside you.

It's a simple numbers game: are the risks of the vaccine greater or less than the risks of covid? So far as I know the vaccine risks are way smaller than those of covid.
It's a simple numbers game: are the risks of the vaccine greater or less than the risks of covid? So far as I know the vaccine risks are way smaller than those of covid.
The mortality rate ov COVID was reported at .08...for people with pre-existing conditions and the elderly.

Healthy people, world-class athletes, have been permanently medically harmed and some have died due to the vaccines.

The choicec to take that risk or not should not be the government's to FORCE on you.
If I had a 6 month baby the government would never be able to force me to have their experiment vaccine given to it, especially after all the reports of mistakes they are making and problems with / on 5+ year old children.
Every single day I read the articles and watch the reports on how so many people who surrender to Biden's Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate suffer life/career-altering heart problems or die.

Not only completely healthy people but world-class athletes have, if they are lucky, only had their careers and lives destroyed from taking the Vaccine.

Two days ago it was reported that the world's greatest, record- holding free diver in the world suffered a heart problem that has as of immediately ended his career and put his life at risk.

Athletes, body builders, and average people...forced to comply with Vaccine mandates...

The government does not blink, does not hesitate, but continues to Mmarch on, demanding subjugated compliance irregardless of the effects / damage being done in their 1-size fits all mandate enforced by threats, extortion, and punishment - losing their jobs / careers, losing their pensions, being given dishonorable discharges that follows and negatively impacts them for tge rest of their lives...

Adults were 1st...then came the children, 5 years old and up. I have counted 4 articles / reports in just the last 2 days of how medical personnel, pharmacy workers, and govt Vaccine administers have given children the wrong dose - adult doses instead of half the amount for children...but we are told the vaccines are safe for kids and those administering the vaccines are professionals....

Is this enough for the Marxist Democrat tyrants? Every American, every child 5-11, ignoring how UN-safe tge vaccines are proving to be for so many, ignoring the deaths and medical damage to healthy Americans?

No. I just read an article withered permission has been given to begin experimenting / testing vaccinations on babies as young as 6 months old.

How many deaths are too many?

How many perfectly healthy people permanently medically damaged is too many??

How many of our children is it okay to put in danger? Now babies?

You personal choice dies not matter.

Your personal health condition does not matter.

Your doctor's diagnosis and advice doesn't matter.

Your body your choice? Not unless you want to kill a baby inside you.

Vaccines are like that.

999,999,999 take the vaccine and are just fine.

1 takes the vaccine and has major-league problems.

The greatest good, for the greatest number.

Zero difference between this and a dozen mandatory vaccines required for school or for military service or overseas travel.

Much ado about very, very little.


Having a sound medical reason for not vax'ing is one thing...

Being a selfish chicken$hit self-excusing bull$hitter is quite another...

Whiny bitche$ need to quit whining and get the goddamned shot...
Vaccines are like that.

999,999,999 take the vaccine and are just fine.

1 takes the vaccine and has major-league problems.

The greatest good, for the greatest number.

Zero difference between this and a dozen mandatory vaccines required for school or for military service or overseas travel.

Much ado about very, very little.


Having a sound medical reason for not vax'ing is one thing...

Being a selfish chicken$hit self-excusing bull$hitter is quite another...

Whiny bitche$ need to quit whining and get the goddamned shot...

Nope. Conventional vaccines, yes.
The idea of the government ordering you to put a drug in your body and they are no idea what it will do to you, if and how it may impact or effect the medical conditions you may already have, or even if it might kill you and you are told you have no say in the matter is both stupid and wrong.

If it was a fact that ONLY unvaccinated people could pass on the virus then it would make more sense that everyone must get vaccinated, but that is not the case.

Vaccinated people can both catch and spread the virus.

The vaccine does not prevent anyone from getting the virus. It reduces tgd severity of the virus' effects and reduces the odds of being hospitalized.

It has been proven that the medicines and drugs do many people mocked does help to do tge same exact thing. So if we have fully tested medicine that works without carrying the risks if the vaccine why do people have to take the vaccine and risk heart damage or death?

And now we have the vaccine pill...

Then there is natural immunity.

There are alternatives to the vaccine tgat do the same thing as the vaccine that do not have the same risks as the there is no reason for an Un-Constitutional mandates. Afain, it should be free choice.

How much would you want to bet that the politicians, Fauci, Pelosi, etc... invested a ton of money into the vaccines / company stocks, mandated the vaccines, and made a fortune...?!
The mortality rate ov COVID was reported at .08...for people with pre-existing conditions and the elderly.

Healthy people, world-class athletes, have been permanently medically harmed and some have died due to the vaccines.

The choicec to take that risk or not should not be the government's to FORCE on you.
Remember how you asshats when Trump was president ranted & raved that people died every day of something? Remember when people were dropping left & right from COVID when your boy was in power asswipe & all the excuses you MAGA tards used? Now your wetting your pants about athletes supposedly dying from the vaccine? My my how the story changes.

Maybe those atheletes died in car accidents, launching themselves off buildings, other diseases or something other then the vaccine? Remember when you jerkoffs claimed that was the case when Dotard was in? Are people lying about the vaccine to make it look bad?
Not a simple numbers game. The Chinese communists know where their virus comes from.
Biden and Fauci do, too.

The scary part is this - our Intel released a report saying when we had scientists inspecting the Wuhan lab they found a deadly virus in their possession that has an 80% (EIGHTY PERCENT) mortality rate (as opposed to COVID-19's o.o8%).
Remember how you asshats when Trump was president ranted & raved that people died every day of something?
No, I don't remember anything like that....and it seems you don't either. It sounds like you are just making shit up.

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