How many of you know that 99.55% of COVID cases are mild or not hospitalized?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
From this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 13,731,030 Cases and 587,779 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer the below FACTS regarding COVID.
A) 96.12% SURVIVE!!! DON"T DIE. Have you heard this??
B) 99.55% of cases are mild, NOT HOSPITALIZED but what have you been hearing/watching from the extremely BIASED MSM?
C) 40% of ALL Americans have been tested and how many cases??? 1.09% cases of Americans!

But read this CNN article...California, New Mexico and Oregon put new restrictions on indoor activities

Come on folks get realistic here.

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Yes, the percentage of those who get Covid-19 and require hospitalization is relatively small. The relative fatality percentage is also small.

But when you translate that into real numbers, based on a US population of 320 million, it doesn't look as good.

With a population of 320 million people, with 1.09% testing positive, a 96.12% survival rate comes to 237,120 people dying from the virus.

I also question the accuracy of the claim that 99.55% do not require hospitalization. Using the same numbers (320 million population, 1.09% testing positive) then only 27,360 people require hospitalization. But 237,120 died. Did 209,360 people get sick enough to die without going to a hospital? I find that hard to believe.
So anyone walks down the street, there are four people every 100 you will never see again. And then you keep going. And then you cross the street to keep on going? A few minutes later, you can retrace your steps even! And the day is over, yet.

Wait until Youtube finds out!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so RNC took their Convention, and Gave It To Florida--With Nothing to show for It! (Matt 25: 14-30!)
Yes, the percentage of those who get Covid-19 and require hospitalization is relatively small. The relative fatality percentage is also small.

But when you translate that into real numbers, based on a US population of 320 million, it doesn't look as good.

With a population of 320 million people, with 1.09% testing positive, a 96.12% survival rate comes to 237,120 people dying from the virus.

I also question the accuracy of the claim that 99.55% do not require hospitalization. Using the same numbers (320 million population, 1.09% testing positive) then only 27,360 people require hospitalization. But 237,120 died. Did 209,360 people get sick enough to die without going to a hospital? I find that hard to believe.
First of all, 237,120 Americans have not died from Coronavirus. The reported number is 100,000 less than that number and there's reason to believe that even THAT number is a gross exaggeration. The survival rate of those who've tested positive is 99.96%.
Yes, the percentage of those who get Covid-19 and require hospitalization is relatively small. The relative fatality percentage is also small.

But when you translate that into real numbers, based on a US population of 320 million, it doesn't look as good.

With a population of 320 million people, with 1.09% testing positive, a 96.12% survival rate comes to 237,120 people dying from the virus.

I also question the accuracy of the claim that 99.55% do not require hospitalization. Using the same numbers (320 million population, 1.09% testing positive) then only 27,360 people require hospitalization. But 237,120 died. Did 209,360 people get sick enough to die without going to a hospital? I find that hard to believe.
Are you aware of the number of healthcare facilities for the elderly have had covid deliberately placed into them? Do you know the number of deaths from that action nationwide?

Go look it up.
How many are willing to risk sickness and death based on an internet poster who knows nothing.

'Severe brain damage possible even with mild coronavirus symptoms'

'According to British neurologists, COVID-19 can cause serious damage to the brain and central nervous system, causing psychosis, paralysis and strokes, which are often detected in their late stages.'

"This is a critical point in history. Time is running out to prepare for the next pandemic. We must act now with decisiveness and purpose. Someday, after the next pandemic has come and gone, a commission much like the 9/11 Commission will be charged with determining how well government, business, and public health leaders prepared the world for the catastrophe when they had clear warning. What will be the verdict?"

'Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs'

by Michael T. Osterholm, Mark Olshaker

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."
Yes, the percentage of those who get Covid-19 and require hospitalization is relatively small. The relative fatality percentage is also small.

But when you translate that into real numbers, based on a US population of 320 million, it doesn't look as good.

With a population of 320 million people, with 1.09% testing positive, a 96.12% survival rate comes to 237,120 people dying from the virus.

I also question the accuracy of the claim that 99.55% do not require hospitalization. Using the same numbers (320 million population, 1.09% testing positive) then only 27,360 people require hospitalization. But 237,120 died. Did 209,360 people get sick enough to die without going to a hospital? I find that hard to believe.
First of all, 237,120 Americans have not died from Coronavirus. The reported number is 100,000 less than that number and there's reason to believe that even THAT number is a gross exaggeration. The survival rate of those who've tested positive is 99.96%.

I did not say that the numbers were actual. I used the percentages from the OP against the US population.
How many are willing to risk sickness and death based on an internet poster who knows nothing.

'Severe brain damage possible even with mild coronavirus symptoms'

'According to British neurologists, COVID-19 can cause serious damage to the brain and central nervous system, causing psychosis, paralysis and strokes, which are often detected in their late stages.'

"This is a critical point in history. Time is running out to prepare for the next pandemic. We must act now with decisiveness and purpose. Someday, after the next pandemic has come and gone, a commission much like the 9/11 Commission will be charged with determining how well government, business, and public health leaders prepared the world for the catastrophe when they had clear warning. What will be the verdict?"

'Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs'

by Michael T. Osterholm, Mark Olshaker

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."
Not me, you TDS-riddled leftist internet shill!
Who's the president of The United States?
How many of you know that 99.55% of COVID cases are mild or not hospitalized?

Anyone with even minimal cognitive abilities can see your numbers are bogus.

Hospitilization rates are much higher than you claim. Simply looking at the total positive cases, hospitilizations and deaths in a given state easily shows that.
From this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 13,731,030 Cases and 587,779 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer the below FACTS regarding COVID.
A) 96.12% SURVIVE!!! DON"T DIE. Have you heard this??
B) 99.55% of cases are mild, NOT HOSPITALIZED but what have you been hearing/watching from the extremely BIASED MSM?
C) 15% of ALL Americans have been tested and how many cases??? 1.09% cases of Americans!

But read this CNN article...California, New Mexico and Oregon put new restrictions on indoor activities

Come on folks get realistic here.

View attachment 363955
Now do the flu.
How many of you know that 99.55% of COVID cases are mild or not hospitalized?
Everyone with a brain knows that. I just calculated that your actual chance of dying from Covid is around 16,000:1, about the same chance that today you might die from electrocution or radiation.

How many things WOULDN'T YOU DO just because there was a 1 in 16,000 chance of you dying from it. People drive every day even without a care though they have a 1 in 114 chance of dying doing it.

IN OTHER WORDS: 140 times more likely. Not TWICE. 140 times more likely of dying than Covid.

Democrats are pushing for more testing only because the more people you test, the more positive cases you can say you found.

THE REAL TEST are the number of people who actually feel so sick they need to check into a hospital.

Who cares if you get it. All that matters is whether you will DIE from it.

You know Covid is all leftist BULLSHIT because all they do is try to spin the numbers to make it sound as bad as they can.
How many of you know that 99.55% of COVID cases are mild or not hospitalized?
Everyone with a brain knows that. I just calculated that your actual chance of dying from Covid is around 16,000:1, about the same chance that today you might die from electrocution or radiation.

How many things WOULDN'T YOU DO just because there was a 1 in 16,000 chance of you dying from it. People drive every day even without a care though they have a 1 in 114 chance of dying doing it.

IN OTHER WORDS: 140 times more likely. Not TWICE. 140 times more likely of dying than Covid.

Who cares if you get it. All that matters is whether you will DIE from it.

You know Covid is all leftist BULLSHIT because all they do is try to spin the numbers to make it sound as bad as they can.

I think the research shows there can be serious, long-term health issues from having Covid-19. Death is not the only issue.
Yes, the percentage of those who get Covid-19 and require hospitalization is relatively small. The relative fatality percentage is also small.

But when you translate that into real numbers, based on a US population of 320 million, it doesn't look as good.

With a population of 320 million people, with 1.09% testing positive, a 96.12% survival rate comes to 237,120 people dying from the virus.

I also question the accuracy of the claim that 99.55% do not require hospitalization. Using the same numbers (320 million population, 1.09% testing positive) then only 27,360 people require hospitalization. But 237,120 died. Did 209,360 people get sick enough to die without going to a hospital? I find that hard to believe.
The flu will kill 10x that many before the next election.

Are we shutting down for 4 years?

Time to cut the bullshit.
How many of you know that 99.55% of COVID cases are mild or not hospitalized?
Everyone with a brain knows that. I just calculated that your actual chance of dying from Covid is around 16,000:1, about the same chance that today you might die from electrocution or radiation.

How many things WOULDN'T YOU DO just because there was a 1 in 16,000 chance of you dying from it. People drive every day even without a care though they have a 1 in 114 chance of dying doing it.

IN OTHER WORDS: 140 times more likely. Not TWICE. 140 times more likely of dying than Covid.

Who cares if you get it. All that matters is whether you will DIE from it.

You know Covid is all leftist BULLSHIT because all they do is try to spin the numbers to make it sound as bad as they can.

I think the research shows there can be serious, long-term health issues from having Covid-19. Death is not the only issue.
Is total economic destruction leading to communism considered one of those "long-term health issues?"

It is worth it to avoid the all-out destruction of freedom. Bring it on.
From this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 13,731,030 Cases and 587,779 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer the below FACTS regarding COVID.
A) 96.12% SURVIVE!!! DON"T DIE. Have you heard this??
B) 99.55% of cases are mild, NOT HOSPITALIZED but what have you been hearing/watching from the extremely BIASED MSM?
C) 15% of ALL Americans have been tested and how many cases??? 1.09% cases of Americans!

But read this CNN article...California, New Mexico and Oregon put new restrictions on indoor activities

Come on folks get realistic here.

View attachment 363955

I know this, I know this so called pandemic is actually no pandemic and is just a bunch of political bullshit and a hoax mostly because the democrats are desperately clinging to life.
To my mind a large number of people needs to die of a disease before it qualifies as an actual pandemic and so far it's less than even a million deaths worldwide.
By contrast in the 1918 flu pandemic a third of the world's population 500 million got it and 50 million died from it. That's roughly 10% for the mathematically inclined. Now that's a real pandemic. Compared to that, this thing is a mild case of the sniffles.

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