How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

I’m kinda already hearing it in Rightwing media….they aren’t being totally transparent with their wording quite yet but I suspect they’ll work their way up to it. Are there any Republicans here who think the Party should start moving Left?
Your thoughts?
There isn't much difference between the parties any more. Republicans are not Conservatives.
Wasn’t there hundreds of sworn / signed affidavits citing voting fraud?

If their was they didn’t past the muster and hold up in court. They didn’t convince Trumps on AG that the election was stolen.

Your gullibility is shown by you citing a movie trailer that uses a fake war room to allege voter fraud without being able to back it up with any hard evidence. It’s bait for conspiracy nuts which is why it’s not taken seriously by sane people
I am not crying about democrat success in the 2022 election so why should you?

In my opinion abortion drove promiscuous young women and libs in general to the polls to the exclusion of all other issues

Now you are gloating and telling me I have to conform to your values just so i can be popular with people who are disgusting

But no thanks, I’ll stick with my principles
You don’t have to conform to anything. You can remain a loser indefinitely. I could care less.
I'm ready to move left if "moving left" means we learn to lie, cheat and steal without conscience or morals, as the leftist vermin do.

Hell yes!

Unless we have to start looking like them.

View attachment 725409

I will not wear an ass in the front of my pants. No way!


yeh, it's pretty bad when you have to become a criminal to institute anti-criminal reforms :oops:


this is where we're at.. 2022

whodu thunk it?
Which is part of why women should not be allowed to be involved in politics.
Neanderthal thinking.

What about the men who shouldn't have influence

Chuckie Schumer
Adamned Schiffty

I could go on all day



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