How long before Republicans start talking about the need to move Left to stay competitive?

I have no problem with Neanderthal thinking. Quite often it’s far superior to the over-analysis we tend to do these days.

I’m not saying all Men should be allowed to have influence, just that no women should.

How many of us girls do you think will be content to spend out time shooting targets at the range while you men get your asses in gear?
And that’s the problem. It didn’t used to be that way, where Democrats are still accepting ballots arriving at the post office days after the Election.

We need to go back to the days where mail ballots were limited to those with valid reasons - and “it’s more convenient than going to the polls a five-minute drive away” is not a vakid reason. The Dems used COVID as an excuse for mail ballots in 2020, and now they’ve used it as a way to cheat their way to wins permanently.
That plus no more electronic voting machines. The good old blue voting booths are good enough.
I do not generally waste my time considering the thoughts, words or actions of women. At least not on topics other than fashion, laundry and domestic activities.

No wonder you're a crotchety old man. I'd love to take you to the range and show you a thing or two.


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