How leftists/feminists characterize and deal with their children


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
A leftist feminist with doctorate in education lost her shit when she heard about the Make Women Great Again event. Turns out she needs it the most...

The Day Mommy Lost Her Shit

"Spring break was upon our household like the Bubonic plague. Kids were crawling all over the place and I had 14 days worth of maximum security lock up to look forward to. I WORK FROM HOME which has as many benefits as drawbacks. One major drawback being, I can’t get my work done when my kids are home.

I tried to find camps to send them to, but that ship had sailed.

The week started out with the common daily issues we all face in our households. There was a ton of screaming, crying, fist fighting, food throwing, running, and tattle telling.

I was DOING MY BEST TO KEEP IT TOGETHER. I was stressed with work, the demands of the three tiny hemorrhoids, and I was getting ready to have my second surgery for the year. I was not in the best state of mind to say the least.

Day seven of the break, I got a letter in the mail from my homeowners associations stating that we had violated our deed restrictions and owed a $100 fine. I was livid.

I had been battling with these Napoleonic retirees for months and I was done. I loaded everyone into the car and drove to the management office to pay my association fees and address my recent violation. I jumped out of the van to discover that the office was closed. My blood began to boil. I automatically texted my husband a list of obscenities that I could not blurt out in front of the kids.

I boldly and feverishly texted that I was on the verge of throat punching someone and buckled myself back into my seat.
On the drive home the kids continued to fight over who was going to watch what when we got home. One kid hit another kid with a book in the backseat and I swung around screaming, “If I have to pull this van over you will not be happy!”

My idle threat fell on deaf ears as I continued home with the miniature tyrants screaming that they wanted to swim. I tried to text my husband to calm me down but he was in a meeting and couldn’t respond.

We entered the house and I ran into my office to check my voice-mails. Just as I had dialed a number I heard two of my kids screaming and crying as though they were being mauled by a grizzly bear. I ran from the office to find them fighting over a stuffed penguin.

At that moment I lost my shit and it was one of my worst parenting moments ever.

I couldn’t take another second of the SCREAMING AND FIGHTING. I grabbed the stuffed penguin and said, “If you’re going to fight over it, you’re going to lose it!” I then proceeded to make the penguin a double amputee by ripping his arms off. I stuffed him in the garbage can and looked back at my kids.

They stood there, in silence, mortified that I had maimed the penguin from Madagascar. I shoved his mangled body in the trash can and smacked his beaten head with the lid. He had made his way into an early grave.

Even I stood there in shock, I was now a stuffed animal murderer.

The kids took one look at me and were off like a bat out of hell and ran for their rooms. I followed, screaming hysterically about their constant fighting, and continued my rant for about five more minutes. Nothing in my path was safe. I slammed chairs, threw toys, clothing, and shoes.

As I walked past a mirror in the living room I caught a glimpse of myself and I stopped. I looked like a crazy lunatic."

The Day Mommy Lost Her Shit | Filter Free Parents

The people who can not even put their own kids in order are who are educating ours.
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So you want women to be barefoot and pregnant again and exist for men?? Is the mansplaining group a bunch of Christians who want women to know their place.

Mansplaining conference hopes to ‘Make Women Great Again’

By Kirsten Fleming

January 2, 2020 | 5:24pm

It’s a MAGA hat for the uterus.

Welcome to the Make Women Great Again conference, a three-day seminar for women — led by all men.

The Orlando, Florida, event, officially known as the 22 Convention, promises to be a “mansplaining” palooza on teaching women how to drop extra pounds, land a husband, pop out loads of kids and say no to the “toxic bullying feminist dogma.”

“Women today are being taught to be more like men,” says the official site, adding that the attitude has led to skyrocketing divorce rates, depression and single mothers.

“No longer will you have to give in to toxic bullying feminist dogma and go against your biological nature.”


Speakers include founder Anthony “Dream” Johnson, who bills himself as the first president of the “Manosphere,” and Alexander J.A Cortes, a fitness guru who famously enraged the internet by tweeting out a list detailing “How to be a beautiful woman” by wearing more pink, shaving and being thin, among other attributes. Also on the lineup is far right activist Stefan Molyneux and writer Mike Cernovich, who has argued that there’s no such thing as rape.

The cost for the conference, which kicks off May 1, is $1,999 but there is a currently a 50% discount.
A leftist feminist with doctorate in education lost her shit when she heard about the Make Women Great Again event. Turns out she needs it the most...

The Day Mommy Lost Her Shit

"Spring break was upon our household like the Bubonic plague. Kids were crawling all over the place and I had 14 days worth of maximum security lock up to look forward to. I WORK FROM HOME which has as many benefits as drawbacks. One major drawback being, I can’t get my work done when my kids are home.

I tried to find camps to send them to, but that ship had sailed.

The week started out with the common daily issues we all face in our households. There was a ton of screaming, crying, fist fighting, food throwing, running, and tattle telling.

I was DOING MY BEST TO KEEP IT TOGETHER. I was stressed with work, the demands of the three tiny hemorrhoids, and I was getting ready to have my second surgery for the year. I was not in the best state of mind to say the least.

Day seven of the break, I got a letter in the mail from my homeowners associations stating that we had violated our deed restrictions and owed a $100 fine. I was livid.

I had been battling with these Napoleonic retirees for months and I was done. I loaded everyone into the car and drove to the management office to pay my association fees and address my recent violation. I jumped out of the van to discover that the office was closed. My blood began to boil. I automatically texted my husband a list of obscenities that I could not blurt out in front of the kids.

I boldly and feverishly texted that I was on the verge of throat punching someone and buckled myself back into my seat.
On the drive home the kids continued to fight over who was going to watch what when we got home. One kid hit another kid with a book in the backseat and I swung around screaming, “If I have to pull this van over you will not be happy!”

My idle threat fell on deaf ears as I continued home with the miniature tyrants screaming that they wanted to swim. I tried to text my husband to calm me down but he was in a meeting and couldn’t respond.

We entered the house and I ran into my office to check my voice-mails. Just as I had dialed a number I heard two of my kids screaming and crying as though they were being mauled by a grizzly bear. I ran from the office to find them fighting over a stuffed penguin.

At that moment I lost my shit and it was one of my worst parenting moments ever.

I couldn’t take another second of the SCREAMING AND FIGHTING. I grabbed the stuffed penguin and said, “If you’re going to fight over it, you’re going to lose it!” I then proceeded to make the penguin a double amputee by ripping his arms off. I stuffed him in the garbage can and looked back at my kids.

They stood there, in silence, mortified that I had maimed the penguin from Madagascar. I shoved his mangled body in the trash can and smacked his beaten head with the lid. He had made his way into an early grave.

Even I stood there in shock, I was now a stuffed animal murderer.

The kids took one look at me and were off like a bat out of hell and ran for their rooms. I followed, screaming hysterically about their constant fighting, and continued my rant for about five more minutes. Nothing in my path was safe. I slammed chairs, threw toys, clothing, and shoes.

As I walked past a mirror in the living room I caught a glimpse of myself and I stopped. I looked like a crazy lunatic."

The Day Mommy Lost Her Shit | Filter Free Parents

The people who can not even put their own kids in order are who are educating ours.
So you want women to be barefoot and pregnant again and exist for men?? Is the mansplaining group a bunch of Christians who want women to know their place.

Mansplaining conference hopes to ‘Make Women Great Again’

By Kirsten Fleming

January 2, 2020 | 5:24pm

It’s a MAGA hat for the uterus.

Welcome to the Make Women Great Again conference, a three-day seminar for women — led by all men.

The Orlando, Florida, event, officially known as the 22 Convention, promises to be a “mansplaining” palooza on teaching women how to drop extra pounds, land a husband, pop out loads of kids and say no to the “toxic bullying feminist dogma.”

“Women today are being taught to be more like men,” says the official site, adding that the attitude has led to skyrocketing divorce rates, depression and single mothers.

“No longer will you have to give in to toxic bullying feminist dogma and go against your biological nature.”


Speakers include founder Anthony “Dream” Johnson, who bills himself as the first president of the “Manosphere,” and Alexander J.A Cortes, a fitness guru who famously enraged the internet by tweeting out a list detailing “How to be a beautiful woman” by wearing more pink, shaving and being thin, among other attributes. Also on the lineup is far right activist Stefan Molyneux and writer Mike Cernovich, who has argued that there’s no such thing as rape.

The cost for the conference, which kicks off May 1, is $1,999 but there is a currently a 50% discount.

I want women rising successful great families with amazing American children.

I don't want them to rise families that are characterized as "Bubonic plague completed by three hemorrhoids".... endless fights screaming, screech and all the other usual leftist nonsense. And certainly for those that do rise such hurricane disasters, keep the fuck away from our children.

Make women great again! Penelope you should seriously attend, would do you so much good.
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Man Charges $1,000 to Help Make Women Great Again | Good Morning Britain

Hit on the link and hear the video:

Anthony Dream Johnson is a 31 year old native Floridian that began building The 21 Convention series of events at 17 years old. He is also the founder of the Under 21 Convention for young men, The 21 Convention: Patriarch Edition for fathers, and The 22 Convention: Make Women Great Again coming Spring 2020 to Orlando Florida. He is also the chairman of 21 Studios, and CEO of The Red Man Group.
Anthony Dream Johnson is also the founder and president of The Manosphere LLC, a Florida limited liability company dedicated to the positive future of men, boys, and fathers.
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So you want women to be barefoot and pregnant again and exist for men?? Is the mansplaining group a bunch of Christians who want women to know their place.

Mansplaining conference hopes to ‘Make Women Great Again’

By Kirsten Fleming

January 2, 2020 | 5:24pm

It’s a MAGA hat for the uterus.

Welcome to the Make Women Great Again conference, a three-day seminar for women — led by all men.

The Orlando, Florida, event, officially known as the 22 Convention, promises to be a “mansplaining” palooza on teaching women how to drop extra pounds, land a husband, pop out loads of kids and say no to the “toxic bullying feminist dogma.”

“Women today are being taught to be more like men,” says the official site, adding that the attitude has led to skyrocketing divorce rates, depression and single mothers.

“No longer will you have to give in to toxic bullying feminist dogma and go against your biological nature.”


Speakers include founder Anthony “Dream” Johnson, who bills himself as the first president of the “Manosphere,” and Alexander J.A Cortes, a fitness guru who famously enraged the internet by tweeting out a list detailing “How to be a beautiful woman” by wearing more pink, shaving and being thin, among other attributes. Also on the lineup is far right activist Stefan Molyneux and writer Mike Cernovich, who has argued that there’s no such thing as rape.

The cost for the conference, which kicks off May 1, is $1,999 but there is a currently a 50% discount.

I want women rising successful great families with amazing American children.

I don't want them to rise families that are characterized as "Bubonic plague completed by three hemorrhoids".... endless fights screaming, screech and all the other usual leftist nonsense. And certainly for those that do rise such hurricane, keep the fuck away from our children.

Make women great again! Penelope you should seriously attend, would do you so much good.

So you would be willing to spend all day under these conditions, with days more of it to come, while working from home and getting ready for yet another surgery? You seem to want somebody else to do it.

You can't know what this person's politics are. Crazy headline.

Why do you want Penelope to attend was is, quite obviously, an indoctrination seminar. You realize that the clowns holding this expense show are propagandists out to make a buck, don't you? Brainwashing is dangerous.
So you want women to be barefoot and pregnant again and exist for men?? Is the mansplaining group a bunch of Christians who want women to know their place.

Mansplaining conference hopes to ‘Make Women Great Again’

By Kirsten Fleming

January 2, 2020 | 5:24pm

It’s a MAGA hat for the uterus.

Welcome to the Make Women Great Again conference, a three-day seminar for women — led by all men.

The Orlando, Florida, event, officially known as the 22 Convention, promises to be a “mansplaining” palooza on teaching women how to drop extra pounds, land a husband, pop out loads of kids and say no to the “toxic bullying feminist dogma.”

“Women today are being taught to be more like men,” says the official site, adding that the attitude has led to skyrocketing divorce rates, depression and single mothers.

“No longer will you have to give in to toxic bullying feminist dogma and go against your biological nature.”


Speakers include founder Anthony “Dream” Johnson, who bills himself as the first president of the “Manosphere,” and Alexander J.A Cortes, a fitness guru who famously enraged the internet by tweeting out a list detailing “How to be a beautiful woman” by wearing more pink, shaving and being thin, among other attributes. Also on the lineup is far right activist Stefan Molyneux and writer Mike Cernovich, who has argued that there’s no such thing as rape.

The cost for the conference, which kicks off May 1, is $1,999 but there is a currently a 50% discount.

I want women rising successful great families with amazing American children.

I don't want them to rise families that are characterized as "Bubonic plague completed by three hemorrhoids".... endless fights screaming, screech and all the other usual leftist nonsense. And certainly for those that do rise such hurricane, keep the fuck away from our children.

Make women great again! Penelope you should seriously attend, would do you so much good.

So you would be willing to spend all day under these conditions, with days more of it to come, while working from home and getting ready for yet another surgery? You seem to want somebody else to do it.

You can't know what this person's politics are. Crazy headline.

Why do you want Penelope to attend was is, quite obviously, an indoctrination seminar. You realize that the clowns holding this expense show are propagandists out to make a buck, don't you? Brainwashing is dangerous.

Here is one of the speeches from the last seminar

Can't you just FEEL the women in the audience getting greater and greater as the speech progresses? Fuck, I am not even a woman and I feel greater! Perhaps it's time to go check the T...

With this stuff even Penelope could have successful family.
Michael Cernovich (born November 17, 1977) is an American social media personality, anti-feminist, men's rights activist, political commentator, and conspiracy theorist.[4][5] He has been characterized as a part of the alt-right,[6] but does not identify as such.[7][8] Cernovich has been a regular host of The Alex Jones Show on InfoWars.[9]

Cernovich is known for his promotion of fake news, conspiracy theories,[10][12] and smear campaigns.[13][14] He helped spread Pizzagate, which falsely claimed that John Podesta and other high-ranking Democratic Party officials were involved in a child-sex ring.[8][15][16] Cernovich has falsely accused various political opponents of being pedophiles or supporting pedophilia. He succeeded in getting Sam Seder fired from MSNBC with such an allegation, but the reporter was reinstated when the claim was revealed to be a falsehood.[

In August 2012, Cernovich wrote that date rape "does not exist".[32] In October 2016, he wrote, "Lying about being in love to sleep with someone isn't rape. Getting played isn't rape. Regret isn't rape. Thinking, 'I might have been date raped,' means you weren't raped."[8]

In mid-November 2017, Cernovich offered $10,000 for information about congressional sexual harassment settlements. The next week, he sent documents concerning a case settled by Representative John Conyers (D-Michigan) to BuzzFeed, which vetted them and reported on them.[33] Cernovich encouraged all victims of sexual assault by congressmen to speak up and offered to cover their legal expenses
Mike Cernovich - Wikipedia
one of the speakers at the event.
Stefan Basil Molyneux (/stəˈfæn ˈmɒlɪnjuː/; born September 24, 1966) is a far-right, white nationalist[2] Canadian podcaster and YouTuber who is known for his promotion of scientific racism and white supremacist views.[3][4][5][6][7]

Molyneux is described as a leading figure of the alt-right movement by Politico and The Washington Post, and as a far-right activist.[8][9][10][11] Tom Clements in The Independent described Molyneux as having "a perverse fixation on race and IQ."[12]

The Freedomain internet community which Molyneux leads has been described as a cult, and Molyneux has been described as a cult leader, using cult indoctrination techniques on his followers.[11][13][14][15][16]
Stefan Molyneux - Wikipedia
another speaker for the event.

A lot of women on this board will like the men and their thoughts, as they are far right as well.
One kid hit another kid with a book in the backseat and I swung around screaming, “If I have to pull this van over you will not be happy!”
My idle threat fell on deaf ears as I continued home with the miniature tyrants screaming that they wanted to swim.

She didn't pull the van over ... she didn't make the kids unhappy ... and they knew she wouldn't ...

I invested three hours of my precious time sitting beside a deserted highway when my kids were small ... so they knew I would pull over and make them unhappy anytime anywhere ... for the most part, all I had to do was tell my kids that traffic was getting heavy and to settle down so I can focus ... shut them right up ... I made many many many mistakes raising my kids, but I did follow through with threaten punishments enough times they never thought such threats were idle ... that 24 hours with the electricity cut to the whole house all but ended the fighting over video games ... ha ha ha ha ...


My worst act as a parent story: ... Caught the kids (12, 10 and 8) up at 2am watching adult programing ... I did my June Cleaver best yelling at them about it ... and I noticed the show they were watching was playing jazz music, not bad either ... in fact, it was pretty damn good jazz music ... so I turned to look ...


I was up at 2am with my kids watching for months afterward ... "Great work, Fitz, great work" ... Cowboy BeBop on Adult Swim, even went to see the movie when it came around ... (we started family therapy not long after) ...
Stefan Basil Molyneux (/stəˈfæn ˈmɒlɪnjuː/; born September 24, 1966) is a far-right, white nationalist[2] Canadian podcaster and YouTuber who is known for his promotion of scientific racism and white supremacist views.[3][4][5][6][7]

Molyneux is described as a leading figure of the alt-right movement by Politico and The Washington Post, and as a far-right activist.[8][9][10][11] Tom Clements in The Independent described Molyneux as having "a perverse fixation on race and IQ."[12]

The Freedomain internet community which Molyneux leads has been described as a cult, and Molyneux has been described as a cult leader, using cult indoctrination techniques on his followers.[11][13][14][15][16]
Stefan Molyneux - Wikipedia
another speaker for the event.

A lot of women on this board will like the men and their thoughts, as they are far right as well.

Stefan Molyneux runs the biggest most successful philosophy show online. Great guy who has provided thousands with great advice, is that some twitter feminist who wrote that mis-characterization?

It was a great speech, you should see it. He definitely is NOT a white nationalist, that is a total nonsense lie written by some triggered feminist.
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One kid hit another kid with a book in the backseat and I swung around screaming, “If I have to pull this van over you will not be happy!”
My idle threat fell on deaf ears as I continued home with the miniature tyrants screaming that they wanted to swim.

She didn't pull the van over ... she didn't make the kids unhappy ... and they knew she wouldn't ...

I invested three hours of my precious time sitting beside a deserted highway when my kids were small ... so they knew I would pull over and make them unhappy anytime anywhere ... for the most part, all I had to do was tell my kids that traffic was getting heavy and to settle down so I can focus ... shut them right up ... I made many many many mistakes raising my kids, but I did follow through with threaten punishments enough times they never thought such threats were idle ... that 24 hours with the electricity cut to the whole house all but ended the fighting over video games ... ha ha ha ha ...


My worst act as a parent story: ... Caught the kids (12, 10 and 8) up at 2am watching adult programing ... I did my June Cleaver best yelling at them about it ... and I noticed the show they were watching was playing jazz music, not bad either ... in fact, it was pretty damn good jazz music ... so I turned to look ...


I was up at 2am with my kids watching for months afterward ... "Great work, Fitz, great work" ... Cowboy BeBop on Adult Swim, even went to see the movie when it came around ... (we started family therapy not long after) ...

The problem with these feminist mothers is that they are so entitled ***** that they forget to demonstrate to their kids how to behave, and then blow up when the kids do not act as they should naturally with no explanations given.

Which is the same as with their philosophy, that's what entitled ***** do. They ARE children, so of course they fail rising children. Having them as single mothers should possibly be classified as child torture, especially if and when they decide to chop the penis off the boys.
One kid hit another kid with a book in the backseat and I swung around screaming, “If I have to pull this van over you will not be happy!”
My idle threat fell on deaf ears as I continued home with the miniature tyrants screaming that they wanted to swim.

She didn't pull the van over ... she didn't make the kids unhappy ... and they knew she wouldn't ...

I invested three hours of my precious time sitting beside a deserted highway when my kids were small ... so they knew I would pull over and make them unhappy anytime anywhere ... for the most part, all I had to do was tell my kids that traffic was getting heavy and to settle down so I can focus ... shut them right up ... I made many many many mistakes raising my kids, but I did follow through with threaten punishments enough times they never thought such threats were idle ... that 24 hours with the electricity cut to the whole house all but ended the fighting over video games ... ha ha ha ha ...


My worst act as a parent story: ... Caught the kids (12, 10 and 8) up at 2am watching adult programing ... I did my June Cleaver best yelling at them about it ... and I noticed the show they were watching was playing jazz music, not bad either ... in fact, it was pretty damn good jazz music ... so I turned to look ...


I was up at 2am with my kids watching for months afterward ... "Great work, Fitz, great work" ... Cowboy BeBop on Adult Swim, even went to see the movie when it came around ... (we started family therapy not long after) ...

The problem with these feminist mothers is that they are so entitled ***** that they forget to demonstrate to their kids how to behave, and then blow up when the kids do not act as they should naturally with no explanations given.

Which is the same as with their philosophy, that's what entitled ***** do. They ARE children, so of course they fail rising children. Having them as single mothers should possibly be classified as child torture, especially if and when they decide to chop the penis off the boys.

The woman in your OP was married.
So you want women to be barefoot and pregnant again and exist for men?? Is the mansplaining group a bunch of Christians who want women to know their place.

Mansplaining conference hopes to ‘Make Women Great Again’

By Kirsten Fleming

January 2, 2020 | 5:24pm

It’s a MAGA hat for the uterus.

Welcome to the Make Women Great Again conference, a three-day seminar for women — led by all men.

The Orlando, Florida, event, officially known as the 22 Convention, promises to be a “mansplaining” palooza on teaching women how to drop extra pounds, land a husband, pop out loads of kids and say no to the “toxic bullying feminist dogma.”

“Women today are being taught to be more like men,” says the official site, adding that the attitude has led to skyrocketing divorce rates, depression and single mothers.

“No longer will you have to give in to toxic bullying feminist dogma and go against your biological nature.”


Speakers include founder Anthony “Dream” Johnson, who bills himself as the first president of the “Manosphere,” and Alexander J.A Cortes, a fitness guru who famously enraged the internet by tweeting out a list detailing “How to be a beautiful woman” by wearing more pink, shaving and being thin, among other attributes. Also on the lineup is far right activist Stefan Molyneux and writer Mike Cernovich, who has argued that there’s no such thing as rape.

The cost for the conference, which kicks off May 1, is $1,999 but there is a currently a 50% discount.

I want women rising successful great families with amazing American children.

I don't want them to rise families that are characterized as "Bubonic plague completed by three hemorrhoids".... endless fights screaming, screech and all the other usual leftist nonsense. And certainly for those that do rise such hurricane disasters, keep the fuck away from our children.

Make women great again! Penelope you should seriously attend, would do you so much good.

I'm too old for men to tell me how to behave and I have my own mind. I do not need to be brainwashed by anyone , let alone a man telling me how I should behave.
The problem with these feminist mothers is that they are so entitled ***** that they forget to demonstrate to their kids how to behave, and then blow up when the kids do not act as they should naturally with no explanations given.

Which is the same as with their philosophy, that's what entitled ***** do. They ARE children, so of course they fail rising children. Having them as single mothers should possibly be classified as child torture, especially if and when they decide to chop the penis off the boys.

The tale in the OP was a two parent family ... the father must be some kind a slacker working a deadend job for piss poor pay if he has to work his wife to make ends meet ... if we don't want our women to be feminists, then maybe we men should step up and actually provide for her and her children ... that's why men get paid more for the same amount of work ...

Had this argument with a friend ... told him to quit his job and sit with his son in high school every day until he straightened up ... that was too big a blow to his delicate ego ... living off his wife's pay ... she was a sitting judge at the time ... so money was not the issue ...
One kid hit another kid with a book in the backseat and I swung around screaming, “If I have to pull this van over you will not be happy!”
My idle threat fell on deaf ears as I continued home with the miniature tyrants screaming that they wanted to swim.

She didn't pull the van over ... she didn't make the kids unhappy ... and they knew she wouldn't ...

I invested three hours of my precious time sitting beside a deserted highway when my kids were small ... so they knew I would pull over and make them unhappy anytime anywhere ... for the most part, all I had to do was tell my kids that traffic was getting heavy and to settle down so I can focus ... shut them right up ... I made many many many mistakes raising my kids, but I did follow through with threaten punishments enough times they never thought such threats were idle ... that 24 hours with the electricity cut to the whole house all but ended the fighting over video games ... ha ha ha ha ...


My worst act as a parent story: ... Caught the kids (12, 10 and 8) up at 2am watching adult programing ... I did my June Cleaver best yelling at them about it ... and I noticed the show they were watching was playing jazz music, not bad either ... in fact, it was pretty damn good jazz music ... so I turned to look ...


I was up at 2am with my kids watching for months afterward ... "Great work, Fitz, great work" ... Cowboy BeBop on Adult Swim, even went to see the movie when it came around ... (we started family therapy not long after) ...

The problem with these feminist mothers is that they are so entitled ***** that they forget to demonstrate to their kids how to behave, and then blow up when the kids do not act as they should naturally with no explanations given.

Which is the same as with their philosophy, that's what entitled ***** do. They ARE children, so of course they fail rising children. Having them as single mothers should possibly be classified as child torture, especially if and when they decide to chop the penis off the boys.

The woman in your OP was married.

Yes, I am speaking generally. I am not sure whether to declare her husband soylent or be sorry for him. The entire family is certainly a leftist horror story and it is unfortunate our children have to suffer from it as well.
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So you want women to be barefoot and pregnant again and exist for men?? Is the mansplaining group a bunch of Christians who want women to know their place.

Mansplaining conference hopes to ‘Make Women Great Again’

By Kirsten Fleming

January 2, 2020 | 5:24pm

It’s a MAGA hat for the uterus.

Welcome to the Make Women Great Again conference, a three-day seminar for women — led by all men.

The Orlando, Florida, event, officially known as the 22 Convention, promises to be a “mansplaining” palooza on teaching women how to drop extra pounds, land a husband, pop out loads of kids and say no to the “toxic bullying feminist dogma.”

“Women today are being taught to be more like men,” says the official site, adding that the attitude has led to skyrocketing divorce rates, depression and single mothers.

“No longer will you have to give in to toxic bullying feminist dogma and go against your biological nature.”


Speakers include founder Anthony “Dream” Johnson, who bills himself as the first president of the “Manosphere,” and Alexander J.A Cortes, a fitness guru who famously enraged the internet by tweeting out a list detailing “How to be a beautiful woman” by wearing more pink, shaving and being thin, among other attributes. Also on the lineup is far right activist Stefan Molyneux and writer Mike Cernovich, who has argued that there’s no such thing as rape.

The cost for the conference, which kicks off May 1, is $1,999 but there is a currently a 50% discount.

I want women rising successful great families with amazing American children.

I don't want them to rise families that are characterized as "Bubonic plague completed by three hemorrhoids".... endless fights screaming, screech and all the other usual leftist nonsense. And certainly for those that do rise such hurricane disasters, keep the fuck away from our children.

Make women great again! Penelope you should seriously attend, would do you so much good.

I'm too old for men to tell me how to behave and I have my own mind. I do not need to be brainwashed by anyone , let alone a man telling me how I should behave.

Oh you hit the wall, didn't have kids, and bought cats?

They don't tell you how to behave in the conference. They give solid advice on how to not suffer the cat lady fate. You are free to decide whether to feed cats or have an amazing family of course...
I'm too old for men to tell me how to behave and I have my own mind. I do not need to be brainwashed by anyone , let alone a man telling me how I should behave.

That's not a very lady-like post ... [giggle] ... joking of course ...

Well I'm a woman and a lady second. Ha Ha

Difference between Woman and Lady. A woman can be a lady for instance and a lady is a woman while a girl can also be a lady but a girl although female gender cannot be a woman. ... A lady with a capital letter refers to someone of high standing probably married to a lord or baron.Nov 1, 2019 › miscellaneous › difference-between-woma...

Difference between Woman and Lady | Difference Between
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