"How Food Companies Exploit Americans with Ingredients Banned in Other Countries"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
How Food Companies Exploit Americans - 100 Days of Real Food

"Thoughts of outrage, unfairness, disbelief, and ultimately grief consumed me while I was doing this investigation. A list of ingredients that are banned across the globe but still allowed for use here in the American food supply recently made news. While I have written about some of those ingredients before, this list inspired me to look a little deeper and find out how pervasive this issue is for us. Could these banned ingredients be contributing to the higher mortality and disease rates here in the U.S.?

The health of Americans is downright grim according to a report just released by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. It declares “Americans are sicker and die younger than other people in wealthy nations.” The United States spends 2.5 times more on health care than any other nation, however, when compared with 16 other nations we come in dead last in terms of health and life expectancy for men and near the bottom for women.

Here is the breakdown for you:

* More than two thirds of United States citizens are overweight – 33% being obese.
* 32% of children are either obese or overweight.
* 43% of Americans are projected to be obese in 10 years.
* After smoking, obesity is America’s biggest cause of premature death and is linked to 70% of heart disease and 80% of diabetes cases.
* And 41% of Americans are projected to get cancer in their lifetime!"

more worth reading at link including info and links about the banned substances legal in the US.

Do you know what you're eating?
hey Delta , I eat a paleo diet or as close as i can get , meat , vegs , fish , poultry , grains and do it without preservatives as best i can . A person should know how to cook from an early age . I eat fast food once in a while . Same for preserved if I see something appealing but mostly I stick to food that would have been eaten in the 1880s and my wife is a good cook .
Thanks for posting this. Its something I've studied for more than 30 years and its even worse than we think. Countries around the world will not buy from the US because we don't meet their standards. Other countries have not bought our meat for a long long time now and some refuse to let it into the their country.

We eat more meat than any other country - more than 7000 pounds per person. No wonder we're fat, diabetic and die of cancer and heart disease.

The average person will chomp down on 7,000 animals during their lives, according to the Vegetarian Calculator.

It breaks down to 11 cows, 27 pigs, 2,400 chickens, 80 turkeys, 30 sheep and 4,500 fish, according to the group.

The organization advocates that people eat less meat to have a more positive impact on the environment.

But not all agree with the sentiment of consuming less meat.

"We are humans, humans are meat eaters and have been since the beginning of time. Get over yourselves and enjoy a nice juicy rare/blue steak that is twitching and mooing on the plate. Meat should be enjoyed by all," Ian Finnery wrote on the group's Facebook wall on March 9.

In 2012, 5% of American adults considered themselves to be vegetarians, and 2% said they were vegans, according to Gallup.

We throw away 40% of our food. Later this month, MSNBC is showing a documentary about food in the US, including the incredible waste.

When was the last time your doctor asked you what you eat? They don't ask because they don't know any more about nutrition than you do.

Americans don't have to be fat and sick. Its a choice that each of us makes every time we put a piece of food in our mouths. The old old that 'we are what we eat' is not true.

We are what we don't shit. If you ever want to know just how true that is, watch an autopsy. I've seen three, including one of a 19y/o who had a colon full of hard, rotted meat. When the pathologist ran the bowel, they clunked on the stainless steel autopsy table. The pathologist remarked something like 'that's why we get cancer' but he had hamburger sitting on his work station and after we watched the PM, we went to McDonald's for lunch.

I was very young at the time and studying nutrition and its bizarre to me now that I didn't realize how disconnected I was to reality. And why didn't the pathologist make that obvious connection? He was overweight, red faced and had a pack of cigs in his pocket. I remember that because, at that time, I also smoked.

We don't make the connection because we don't want to.

BTW, anyone interested in cleaning up their diet, read The China Study, Whitewash, anything by Kathy Freston and John Robbins.

There's lot of good info and recipes on line as well.

Even if you don't want to give up meat, there is much you can do to get healthier and food doesn't have to be boring. We eat a gourmet diet on much less money than the average meat eater. Good food = good health.
Dumb people eat fast food. So one has to be smart enough not to eat that crap. Its comes down to personal responsibility. Fast food is a health hazard and is not safe to consume and those that do are making a choice. The fact that fast food is so successful proves how unexceptional America is. The truth hurts. But it is not the fault of the companies, it is the fault of the idiots who consume that garbage.
Dumb people eat fast food. So one has to be smart enough not to eat that crap. Its comes down to personal responsibility. Fast food is a health hazard and is not safe to consume and those that do are making a choice. The fact that fast food is so successful proves how unexceptional America is. The truth hurts. But it is not the fault of the companies, it is the fault of the idiots who consume that garbage.

The link isn't about fast (fat) food.

Its about top brands in US grocery stores that other countries ban because its garbage.
How Food Companies Exploit Americans - 100 Days of Real Food

"Thoughts of outrage, unfairness, disbelief, and ultimately grief consumed me while I was doing this investigation. A list of ingredients that are banned across the globe but still allowed for use here in the American food supply recently made news. While I have written about some of those ingredients before, this list inspired me to look a little deeper and find out how pervasive this issue is for us. Could these banned ingredients be contributing to the higher mortality and disease rates here in the U.S.?

The health of Americans is downright grim according to a report just released by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. It declares “Americans are sicker and die younger than other people in wealthy nations.” The United States spends 2.5 times more on health care than any other nation, however, when compared with 16 other nations we come in dead last in terms of health and life expectancy for men and near the bottom for women.

Here is the breakdown for you:

* More than two thirds of United States citizens are overweight – 33% being obese.
* 32% of children are either obese or overweight.
* 43% of Americans are projected to be obese in 10 years.
* After smoking, obesity is America’s biggest cause of premature death and is linked to 70% of heart disease and 80% of diabetes cases.
* And 41% of Americans are projected to get cancer in their lifetime!"

more worth reading at link including info and links about the banned substances legal in the US.

Do you know what you're eating?

Food babe? LOL!
She's an idiot.
Thanks for posting this. Its something I've studied for more than 30 years and its even worse than we think. Countries around the world will not buy from the US because we don't meet their standards. Other countries have not bought our meat for a long long time now and some refuse to let it into the their country.

We eat more meat than any other country - more than 7000 pounds per person. No wonder we're fat, diabetic and die of cancer and heart disease.

The average person will chomp down on 7,000 animals during their lives, according to the Vegetarian Calculator.

It breaks down to 11 cows, 27 pigs, 2,400 chickens, 80 turkeys, 30 sheep and 4,500 fish, according to the group.

The organization advocates that people eat less meat to have a more positive impact on the environment.

But not all agree with the sentiment of consuming less meat.

"We are humans, humans are meat eaters and have been since the beginning of time. Get over yourselves and enjoy a nice juicy rare/blue steak that is twitching and mooing on the plate. Meat should be enjoyed by all," Ian Finnery wrote on the group's Facebook wall on March 9.

In 2012, 5% of American adults considered themselves to be vegetarians, and 2% said they were vegans, according to Gallup.

We throw away 40% of our food. Later this month, MSNBC is showing a documentary about food in the US, including the incredible waste.

When was the last time your doctor asked you what you eat? They don't ask because they don't know any more about nutrition than you do.

Americans don't have to be fat and sick. Its a choice that each of us makes every time we put a piece of food in our mouths. The old old that 'we are what we eat' is not true.

We are what we don't shit. If you ever want to know just how true that is, watch an autopsy. I've seen three, including one of a 19y/o who had a colon full of hard, rotted meat. When the pathologist ran the bowel, they clunked on the stainless steel autopsy table. The pathologist remarked something like 'that's why we get cancer' but he had hamburger sitting on his work station and after we watched the PM, we went to McDonald's for lunch.

I was very young at the time and studying nutrition and its bizarre to me now that I didn't realize how disconnected I was to reality. And why didn't the pathologist make that obvious connection? He was overweight, red faced and had a pack of cigs in his pocket. I remember that because, at that time, I also smoked.

We don't make the connection because we don't want to.


Think our problem in the US is we focus our efforts on remedies instead of prevention. Eat whatever you want, when a problem crops up there's a pill you take. Instead of not eating crap all the time so as not to develop the problems in the first place.
How Food Companies Exploit Americans - 100 Days of Real Food

"Thoughts of outrage, unfairness, disbelief, and ultimately grief consumed me while I was doing this investigation. A list of ingredients that are banned across the globe but still allowed for use here in the American food supply recently made news. While I have written about some of those ingredients before, this list inspired me to look a little deeper and find out how pervasive this issue is for us. Could these banned ingredients be contributing to the higher mortality and disease rates here in the U.S.?

The health of Americans is downright grim according to a report just released by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. It declares “Americans are sicker and die younger than other people in wealthy nations.” The United States spends 2.5 times more on health care than any other nation, however, when compared with 16 other nations we come in dead last in terms of health and life expectancy for men and near the bottom for women.

Here is the breakdown for you:

* More than two thirds of United States citizens are overweight – 33% being obese.
* 32% of children are either obese or overweight.
* 43% of Americans are projected to be obese in 10 years.
* After smoking, obesity is America’s biggest cause of premature death and is linked to 70% of heart disease and 80% of diabetes cases.
* And 41% of Americans are projected to get cancer in their lifetime!"

more worth reading at link including info and links about the banned substances legal in the US.

Do you know what you're eating?

Food babe? LOL!
She's an idiot.


EXACTLY which of her well documented facts can you actually prove are untrue?


That's what I thought.

Eat whatever you want but don't pretend you have a frikken clue.
How Food Companies Exploit Americans - 100 Days of Real Food

"Thoughts of outrage, unfairness, disbelief, and ultimately grief consumed me while I was doing this investigation. A list of ingredients that are banned across the globe but still allowed for use here in the American food supply recently made news. While I have written about some of those ingredients before, this list inspired me to look a little deeper and find out how pervasive this issue is for us. Could these banned ingredients be contributing to the higher mortality and disease rates here in the U.S.?

The health of Americans is downright grim according to a report just released by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. It declares “Americans are sicker and die younger than other people in wealthy nations.” The United States spends 2.5 times more on health care than any other nation, however, when compared with 16 other nations we come in dead last in terms of health and life expectancy for men and near the bottom for women.

Here is the breakdown for you:

* More than two thirds of United States citizens are overweight – 33% being obese.
* 32% of children are either obese or overweight.
* 43% of Americans are projected to be obese in 10 years.
* After smoking, obesity is America’s biggest cause of premature death and is linked to 70% of heart disease and 80% of diabetes cases.
* And 41% of Americans are projected to get cancer in their lifetime!"

more worth reading at link including info and links about the banned substances legal in the US.

Do you know what you're eating?

Food babe? LOL!
She's an idiot.


EXACTLY which of her well documented facts can you actually prove are untrue?


That's what I thought.

Eat whatever you want but don't pretend you have a frikken clue.

Well, one of the scary food ingredients in the US, high lighted in the Red Velvet Cake mix, is cellulose gum. She thinks it isn't in the UK version. Because she's an idiot.
Thanks for posting this. Its something I've studied for more than 30 years and its even worse than we think. Countries around the world will not buy from the US because we don't meet their standards. Other countries have not bought our meat for a long long time now and some refuse to let it into the their country.

We eat more meat than any other country - more than 7000 pounds per person. No wonder we're fat, diabetic and die of cancer and heart disease.

The average person will chomp down on 7,000 animals during their lives, according to the Vegetarian Calculator.

It breaks down to 11 cows, 27 pigs, 2,400 chickens, 80 turkeys, 30 sheep and 4,500 fish, according to the group.

The organization advocates that people eat less meat to have a more positive impact on the environment.

But not all agree with the sentiment of consuming less meat.

"We are humans, humans are meat eaters and have been since the beginning of time. Get over yourselves and enjoy a nice juicy rare/blue steak that is twitching and mooing on the plate. Meat should be enjoyed by all," Ian Finnery wrote on the group's Facebook wall on March 9.

In 2012, 5% of American adults considered themselves to be vegetarians, and 2% said they were vegans, according to Gallup.

We throw away 40% of our food. Later this month, MSNBC is showing a documentary about food in the US, including the incredible waste.

When was the last time your doctor asked you what you eat? They don't ask because they don't know any more about nutrition than you do.

Americans don't have to be fat and sick. Its a choice that each of us makes every time we put a piece of food in our mouths. The old old that 'we are what we eat' is not true.

We are what we don't shit. If you ever want to know just how true that is, watch an autopsy. I've seen three, including one of a 19y/o who had a colon full of hard, rotted meat. When the pathologist ran the bowel, they clunked on the stainless steel autopsy table. The pathologist remarked something like 'that's why we get cancer' but he had hamburger sitting on his work station and after we watched the PM, we went to McDonald's for lunch.

I was very young at the time and studying nutrition and its bizarre to me now that I didn't realize how disconnected I was to reality. And why didn't the pathologist make that obvious connection? He was overweight, red faced and had a pack of cigs in his pocket. I remember that because, at that time, I also smoked.

We don't make the connection because we don't want to.


Think our problem in the US is we focus our efforts on remedies instead of prevention. Eat whatever you want, when a problem crops up there's a pill you take. Instead of not eating crap all the time so as not to develop the problems in the first place.

I've even heard people say they'll worry about it when they get sick and that medicine will take care of them.

Related to that is that we are looking at a total failure of antibiotics. Could be catastrophic.

Many people are really just plain lazy (cuz they're fat and eating crap) and don't want to spend any more than a very few minutes preparing their meals. And, many gotten used to food with no other flavor than salt.

The smartest thing I ever did was change my diet from the meat and potatoes I was raised on to gourmet quality, organic, fresh, no meat, very little dairy and only occasional eggs from a neighbor's chickens. I still remember that my life changed completely and there is nothing that would make me go back to that old way of life.
Thanks for posting this. Its something I've studied for more than 30 years and its even worse than we think. Countries around the world will not buy from the US because we don't meet their standards. Other countries have not bought our meat for a long long time now and some refuse to let it into the their country.

We eat more meat than any other country - more than 7000 pounds per person. No wonder we're fat, diabetic and die of cancer and heart disease.

The average person will chomp down on 7,000 animals during their lives, according to the Vegetarian Calculator.

It breaks down to 11 cows, 27 pigs, 2,400 chickens, 80 turkeys, 30 sheep and 4,500 fish, according to the group.

The organization advocates that people eat less meat to have a more positive impact on the environment.

But not all agree with the sentiment of consuming less meat.

"We are humans, humans are meat eaters and have been since the beginning of time. Get over yourselves and enjoy a nice juicy rare/blue steak that is twitching and mooing on the plate. Meat should be enjoyed by all," Ian Finnery wrote on the group's Facebook wall on March 9.

In 2012, 5% of American adults considered themselves to be vegetarians, and 2% said they were vegans, according to Gallup.

We throw away 40% of our food. Later this month, MSNBC is showing a documentary about food in the US, including the incredible waste.

When was the last time your doctor asked you what you eat? They don't ask because they don't know any more about nutrition than you do.

Americans don't have to be fat and sick. Its a choice that each of us makes every time we put a piece of food in our mouths. The old old that 'we are what we eat' is not true.

We are what we don't shit. If you ever want to know just how true that is, watch an autopsy. I've seen three, including one of a 19y/o who had a colon full of hard, rotted meat. When the pathologist ran the bowel, they clunked on the stainless steel autopsy table. The pathologist remarked something like 'that's why we get cancer' but he had hamburger sitting on his work station and after we watched the PM, we went to McDonald's for lunch.

I was very young at the time and studying nutrition and its bizarre to me now that I didn't realize how disconnected I was to reality. And why didn't the pathologist make that obvious connection? He was overweight, red faced and had a pack of cigs in his pocket. I remember that because, at that time, I also smoked.

We don't make the connection because we don't want to.


Think our problem in the US is we focus our efforts on remedies instead of prevention. Eat whatever you want, when a problem crops up there's a pill you take. Instead of not eating crap all the time so as not to develop the problems in the first place.

I've even heard people say they'll worry about it when they get sick and that medicine will take care of them.

Related to that is that we are looking at a total failure of antibiotics. Could be catastrophic.

Many people are really just plain lazy (cuz they're fat and eating crap) and don't want to spend any more than a very few minutes preparing their meals. And, many gotten used to food with no other flavor than salt.

The smartest thing I ever did was change my diet from the meat and potatoes I was raised on to gourmet quality, organic, fresh, no meat, very little dairy and only occasional eggs from a neighbor's chickens. I still remember that my life changed completely and there is nothing that would make me go back to that old way of life.

Larger issue at play I think. Retrieving info for other things couple days ago I came upon the stat that 1 in 6 Americans has a diagnosed anxiety disorder. People under stress and feeling anxious seek comfort, and few things are more readily available than comfort food.
How Food Companies Exploit Americans - 100 Days of Real Food

"Thoughts of outrage, unfairness, disbelief, and ultimately grief consumed me while I was doing this investigation. A list of ingredients that are banned across the globe but still allowed for use here in the American food supply recently made news. While I have written about some of those ingredients before, this list inspired me to look a little deeper and find out how pervasive this issue is for us. Could these banned ingredients be contributing to the higher mortality and disease rates here in the U.S.?

The health of Americans is downright grim according to a report just released by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. It declares “Americans are sicker and die younger than other people in wealthy nations.” The United States spends 2.5 times more on health care than any other nation, however, when compared with 16 other nations we come in dead last in terms of health and life expectancy for men and near the bottom for women.

Here is the breakdown for you:

* More than two thirds of United States citizens are overweight – 33% being obese.
* 32% of children are either obese or overweight.
* 43% of Americans are projected to be obese in 10 years.
* After smoking, obesity is America’s biggest cause of premature death and is linked to 70% of heart disease and 80% of diabetes cases.
* And 41% of Americans are projected to get cancer in their lifetime!"

more worth reading at link including info and links about the banned substances legal in the US.

Do you know what you're eating?

Food babe? LOL!
She's an idiot.


EXACTLY which of her well documented facts can you actually prove are untrue?


That's what I thought.

Eat whatever you want but don't pretend you have a frikken clue.

Well, one of the scary food ingredients in the US, high lighted in the Red Velvet Cake mix, is cellulose gum. She thinks it isn't in the UK version. Because she's an idiot.



She very clearly lists it in the UK ingredients - carboxymethylcellulose

Your confusion is because in the formulation used in the US, the FDA classes it as "GRAS/FS" - meaning, "generally regarded as safe, but subject to limitations in some foods." Her wording is "potentially harmful ingredients".

IOW, she says the same thing the FDA does.

How Food Companies Exploit Americans - 100 Days of Real Food

"Thoughts of outrage, unfairness, disbelief, and ultimately grief consumed me while I was doing this investigation. A list of ingredients that are banned across the globe but still allowed for use here in the American food supply recently made news. While I have written about some of those ingredients before, this list inspired me to look a little deeper and find out how pervasive this issue is for us. Could these banned ingredients be contributing to the higher mortality and disease rates here in the U.S.?

The health of Americans is downright grim according to a report just released by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. It declares “Americans are sicker and die younger than other people in wealthy nations.” The United States spends 2.5 times more on health care than any other nation, however, when compared with 16 other nations we come in dead last in terms of health and life expectancy for men and near the bottom for women.

Here is the breakdown for you:

* More than two thirds of United States citizens are overweight – 33% being obese.
* 32% of children are either obese or overweight.
* 43% of Americans are projected to be obese in 10 years.
* After smoking, obesity is America’s biggest cause of premature death and is linked to 70% of heart disease and 80% of diabetes cases.
* And 41% of Americans are projected to get cancer in their lifetime!"

more worth reading at link including info and links about the banned substances legal in the US.

Do you know what you're eating?

Food babe? LOL!
She's an idiot.


EXACTLY which of her well documented facts can you actually prove are untrue?


That's what I thought.

Eat whatever you want but don't pretend you have a frikken clue.

Well, one of the scary food ingredients in the US, high lighted in the Red Velvet Cake mix, is cellulose gum. She thinks it isn't in the UK version. Because she's an idiot.



She very clearly lists it in the UK ingredients - carboxymethylcellulose

Your confusion is because in the formulation used in the US, the FDA classes it as "GRAS/FS" - meaning, "generally regarded as safe, but subject to limitations in some foods." Her wording is "potentially harmful ingredients".

IOW, she says the same thing the FDA does.


She very clearly lists it in the UK ingredients - carboxymethylcellulose

She clearly didn't realize it was in the UK ingredients. Because she's an idiot.

Her meme is the potentially harmful ingredients in the US are banned in other countries. Cellulose gum isn't banned in other countries, as shown by her own example.
Neither is propylene glycol, because like I said, she's an idiot.
Statistics U.S. Meat Export Federation

The world wants everything American including beef and pork, and exports have been on a huge upswing for years even with the drought and huge run up on beef prices. China just bought the biggest pork producer in the country. Everyone is on the eat healthy bandwagon from McDonald's to all natural beef producers, but as Michelle Obama has shown, food nutrition success cannot be jawboned. And the crap about vegetarians living longer has been disproved. They live longer than unhealthy people but not longer than healthy lifestyle meat eaters.

Much of the u healthiness of the public can be traced to liberals. Recess is cancelled, swings are outlawed, kids can't walk the streets, meals are given out free so parents don't have to monitor what kids are eating, phys ed is optional, fat kids don't have to exercise because it would be unfair to them, and even food stamps can be used to buy crap. And most importantly, if health insurance penalized fat people,the same way they punished smokers the problem would get better fast. Liberal philosophy will not allow that.
Life expectancy in the USA hits a record high

Life expectancy is still headed upwards fast so a lot,of these articles are just crying wolf. Bon Appetit

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