How Do You Feel About The Phrase "Death to America?"

How do you draw that conclusion?

What’s wrong with you?
Look at all the Hate one gets for serving and calling out Welchers like Road Runner .
It is disgusting, ALL CAUSED by POS trump.

Thank you for your Service.

Road Runner, the master of the Long Con of Disability.
B can type for 18 Hours a day, on Multiple Message Boards, but feels that he/she/it can't get a KeyBoarding Job.

I despise this Welching FreeLoader.
Biden has corrupted our justice system along with Soros and all the far-left Marxists which Soros funds. It is astounding to see how justice can be twisted by corrupt judges, DAs and AG's. Our justice system has been infiltrated along with our Colleges. We need to stop looking the other way.

That's just one of the many reasons why we need an election that's too big to rig.

You rightists try so hard to portray yourselves as victims it would be comical if it weren’t so pathetic given you ceaseless call the left snowflakes.

You would the same right to picket as the anti-America protesters you are trying to shut down (or shoot).

I think if enough people like you viewed free speech who’s message they don’t like as “dangerous” in absence of any calls for violence (which is not protected), we would have very little speech left. What else would you shut down?

And…what happens when you do, and drive it underground where it can’t be openly countered?

All I can say is that if Trump doesn't win this upcoming election many of you are in for a rude awakening.
He is entitled to the same free speech rights as any other person involved in a court case.

He is actually a good example of how it can be a threat.

A bunch of idiots picketing and chanting death to America?


The most powerful man in the country publically singling out one election worker and her mother, from his podium, for accusations of fraud.

The first targeted no one.

The second targeted a named individual. An ordinary citizen without the wealth or power to fight back.

The first led to….derision, outrage, mockery, embarrassment for the protest organizers…and not much else.

The second subjected the victims to death threats, threats against their families, harrassment, stalkers, forced them to close down their family business and move.

Don’t EVER say Trump has no free speech rights.
Trump has a right to say the election was rigged just like Al Gore did in 2000

Lefties are much more violent…they act on their threats ie blm riots and much more.

It’s even close
I personally believe that it's a threat. I also believe that when you ask a liberal if they believe in it and they don't answer your question that it's an immediate red flag.

What does it really mean?

The US went and invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Those shouting "death to America" didn't invade the US.

Actions speak louder than words.
You might have served at one point but now you want it destroyed. You sir are a disgrace.
You have no credible reason to even comment on that, millennial. Most of us give zero fucks what you think or believe. :rolleyes: Because you're soft. Actually DO some tangible things in your pathetic, politically partisan life, then get back to us, magaturd. :rolleyes:
Look at all the Hate one gets for serving and calling out Welchers like Road Runner .
It is disgusting, ALL CAUSED by POS trump.

Thank you for your Service.

Road Runner, the master of the Long Con of Disability.
B can type for 18 Hours a day, on Multiple Message Boards, but feels that he/she/it can't get a KeyBoarding Job.

I despise this Welching FreeLoader.
I didnt like you guys before Trump was even on the radar.

Your woke ass agenda, gun grab agenda, tax the crap out of us agenda, using gov agencies to attack agwnda.....etc.

In other words your Marxist agenda. Now its BOO HOO we got a problem with YOUR DIVERSE DEATH TO AMERICA CROWD.

They can kiss my ass. And like BLM they get violent when people say NO
He is entitled to the same free speech rights as any other person involved in a court case.

He is actually a good example of how it can be a threat.

A bunch of idiots picketing and chanting death to America?


The most powerful man in the country publically singling out one election worker and her mother, from his podium, for accusations of fraud.

The first targeted no one.

The second targeted a named individual. An ordinary citizen without the wealth or power to fight back.

The first led to….derision, outrage, mockery, embarrassment for the protest organizers…and not much else.

The second subjected the victims to death threats, threats against their families, harrassment, stalkers, forced them to close down their family business and move.

Don’t EVER say Trump has no free speech rights.
Accusations of fraud? There is proof of fraud and you, typical of a radical left Marxist, goes right along with it, turning this country into a banana republic.

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