How do you feel about having 30% ripped off of your paycheck each week?

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So I was on a wonderful date with this Russian lady tall and beautiful. How about that a woman who is about 5 foot 10 blonde hair she’s just incredible. But she was saying that in the European countries and that in Russia they get about 13% taken out of their paycheck each week. And they also get four weeks vacation. But when she is working here in America for her German company she only gets two weeks vacation.

This is totally unacceptable Joe Biden said he’s gonna lower the taxes where is he? People should have to pay maybe 5 to 10% taxes each week. Because you want to know why ? Bc were the best country in the world and America leads.

And before anyone can say anything I am a republican voter. I am a democrat but I almost much always vote Republican so I’m with you guys I’m with the Patriots. I’m going to vote for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis in 2024. So don’t get upset with me folks. But how does it feel and I don’t know how it feels because I’m a ….poker player and I make my own money I do my own thing I invest my own money. But I am concerned about my fellow Americans who are getting ripped off. They only get two weeks vacation(if that some of those communist companies in America don’t even give out any vacation ….the criminals) they had to pay 30% taxes each week on their checks what a shit hole what a shit hole performance by our politicians …wasn’t like this in the past my friends. When the people worked in the past in the American past they made a lot more money.

God bless America and we will get better we just have to work hard at it.
Stop voting for profligate presidents.
I'm in a 35% federal bracket, plus 7.65% FICA plus employer 7.65% FICA they would pay me if government wasn't sponging off them that's a whopping 50.3% before any state and local taxes. Goddamn mooching thieving bastards. Then incredibly dickhead left wingers claim I'm not paying my fair share.
Look at you pretending that you pay 35% on everything you make.

You don’t. That would be a … what’s that word? Oh yea… lie.

Are you smart enough to figure your effective tax rate

Honest enough to post it?

Much mocking and disbelief here over the 30% figure and it misses the point that should be made. 10% would be too much and would still permit feather bedding and profligacy. That which is truly necessary would find willing customers in a freed market.
That coercion is necessary is all the proof needed that taxation is theft, robbery, and extortion.
n the European countries and that in Russia they get about 13% taken out of their paycheck each week.
How much in other taxes do they pay? For instance what is the tax on a liter of petrol? Any other taxes that are pay as you go across the pond these days?

"Other taxes in the United States are hidden. Every year, the federal government gives $300 billion in tax breaks to businesses that provide health benefits to their employees. That’s $1,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States – 47 million of whom have no health coverage at all. That amount is easily enough to finance a real universal health care system covering every American, and it’s coming right out of every taxpaying American’s pocket.

So a thorough analysis would need to create a ledger in which all the supports and services Europeans and Americans receive are listed on one side and the amount of taxes and any additional out-of-pocket fees they pay are listed on the other. When you sum up the total balance sheet, it turns out that Americans pay out as much as Europeans – but we receive a lot less for our money.
Thirty percent of our hard-earned paychecks are confiscated by the government and yet somehow we manage to survive.
Additionally, Russia also has a flat rate income tax for all thanks to Vlad. Sure wish we did.
How about you start by getting a fricken job...dumbass.
I am still happily retired thanks, brain washed functional moron hater... there is no difference between white Republicans and white Democrats as far as how many are unemployed and on welfare, stupid Oops brainwashed Functionally stupid. but we also have all the discriminated against minorities.
I am still happily retired thanks, brain washed functional moron hater... there is no difference between white Republicans and white Democrats as far as how many are unemployed and on welfare, stupid Oops brainwashed Functionally stupid. but we also have all the discriminated against minorities.
Wow, good call, I do hate moron's....moron.
Wow, good call, I do hate moron's....moron.
you are totally misinformed, hater dupe lol.... the horrible hateful things you believe about Democrats foreigners gays etcetera Etcetera. Poor America. google Murdoch and pundits at Fox knew they were lying about election fraud etcetera... He missed the whole boat on your propaganda machine.
Very good....
But now you have to pay consumption taxes for the things you purchase. AKA sales tax, property tax, wheel tax (tags, registration, licenses, and etc) and telegraph taxes for internet and phone and.....

So in the time all is said and done half of your paycheck goes to taxes.

10+% of net after 20.63% has been removed before you even see it....looks an awful lot like almost 28% or more of gross in total.
Those do not exist. State and local sales taxes do. No wheel tax, one time registration on my cars. Those taxes for internet and phone are a small almost miniscule cost.
so, No argument as always? the federal income tax is our only progressive tax and only being able to think about it is a sign you are totally brainwashed. DUHHH. we don't have a brainwashing propaganda channel like you do, a total disgrace at that. which you don't know about either LOL...
I learned long ago that there is no logical or rational debate to be had with people like you who desperately need free shit….You want/need your free shit and that’s all that matters to you…you can’t afford to listen to reason.
Very good....
But now you have to pay consumption taxes for the things you purchase. AKA sales tax, property tax, wheel tax (tags, registration, licenses, and etc) and telegraph taxes for internet and phone and.....

So in the time all is said and done half of your paycheck goes to taxes.

10+% of net after 20.63% has been removed before you even see it....looks an awful lot like almost 28% or more of gross in total.
I'm not arguing with you.
The OP said, 30% taken out of your paycheck.

These additional taxes are noted, but they aren't taken out of your paycheck.
The real problem the biggest problem is so many fellow Americans in this country are struggling where as in the past these Americans from all races men and women were able to get the job at the steel plant or the auto plant that set them for life. Whether it is a union job or a nonunion job we need to replace those millions of jobs we lost

And once and for all do something about the tax structure. The middle class gets taxed way too much in this country.

Just imagine how many Americans have committed suicide because of depression they don’t have enough money. Suicide rates are high in this country. Depression rates are very high. And now we have a government that’s legalizing dope legalizing marijuana all over the place. Why don’t we just bring back better jobs. And I agree with the others we need better job creators because the job creators of today are nothing like the great job creators of the American past.
There’s no debate. There’s no comparing tesla to Bethlehem Steel. Bethlehem Steel was an American company it was as great as it gets they made the very steel that we use in our bridges that we use in our road signs that we use in our buildings. This is what America is all about there’s nothing more beautiful than this feeling. And look at Tesla there a little solar panel plants that doesn’t get us anything good those jobs do not pay well they do not come with a Union.

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