Zone1 How Do We Know There Is A God?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Even I'm trying to figure that out right now as I currently am going through a lot of stuff at the moment that I would think that my faith would decline but it hasn't. I used to doubt His existence like crazy and now my heart just knows. I'm not really sure how either it just does.
The Bible tells us so
Yes, among others who also have had experiences of God. The question still remains, "How can I know?"

People may want to start with asking themselves:
  • What are my expectations of God?
  • What do I want from God?
I've been recently studying the story of King David, who has never been one of my favorite Bible characters, trying to understand not only David better, but what God ever saw in David to begin with.

One of David's greatest mistakes started with him taking a break from what he should have been doing, and then thinking he deserved a break, he deserved to rest.

Perhaps start there. Ask:
  • What should I be doing?
  • What am I putting off doing/taking a break from doing?
There was a famous Frenchman back some centuries ago, I don't recall his name or the exact quote, but he stated something to the effect: "one needs only look to the Faith of the Jews to know there is a G-d".

In essence, due to Moses and Judaisms loyal historical recording of these interactions, this Frenchman was convinced that G-d exists. I believe he was Christian, but their belief and recording in the Old Testament was evidence enough for him/

The further along we get from this period in history, the less likely it is that the belief in G-d will remain among the broader population, but we cannot forget historical record keeping.
I used to doubt His existence like crazy and now my heart just knows.
(1) Congratulations on your faith.

(2) It must be very comforting.

(3) I have no reason to believe that God or an afterlife exists.

(4) If there were a God, S/He would not allow all the horrific suffering in this world since the dawn of "civilization."

(5) Still, I pray every morning to God for a sign from someone to whom I owe everything and whom I fatally let down because of my stupidity.

Happy New Year to you & yours!
Even I'm trying to figure that out right now as I currently am going through a lot of stuff at the moment that I would think that my faith would decline but it hasn't. I used to doubt His existence like crazy and now my heart just knows. I'm not really sure how either it just does.
A number of theories can be applied, but the one I am partial to, and I know people believe they have debunked it, but they haven't, is the First Mover Theory.

However, there is a philosophy that is out that sounds like it best fits your situation.

If you BELIEVE that God exists and he does, then you are golden.

If you BELIEVE that God exists and he doesn't, then what have you actually lost? The answer is, of course, nothing at all.
A number of theories can be applied, but the one I am partial to, and I know people believe they have debunked it, but they haven't, is the First Mover Theory.

However, there is a philosophy that is out that sounds like it best fits your situation.

If you BELIEVE that God exists and he does, then you are golden.

If you BELIEVE that God exists and he doesn't, then what have you actually lost? The answer is, of course, nothing at all.
And yet, if you don't believe and He does exist, you have lost everything, for eternity...
Even I'm trying to figure that out right now as I currently am going through a lot of stuff at the moment that I would think that my faith would decline but it hasn't. I used to doubt His existence like crazy and now my heart just knows. I'm not really sure how either it just does.
Three quick reasons are...

Because order comes from chaos. Because the law of right and wrong is written into our being. Because it's not a coincidence that the universe popped into existence, not being created from pre-existing matter and was predestined to produce beings that know and create through the laws of nature and the very fabric of matter/energy.

But there are many more good reasons.
Even I'm trying to figure that out right now as I currently am going through a lot of stuff at the moment that I would think that my faith would decline but it hasn't. I used to doubt His existence like crazy and now my heart just knows. I'm not really sure how either it just does.
That's exactly the way it's supposed to work. The bibles are full of jaded threats that serve to make you believe.
That's exactly the way it's supposed to work. The bibles are full of jaded threats that serve to make you believe.
Might be more accurate to compare what are seen as Biblical 'threats' to our current 'threats' of, "Danger! Riptides!" or "Danger! Quicksand!"
Might be more accurate to compare what are seen as Biblical 'threats' to our current 'threats' of, "Danger! Riptides!" or "Danger! Quicksand!"
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but I think you got the point.

The OP spelled it out exactly how it would be expected.

It's not his heart, it's his brain that knows to cover all the bases.
Three quick reasons are...

Because order comes from chaos. Because the law of right and wrong is written into our being. Because it's not a coincidence that the universe popped into existence, not being created from pre-existing matter and was predestined to produce beings that know and create through the laws of nature and the very fabric of matter/energy.

But there are many more good reasons.
Darwin tells your church from where humans are descended, and your church has told you.

They provide you the slack of you not having to believe it though.

How Do We Know There Is A God?​

Though it is true that we are to walk by faith in this life, God has not left us without assurance of his existence. Those who come unto him are guided by the Holy Ghost and those who receive him and are baptized into his true church are given, through the priesthood of God, the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost bears witness to our spirits that God lives and is real. Through the gift of the Holy Ghost you can know the truth of all things. This is the purpose of the third member of the godhead.

John 14:26
26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Moroni 10:4-5
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
You don't. That's why it's called "faith."

True, good point.

Well ya have eyewitness accounts......

Yeah well I know what you're saying, but there have been eyewitness accounts to Bigfoot too so that doesn't say much if you're just going by the Bible.

That's exactly the way it's supposed to work. The bibles are full of jaded threats that serve to make you believe.

Not true. If it were, I would still be afraid of monsters underneath my bed and in my closet.
Btw, off topic but Donald H, I am a she, not a he. I do believe that I've told you this numerous times before.

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