How did a civilized nation ever allow someone like Jim Jordan to ever even be considered for Speaker of the House?

how did a civilized advanced nation allow a group of people with a horrendous approval rating to be running the country?....
That's basically fake news, and he beat someone who was way worse a lying scumbag con man sexual assaulter mobbed up Manhattan real estate scumbag. There are way too many people who think there must be something behind all the crap they hear about the Bidens and the election and the vaccines and global warming fraud. There isn't not a shred not an iota of truth to that BS.
Thanks for showing what obedient drones Democrats are.
Try reality sometime and change the channel to actual journalists as opposed to your pure crap propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone in the world outside your bubble of Bologna agrees with us including half of your stupid party, always a disaster.

Jim Jordan is the biggest POS in the Senate and Trump's biggest ally there and parrots all the baloney about vaccines and the election Etcetera Etcetera absolutely anti-american garbage. The whole world is talking BS and lies and Republicans can't say a word about it, freedom of speech my behind.... Not only that but he threatened people against him with being primaried just like Trump would do, and for the first time Republicans are showing they have some vertebrae....
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Try reality sometime and change the channel to actual journalists as opposed to your pure crap propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone in the world outside your bubble of Bologna agrees with us including half of your stupid party, always a disaster.

Jim Jordan is the biggest POS in the Senate and Trump's biggest ally there and parrots all the baloney about treasure and shining treasure the zoo says that vaccines and the election Etcetera Etcetera absolutely anti-american garbage. The whole world is talking BS and lies and Republicans can't say a word about it, freedom of speech my behind.... Not only that but he threatened people against him with being primaried just like Trump would do, and for the first time Republicans are showing they have some vertebrae....
You're obviously suffering from severe brain damage
That's basically fake news, and he beat someone who was way worse a lying scumbag con man sexual assaulter mobbed up Manhattan real estate scumbag. There are way too many people who think there must be something behind all the crap they hear about the Bidens and the election and the vaccines and global warming fraud. There isn't not a shred not an iota of truth to that BS.
get trump out of your head franco.....i said congress ......geezus....
Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?
Trump endorsed Gymbo, his partner in insurrection so that's all it takes for the Bonespurs lackey lunatic herd to fall in line behind Jordo The Pervo. Too bad for Jimmy, not enough did.

Trump went off the deep end today in the courtroom & hallway for his civil trial, he probably knew that his assbuddy lost the vote.

Bonespurs Trump & Gymbo have both JUMPED THE SHARK. :abgg2q.jpg:

FOAD commie propagandist, there are court ordered districts that guarantee POSs like shelia jackass lee and maxine dewaters can be elected. If all states changed their districts to as square as possible to contain the right populations, you commies would be screaming your heads off.


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