How Can The People Of A Free Nation Willingly Go Down This Road?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The world's leading expert on Hitler refused to write about Trump for months. Then everything changed

Trump defends Mexican rapists claim during conspiracy-laden speech

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

Joseph Goebbels


The current administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants entering this country makes it “necessary” to build “internment centers”. Parents and children to be imprisoned in these facilities could be held for indefinite periods, and it’s been decided by the idiot trump that detainees have no right to due process.

Snopes verified reports that DHS is confiscating every possession of detainees, including rosaries, extra shoes, wallets and ID cards, children’s stuffed toys and even slips of paper on which the children’s parents had written the phone numbers of relatives in the U.S. Most confiscated property is ending up in the trash, never to be returned, including the only IDs these people have. There is no excuse for taking and discarding people’s possessions, other than to drive home the point that the U.S. is now a cruel and heartless nation.

Despite conservatives' constant denial of facts, the number of parallels between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and the idiot trump’s takeover of the GOP and his countless attempts to circumvent constitutional law continue to grow. The examples follow:

Anyone visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, will see many different items the Nazis confiscated from the Jews before they sent them to “internment centers”, better known as work camps or extermination “showers.” One of the most moving displays is the collection of shoes that were worn by the Jewish women, men, and children who were persecuted and murdered.

In Nuremberg, Germany the Nazis built the enormous Congress Hall. Hitler planned it to serve only one purpose, to hold his party’s annual rally. The zeppelin field and the huge parade grounds surrounding it were to demonstrate Hitler’s power and to showcase him as a larger-than-life figure saving Germany.

A portion of the Congress Hall now houses an exhibit that chronicles Hitler’s rise to power and the tactics he used to achieve it. Apparently, the idiot trump has visited these displays and has taken detailed notes describing carefully those tactics used in Hitler's rise to power.

Among Hitler’s techniques of persuasion were big lies and propaganda repeated over and over and over until people believed all of it.

State propaganda broadcasts and his addresses to the people constantly hammered home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables. Hitler’s dishonest claims that Jews were a danger to Germany and that they were taking jobs from good Germans, eventually led the vast majority of citizens to accept his false claims, and his portrayal of himself as Germany’s savior.

During his campaign, and after becoming president, the media has shown their audiences the idiot trump making nearly identical allegations about Hispanic people entering the U.S. from Mexico, illegally and legally. He asserts they are drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and thugs. African-Americans haven’t fared much better in the idiot trump’s rhetoric, and it goes on day after day after day. His white supporters watch FOX Noise, the idiot trump’s privately-owned propaganda ministry. In the creation of the lies and misinformation released to the press and posted on Twitter, Sean Hannity and Stephen Miller share the role of Joseph Goebbels. (Sadly, hate radio and Internet sites like Breitbart echo his propaganda and have increased in number.).

From discrediting the press to calling for limitations on what can be printed or broadcast, the current administration is following the course set by the Nazis in the 1920s, nearly 100 years ago. Once established, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the Nazi government controlled film, radio, theater, and the press. Goebbels understood in the world of propaganda, with government in control of all media, “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.”

Americans can now watch the idiot trump and Co. hammer home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables 24/7.

Naturally, the idiot trump’s mindless minions believe every negative comment and lie he tells them concerning Hispanic people and other minorities. So much so, they now feel justified by the idiot trump’s racist and xenophobic commentary, and openly express, by their words and actions, their hatred of minorities and other groups and individuals they deem undesirable. Before January 2017, the universal condemnation of conscientious society shamed most of the idiot trump’s deplorable followers into keeping their unconscionable activities and opinions behind closed doors.

Hitler employed grandiose props to portray himself as a god-like figure. He created a flattering biography, which he wrote himself, but he was savvy enough to have it published under another German’s name. He understood that conservative Germans would not accept such self-praise. This paragraph is from the Smithsonian: “The Hitler of this episode belies the common misconception that he was a primitive, raging, and nihilistic dark elemental force. Rather, he was a vicious con man and understood well how to run a scam. Hitler had no doubt it would be possible to operate in Germany’s political processes, systems, and the public sphere. His study of propaganda techniques while serving in World War I had provided him with an appreciation for political narratives that would help him plot his way to power.

The idiot trump accomplished this easily with his willing white base, attending meetings with white evangelical leaders, his dramatic television staging, and his demand for a military parade to honor himself and demonstrate his importance.

As nearly everyone has seen, the idiot trump praises himself constantly, often claiming that he is smarter than anyone else. And, just like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with extremist advisers who will not challenge his warped world view but, indeed support it. One of the worst is Stephen Miller (mentioned above), his white supremacist adviser who crafted the anti-Muslim bans and helped create the policy of stealing children from migrant parents and sending them throughout the country so their parents may never be able to reclaim them.

The Art of the Deal serves as the idiot trump’s version of Mein Kampf, and was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz. Experts in psychology have written that, as co-author, it was necessary for Schwartz to study the idiot trump, which gives Schwartz a better understanding of him than anyone else.

On June 12th Schwartz tweeted a warning: “What I have been thinking about today — watching the monster I helped to create - is ... teach your children well. Help them understand how critical their values are. Every choice matters. There are no redos in life.”

The idiot trump spent his life as a con man, and is a chip off the old block. He learned his crooked and corrupt ways from his dear old daddy. In 2015 he added tens-of-millions of white Americans to his list of patsies, marks, and dupes, thus creating his voter base. All of them love how the idiot trump speaks to their personal hatreds, fears, and paranoia.

Part of Hitler’s scam was to make other leaders believe he was unstable and would quickly be replaced by the German people. However, the idiot trump’s incompetence, that keeps world leaders wondering what he is doing, that incompetence is genuine. His mindless minions were quickly conditioned to accept more and more drastic behavior as normal.

During his rise to power the Nazi leader created a myth that he alone could solve Germany’s economic and social problems (most stemming from Germany’s losses in World War I). He used this myth to develop a cult of followers devoted to him rather than to their country.

At his campaign rallies the idiot trump boasted that he alone could fix the problems in the U.S., and many writers have characterized his base as a cult that will swallow every piece of bullsh!t coming out of this administration.

Elizabeth Spiers, former editor of the New York Observer stated how, during a meeting with Jarod Kushner, “ ‘I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist.’ ”

“ ‘He [Kushner] rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’ ”. Of course, the conservatives’ denial of facts will have them believe their hero would never call them “stupid”.

It took Hitler several years to gain the power and government position to carry out his white supremacist policy of killing German citizens lacking pure Aryan ancestry.

However, in just eighteen months, Trump has been able to convince his base that he is doing a great job and he is their savior.

His base also remains unfazed by the Gestapo tactics of ICE. (The subject of their hypocrisy for the unborn can be addressed elsewhere.) And, their blind devotion to the idiot trump is scaring the he11 out of establishment Republicans.

Like Hitler, the idiot trump is a con man who has no shame about being caught in lie after lie. And, like Hitler, he has shown that he loves the attention and power of his position, not only to enrich himself and his family, but to rise to the post of dictator, something his supporters would relish. He could easily convince them the Constitution is nothing more than a “goddamned piece of paper”.

Tony Schwartz (remember, he co-authored the idiot trump’s book) warns the idiot trump’s "increasingly extreme behavior" will only "get worse". It will become more and more important to him to impose his cruel policies on people who cannot fight back.

How can the people of any nation willingly go down this road?



"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material."

Correct your OP
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Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

Trump is the most truthful and honest president since George Washington.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
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The world's leading expert on Hitler refused to write about Trump for months. Then everything changed

Trump defends Mexican rapists claim during conspiracy-laden speech

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

Joseph Goebbels


The current administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants entering this country makes it “necessary” to build “internment centers”. Parents and children to be imprisoned in these facilities could be held for indefinite periods, and it’s been decided by the idiot trump that detainees have no right to due process.

Snopes verified reports that DHS is confiscating every possession of detainees, including rosaries, extra shoes, wallets and ID cards, children’s stuffed toys and even slips of paper on which the children’s parents had written the phone numbers of relatives in the U.S. Most confiscated property is ending up in the trash, never to be returned, including the only IDs these people have. There is no excuse for taking and discarding people’s possessions, other than to drive home the point that the U.S. is now a cruel and heartless nation.

Despite conservatives' constant denial of facts, the number of parallels between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and the idiot trump’s takeover of the GOP and his countless attempts to circumvent constitutional law continue to grow. The examples follow:

Anyone visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, will see many different items the Nazis confiscated from the Jews before they sent them to “internment centers”, better known as work camps or extermination “showers.” One of the most moving displays is the collection of shoes that were worn by the Jewish women, men, and children who were persecuted and murdered.

In Nuremberg, Germany the Nazis built the enormous Congress Hall. Hitler planned it to serve only one purpose, to hold his party’s annual rally. The zeppelin field and the huge parade grounds surrounding it were to demonstrate Hitler’s power and to showcase him as a larger-than-life figure saving Germany.

A portion of the Congress Hall now houses an exhibit that chronicles Hitler’s rise to power and the tactics he used to achieve it. Apparently, the idiot trump has visited these displays and has taken detailed notes describing carefully those tactics used in Hitler's rise to power.

Among Hitler’s techniques of persuasion were big lies and propaganda repeated over and over and over until people believed all of it.

State propaganda broadcasts and his addresses to the people constantly hammered home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables. Hitler’s dishonest claims that Jews were a danger to Germany and that they were taking jobs from good Germans, eventually led the vast majority of citizens to accept his false claims, and his portrayal of himself as Germany’s savior.

During his campaign, and after becoming president, the media has shown their audiences the idiot trump making nearly identical allegations about Hispanic people entering the U.S. from Mexico, illegally and legally. He asserts they are drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and thugs. African-Americans haven’t fared much better in the idiot trump’s rhetoric, and it goes on day after day after day. His white supporters watch FOX Noise, the idiot trump’s privately-owned propaganda ministry. In the creation of the lies and misinformation released to the press and posted on Twitter, Sean Hannity and Stephen Miller share the role of Joseph Goebbels. (Sadly, hate radio and Internet sites like Breitbart echo his propaganda and have increased in number.).

From discrediting the press to calling for limitations on what can be printed or broadcast, the current administration is following the course set by the Nazis in the 1920s, nearly 100 years ago. Once established, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the Nazi government controlled film, radio, theater, and the press. Goebbels understood in the world of propaganda, with government in control of all media, “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.”

Americans can now watch the idiot trump and Co. hammer home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables 24/7.

Naturally, the idiot trump’s mindless minions believe every negative comment and lie he tells them concerning Hispanic people and other minorities. So much so, they now feel justified by the idiot trump’s racist and xenophobic commentary, and openly express, by their words and actions, their hatred of minorities and other groups and individuals they deem undesirable. Before January 2017, the universal condemnation of conscientious society shamed most of the idiot trump’s deplorable followers into keeping their unconscionable activities and opinions behind closed doors.

Hitler employed grandiose props to portray himself as a god-like figure. He created a flattering biography, which he wrote himself, but he was savvy enough to have it published under another German’s name. He understood that conservative Germans would not accept such self-praise. This paragraph is from the Smithsonian: “The Hitler of this episode belies the common misconception that he was a primitive, raging, and nihilistic dark elemental force. Rather, he was a vicious con man and understood well how to run a scam. Hitler had no doubt it would be possible to operate in Germany’s political processes, systems, and the public sphere. His study of propaganda techniques while serving in World War I had provided him with an appreciation for political narratives that would help him plot his way to power.

The idiot trump accomplished this easily with his willing white base, attending meetings with white evangelical leaders, his dramatic television staging, and his demand for a military parade to honor himself and demonstrate his importance.

As nearly everyone has seen, the idiot trump praises himself constantly, often claiming that he is smarter than anyone else. And, just like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with extremist advisers who will not challenge his warped world view but, indeed support it. One of the worst is Stephen Miller (mentioned above), his white supremacist adviser who crafted the anti-Muslim bans and helped create the policy of stealing children from migrant parents and sending them throughout the country so their parents may never be able to reclaim them.

The Art of the Deal serves as the idiot trump’s version of Mein Kampf, and was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz. Experts in psychology have written that, as co-author, it was necessary for Schwartz to study the idiot trump, which gives Schwartz a better understanding of him than anyone else.

On June 12th Schwartz tweeted a warning: “What I have been thinking about today — watching the monster I helped to create - is ... teach your children well. Help them understand how critical their values are. Every choice matters. There are no redos in life.”

The idiot trump spent his life as a con man, and is a chip off the old block. He learned his crooked and corrupt ways from his dear old daddy. In 2015 he added tens-of-millions of white Americans to his list of patsies, marks, and dupes, thus creating his voter base. All of them love how the idiot trump speaks to their personal hatreds, fears, and paranoia.

Part of Hitler’s scam was to make other leaders believe he was unstable and would quickly be replaced by the German people. However, the idiot trump’s incompetence, that keeps world leaders wondering what he is doing, that incompetence is genuine. His mindless minions were quickly conditioned to accept more and more drastic behavior as normal.

During his rise to power the Nazi leader created a myth that he alone could solve Germany’s economic and social problems (most stemming from Germany’s losses in World War I). He used this myth to develop a cult of followers devoted to him rather than to their country.

At his campaign rallies the idiot trump boasted that he alone could fix the problems in the U.S., and many writers have characterized his base as a cult that will swallow every piece of bullsh!t coming out of this administration.

Elizabeth Spiers, former editor of the New York Observer stated how, during a meeting with Jarod Kushner, “ ‘I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist.’ ”

“ ‘He [Kushner] rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’ ”. Of course, the conservatives’ denial of facts will have them believe their hero would never call them “stupid”.

It took Hitler several years to gain the power and government position to carry out his white supremacist policy of killing German citizens lacking pure Aryan ancestry.

However, in just eighteen months, Trump has been able to convince his base that he is doing a great job and he is their savior.

His base also remains unfazed by the Gestapo tactics of ICE. (The subject of their hypocrisy for the unborn can be addressed elsewhere.) And, their blind devotion to the idiot trump is scaring the he11 out of establishment Republicans.

Like Hitler, the idiot trump is a con man who has no shame about being caught in lie after lie. And, like Hitler, he has shown that he loves the attention and power of his position, not only to enrich himself and his family, but to rise to the post of dictator, something his supporters would relish. He could easily convince them the Constitution is nothing more than a “goddamned piece of paper”.

Tony Schwartz (remember, he co-authored the idiot trump’s book) warns the idiot trump’s "increasingly extreme behavior" will only "get worse". It will become more and more important to him to impose his cruel policies on people who cannot fight back.

How can the people of any nation willingly go down this road?

View attachment 201535

Please tell the class why you passively live under a NAZI regime supporting it with your taxes.

The world's leading expert on Hitler refused to write about Trump for months. Then everything changed

Trump defends Mexican rapists claim during conspiracy-laden speech

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

Joseph Goebbels


The current administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants entering this country makes it “necessary” to build “internment centers”. Parents and children to be imprisoned in these facilities could be held for indefinite periods, and it’s been decided by the idiot trump that detainees have no right to due process.

Snopes verified reports that DHS is confiscating every possession of detainees, including rosaries, extra shoes, wallets and ID cards, children’s stuffed toys and even slips of paper on which the children’s parents had written the phone numbers of relatives in the U.S. Most confiscated property is ending up in the trash, never to be returned, including the only IDs these people have. There is no excuse for taking and discarding people’s possessions, other than to drive home the point that the U.S. is now a cruel and heartless nation.

Despite conservatives' constant denial of facts, the number of parallels between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and the idiot trump’s takeover of the GOP and his countless attempts to circumvent constitutional law continue to grow. The examples follow:

Anyone visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, will see many different items the Nazis confiscated from the Jews before they sent them to “internment centers”, better known as work camps or extermination “showers.” One of the most moving displays is the collection of shoes that were worn by the Jewish women, men, and children who were persecuted and murdered.

In Nuremberg, Germany the Nazis built the enormous Congress Hall. Hitler planned it to serve only one purpose, to hold his party’s annual rally. The zeppelin field and the huge parade grounds surrounding it were to demonstrate Hitler’s power and to showcase him as a larger-than-life figure saving Germany.

A portion of the Congress Hall now houses an exhibit that chronicles Hitler’s rise to power and the tactics he used to achieve it. Apparently, the idiot trump has visited these displays and has taken detailed notes describing carefully those tactics used in Hitler's rise to power.

Among Hitler’s techniques of persuasion were big lies and propaganda repeated over and over and over until people believed all of it.

State propaganda broadcasts and his addresses to the people constantly hammered home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables. Hitler’s dishonest claims that Jews were a danger to Germany and that they were taking jobs from good Germans, eventually led the vast majority of citizens to accept his false claims, and his portrayal of himself as Germany’s savior.

During his campaign, and after becoming president, the media has shown their audiences the idiot trump making nearly identical allegations about Hispanic people entering the U.S. from Mexico, illegally and legally. He asserts they are drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and thugs. African-Americans haven’t fared much better in the idiot trump’s rhetoric, and it goes on day after day after day. His white supporters watch FOX Noise, the idiot trump’s privately-owned propaganda ministry. In the creation of the lies and misinformation released to the press and posted on Twitter, Sean Hannity and Stephen Miller share the role of Joseph Goebbels. (Sadly, hate radio and Internet sites like Breitbart echo his propaganda and have increased in number.).

From discrediting the press to calling for limitations on what can be printed or broadcast, the current administration is following the course set by the Nazis in the 1920s, nearly 100 years ago. Once established, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the Nazi government controlled film, radio, theater, and the press. Goebbels understood in the world of propaganda, with government in control of all media, “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.”

Americans can now watch the idiot trump and Co. hammer home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables 24/7.

Naturally, the idiot trump’s mindless minions believe every negative comment and lie he tells them concerning Hispanic people and other minorities. So much so, they now feel justified by the idiot trump’s racist and xenophobic commentary, and openly express, by their words and actions, their hatred of minorities and other groups and individuals they deem undesirable. Before January 2017, the universal condemnation of conscientious society shamed most of the idiot trump’s deplorable followers into keeping their unconscionable activities and opinions behind closed doors.

Hitler employed grandiose props to portray himself as a god-like figure. He created a flattering biography, which he wrote himself, but he was savvy enough to have it published under another German’s name. He understood that conservative Germans would not accept such self-praise. This paragraph is from the Smithsonian: “The Hitler of this episode belies the common misconception that he was a primitive, raging, and nihilistic dark elemental force. Rather, he was a vicious con man and understood well how to run a scam. Hitler had no doubt it would be possible to operate in Germany’s political processes, systems, and the public sphere. His study of propaganda techniques while serving in World War I had provided him with an appreciation for political narratives that would help him plot his way to power.

The idiot trump accomplished this easily with his willing white base, attending meetings with white evangelical leaders, his dramatic television staging, and his demand for a military parade to honor himself and demonstrate his importance.

As nearly everyone has seen, the idiot trump praises himself constantly, often claiming that he is smarter than anyone else. And, just like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with extremist advisers who will not challenge his warped world view but, indeed support it. One of the worst is Stephen Miller (mentioned above), his white supremacist adviser who crafted the anti-Muslim bans and helped create the policy of stealing children from migrant parents and sending them throughout the country so their parents may never be able to reclaim them.

The Art of the Deal serves as the idiot trump’s version of Mein Kampf, and was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz. Experts in psychology have written that, as co-author, it was necessary for Schwartz to study the idiot trump, which gives Schwartz a better understanding of him than anyone else.

On June 12th Schwartz tweeted a warning: “What I have been thinking about today — watching the monster I helped to create - is ... teach your children well. Help them understand how critical their values are. Every choice matters. There are no redos in life.”

The idiot trump spent his life as a con man, and is a chip off the old block. He learned his crooked and corrupt ways from his dear old daddy. In 2015 he added tens-of-millions of white Americans to his list of patsies, marks, and dupes, thus creating his voter base. All of them love how the idiot trump speaks to their personal hatreds, fears, and paranoia.

Part of Hitler’s scam was to make other leaders believe he was unstable and would quickly be replaced by the German people. However, the idiot trump’s incompetence, that keeps world leaders wondering what he is doing, that incompetence is genuine. His mindless minions were quickly conditioned to accept more and more drastic behavior as normal.

During his rise to power the Nazi leader created a myth that he alone could solve Germany’s economic and social problems (most stemming from Germany’s losses in World War I). He used this myth to develop a cult of followers devoted to him rather than to their country.

At his campaign rallies the idiot trump boasted that he alone could fix the problems in the U.S., and many writers have characterized his base as a cult that will swallow every piece of bullsh!t coming out of this administration.

Elizabeth Spiers, former editor of the New York Observer stated how, during a meeting with Jarod Kushner, “ ‘I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist.’ ”

“ ‘He [Kushner] rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’ ”. Of course, the conservatives’ denial of facts will have them believe their hero would never call them “stupid”.

It took Hitler several years to gain the power and government position to carry out his white supremacist policy of killing German citizens lacking pure Aryan ancestry.

However, in just eighteen months, Trump has been able to convince his base that he is doing a great job and he is their savior.

His base also remains unfazed by the Gestapo tactics of ICE. (The subject of their hypocrisy for the unborn can be addressed elsewhere.) And, their blind devotion to the idiot trump is scaring the he11 out of establishment Republicans.

Like Hitler, the idiot trump is a con man who has no shame about being caught in lie after lie. And, like Hitler, he has shown that he loves the attention and power of his position, not only to enrich himself and his family, but to rise to the post of dictator, something his supporters would relish. He could easily convince them the Constitution is nothing more than a “goddamned piece of paper”.

Tony Schwartz (remember, he co-authored the idiot trump’s book) warns the idiot trump’s "increasingly extreme behavior" will only "get worse". It will become more and more important to him to impose his cruel policies on people who cannot fight back.

How can the people of any nation willingly go down this road?

View attachment 201535


The world's leading expert on Hitler refused to write about Trump for months. Then everything changed

Trump defends Mexican rapists claim during conspiracy-laden speech

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

Joseph Goebbels


The current administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants entering this country makes it “necessary” to build “internment centers”. Parents and children to be imprisoned in these facilities could be held for indefinite periods, and it’s been decided by the idiot trump that detainees have no right to due process.

Snopes verified reports that DHS is confiscating every possession of detainees, including rosaries, extra shoes, wallets and ID cards, children’s stuffed toys and even slips of paper on which the children’s parents had written the phone numbers of relatives in the U.S. Most confiscated property is ending up in the trash, never to be returned, including the only IDs these people have. There is no excuse for taking and discarding people’s possessions, other than to drive home the point that the U.S. is now a cruel and heartless nation.

Despite conservatives' constant denial of facts, the number of parallels between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and the idiot trump’s takeover of the GOP and his countless attempts to circumvent constitutional law continue to grow. The examples follow:

Anyone visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, will see many different items the Nazis confiscated from the Jews before they sent them to “internment centers”, better known as work camps or extermination “showers.” One of the most moving displays is the collection of shoes that were worn by the Jewish women, men, and children who were persecuted and murdered.

In Nuremberg, Germany the Nazis built the enormous Congress Hall. Hitler planned it to serve only one purpose, to hold his party’s annual rally. The zeppelin field and the huge parade grounds surrounding it were to demonstrate Hitler’s power and to showcase him as a larger-than-life figure saving Germany.

A portion of the Congress Hall now houses an exhibit that chronicles Hitler’s rise to power and the tactics he used to achieve it. Apparently, the idiot trump has visited these displays and has taken detailed notes describing carefully those tactics used in Hitler's rise to power.

Among Hitler’s techniques of persuasion were big lies and propaganda repeated over and over and over until people believed all of it.

State propaganda broadcasts and his addresses to the people constantly hammered home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables. Hitler’s dishonest claims that Jews were a danger to Germany and that they were taking jobs from good Germans, eventually led the vast majority of citizens to accept his false claims, and his portrayal of himself as Germany’s savior.

During his campaign, and after becoming president, the media has shown their audiences the idiot trump making nearly identical allegations about Hispanic people entering the U.S. from Mexico, illegally and legally. He asserts they are drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and thugs. African-Americans haven’t fared much better in the idiot trump’s rhetoric, and it goes on day after day after day. His white supporters watch FOX Noise, the idiot trump’s privately-owned propaganda ministry. In the creation of the lies and misinformation released to the press and posted on Twitter, Sean Hannity and Stephen Miller share the role of Joseph Goebbels. (Sadly, hate radio and Internet sites like Breitbart echo his propaganda and have increased in number.).

From discrediting the press to calling for limitations on what can be printed or broadcast, the current administration is following the course set by the Nazis in the 1920s, nearly 100 years ago. Once established, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the Nazi government controlled film, radio, theater, and the press. Goebbels understood in the world of propaganda, with government in control of all media, “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.”

Americans can now watch the idiot trump and Co. hammer home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables 24/7.

Naturally, the idiot trump’s mindless minions believe every negative comment and lie he tells them concerning Hispanic people and other minorities. So much so, they now feel justified by the idiot trump’s racist and xenophobic commentary, and openly express, by their words and actions, their hatred of minorities and other groups and individuals they deem undesirable. Before January 2017, the universal condemnation of conscientious society shamed most of the idiot trump’s deplorable followers into keeping their unconscionable activities and opinions behind closed doors.

Hitler employed grandiose props to portray himself as a god-like figure. He created a flattering biography, which he wrote himself, but he was savvy enough to have it published under another German’s name. He understood that conservative Germans would not accept such self-praise. This paragraph is from the Smithsonian: “The Hitler of this episode belies the common misconception that he was a primitive, raging, and nihilistic dark elemental force. Rather, he was a vicious con man and understood well how to run a scam. Hitler had no doubt it would be possible to operate in Germany’s political processes, systems, and the public sphere. His study of propaganda techniques while serving in World War I had provided him with an appreciation for political narratives that would help him plot his way to power.

The idiot trump accomplished this easily with his willing white base, attending meetings with white evangelical leaders, his dramatic television staging, and his demand for a military parade to honor himself and demonstrate his importance.

As nearly everyone has seen, the idiot trump praises himself constantly, often claiming that he is smarter than anyone else. And, just like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with extremist advisers who will not challenge his warped world view but, indeed support it. One of the worst is Stephen Miller (mentioned above), his white supremacist adviser who crafted the anti-Muslim bans and helped create the policy of stealing children from migrant parents and sending them throughout the country so their parents may never be able to reclaim them.

The Art of the Deal serves as the idiot trump’s version of Mein Kampf, and was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz. Experts in psychology have written that, as co-author, it was necessary for Schwartz to study the idiot trump, which gives Schwartz a better understanding of him than anyone else.

On June 12th Schwartz tweeted a warning: “What I have been thinking about today — watching the monster I helped to create - is ... teach your children well. Help them understand how critical their values are. Every choice matters. There are no redos in life.”

The idiot trump spent his life as a con man, and is a chip off the old block. He learned his crooked and corrupt ways from his dear old daddy. In 2015 he added tens-of-millions of white Americans to his list of patsies, marks, and dupes, thus creating his voter base. All of them love how the idiot trump speaks to their personal hatreds, fears, and paranoia.

Part of Hitler’s scam was to make other leaders believe he was unstable and would quickly be replaced by the German people. However, the idiot trump’s incompetence, that keeps world leaders wondering what he is doing, that incompetence is genuine. His mindless minions were quickly conditioned to accept more and more drastic behavior as normal.

During his rise to power the Nazi leader created a myth that he alone could solve Germany’s economic and social problems (most stemming from Germany’s losses in World War I). He used this myth to develop a cult of followers devoted to him rather than to their country.

At his campaign rallies the idiot trump boasted that he alone could fix the problems in the U.S., and many writers have characterized his base as a cult that will swallow every piece of bullsh!t coming out of this administration.

Elizabeth Spiers, former editor of the New York Observer stated how, during a meeting with Jarod Kushner, “ ‘I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist.’ ”

“ ‘He [Kushner] rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’ ”. Of course, the conservatives’ denial of facts will have them believe their hero would never call them “stupid”.

It took Hitler several years to gain the power and government position to carry out his white supremacist policy of killing German citizens lacking pure Aryan ancestry.

However, in just eighteen months, Trump has been able to convince his base that he is doing a great job and he is their savior.

His base also remains unfazed by the Gestapo tactics of ICE. (The subject of their hypocrisy for the unborn can be addressed elsewhere.) And, their blind devotion to the idiot trump is scaring the he11 out of establishment Republicans.

Like Hitler, the idiot trump is a con man who has no shame about being caught in lie after lie. And, like Hitler, he has shown that he loves the attention and power of his position, not only to enrich himself and his family, but to rise to the post of dictator, something his supporters would relish. He could easily convince them the Constitution is nothing more than a “goddamned piece of paper”.

Tony Schwartz (remember, he co-authored the idiot trump’s book) warns the idiot trump’s "increasingly extreme behavior" will only "get worse". It will become more and more important to him to impose his cruel policies on people who cannot fight back.

How can the people of any nation willingly go down this road?

View attachment 201535



The world's leading expert on Hitler refused to write about Trump for months. Then everything changed

Trump defends Mexican rapists claim during conspiracy-laden speech

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

Joseph Goebbels


The current administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants entering this country makes it “necessary” to build “internment centers”. Parents and children to be imprisoned in these facilities could be held for indefinite periods, and it’s been decided by the idiot trump that detainees have no right to due process.

Snopes verified reports that DHS is confiscating every possession of detainees, including rosaries, extra shoes, wallets and ID cards, children’s stuffed toys and even slips of paper on which the children’s parents had written the phone numbers of relatives in the U.S. Most confiscated property is ending up in the trash, never to be returned, including the only IDs these people have. There is no excuse for taking and discarding people’s possessions, other than to drive home the point that the U.S. is now a cruel and heartless nation.

Despite conservatives' constant denial of facts, the number of parallels between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and the idiot trump’s takeover of the GOP and his countless attempts to circumvent constitutional law continue to grow. The examples follow:

Anyone visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, will see many different items the Nazis confiscated from the Jews before they sent them to “internment centers”, better known as work camps or extermination “showers.” One of the most moving displays is the collection of shoes that were worn by the Jewish women, men, and children who were persecuted and murdered.

In Nuremberg, Germany the Nazis built the enormous Congress Hall. Hitler planned it to serve only one purpose, to hold his party’s annual rally. The zeppelin field and the huge parade grounds surrounding it were to demonstrate Hitler’s power and to showcase him as a larger-than-life figure saving Germany.

A portion of the Congress Hall now houses an exhibit that chronicles Hitler’s rise to power and the tactics he used to achieve it. Apparently, the idiot trump has visited these displays and has taken detailed notes describing carefully those tactics used in Hitler's rise to power.

Among Hitler’s techniques of persuasion were big lies and propaganda repeated over and over and over until people believed all of it.

State propaganda broadcasts and his addresses to the people constantly hammered home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables. Hitler’s dishonest claims that Jews were a danger to Germany and that they were taking jobs from good Germans, eventually led the vast majority of citizens to accept his false claims, and his portrayal of himself as Germany’s savior.

During his campaign, and after becoming president, the media has shown their audiences the idiot trump making nearly identical allegations about Hispanic people entering the U.S. from Mexico, illegally and legally. He asserts they are drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and thugs. African-Americans haven’t fared much better in the idiot trump’s rhetoric, and it goes on day after day after day. His white supporters watch FOX Noise, the idiot trump’s privately-owned propaganda ministry. In the creation of the lies and misinformation released to the press and posted on Twitter, Sean Hannity and Stephen Miller share the role of Joseph Goebbels. (Sadly, hate radio and Internet sites like Breitbart echo his propaganda and have increased in number.).

From discrediting the press to calling for limitations on what can be printed or broadcast, the current administration is following the course set by the Nazis in the 1920s, nearly 100 years ago. Once established, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the Nazi government controlled film, radio, theater, and the press. Goebbels understood in the world of propaganda, with government in control of all media, “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.”

Americans can now watch the idiot trump and Co. hammer home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables 24/7.

Naturally, the idiot trump’s mindless minions believe every negative comment and lie he tells them concerning Hispanic people and other minorities. So much so, they now feel justified by the idiot trump’s racist and xenophobic commentary, and openly express, by their words and actions, their hatred of minorities and other groups and individuals they deem undesirable. Before January 2017, the universal condemnation of conscientious society shamed most of the idiot trump’s deplorable followers into keeping their unconscionable activities and opinions behind closed doors.

Hitler employed grandiose props to portray himself as a god-like figure. He created a flattering biography, which he wrote himself, but he was savvy enough to have it published under another German’s name. He understood that conservative Germans would not accept such self-praise. This paragraph is from the Smithsonian: “The Hitler of this episode belies the common misconception that he was a primitive, raging, and nihilistic dark elemental force. Rather, he was a vicious con man and understood well how to run a scam. Hitler had no doubt it would be possible to operate in Germany’s political processes, systems, and the public sphere. His study of propaganda techniques while serving in World War I had provided him with an appreciation for political narratives that would help him plot his way to power.

The idiot trump accomplished this easily with his willing white base, attending meetings with white evangelical leaders, his dramatic television staging, and his demand for a military parade to honor himself and demonstrate his importance.

As nearly everyone has seen, the idiot trump praises himself constantly, often claiming that he is smarter than anyone else. And, just like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with extremist advisers who will not challenge his warped world view but, indeed support it. One of the worst is Stephen Miller (mentioned above), his white supremacist adviser who crafted the anti-Muslim bans and helped create the policy of stealing children from migrant parents and sending them throughout the country so their parents may never be able to reclaim them.

The Art of the Deal serves as the idiot trump’s version of Mein Kampf, and was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz. Experts in psychology have written that, as co-author, it was necessary for Schwartz to study the idiot trump, which gives Schwartz a better understanding of him than anyone else.

On June 12th Schwartz tweeted a warning: “What I have been thinking about today — watching the monster I helped to create - is ... teach your children well. Help them understand how critical their values are. Every choice matters. There are no redos in life.”

The idiot trump spent his life as a con man, and is a chip off the old block. He learned his crooked and corrupt ways from his dear old daddy. In 2015 he added tens-of-millions of white Americans to his list of patsies, marks, and dupes, thus creating his voter base. All of them love how the idiot trump speaks to their personal hatreds, fears, and paranoia.

Part of Hitler’s scam was to make other leaders believe he was unstable and would quickly be replaced by the German people. However, the idiot trump’s incompetence, that keeps world leaders wondering what he is doing, that incompetence is genuine. His mindless minions were quickly conditioned to accept more and more drastic behavior as normal.

During his rise to power the Nazi leader created a myth that he alone could solve Germany’s economic and social problems (most stemming from Germany’s losses in World War I). He used this myth to develop a cult of followers devoted to him rather than to their country.

At his campaign rallies the idiot trump boasted that he alone could fix the problems in the U.S., and many writers have characterized his base as a cult that will swallow every piece of bullsh!t coming out of this administration.

Elizabeth Spiers, former editor of the New York Observer stated how, during a meeting with Jarod Kushner, “ ‘I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist.’ ”

“ ‘He [Kushner] rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’ ”. Of course, the conservatives’ denial of facts will have them believe their hero would never call them “stupid”.

It took Hitler several years to gain the power and government position to carry out his white supremacist policy of killing German citizens lacking pure Aryan ancestry.

However, in just eighteen months, Trump has been able to convince his base that he is doing a great job and he is their savior.

His base also remains unfazed by the Gestapo tactics of ICE. (The subject of their hypocrisy for the unborn can be addressed elsewhere.) And, their blind devotion to the idiot trump is scaring the he11 out of establishment Republicans.

Like Hitler, the idiot trump is a con man who has no shame about being caught in lie after lie. And, like Hitler, he has shown that he loves the attention and power of his position, not only to enrich himself and his family, but to rise to the post of dictator, something his supporters would relish. He could easily convince them the Constitution is nothing more than a “goddamned piece of paper”.

Tony Schwartz (remember, he co-authored the idiot trump’s book) warns the idiot trump’s "increasingly extreme behavior" will only "get worse". It will become more and more important to him to impose his cruel policies on people who cannot fight back.

How can the people of any nation willingly go down this road?

View attachment 201535


Point blank: your radicalized Left leaning side of the aisle has shoved perversion after perversion onto the American people beginning with Roe v. Wade in 1973, the continuance of the cultural revolution of the 60's and 70's up to and including forced recognition of gay marriage, attempted forced acceptance of Islam and its teachings, the forced LGBTQ and transgender movement leading to the forced attempt to redefine what it means to be human, male and female. Your side has invited foreign infiltrators into our most hallowed institutions, interfered with our great and sovereign election processes, and essentially attempted to surrender the keys to our nation to foreign powers through trade, weapons sales and sale of proprietary technology to the highest bidder.

All of that said history cycles again in front of our very eyes. Pushback is to be expected and change to arise. Despite what you may believe we are a nation of Christians, founded on Christianity and we believe in God. Your side has for decades promoted atheism to our children through every form of media and now has many of them so confused they would likely betray their own parents' traditional beliefs. You cannot have America without God, we will not allow you to take her from us. She is us, we are her, one nation, indivisible.

Your thread is a direct attack on all who have served this country, are serving and every American who works hard, pays taxes and does his best to fit into society, our society. You are sowing seeds of violence and doing your best to dehumanize all Americans who do not agree with you. Shame.

The world's leading expert on Hitler refused to write about Trump for months. Then everything changed

Trump defends Mexican rapists claim during conspiracy-laden speech

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

Joseph Goebbels


The current administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants entering this country makes it “necessary” to build “internment centers”. Parents and children to be imprisoned in these facilities could be held for indefinite periods, and it’s been decided by the idiot trump that detainees have no right to due process.

Snopes verified reports that DHS is confiscating every possession of detainees, including rosaries, extra shoes, wallets and ID cards, children’s stuffed toys and even slips of paper on which the children’s parents had written the phone numbers of relatives in the U.S. Most confiscated property is ending up in the trash, never to be returned, including the only IDs these people have. There is no excuse for taking and discarding people’s possessions, other than to drive home the point that the U.S. is now a cruel and heartless nation.

Despite conservatives' constant denial of facts, the number of parallels between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and the idiot trump’s takeover of the GOP and his countless attempts to circumvent constitutional law continue to grow. The examples follow:

Anyone visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, will see many different items the Nazis confiscated from the Jews before they sent them to “internment centers”, better known as work camps or extermination “showers.” One of the most moving displays is the collection of shoes that were worn by the Jewish women, men, and children who were persecuted and murdered.

In Nuremberg, Germany the Nazis built the enormous Congress Hall. Hitler planned it to serve only one purpose, to hold his party’s annual rally. The zeppelin field and the huge parade grounds surrounding it were to demonstrate Hitler’s power and to showcase him as a larger-than-life figure saving Germany.

A portion of the Congress Hall now houses an exhibit that chronicles Hitler’s rise to power and the tactics he used to achieve it. Apparently, the idiot trump has visited these displays and has taken detailed notes describing carefully those tactics used in Hitler's rise to power.

Among Hitler’s techniques of persuasion were big lies and propaganda repeated over and over and over until people believed all of it.

State propaganda broadcasts and his addresses to the people constantly hammered home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables. Hitler’s dishonest claims that Jews were a danger to Germany and that they were taking jobs from good Germans, eventually led the vast majority of citizens to accept his false claims, and his portrayal of himself as Germany’s savior.

During his campaign, and after becoming president, the media has shown their audiences the idiot trump making nearly identical allegations about Hispanic people entering the U.S. from Mexico, illegally and legally. He asserts they are drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and thugs. African-Americans haven’t fared much better in the idiot trump’s rhetoric, and it goes on day after day after day. His white supporters watch FOX Noise, the idiot trump’s privately-owned propaganda ministry. In the creation of the lies and misinformation released to the press and posted on Twitter, Sean Hannity and Stephen Miller share the role of Joseph Goebbels. (Sadly, hate radio and Internet sites like Breitbart echo his propaganda and have increased in number.).

From discrediting the press to calling for limitations on what can be printed or broadcast, the current administration is following the course set by the Nazis in the 1920s, nearly 100 years ago. Once established, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the Nazi government controlled film, radio, theater, and the press. Goebbels understood in the world of propaganda, with government in control of all media, “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.”

Americans can now watch the idiot trump and Co. hammer home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables 24/7.

Naturally, the idiot trump’s mindless minions believe every negative comment and lie he tells them concerning Hispanic people and other minorities. So much so, they now feel justified by the idiot trump’s racist and xenophobic commentary, and openly express, by their words and actions, their hatred of minorities and other groups and individuals they deem undesirable. Before January 2017, the universal condemnation of conscientious society shamed most of the idiot trump’s deplorable followers into keeping their unconscionable activities and opinions behind closed doors.

Hitler employed grandiose props to portray himself as a god-like figure. He created a flattering biography, which he wrote himself, but he was savvy enough to have it published under another German’s name. He understood that conservative Germans would not accept such self-praise. This paragraph is from the Smithsonian: “The Hitler of this episode belies the common misconception that he was a primitive, raging, and nihilistic dark elemental force. Rather, he was a vicious con man and understood well how to run a scam. Hitler had no doubt it would be possible to operate in Germany’s political processes, systems, and the public sphere. His study of propaganda techniques while serving in World War I had provided him with an appreciation for political narratives that would help him plot his way to power.

The idiot trump accomplished this easily with his willing white base, attending meetings with white evangelical leaders, his dramatic television staging, and his demand for a military parade to honor himself and demonstrate his importance.

As nearly everyone has seen, the idiot trump praises himself constantly, often claiming that he is smarter than anyone else. And, just like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with extremist advisers who will not challenge his warped world view but, indeed support it. One of the worst is Stephen Miller (mentioned above), his white supremacist adviser who crafted the anti-Muslim bans and helped create the policy of stealing children from migrant parents and sending them throughout the country so their parents may never be able to reclaim them.

The Art of the Deal serves as the idiot trump’s version of Mein Kampf, and was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz. Experts in psychology have written that, as co-author, it was necessary for Schwartz to study the idiot trump, which gives Schwartz a better understanding of him than anyone else.

On June 12th Schwartz tweeted a warning: “What I have been thinking about today — watching the monster I helped to create - is ... teach your children well. Help them understand how critical their values are. Every choice matters. There are no redos in life.”

The idiot trump spent his life as a con man, and is a chip off the old block. He learned his crooked and corrupt ways from his dear old daddy. In 2015 he added tens-of-millions of white Americans to his list of patsies, marks, and dupes, thus creating his voter base. All of them love how the idiot trump speaks to their personal hatreds, fears, and paranoia.

Part of Hitler’s scam was to make other leaders believe he was unstable and would quickly be replaced by the German people. However, the idiot trump’s incompetence, that keeps world leaders wondering what he is doing, that incompetence is genuine. His mindless minions were quickly conditioned to accept more and more drastic behavior as normal.

During his rise to power the Nazi leader created a myth that he alone could solve Germany’s economic and social problems (most stemming from Germany’s losses in World War I). He used this myth to develop a cult of followers devoted to him rather than to their country.

At his campaign rallies the idiot trump boasted that he alone could fix the problems in the U.S., and many writers have characterized his base as a cult that will swallow every piece of bullsh!t coming out of this administration.

Elizabeth Spiers, former editor of the New York Observer stated how, during a meeting with Jarod Kushner, “ ‘I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist.’ ”

“ ‘He [Kushner] rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’ ”. Of course, the conservatives’ denial of facts will have them believe their hero would never call them “stupid”.

It took Hitler several years to gain the power and government position to carry out his white supremacist policy of killing German citizens lacking pure Aryan ancestry.

However, in just eighteen months, Trump has been able to convince his base that he is doing a great job and he is their savior.

His base also remains unfazed by the Gestapo tactics of ICE. (The subject of their hypocrisy for the unborn can be addressed elsewhere.) And, their blind devotion to the idiot trump is scaring the he11 out of establishment Republicans.

Like Hitler, the idiot trump is a con man who has no shame about being caught in lie after lie. And, like Hitler, he has shown that he loves the attention and power of his position, not only to enrich himself and his family, but to rise to the post of dictator, something his supporters would relish. He could easily convince them the Constitution is nothing more than a “goddamned piece of paper”.

Tony Schwartz (remember, he co-authored the idiot trump’s book) warns the idiot trump’s "increasingly extreme behavior" will only "get worse". It will become more and more important to him to impose his cruel policies on people who cannot fight back.

How can the people of any nation willingly go down this road?

View attachment 201535

Again, anyone STUPID enough to try to attempt to compare this President should be immediately deemed to have zero credibility, having no f*ing clue what they are talking about.

HISTORY is obviously NOT your area of eexpertise & you obviously have a shirt memory. This is NOT the 1st time deranged snowflakes have compared a Republican to Hitler. In fact, doing so is being done so often that it is becoming as insignificant as the term 'racist'.

'Trump ordered deportations? That 'Nazi'!'
'Trump had waffles for breakfast today. Hitler loved waffles!'

In addition to the items in the OP now being witnessed by people of reason and compassion, there are the idiot trump’s incessant tweets and the media’s coverage of every outrageous lie. This also includes his attacks on allies, his undermining of trust in the U.S. as an ally and world partner, his open admiration for brutal dictators, and his embrace of policies that are causing serious damage to the future of this country. These rational citizens wonder how long will his mindless minions remain blind to the truth. The idiot trump quickly conditioned his gullible supporters to accept his more and more drastic behavior as normal. (Judging by the endless nonsense and “alternative facts" posted on these message boards by the idiot trump’s loyal base, they will never be capable of recognizing the truth. Their responses in this thread are glaring examples.)

The orange-dimwit-in-chief is targeting migrants and illegal immigrants who have worked in the U.S. for years. With detention camps now being set up on military bases (as the U.S. government did to the Japanese during WWII) active-duty and retired U.S. military officers and enlisted personnel are expressing a sense of moral emergency.

Hitler’s takeover of the German state went smoothly, German citizens simply went about their lives and ignored the atrocities that Hitler was perpetrating on the Jews. After the war, these Germans claimed they were completely unaware of what was going on.

It’s been proven time and again, U.S. citizens, who form their opinions based solely on what they hear on Fox Noise and the like, quickly and conveniently forget historical facts. So, expect them to remember only the “alternative facts” of this period in U.S. history. They will blame everyone, except those truly responsible, for the Nazi-like events happening in this country today.

A CBS poll taken in August of 2017 revealed that 52% of Republicans would support any attempt to call off the 2020 election by claiming that voter fraud would taint the outcome. 52% of Republicans is far from a majority of citizens, but the congressional Republicans have already permitted the many occasions when the idiot trump crapped on the Constitution, and they would benefit equally to the idiot trump with a suspension of the 2020 elections. The right wing Supreme Court has also decided to disregard constitutional law when it suits the conservative agenda. So, the idiot trump’s band of Nazis could go unchecked, with him becoming der Führer. With that will come the conservatives' rapid embrace of the Bellamy Salute.

The world's leading expert on Hitler refused to write about Trump for months. Then everything changed

Trump defends Mexican rapists claim during conspiracy-laden speech

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

Joseph Goebbels


The current administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants entering this country makes it “necessary” to build “internment centers”. Parents and children to be imprisoned in these facilities could be held for indefinite periods, and it’s been decided by the idiot trump that detainees have no right to due process.

Snopes verified reports that DHS is confiscating every possession of detainees, including rosaries, extra shoes, wallets and ID cards, children’s stuffed toys and even slips of paper on which the children’s parents had written the phone numbers of relatives in the U.S. Most confiscated property is ending up in the trash, never to be returned, including the only IDs these people have. There is no excuse for taking and discarding people’s possessions, other than to drive home the point that the U.S. is now a cruel and heartless nation.

Despite conservatives' constant denial of facts, the number of parallels between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and the idiot trump’s takeover of the GOP and his countless attempts to circumvent constitutional law continue to grow. The examples follow:

Anyone visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, will see many different items the Nazis confiscated from the Jews before they sent them to “internment centers”, better known as work camps or extermination “showers.” One of the most moving displays is the collection of shoes that were worn by the Jewish women, men, and children who were persecuted and murdered.

In Nuremberg, Germany the Nazis built the enormous Congress Hall. Hitler planned it to serve only one purpose, to hold his party’s annual rally. The zeppelin field and the huge parade grounds surrounding it were to demonstrate Hitler’s power and to showcase him as a larger-than-life figure saving Germany.

A portion of the Congress Hall now houses an exhibit that chronicles Hitler’s rise to power and the tactics he used to achieve it. Apparently, the idiot trump has visited these displays and has taken detailed notes describing carefully those tactics used in Hitler's rise to power.

Among Hitler’s techniques of persuasion were big lies and propaganda repeated over and over and over until people believed all of it.

State propaganda broadcasts and his addresses to the people constantly hammered home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables. Hitler’s dishonest claims that Jews were a danger to Germany and that they were taking jobs from good Germans, eventually led the vast majority of citizens to accept his false claims, and his portrayal of himself as Germany’s savior.

During his campaign, and after becoming president, the media has shown their audiences the idiot trump making nearly identical allegations about Hispanic people entering the U.S. from Mexico, illegally and legally. He asserts they are drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and thugs. African-Americans haven’t fared much better in the idiot trump’s rhetoric, and it goes on day after day after day. His white supporters watch FOX Noise, the idiot trump’s privately-owned propaganda ministry. In the creation of the lies and misinformation released to the press and posted on Twitter, Sean Hannity and Stephen Miller share the role of Joseph Goebbels. (Sadly, hate radio and Internet sites like Breitbart echo his propaganda and have increased in number.).

From discrediting the press to calling for limitations on what can be printed or broadcast, the current administration is following the course set by the Nazis in the 1920s, nearly 100 years ago. Once established, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the Nazi government controlled film, radio, theater, and the press. Goebbels understood in the world of propaganda, with government in control of all media, “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.”

Americans can now watch the idiot trump and Co. hammer home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables 24/7.

Naturally, the idiot trump’s mindless minions believe every negative comment and lie he tells them concerning Hispanic people and other minorities. So much so, they now feel justified by the idiot trump’s racist and xenophobic commentary, and openly express, by their words and actions, their hatred of minorities and other groups and individuals they deem undesirable. Before January 2017, the universal condemnation of conscientious society shamed most of the idiot trump’s deplorable followers into keeping their unconscionable activities and opinions behind closed doors.

Hitler employed grandiose props to portray himself as a god-like figure. He created a flattering biography, which he wrote himself, but he was savvy enough to have it published under another German’s name. He understood that conservative Germans would not accept such self-praise. This paragraph is from the Smithsonian: “The Hitler of this episode belies the common misconception that he was a primitive, raging, and nihilistic dark elemental force. Rather, he was a vicious con man and understood well how to run a scam. Hitler had no doubt it would be possible to operate in Germany’s political processes, systems, and the public sphere. His study of propaganda techniques while serving in World War I had provided him with an appreciation for political narratives that would help him plot his way to power.

The idiot trump accomplished this easily with his willing white base, attending meetings with white evangelical leaders, his dramatic television staging, and his demand for a military parade to honor himself and demonstrate his importance.

As nearly everyone has seen, the idiot trump praises himself constantly, often claiming that he is smarter than anyone else. And, just like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with extremist advisers who will not challenge his warped world view but, indeed support it. One of the worst is Stephen Miller (mentioned above), his white supremacist adviser who crafted the anti-Muslim bans and helped create the policy of stealing children from migrant parents and sending them throughout the country so their parents may never be able to reclaim them.

The Art of the Deal serves as the idiot trump’s version of Mein Kampf, and was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz. Experts in psychology have written that, as co-author, it was necessary for Schwartz to study the idiot trump, which gives Schwartz a better understanding of him than anyone else.

On June 12th Schwartz tweeted a warning: “What I have been thinking about today — watching the monster I helped to create - is ... teach your children well. Help them understand how critical their values are. Every choice matters. There are no redos in life.”

The idiot trump spent his life as a con man, and is a chip off the old block. He learned his crooked and corrupt ways from his dear old daddy. In 2015 he added tens-of-millions of white Americans to his list of patsies, marks, and dupes, thus creating his voter base. All of them love how the idiot trump speaks to their personal hatreds, fears, and paranoia.

Part of Hitler’s scam was to make other leaders believe he was unstable and would quickly be replaced by the German people. However, the idiot trump’s incompetence, that keeps world leaders wondering what he is doing, that incompetence is genuine. His mindless minions were quickly conditioned to accept more and more drastic behavior as normal.

During his rise to power the Nazi leader created a myth that he alone could solve Germany’s economic and social problems (most stemming from Germany’s losses in World War I). He used this myth to develop a cult of followers devoted to him rather than to their country.

At his campaign rallies the idiot trump boasted that he alone could fix the problems in the U.S., and many writers have characterized his base as a cult that will swallow every piece of bullsh!t coming out of this administration.

Elizabeth Spiers, former editor of the New York Observer stated how, during a meeting with Jarod Kushner, “ ‘I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist.’ ”

“ ‘He [Kushner] rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’ ”. Of course, the conservatives’ denial of facts will have them believe their hero would never call them “stupid”.

It took Hitler several years to gain the power and government position to carry out his white supremacist policy of killing German citizens lacking pure Aryan ancestry.

However, in just eighteen months, Trump has been able to convince his base that he is doing a great job and he is their savior.

His base also remains unfazed by the Gestapo tactics of ICE. (The subject of their hypocrisy for the unborn can be addressed elsewhere.) And, their blind devotion to the idiot trump is scaring the he11 out of establishment Republicans.

Like Hitler, the idiot trump is a con man who has no shame about being caught in lie after lie. And, like Hitler, he has shown that he loves the attention and power of his position, not only to enrich himself and his family, but to rise to the post of dictator, something his supporters would relish. He could easily convince them the Constitution is nothing more than a “goddamned piece of paper”.

Tony Schwartz (remember, he co-authored the idiot trump’s book) warns the idiot trump’s "increasingly extreme behavior" will only "get worse". It will become more and more important to him to impose his cruel policies on people who cannot fight back.

How can the people of any nation willingly go down this road?

View attachment 201535


The signs are there to see, and most of the free nations in the world see them. Most of the liberated people in the US see them. It is only the cult of the orange turd that doesn't. We'll see if they support him if he should actually try to scrap the Constitution or future elections including November. AND whether the Republicans in Congress will then act or if they are fully on board to end the democracy now.

The world's leading expert on Hitler refused to write about Trump for months. Then everything changed

Trump defends Mexican rapists claim during conspiracy-laden speech

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

Joseph Goebbels


The current administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants entering this country makes it “necessary” to build “internment centers”. Parents and children to be imprisoned in these facilities could be held for indefinite periods, and it’s been decided by the idiot trump that detainees have no right to due process.

Snopes verified reports that DHS is confiscating every possession of detainees, including rosaries, extra shoes, wallets and ID cards, children’s stuffed toys and even slips of paper on which the children’s parents had written the phone numbers of relatives in the U.S. Most confiscated property is ending up in the trash, never to be returned, including the only IDs these people have. There is no excuse for taking and discarding people’s possessions, other than to drive home the point that the U.S. is now a cruel and heartless nation.

Despite conservatives' constant denial of facts, the number of parallels between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and the idiot trump’s takeover of the GOP and his countless attempts to circumvent constitutional law continue to grow. The examples follow:

Anyone visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, will see many different items the Nazis confiscated from the Jews before they sent them to “internment centers”, better known as work camps or extermination “showers.” One of the most moving displays is the collection of shoes that were worn by the Jewish women, men, and children who were persecuted and murdered.

In Nuremberg, Germany the Nazis built the enormous Congress Hall. Hitler planned it to serve only one purpose, to hold his party’s annual rally. The zeppelin field and the huge parade grounds surrounding it were to demonstrate Hitler’s power and to showcase him as a larger-than-life figure saving Germany.

A portion of the Congress Hall now houses an exhibit that chronicles Hitler’s rise to power and the tactics he used to achieve it. Apparently, the idiot trump has visited these displays and has taken detailed notes describing carefully those tactics used in Hitler's rise to power.

Among Hitler’s techniques of persuasion were big lies and propaganda repeated over and over and over until people believed all of it.

State propaganda broadcasts and his addresses to the people constantly hammered home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables. Hitler’s dishonest claims that Jews were a danger to Germany and that they were taking jobs from good Germans, eventually led the vast majority of citizens to accept his false claims, and his portrayal of himself as Germany’s savior.

During his campaign, and after becoming president, the media has shown their audiences the idiot trump making nearly identical allegations about Hispanic people entering the U.S. from Mexico, illegally and legally. He asserts they are drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and thugs. African-Americans haven’t fared much better in the idiot trump’s rhetoric, and it goes on day after day after day. His white supporters watch FOX Noise, the idiot trump’s privately-owned propaganda ministry. In the creation of the lies and misinformation released to the press and posted on Twitter, Sean Hannity and Stephen Miller share the role of Joseph Goebbels. (Sadly, hate radio and Internet sites like Breitbart echo his propaganda and have increased in number.).

From discrediting the press to calling for limitations on what can be printed or broadcast, the current administration is following the course set by the Nazis in the 1920s, nearly 100 years ago. Once established, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the Nazi government controlled film, radio, theater, and the press. Goebbels understood in the world of propaganda, with government in control of all media, “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.”

Americans can now watch the idiot trump and Co. hammer home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables 24/7.

Naturally, the idiot trump’s mindless minions believe every negative comment and lie he tells them concerning Hispanic people and other minorities. So much so, they now feel justified by the idiot trump’s racist and xenophobic commentary, and openly express, by their words and actions, their hatred of minorities and other groups and individuals they deem undesirable. Before January 2017, the universal condemnation of conscientious society shamed most of the idiot trump’s deplorable followers into keeping their unconscionable activities and opinions behind closed doors.

Hitler employed grandiose props to portray himself as a god-like figure. He created a flattering biography, which he wrote himself, but he was savvy enough to have it published under another German’s name. He understood that conservative Germans would not accept such self-praise. This paragraph is from the Smithsonian: “The Hitler of this episode belies the common misconception that he was a primitive, raging, and nihilistic dark elemental force. Rather, he was a vicious con man and understood well how to run a scam. Hitler had no doubt it would be possible to operate in Germany’s political processes, systems, and the public sphere. His study of propaganda techniques while serving in World War I had provided him with an appreciation for political narratives that would help him plot his way to power.

The idiot trump accomplished this easily with his willing white base, attending meetings with white evangelical leaders, his dramatic television staging, and his demand for a military parade to honor himself and demonstrate his importance.

As nearly everyone has seen, the idiot trump praises himself constantly, often claiming that he is smarter than anyone else. And, just like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with extremist advisers who will not challenge his warped world view but, indeed support it. One of the worst is Stephen Miller (mentioned above), his white supremacist adviser who crafted the anti-Muslim bans and helped create the policy of stealing children from migrant parents and sending them throughout the country so their parents may never be able to reclaim them.

The Art of the Deal serves as the idiot trump’s version of Mein Kampf, and was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz. Experts in psychology have written that, as co-author, it was necessary for Schwartz to study the idiot trump, which gives Schwartz a better understanding of him than anyone else.

On June 12th Schwartz tweeted a warning: “What I have been thinking about today — watching the monster I helped to create - is ... teach your children well. Help them understand how critical their values are. Every choice matters. There are no redos in life.”

The idiot trump spent his life as a con man, and is a chip off the old block. He learned his crooked and corrupt ways from his dear old daddy. In 2015 he added tens-of-millions of white Americans to his list of patsies, marks, and dupes, thus creating his voter base. All of them love how the idiot trump speaks to their personal hatreds, fears, and paranoia.

Part of Hitler’s scam was to make other leaders believe he was unstable and would quickly be replaced by the German people. However, the idiot trump’s incompetence, that keeps world leaders wondering what he is doing, that incompetence is genuine. His mindless minions were quickly conditioned to accept more and more drastic behavior as normal.

During his rise to power the Nazi leader created a myth that he alone could solve Germany’s economic and social problems (most stemming from Germany’s losses in World War I). He used this myth to develop a cult of followers devoted to him rather than to their country.

At his campaign rallies the idiot trump boasted that he alone could fix the problems in the U.S., and many writers have characterized his base as a cult that will swallow every piece of bullsh!t coming out of this administration.

Elizabeth Spiers, former editor of the New York Observer stated how, during a meeting with Jarod Kushner, “ ‘I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist.’ ”

“ ‘He [Kushner] rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’ ”. Of course, the conservatives’ denial of facts will have them believe their hero would never call them “stupid”.

It took Hitler several years to gain the power and government position to carry out his white supremacist policy of killing German citizens lacking pure Aryan ancestry.

However, in just eighteen months, Trump has been able to convince his base that he is doing a great job and he is their savior.

His base also remains unfazed by the Gestapo tactics of ICE. (The subject of their hypocrisy for the unborn can be addressed elsewhere.) And, their blind devotion to the idiot trump is scaring the he11 out of establishment Republicans.

Like Hitler, the idiot trump is a con man who has no shame about being caught in lie after lie. And, like Hitler, he has shown that he loves the attention and power of his position, not only to enrich himself and his family, but to rise to the post of dictator, something his supporters would relish. He could easily convince them the Constitution is nothing more than a “goddamned piece of paper”.

Tony Schwartz (remember, he co-authored the idiot trump’s book) warns the idiot trump’s "increasingly extreme behavior" will only "get worse". It will become more and more important to him to impose his cruel policies on people who cannot fight back.

How can the people of any nation willingly go down this road?

View attachment 201535


Your propaganda ain't working. ROFLMAO

A Rasmussen poll conducted just last week shows that 54 percent of all likely voters blame parents who break the law and attempt to enter the U.S. illegally, more than they blame the federal government for simply upholding the law.

Americans blame law-breaking parents, not Trump, for border separation

Democrats need to stand up for illegals more and demand abolishing all of our borders. Then call everyone who opposes Nazis and fascists.

That's the ticket to success.
In addition to the items in the OP now being witnessed by people of reason and compassion, there are the idiot trump’s incessant tweets and the media’s coverage of every outrageous lie. This also includes his attacks on allies, his undermining of trust in the U.S. as an ally and world partner, his open admiration for brutal dictators, and his embrace of policies that are causing serious damage to the future of this country. These rational citizens wonder how long will his mindless minions remain blind to the truth. The idiot trump quickly conditioned his gullible supporters to accept his more and more drastic behavior as normal. (Judging by the endless nonsense and “alternative facts" posted on these message boards by the idiot trump’s loyal base, they will never be capable of recognizing the truth. Their responses in this thread are glaring examples.)

The orange-dimwit-in-chief is targeting migrants and illegal immigrants who have worked in the U.S. for years. With detention camps now being set up on military bases (as the U.S. government did to the Japanese during WWII) active-duty and retired U.S. military officers and enlisted personnel are expressing a sense of moral emergency.

Hitler’s takeover of the German state went smoothly, German citizens simply went about their lives and ignored the atrocities that Hitler was perpetrating on the Jews. After the war, these Germans claimed they were completely unaware of what was going on.

It’s been proven time and again, U.S. citizens, who form their opinions based solely on what they hear on Fox Noise and the like, quickly and conveniently forget historical facts. So, expect them to remember only the “alternative facts” of this period in U.S. history. They will blame everyone, except those truly responsible, for the Nazi-like events happening in this country today.

A CBS poll taken in August of 2017 revealed that 52% of Republicans would support any attempt to call off the 2020 election by claiming that voter fraud would taint the outcome. 52% of Republicans is far from a majority of citizens, but the congressional Republicans have already permitted the many occasions when the idiot trump crapped on the Constitution, and they would benefit equally to the idiot trump with a suspension of the 2020 elections. The right wing Supreme Court has also decided to disregard constitutional law when it suits the conservative agenda. So, the idiot trump’s band of Nazis could go unchecked, with him becoming der Führer. With that will come the conservatives' rapid embrace of the Bellamy Salute.

Hey, shit for brains! Why don't you fact check yourself on your claim about Japanese internment camps being on military bases?

Internment of Japanese Americans - Wikipedia
Your information is consistent in one aspect and that is being wrong.

The world's leading expert on Hitler refused to write about Trump for months. Then everything changed

Trump defends Mexican rapists claim during conspiracy-laden speech

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

Joseph Goebbels


The current administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants entering this country makes it “necessary” to build “internment centers”. Parents and children to be imprisoned in these facilities could be held for indefinite periods, and it’s been decided by the idiot trump that detainees have no right to due process.

Snopes verified reports that DHS is confiscating every possession of detainees, including rosaries, extra shoes, wallets and ID cards, children’s stuffed toys and even slips of paper on which the children’s parents had written the phone numbers of relatives in the U.S. Most confiscated property is ending up in the trash, never to be returned, including the only IDs these people have. There is no excuse for taking and discarding people’s possessions, other than to drive home the point that the U.S. is now a cruel and heartless nation.

Despite conservatives' constant denial of facts, the number of parallels between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and the idiot trump’s takeover of the GOP and his countless attempts to circumvent constitutional law continue to grow. The examples follow:

Anyone visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, will see many different items the Nazis confiscated from the Jews before they sent them to “internment centers”, better known as work camps or extermination “showers.” One of the most moving displays is the collection of shoes that were worn by the Jewish women, men, and children who were persecuted and murdered.

In Nuremberg, Germany the Nazis built the enormous Congress Hall. Hitler planned it to serve only one purpose, to hold his party’s annual rally. The zeppelin field and the huge parade grounds surrounding it were to demonstrate Hitler’s power and to showcase him as a larger-than-life figure saving Germany.

A portion of the Congress Hall now houses an exhibit that chronicles Hitler’s rise to power and the tactics he used to achieve it. Apparently, the idiot trump has visited these displays and has taken detailed notes describing carefully those tactics used in Hitler's rise to power.

Among Hitler’s techniques of persuasion were big lies and propaganda repeated over and over and over until people believed all of it.

State propaganda broadcasts and his addresses to the people constantly hammered home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables. Hitler’s dishonest claims that Jews were a danger to Germany and that they were taking jobs from good Germans, eventually led the vast majority of citizens to accept his false claims, and his portrayal of himself as Germany’s savior.

During his campaign, and after becoming president, the media has shown their audiences the idiot trump making nearly identical allegations about Hispanic people entering the U.S. from Mexico, illegally and legally. He asserts they are drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and thugs. African-Americans haven’t fared much better in the idiot trump’s rhetoric, and it goes on day after day after day. His white supporters watch FOX Noise, the idiot trump’s privately-owned propaganda ministry. In the creation of the lies and misinformation released to the press and posted on Twitter, Sean Hannity and Stephen Miller share the role of Joseph Goebbels. (Sadly, hate radio and Internet sites like Breitbart echo his propaganda and have increased in number.).

From discrediting the press to calling for limitations on what can be printed or broadcast, the current administration is following the course set by the Nazis in the 1920s, nearly 100 years ago. Once established, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the Nazi government controlled film, radio, theater, and the press. Goebbels understood in the world of propaganda, with government in control of all media, “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.”

Americans can now watch the idiot trump and Co. hammer home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables 24/7.

Naturally, the idiot trump’s mindless minions believe every negative comment and lie he tells them concerning Hispanic people and other minorities. So much so, they now feel justified by the idiot trump’s racist and xenophobic commentary, and openly express, by their words and actions, their hatred of minorities and other groups and individuals they deem undesirable. Before January 2017, the universal condemnation of conscientious society shamed most of the idiot trump’s deplorable followers into keeping their unconscionable activities and opinions behind closed doors.

Hitler employed grandiose props to portray himself as a god-like figure. He created a flattering biography, which he wrote himself, but he was savvy enough to have it published under another German’s name. He understood that conservative Germans would not accept such self-praise. This paragraph is from the Smithsonian: “The Hitler of this episode belies the common misconception that he was a primitive, raging, and nihilistic dark elemental force. Rather, he was a vicious con man and understood well how to run a scam. Hitler had no doubt it would be possible to operate in Germany’s political processes, systems, and the public sphere. His study of propaganda techniques while serving in World War I had provided him with an appreciation for political narratives that would help him plot his way to power.

The idiot trump accomplished this easily with his willing white base, attending meetings with white evangelical leaders, his dramatic television staging, and his demand for a military parade to honor himself and demonstrate his importance.

As nearly everyone has seen, the idiot trump praises himself constantly, often claiming that he is smarter than anyone else. And, just like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with extremist advisers who will not challenge his warped world view but, indeed support it. One of the worst is Stephen Miller (mentioned above), his white supremacist adviser who crafted the anti-Muslim bans and helped create the policy of stealing children from migrant parents and sending them throughout the country so their parents may never be able to reclaim them.

The Art of the Deal serves as the idiot trump’s version of Mein Kampf, and was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz. Experts in psychology have written that, as co-author, it was necessary for Schwartz to study the idiot trump, which gives Schwartz a better understanding of him than anyone else.

On June 12th Schwartz tweeted a warning: “What I have been thinking about today — watching the monster I helped to create - is ... teach your children well. Help them understand how critical their values are. Every choice matters. There are no redos in life.”

The idiot trump spent his life as a con man, and is a chip off the old block. He learned his crooked and corrupt ways from his dear old daddy. In 2015 he added tens-of-millions of white Americans to his list of patsies, marks, and dupes, thus creating his voter base. All of them love how the idiot trump speaks to their personal hatreds, fears, and paranoia.

Part of Hitler’s scam was to make other leaders believe he was unstable and would quickly be replaced by the German people. However, the idiot trump’s incompetence, that keeps world leaders wondering what he is doing, that incompetence is genuine. His mindless minions were quickly conditioned to accept more and more drastic behavior as normal.

During his rise to power the Nazi leader created a myth that he alone could solve Germany’s economic and social problems (most stemming from Germany’s losses in World War I). He used this myth to develop a cult of followers devoted to him rather than to their country.

At his campaign rallies the idiot trump boasted that he alone could fix the problems in the U.S., and many writers have characterized his base as a cult that will swallow every piece of bullsh!t coming out of this administration.

Elizabeth Spiers, former editor of the New York Observer stated how, during a meeting with Jarod Kushner, “ ‘I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist.’ ”

“ ‘He [Kushner] rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’ ”. Of course, the conservatives’ denial of facts will have them believe their hero would never call them “stupid”.

It took Hitler several years to gain the power and government position to carry out his white supremacist policy of killing German citizens lacking pure Aryan ancestry.

However, in just eighteen months, Trump has been able to convince his base that he is doing a great job and he is their savior.

His base also remains unfazed by the Gestapo tactics of ICE. (The subject of their hypocrisy for the unborn can be addressed elsewhere.) And, their blind devotion to the idiot trump is scaring the he11 out of establishment Republicans.

Like Hitler, the idiot trump is a con man who has no shame about being caught in lie after lie. And, like Hitler, he has shown that he loves the attention and power of his position, not only to enrich himself and his family, but to rise to the post of dictator, something his supporters would relish. He could easily convince them the Constitution is nothing more than a “goddamned piece of paper”.

Tony Schwartz (remember, he co-authored the idiot trump’s book) warns the idiot trump’s "increasingly extreme behavior" will only "get worse". It will become more and more important to him to impose his cruel policies on people who cannot fight back.

How can the people of any nation willingly go down this road?

View attachment 201535

Why are you embarrassing yourself?
In addition to the items in the OP now being witnessed by people of reason and compassion, there are the idiot trump’s incessant tweets and the media’s coverage of every outrageous lie. This also includes his attacks on allies, his undermining of trust in the U.S. as an ally and world partner, his open admiration for brutal dictators, and his embrace of policies that are causing serious damage to the future of this country. These rational citizens wonder how long will his mindless minions remain blind to the truth. The idiot trump quickly conditioned his gullible supporters to accept his more and more drastic behavior as normal. (Judging by the endless nonsense and “alternative facts" posted on these message boards by the idiot trump’s loyal base, they will never be capable of recognizing the truth. Their responses in this thread are glaring examples.)

The orange-dimwit-in-chief is targeting migrants and illegal immigrants who have worked in the U.S. for years. With detention camps now being set up on military bases (as the U.S. government did to the Japanese during WWII) active-duty and retired U.S. military officers and enlisted personnel are expressing a sense of moral emergency.

Hitler’s takeover of the German state went smoothly, German citizens simply went about their lives and ignored the atrocities that Hitler was perpetrating on the Jews. After the war, these Germans claimed they were completely unaware of what was going on.

It’s been proven time and again, U.S. citizens, who form their opinions based solely on what they hear on Fox Noise and the like, quickly and conveniently forget historical facts. So, expect them to remember only the “alternative facts” of this period in U.S. history. They will blame everyone, except those truly responsible, for the Nazi-like events happening in this country today.

A CBS poll taken in August of 2017 revealed that 52% of Republicans would support any attempt to call off the 2020 election by claiming that voter fraud would taint the outcome. 52% of Republicans is far from a majority of citizens, but the congressional Republicans have already permitted the many occasions when the idiot trump crapped on the Constitution, and they would benefit equally to the idiot trump with a suspension of the 2020 elections. The right wing Supreme Court has also decided to disregard constitutional law when it suits the conservative agenda. So, the idiot trump’s band of Nazis could go unchecked, with him becoming der Führer. With that will come the conservatives' rapid embrace of the Bellamy Salute.

Your throwing yourself into and onion soup

The world's leading expert on Hitler refused to write about Trump for months. Then everything changed

Trump defends Mexican rapists claim during conspiracy-laden speech

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

Joseph Goebbels


The current administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal immigrants entering this country makes it “necessary” to build “internment centers”. Parents and children to be imprisoned in these facilities could be held for indefinite periods, and it’s been decided by the idiot trump that detainees have no right to due process.

Snopes verified reports that DHS is confiscating every possession of detainees, including rosaries, extra shoes, wallets and ID cards, children’s stuffed toys and even slips of paper on which the children’s parents had written the phone numbers of relatives in the U.S. Most confiscated property is ending up in the trash, never to be returned, including the only IDs these people have. There is no excuse for taking and discarding people’s possessions, other than to drive home the point that the U.S. is now a cruel and heartless nation.

Despite conservatives' constant denial of facts, the number of parallels between the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and the idiot trump’s takeover of the GOP and his countless attempts to circumvent constitutional law continue to grow. The examples follow:

Anyone visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, will see many different items the Nazis confiscated from the Jews before they sent them to “internment centers”, better known as work camps or extermination “showers.” One of the most moving displays is the collection of shoes that were worn by the Jewish women, men, and children who were persecuted and murdered.

In Nuremberg, Germany the Nazis built the enormous Congress Hall. Hitler planned it to serve only one purpose, to hold his party’s annual rally. The zeppelin field and the huge parade grounds surrounding it were to demonstrate Hitler’s power and to showcase him as a larger-than-life figure saving Germany.

A portion of the Congress Hall now houses an exhibit that chronicles Hitler’s rise to power and the tactics he used to achieve it. Apparently, the idiot trump has visited these displays and has taken detailed notes describing carefully those tactics used in Hitler's rise to power.

Among Hitler’s techniques of persuasion were big lies and propaganda repeated over and over and over until people believed all of it.

State propaganda broadcasts and his addresses to the people constantly hammered home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables. Hitler’s dishonest claims that Jews were a danger to Germany and that they were taking jobs from good Germans, eventually led the vast majority of citizens to accept his false claims, and his portrayal of himself as Germany’s savior.

During his campaign, and after becoming president, the media has shown their audiences the idiot trump making nearly identical allegations about Hispanic people entering the U.S. from Mexico, illegally and legally. He asserts they are drug dealers, criminals, rapists, and thugs. African-Americans haven’t fared much better in the idiot trump’s rhetoric, and it goes on day after day after day. His white supporters watch FOX Noise, the idiot trump’s privately-owned propaganda ministry. In the creation of the lies and misinformation released to the press and posted on Twitter, Sean Hannity and Stephen Miller share the role of Joseph Goebbels. (Sadly, hate radio and Internet sites like Breitbart echo his propaganda and have increased in number.).

From discrediting the press to calling for limitations on what can be printed or broadcast, the current administration is following the course set by the Nazis in the 1920s, nearly 100 years ago. Once established, the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, the Nazi government controlled film, radio, theater, and the press. Goebbels understood in the world of propaganda, with government in control of all media, “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.”

Americans can now watch the idiot trump and Co. hammer home false accusations to dehumanize the so-called undesirables 24/7.

Naturally, the idiot trump’s mindless minions believe every negative comment and lie he tells them concerning Hispanic people and other minorities. So much so, they now feel justified by the idiot trump’s racist and xenophobic commentary, and openly express, by their words and actions, their hatred of minorities and other groups and individuals they deem undesirable. Before January 2017, the universal condemnation of conscientious society shamed most of the idiot trump’s deplorable followers into keeping their unconscionable activities and opinions behind closed doors.

Hitler employed grandiose props to portray himself as a god-like figure. He created a flattering biography, which he wrote himself, but he was savvy enough to have it published under another German’s name. He understood that conservative Germans would not accept such self-praise. This paragraph is from the Smithsonian: “The Hitler of this episode belies the common misconception that he was a primitive, raging, and nihilistic dark elemental force. Rather, he was a vicious con man and understood well how to run a scam. Hitler had no doubt it would be possible to operate in Germany’s political processes, systems, and the public sphere. His study of propaganda techniques while serving in World War I had provided him with an appreciation for political narratives that would help him plot his way to power.

The idiot trump accomplished this easily with his willing white base, attending meetings with white evangelical leaders, his dramatic television staging, and his demand for a military parade to honor himself and demonstrate his importance.

As nearly everyone has seen, the idiot trump praises himself constantly, often claiming that he is smarter than anyone else. And, just like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with extremist advisers who will not challenge his warped world view but, indeed support it. One of the worst is Stephen Miller (mentioned above), his white supremacist adviser who crafted the anti-Muslim bans and helped create the policy of stealing children from migrant parents and sending them throughout the country so their parents may never be able to reclaim them.

The Art of the Deal serves as the idiot trump’s version of Mein Kampf, and was co-authored by journalist Tony Schwartz. Experts in psychology have written that, as co-author, it was necessary for Schwartz to study the idiot trump, which gives Schwartz a better understanding of him than anyone else.

On June 12th Schwartz tweeted a warning: “What I have been thinking about today — watching the monster I helped to create - is ... teach your children well. Help them understand how critical their values are. Every choice matters. There are no redos in life.”

The idiot trump spent his life as a con man, and is a chip off the old block. He learned his crooked and corrupt ways from his dear old daddy. In 2015 he added tens-of-millions of white Americans to his list of patsies, marks, and dupes, thus creating his voter base. All of them love how the idiot trump speaks to their personal hatreds, fears, and paranoia.

Part of Hitler’s scam was to make other leaders believe he was unstable and would quickly be replaced by the German people. However, the idiot trump’s incompetence, that keeps world leaders wondering what he is doing, that incompetence is genuine. His mindless minions were quickly conditioned to accept more and more drastic behavior as normal.

During his rise to power the Nazi leader created a myth that he alone could solve Germany’s economic and social problems (most stemming from Germany’s losses in World War I). He used this myth to develop a cult of followers devoted to him rather than to their country.

At his campaign rallies the idiot trump boasted that he alone could fix the problems in the U.S., and many writers have characterized his base as a cult that will swallow every piece of bullsh!t coming out of this administration.

Elizabeth Spiers, former editor of the New York Observer stated how, during a meeting with Jarod Kushner, “ ‘I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist.’ ”

“ ‘He [Kushner] rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’ ”. Of course, the conservatives’ denial of facts will have them believe their hero would never call them “stupid”.

It took Hitler several years to gain the power and government position to carry out his white supremacist policy of killing German citizens lacking pure Aryan ancestry.

However, in just eighteen months, Trump has been able to convince his base that he is doing a great job and he is their savior.

His base also remains unfazed by the Gestapo tactics of ICE. (The subject of their hypocrisy for the unborn can be addressed elsewhere.) And, their blind devotion to the idiot trump is scaring the he11 out of establishment Republicans.

Like Hitler, the idiot trump is a con man who has no shame about being caught in lie after lie. And, like Hitler, he has shown that he loves the attention and power of his position, not only to enrich himself and his family, but to rise to the post of dictator, something his supporters would relish. He could easily convince them the Constitution is nothing more than a “goddamned piece of paper”.

Tony Schwartz (remember, he co-authored the idiot trump’s book) warns the idiot trump’s "increasingly extreme behavior" will only "get worse". It will become more and more important to him to impose his cruel policies on people who cannot fight back.

How can the people of any nation willingly go down this road?

View attachment 201535


Your propaganda ain't working. ROFLMAO

A Rasmussen poll conducted just last week shows that 54 percent of all likely voters blame parents who break the law and attempt to enter the U.S. illegally, more than they blame the federal government for simply upholding the law.

Americans blame law-breaking parents, not Trump, for border separation

He is in tears....

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