House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

Socialism and communism are the same thing. That's why the USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was not called the USCR, Union of Soviet Communist Republics. When asked if he is a socialist, Sanders dodges the question by saying he is a democratic socialist, and when asked what the difference is between a socialist and a democratic socialist, he says he just wants to do good things for the people.

Communism is just another word for socialism and democratic socialism is just a lie socialists tell when they enter politics.
communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has never been put in except through violent revolution. They said they were socialists they lied. I have a masters in history here you go. Marx wrote about Marxism he was totally wrong. Communism in the USSR was supposedly Democratic in its Soviets or committees. After a few years people figured out it wasn't Democratic at all. Everywhere in the world except for English speaking countries where Savage capitalists abound, socialism has been Fair capitalism 4 70 or 80 years. Savage capitalist like the conservative party in England or the Tories love conflating the two so they can keep people down. I had a junior year abroad in France in 1971 and they had a socialist party and a Communist party and everybody knew the difference. Just like Italy and every other non-english-speaking country that I know of Italy Sweden Germany etc. Bernie has to say Democratic socialism or you brainwashed functional morons go insane. Even if he doesn't win at least socialism should be understood for what it is.

"We are all socialists now!"--the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbags the GOP are and how duped people like you are. That's why we are the only country in the modern world without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly taxing the rich more percentage wise than everyone else. This is a joke and a disaster wake up. Socialism as understood everywhere but conservative propaganda world is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Change the channel
A lot of bullshit. Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc. are not socialist states, they are welfare states and so it the US. All these states have free market economies and that means they have a capitalist system - another term you have no understanding of. All of these states have free market economies, capitalist economies, because capitalism is the most efficient creator of wealth, but to varying degrees they provide subsidized services to their populations, which makes them welfare states.

According to Wikipedia,

Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership[1][2][3] of the means of production[4][5][6][7] and workers' self-management of enterprise,[8][9] including the political theories and movements associated with such systems.[10] Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[11] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[12] with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.[1][13][14]

Socialism - Wikipedia

If Bernie only wanted a welfare state with more generous subsidies, why would he have been calling himself a socialist all of these years? bernie is a true socialist and democratic socialism is a contradiction in terms. Socialism always restricts freedom even if that restriction is not a primary purpose of the socialists. Take, for example, Bernie's Medicare for All proposal, a great slogan, but a sinister power grab by the government. Medicare for All would actually cost more than private insurance, so Bernie proposes to keep costs down by cutting pay to healthcare providers by 40%, but what doctors would want to join Bernie's program if they had to take such a steep cut in pay? Very few, so why would patients want an insurance program that did not have the best doctors? They wouldn't, so Bernie proposes to ban private insurance so doctors would have no choice but to take the pay cut. So Bernie gets to tell doctors where they can work, what they can do and what they will paid, and if they don't like it, they don't work. This is an example of socialism restricting the freedom choice of both doctors and patients, and if Bernie were to be elected, this will be but the first step in a socialist takeover of the US.
Medicare for all would be like other modern countries have, no insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies with huge Profits. Medicare for all wood cost 40% less than this crap private insurance we have now. You never have to worry about money and doctors would no longer have ridiculous paperwork. Everything you know is wrong brainwashed functional moron
Socialism is not communism. Socialism is many kinds of government but always democratic so not communist no matter what the Communists and fascists say, brain washed functional moron.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has never been put in except through violent revolution. They said they were socialists they lied. I have a masters in history here you go. Marx wrote about Marxism he was totally wrong. Communism in the USSR was supposedly Democratic in its Soviets or committees. After a few years people figured out it wasn't Democratic at all. Everywhere in the world except for English speaking countries where Savage capitalists abound, socialism has been Fair capitalism 4 70 or 80 years. Savage capitalist like the conservative party in England or the Tories love conflating the two so they can keep people down. I had a junior year abroad in France in 1971 and they had a socialist party and a Communist party and everybody knew the difference. Just like Italy and every other non-english-speaking country that I know of Italy Sweden Germany etc. Bernie has to say Democratic socialism or you brainwashed functional morons go insane. Even if he doesn't win at least socialism should be understood for what it is.

"We are all socialists now!"--the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbags the GOP are and how duped people like you are. That's why we are the only country in the modern world without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly taxing the rich more percentage wise than everyone else. This is a joke and a disaster wake up. Socialism as understood everywhere but conservative propaganda world is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Change the channel
A lot of bullshit. Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc. are not socialist states, they are welfare states and so it the US. All these states have free market economies and that means they have a capitalist system - another term you have no understanding of. All of these states have free market economies, capitalist economies, because capitalism is the most efficient creator of wealth, but to varying degrees they provide subsidized services to their populations, which makes them welfare states.

According to Wikipedia,

Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership[1][2][3] of the means of production[4][5][6][7] and workers' self-management of enterprise,[8][9] including the political theories and movements associated with such systems.[10] Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[11] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[12] with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.[1][13][14]

Socialism - Wikipedia

If Bernie only wanted a welfare state with more generous subsidies, why would he have been calling himself a socialist all of these years? bernie is a true socialist and democratic socialism is a contradiction in terms. Socialism always restricts freedom even if that restriction is not a primary purpose of the socialists. Take, for example, Bernie's Medicare for All proposal, a great slogan, but a sinister power grab by the government. Medicare for All would actually cost more than private insurance, so Bernie proposes to keep costs down by cutting pay to healthcare providers by 40%, but what doctors would want to join Bernie's program if they had to take such a steep cut in pay? Very few, so why would patients want an insurance program that did not have the best doctors? They wouldn't, so Bernie proposes to ban private insurance so doctors would have no choice but to take the pay cut. So Bernie gets to tell doctors where they can work, what they can do and what they will paid, and if they don't like it, they don't work. This is an example of socialism restricting the freedom choice of both doctors and patients, and if Bernie were to be elected, this will be but the first step in a socialist takeover of the US.
Medicare for all would be like other modern countries have, no insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies with huge Profits. Medicare for all wood cost 40% less than this crap private insurance we have now. You never have to worry about money and doctors would no longer have ridiculous paperwork. Everything you know is wrong brainwashed functional moron
Socialism is not communism. Socialism is many kinds of government but always democratic so not communist no matter what the Communists and fascists say, brain washed functional moron.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
Why would Sanders make a point of saying he is a democratic socialist if socialism is, as you claim, always democratic?
communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has never been put in except through violent revolution. They said they were socialists they lied. I have a masters in history here you go. Marx wrote about Marxism he was totally wrong. Communism in the USSR was supposedly Democratic in its Soviets or committees. After a few years people figured out it wasn't Democratic at all. Everywhere in the world except for English speaking countries where Savage capitalists abound, socialism has been Fair capitalism 4 70 or 80 years. Savage capitalist like the conservative party in England or the Tories love conflating the two so they can keep people down. I had a junior year abroad in France in 1971 and they had a socialist party and a Communist party and everybody knew the difference. Just like Italy and every other non-english-speaking country that I know of Italy Sweden Germany etc. Bernie has to say Democratic socialism or you brainwashed functional morons go insane. Even if he doesn't win at least socialism should be understood for what it is.

"We are all socialists now!"--the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbags the GOP are and how duped people like you are. That's why we are the only country in the modern world without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly taxing the rich more percentage wise than everyone else. This is a joke and a disaster wake up. Socialism as understood everywhere but conservative propaganda world is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Change the channel
A lot of bullshit. Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc. are not socialist states, they are welfare states and so it the US. All these states have free market economies and that means they have a capitalist system - another term you have no understanding of. All of these states have free market economies, capitalist economies, because capitalism is the most efficient creator of wealth, but to varying degrees they provide subsidized services to their populations, which makes them welfare states.

According to Wikipedia,

Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership[1][2][3] of the means of production[4][5][6][7] and workers' self-management of enterprise,[8][9] including the political theories and movements associated with such systems.[10] Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[11] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[12] with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.[1][13][14]

Socialism - Wikipedia

If Bernie only wanted a welfare state with more generous subsidies, why would he have been calling himself a socialist all of these years? bernie is a true socialist and democratic socialism is a contradiction in terms. Socialism always restricts freedom even if that restriction is not a primary purpose of the socialists. Take, for example, Bernie's Medicare for All proposal, a great slogan, but a sinister power grab by the government. Medicare for All would actually cost more than private insurance, so Bernie proposes to keep costs down by cutting pay to healthcare providers by 40%, but what doctors would want to join Bernie's program if they had to take such a steep cut in pay? Very few, so why would patients want an insurance program that did not have the best doctors? They wouldn't, so Bernie proposes to ban private insurance so doctors would have no choice but to take the pay cut. So Bernie gets to tell doctors where they can work, what they can do and what they will paid, and if they don't like it, they don't work. This is an example of socialism restricting the freedom choice of both doctors and patients, and if Bernie were to be elected, this will be but the first step in a socialist takeover of the US.
Medicare for all would be like other modern countries have, no insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies with huge Profits. Medicare for all wood cost 40% less than this crap private insurance we have now. You never have to worry about money and doctors would no longer have ridiculous paperwork. Everything you know is wrong brainwashed functional moron
Socialism is not communism. Socialism is many kinds of government but always democratic so not communist no matter what the Communists and fascists say, brain washed functional moron.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
Franco, how much of your hard earned money am I entitled to? 10%? 20%? 50%?
A lot of bullshit. Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc. are not socialist states, they are welfare states and so it the US. All these states have free market economies and that means they have a capitalist system - another term you have no understanding of. All of these states have free market economies, capitalist economies, because capitalism is the most efficient creator of wealth, but to varying degrees they provide subsidized services to their populations, which makes them welfare states.

According to Wikipedia,

Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership[1][2][3] of the means of production[4][5][6][7] and workers' self-management of enterprise,[8][9] including the political theories and movements associated with such systems.[10] Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[11] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[12] with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.[1][13][14]

Socialism - Wikipedia

If Bernie only wanted a welfare state with more generous subsidies, why would he have been calling himself a socialist all of these years? bernie is a true socialist and democratic socialism is a contradiction in terms. Socialism always restricts freedom even if that restriction is not a primary purpose of the socialists. Take, for example, Bernie's Medicare for All proposal, a great slogan, but a sinister power grab by the government. Medicare for All would actually cost more than private insurance, so Bernie proposes to keep costs down by cutting pay to healthcare providers by 40%, but what doctors would want to join Bernie's program if they had to take such a steep cut in pay? Very few, so why would patients want an insurance program that did not have the best doctors? They wouldn't, so Bernie proposes to ban private insurance so doctors would have no choice but to take the pay cut. So Bernie gets to tell doctors where they can work, what they can do and what they will paid, and if they don't like it, they don't work. This is an example of socialism restricting the freedom choice of both doctors and patients, and if Bernie were to be elected, this will be but the first step in a socialist takeover of the US.
Medicare for all would be like other modern countries have, no insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies with huge Profits. Medicare for all wood cost 40% less than this crap private insurance we have now. You never have to worry about money and doctors would no longer have ridiculous paperwork. Everything you know is wrong brainwashed functional moron
Socialism is not communism. Socialism is many kinds of government but always democratic so not communist no matter what the Communists and fascists say, brain washed functional moron.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
Franco, how much of your hard earned money am I entitled to? 10%? 20%? 50%?
Less than they are getting now. It is the rich who are under taxed, the rest are over taxed. Just like all the Democrats say and you people never hear about.
A lot of bullshit. Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc. are not socialist states, they are welfare states and so it the US. All these states have free market economies and that means they have a capitalist system - another term you have no understanding of. All of these states have free market economies, capitalist economies, because capitalism is the most efficient creator of wealth, but to varying degrees they provide subsidized services to their populations, which makes them welfare states.

According to Wikipedia,

Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership[1][2][3] of the means of production[4][5][6][7] and workers' self-management of enterprise,[8][9] including the political theories and movements associated with such systems.[10] Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[11] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[12] with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.[1][13][14]

Socialism - Wikipedia

If Bernie only wanted a welfare state with more generous subsidies, why would he have been calling himself a socialist all of these years? bernie is a true socialist and democratic socialism is a contradiction in terms. Socialism always restricts freedom even if that restriction is not a primary purpose of the socialists. Take, for example, Bernie's Medicare for All proposal, a great slogan, but a sinister power grab by the government. Medicare for All would actually cost more than private insurance, so Bernie proposes to keep costs down by cutting pay to healthcare providers by 40%, but what doctors would want to join Bernie's program if they had to take such a steep cut in pay? Very few, so why would patients want an insurance program that did not have the best doctors? They wouldn't, so Bernie proposes to ban private insurance so doctors would have no choice but to take the pay cut. So Bernie gets to tell doctors where they can work, what they can do and what they will paid, and if they don't like it, they don't work. This is an example of socialism restricting the freedom choice of both doctors and patients, and if Bernie were to be elected, this will be but the first step in a socialist takeover of the US.
Medicare for all would be like other modern countries have, no insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies with huge Profits. Medicare for all wood cost 40% less than this crap private insurance we have now. You never have to worry about money and doctors would no longer have ridiculous paperwork. Everything you know is wrong brainwashed functional moron
Socialism is not communism. Socialism is many kinds of government but always democratic so not communist no matter what the Communists and fascists say, brain washed functional moron.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
Why would Sanders make a point of saying he is a democratic socialist if socialism is, as you claim, always democratic?
Because we are here in brainwashed GOP America among the other brainwashed English speaking countries of the world LOL
Medicare for all would be like other modern countries have, no insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies with huge Profits. Medicare for all wood cost 40% less than this crap private insurance we have now. You never have to worry about money and doctors would no longer have ridiculous paperwork. Everything you know is wrong brainwashed functional moron
Socialism is not communism. Socialism is many kinds of government but always democratic so not communist no matter what the Communists and fascists say, brain washed functional moron.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
Why would Sanders make a point of saying he is a democratic socialist if socialism is, as you claim, always democratic?
Because we are here in brainwashed GOP America among the other brainwashed English speaking countries of the world LOL
The socialists in France have been in power for 75 years at least and they don't go communist LOL. The British have always loved conflating socialism and communism ask Winston Churchill. Same thing here in Canada or Australia and New Zealand. They are all socialists but they don't know it. They have that same brainwash too. But Italians French swedish Norwegians hell Russians bulgarians Greeks have all had socialist and Communist governments and they know the goddamn difference. If anything more people here will now too. Socialism in every form ever has always had some democracy involved. The USSR supposedly had Democratic Soviets or committees. Turned out not so much LOL.
Medicare for all would be like other modern countries have, no insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies with huge Profits. Medicare for all wood cost 40% less than this crap private insurance we have now. You never have to worry about money and doctors would no longer have ridiculous paperwork. Everything you know is wrong brainwashed functional moron
Socialism is not communism. Socialism is many kinds of government but always democratic so not communist no matter what the Communists and fascists say, brain washed functional moron.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
Franco, how much of your hard earned money am I entitled to? 10%? 20%? 50%?
Less than they are getting now. It is the rich who are under taxed, the rest are over taxed. Just like all the Democrats say and you people never hear about.
Who is “they”? I asked how much of your money am I entitled to?
Socialism is not communism. Socialism is many kinds of government but always democratic so not communist no matter what the Communists and fascists say, brain washed functional moron.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
Franco, how much of your hard earned money am I entitled to? 10%? 20%? 50%?
Less than they are getting now. It is the rich who are under taxed, the rest are over taxed. Just like all the Democrats say and you people never hear about.
Who is “they”? I asked how much of your money am I entitled to?
They is regular people like you and me. While the rich are ridiculously bloated after 35 years of GOP Reagan tax rates. Do you need a diagram?
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
Franco, how much of your hard earned money am I entitled to? 10%? 20%? 50%?
Less than they are getting now. It is the rich who are under taxed, the rest are over taxed. Just like all the Democrats say and you people never hear about.
Who is “they”? I asked how much of your money am I entitled to?
They is regular people like you and me. While the rich are ridiculously bloated after 35 years of GOP Reagan tax rates. Do you need a diagram?

You could use a brain you nonfunctional fucking retard.
Your posts in this thread are some of your dumbest shit yet - and that is saying a lot.
I sympathize with the frustration you feel from posting factual content only to have some drooling Trumper sycophant keep repeating the same lies over and over. It's an experience I have all the time.

It is the single biggest signal that as a country we are in big trouble. We can't thrive as a democracy with a significant % of the population acting like brainwashed morons as Trumper Thumpers do.

Trump Investigation Was Justified, Inspector General Report Says, While Citing FBI Errors
Trump Investigation Was Justified, DOJ Watchdog Says, While Citing FBI Errors

The 2 of you should name your delusion and raise it together.
whatever you do don't change the channel or read anything, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know is wrong all you have is ridiculous conspiracy theories. Poor America

You're an idiot you nonfunctional bubble fuck, retard.
Read something that does simply confirm your fucking retardation just one time.
I listen to Fox
There is nothing scary about Bernie except GOP balderdash Savage capitalist idiocy. Breaking... Socialism is not communism.
Socialism and communism are the same thing. That's why the USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was not called the USCR, Union of Soviet Communist Republics. When asked if he is a socialist, Sanders dodges the question by saying he is a democratic socialist, and when asked what the difference is between a socialist and a democratic socialist, he says he just wants to do good things for the people.

Communism is just another word for socialism and democratic socialism is just a lie socialists tell when they enter politics.
communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has never been put in except through violent revolution. They said they were socialists they lied. I have a masters in history here you go. Marx wrote about Marxism he was totally wrong. Communism in the USSR was supposedly Democratic in its Soviets or committees. After a few years people figured out it wasn't Democratic at all. Everywhere in the world except for English speaking countries where Savage capitalists abound, socialism has been Fair capitalism 4 70 or 80 years. Savage capitalist like the conservative party in England or the Tories love conflating the two so they can keep people down. I had a junior year abroad in France in 1971 and they had a socialist party and a Communist party and everybody knew the difference. Just like Italy and every other non-english-speaking country that I know of Italy Sweden Germany etc. Bernie has to say Democratic socialism or you brainwashed functional morons go insane. Even if he doesn't win at least socialism should be understood for what it is.

"We are all socialists now!"--the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbags the GOP are and how duped people like you are. That's why we are the only country in the modern world without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly taxing the rich more percentage wise than everyone else. This is a joke and a disaster wake up. Socialism as understood everywhere but conservative propaganda world is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Change the channel
A lot of bullshit. Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc. are not socialist states, they are welfare states and so it the US. All these states have free market economies and that means they have a capitalist system - another term you have no understanding of. All of these states have free market economies, capitalist economies, because capitalism is the most efficient creator of wealth, but to varying degrees they provide subsidized services to their populations, which makes them welfare states.

According to Wikipedia,

Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership[1][2][3] of the means of production[4][5][6][7] and workers' self-management of enterprise,[8][9] including the political theories and movements associated with such systems.[10] Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[11] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[12] with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.[1][13][14]

Socialism - Wikipedia

If Bernie only wanted a welfare state with more generous subsidies, why would he have been calling himself a socialist all of these years? bernie is a true socialist and democratic socialism is a contradiction in terms. Socialism always restricts freedom even if that restriction is not a primary purpose of the socialists. Take, for example, Bernie's Medicare for All proposal, a great slogan, but a sinister power grab by the government. Medicare for All would actually cost more than private insurance, so Bernie proposes to keep costs down by cutting pay to healthcare providers by 40%, but what doctors would want to join Bernie's program if they had to take such a steep cut in pay? Very few, so why would patients want an insurance program that did not have the best doctors? They wouldn't, so Bernie proposes to ban private insurance so doctors would have no choice but to take the pay cut. So Bernie gets to tell doctors where they can work, what they can do and what they will paid, and if they don't like it, they don't work. This is an example of socialism restricting the freedom choice of both doctors and patients, and if Bernie were to be elected, this will be but the first step in a socialist takeover of the US.
socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, brainwashed functional moron, like every other modern country. think of it as Canada or Australia or New Zealand and stop being a stupid brainwashed idiot.
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland president when Obama Care passed. And no having fair capitalism will not turn us into Italians I caramba...
I listen to Fox and Rush Limbaugh and everything else you believe. It is all crap everyone in the world agrees but you brainwashed functional morons.
lol So socialism is capitalism? Even to you that must sound stupid. Why do you even bother posting here since you don't even have enough interest in the subject to learn what the words mean?

People like him think and keep trying to educate us that Public Works ( fire department, Police, Public parks, etc ) paid for by collecting taxes on Capitalistic endeavors is "socialism"
Monies spent to fund social nets - is "Socialism".

Impossible to have a legit conversation with him - because he doesn't know what words mean.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
Franco, how much of your hard earned money am I entitled to? 10%? 20%? 50%?
Less than they are getting now. It is the rich who are under taxed, the rest are over taxed. Just like all the Democrats say and you people never hear about.
Who is “they”? I asked how much of your money am I entitled to?
They is regular people like you and me. While the rich are ridiculously bloated after 35 years of GOP Reagan tax rates. Do you need a diagram?
Why do you refuse to answer my question?
Podesta emails = truth = Dems CHEATED

Dems = hate TRUTH = want TRUTH censored

Those who gave TRUTH to the American people = Dems HATE THEM, but to date have not actually IDed them

When Dems get caught cheating/lying/stealing, they never apologize. They just go BATSHIT at whoever exposed the truth....
Everyone in the real world knows it was the Russians. Whats lying cheating and stealing? All crap. 100 phony scandals all discredited never retracted on your propaganda machine. Ignoramus.
What did the Russians do? Be specific.
mainly they hacked the DNC and podesta servers and gave them to WikiLeaks who gave them to Fox so we had 60% of political coverage being about stupid emails. They also put a lot of crap on social media but I don't think that's so important oh, it's just more GOP propaganda and conspiracy theories and hate. Everybody knows that it was proven in Congress everyone in Congress agrees the Russian did it and 17 intelligence agencies of our government all agree the Russians did it. Now Sean and Rush say they didn't so you believe them like f****** morons....
Still waiting for you to show me the emails that ,cost Hitlery the election.

And those 17 intel agencies said Russia didn’t change a single vote, Window Licker.
communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has never been put in except through violent revolution. They said they were socialists they lied. I have a masters in history here you go. Marx wrote about Marxism he was totally wrong. Communism in the USSR was supposedly Democratic in its Soviets or committees. After a few years people figured out it wasn't Democratic at all. Everywhere in the world except for English speaking countries where Savage capitalists abound, socialism has been Fair capitalism 4 70 or 80 years. Savage capitalist like the conservative party in England or the Tories love conflating the two so they can keep people down. I had a junior year abroad in France in 1971 and they had a socialist party and a Communist party and everybody knew the difference. Just like Italy and every other non-english-speaking country that I know of Italy Sweden Germany etc. Bernie has to say Democratic socialism or you brainwashed functional morons go insane. Even if he doesn't win at least socialism should be understood for what it is.

"We are all socialists now!"--the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbags the GOP are and how duped people like you are. That's why we are the only country in the modern world without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and mainly taxing the rich more percentage wise than everyone else. This is a joke and a disaster wake up. Socialism as understood everywhere but conservative propaganda world is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Change the channel
A lot of bullshit. Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc. are not socialist states, they are welfare states and so it the US. All these states have free market economies and that means they have a capitalist system - another term you have no understanding of. All of these states have free market economies, capitalist economies, because capitalism is the most efficient creator of wealth, but to varying degrees they provide subsidized services to their populations, which makes them welfare states.

According to Wikipedia,

Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership[1][2][3] of the means of production[4][5][6][7] and workers' self-management of enterprise,[8][9] including the political theories and movements associated with such systems.[10] Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[11] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[12] with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.[1][13][14]

Socialism - Wikipedia

If Bernie only wanted a welfare state with more generous subsidies, why would he have been calling himself a socialist all of these years? bernie is a true socialist and democratic socialism is a contradiction in terms. Socialism always restricts freedom even if that restriction is not a primary purpose of the socialists. Take, for example, Bernie's Medicare for All proposal, a great slogan, but a sinister power grab by the government. Medicare for All would actually cost more than private insurance, so Bernie proposes to keep costs down by cutting pay to healthcare providers by 40%, but what doctors would want to join Bernie's program if they had to take such a steep cut in pay? Very few, so why would patients want an insurance program that did not have the best doctors? They wouldn't, so Bernie proposes to ban private insurance so doctors would have no choice but to take the pay cut. So Bernie gets to tell doctors where they can work, what they can do and what they will paid, and if they don't like it, they don't work. This is an example of socialism restricting the freedom choice of both doctors and patients, and if Bernie were to be elected, this will be but the first step in a socialist takeover of the US.
Medicare for all would be like other modern countries have, no insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies with huge Profits. Medicare for all wood cost 40% less than this crap private insurance we have now. You never have to worry about money and doctors would no longer have ridiculous paperwork. Everything you know is wrong brainwashed functional moron
Socialism is not communism. Socialism is many kinds of government but always democratic so not communist no matter what the Communists and fascists say, brain washed functional moron.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
You have a Masters but can’t produce a grammatically correct sentence.

Yeah, right.
Medicare for all would be like other modern countries have, no insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies with huge Profits. Medicare for all wood cost 40% less than this crap private insurance we have now. You never have to worry about money and doctors would no longer have ridiculous paperwork. Everything you know is wrong brainwashed functional moron
Socialism is not communism. Socialism is many kinds of government but always democratic so not communist no matter what the Communists and fascists say, brain washed functional moron.
Perhaps that is true on your planet, but here on Earth they socialism and communism are the same thing.
I have a masters in history you have a masters and propaganda. English-speaking people have always had a problem conflating the two because of British Savage capitalist propaganda since God knows when. French Italian German swedish speaking people know the difference. anyway what Sanders says is democratic socialism so you people don't go batshit LOL.
Franco, how much of your hard earned money am I entitled to? 10%? 20%? 50%?
Less than they are getting now. It is the rich who are under taxed, the rest are over taxed. Just like all the Democrats say and you people never hear about.
What is a fair share for the rich?
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support
A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.
Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that he has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.
This infuriated the Orange one because he hates to be reminded how the Russians helped him get elected.

Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf
Trump Soured On Maguire After Staff Told Congress Russia Is Interfering On His Behalf

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire was still considered a frontrunner to take the post in a permanent capacity until last week — when President Donald Trump found out that Maguire’s staff had briefed House lawmakers that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

According to reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post, Trump was furious in particular that Maguire aide Shelby Pierson conveyed the information to Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump reportedly fretted that the Democrats would use it against him.

Members of both parties on the committee were in attendance at the briefing a week ago, and Trump’s allies argued with the conclusions Pierson presented, insisting that Trump has gotten tougher on Russia.

The President dressed down Maguire after the briefing, which reportedly led to his shift in favor to name U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, the acting DNI. Grenell is an avid Trump supporter who has downplayed the threat Russia poses to U.S. elections.
So, let's see. The Don is purging everyone who testified honestly about his attempt to extort Ukraine. Now he's removing all the people warning the country about Russia's efforts to help him in 2020.
/----/ so where is your fake outrage over this?
Bernie Sanders told Russia helping presidential campaign
Bernie Sanders told Russia helping presidential campaign
4 days ago WASHINGTON - U.S. officials have reportedly told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign, a revelation that follows U.S. intelligence officials briefing ...
Tell us what you think those emails proved?

Did they prove that Donna Brazile CHEATED by giving Hillary the CNN debate questions before the debate = YES
Did they prove that paid Hillary THUGS were starting fights at Trump events while co-conspirator CNN was quickly reporting that "Trump was inspiring violence at his rallies" = YES

If the emails didn't harm Hillary, why are they such a SORE SUBJECT to you folks still in the HILLARY CULT????
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes tipped off Trump about a 2016 debate question, report claims — the same thing he attacked Hillary Clinton and CNN for
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes tipped off Trump about a 2016 debate question, report claims — the same thing he attacked Hillary Clinton and CNN for

Donna Brazile admitted doing it and was terminated by CNN. You have no problem with that. Your side did it. Your side got busted.

And what does your side do??

It plants a FAKE NEWS story outside of even CNN and wants us to believe it....

Your side lies, cheats, steals, and murders. You have no values, no truth, and no interest other than stealing more taxpayer money.
Tell us what you think those emails proved?

Did they prove that Donna Brazile CHEATED by giving Hillary the CNN debate questions before the debate = YES
Did they prove that paid Hillary THUGS were starting fights at Trump events while co-conspirator CNN was quickly reporting that "Trump was inspiring violence at his rallies" = YES

If the emails didn't harm Hillary, why are they such a SORE SUBJECT to you folks still in the HILLARY CULT????
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes tipped off Trump about a 2016 debate question, report claims — the same thing he attacked Hillary Clinton and CNN for
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes tipped off Trump about a 2016 debate question, report claims — the same thing he attacked Hillary Clinton and CNN for

Donna Brazile admitted doing it and was terminated by CNN. You have no problem with that. Your side did it. Your side got busted.

And what does your side do??

It plants a FAKE NEWS story outside of even CNN and wants us to believe it....

Your side lies, cheats, steals, and murders. You have no values, no truth, and no interest other than stealing more taxpayer money.

Also, who can say Russian help is really help? It has long been exposed so folks might vote against Trump in protest. In any case what Russia and all the countries of the world do to impact our elections is trivial compared to the stupid stuff we do eg Bloombergs billions, 30 second TV, illiterates voting, domestic Nazi groups voting, West borough Baptist Church voting, etc etc.

Let your children find out how good we're doing This moron Trump is a complete AH and republicans that can't see it are too

Right!!!!!!! We need to get rid of Trump to make way for the Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution!! Then everything will be OK again!!

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