Hot Dang, the King is Dead!!!!!!


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Do ya'll have a most annoying commercial? One that grates on your nerves? One that just feels wrong in the pit of your stomach? Or maybe there are several.

Mr. Foxfyre can't stand the commercial and can't get to the remote to hit the mute button fast enough when it comes on. (I don't like it either.)

But the one worst marketing gimmick that anybody has come up with and that just bugged the heck out of me is on its way out. Burger King is retiring the King!!!


In the first of many steps to reinvent itself over the next year, the struggling fast-feeder Friday will announce that it's dethroning the creepy King character — and other wacky, teen-targeting stuff — and refocusing on a customer it had all but forgotten: Mom.

In a new ad campaign set to air this weekend, Burger King will nationally roll out the California Whopper on Monday, made with what's arguably the gastronomic trend of 2011: guacamole. In a serious image twist, the entire commercial shows only the sights and sounds of the fresh ingredients being washed, sliced and diced. There are no words, just pulsating music.
Burger King freshens fast-food image, kicks King to the curb

All I have to say is that there is a media god after all.

So which commerical do you want to go away?
I watch 90% of my TV via my DVR for the sole reason that I can fast forward through commercials.
These are headlined the 25 most ridiculous car insurance mascots. . . .

The 25 Most Ridiculous Car Insurance Commercial Mascots

. . . but I think I disagree with most. The Geico gecko, the Geico cavemen, the AFLAC duck, the mayhem guy, the Progressive salesgirl - all have become cultural icons, great name recognition, and presumably effective.

All popular advertising isn't effective. Years ago Alka Seltzer had a highly popular ad campaign that people enjoyed a lot, voted for as 'best commercial' and quoted and laughed at. Unfortunately, it didn't make people think of Alka Seltzer as a relief for gastrointestinal issues and wasn't selling the product.

The Burger King king? I can't say I've EVER thought about buying a Burger King anything after seeing one of those commercials.

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