Hospitalized Trump Has More Energy Than ‘Healthy’ Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“I’m mentally exhausted from the awfulness from the Left since last Friday morning. Basic human decency is out the window and I don’t know if the other side will ever get it back. I spent a good chunk of the weekend shunning social media and drinking a strong IPA. That may be the plan every weekend going forward for the rest of the year, or until the election is finally over next June.

Joe Biden’s lack of stamina has been a frequent topic of conversation here at the Briefing for quite some time and I think it’s worth mentioning even more as the election draws near. The president’s health and stamina are certainly fair game, Biden’s should be as well.

This past weekend provided a stark contrast between the two men who want to lead the country out of the COVID nightmare. Ironically, Trump’s hospitalization gave us a perfect snapshot of the different energy levels of the two candidates.”

He’s right. Joe can’t even put out a coherent prerecorded video with who knows how many takes.
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Trump leaned on the podium all during the debate while Biden stood strong!

Trump is performing a Covid-19 Hoax for election stunt. He actually inhaled to much fake tanning spray giving himself orange lung. Doctors took it away from him & now he looks very pale!
Trump leaned on the podium all during the debate while Biden stood strong!

Trump is performing a Covid-19 Hoax for election stunt. He actually inhaled to much fake tanning spray giving himself orange lung. Doctors took it away from him & now he looks very pale!
Unlike Biden's, those lungs look healthy.
In all honesty, elected or not, I predict Biden will pass within two years. If not that, his health will have declined to the point where he's no longer able to care for himself. His inner-circle has to be in panic mode right now. He appears frail and continues slowly go downhill both physically and mentally...
Trump is literally scribbling his name on a blank sheet of paper for the cameras.

If he thinks he's working, he has WAY worse dementia than anyone ever thought.
In all honesty, elected or not, I predict Biden will pass within two years. If not that, his health will have declined to the point where he's no longer able to care for himself. His inner-circle has to be in panic mode right now. He appears frail and continues slowly go downhill both physically and mentally...
Oh no! Another Soviet Style Funeral....
Trump is literally scribbling his name on a blank sheet of paper for the cameras.

If he thinks he's working, he has WAY worse dementia than anyone ever thought.
I dont know if the reports are accurate, but I’m hearing that trump will be released from the hospital either today or tomorrow
For the record, I don't think Trump is all that sick, although he has gotten everything and the kitchen sink thrown at him (but not hydroxychloroquine because it obviously doesn't work).

But those photos of Trump "working" are practically the definition of propaganda.
Trump is literally scribbling his name on a blank sheet of paper for the cameras.

If he thinks he's working, he has WAY worse dementia than anyone ever thought.
I dont know if the reports are accurate, but I’m hearing that trump will be released from the hospital either today or tomorrow

You know how the left is. They like to use the damned if you do and damned if you don't strategy.

If Trump is released today, they will be saying it was all a hoax. He never had the virus. In fact some are making that claim now.

If he doesn't get released, they will say Trump's limo ride was phony. He's doing much worse than being reported.

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