CNN analyst: "I've never seen a witness who's lied to Congress, who's lied to court, who's lied to the IRS, who's lied to the Southern District ...

Hahahah riiiiight

THATs gotta be why you can't name any.

Gotta be.
Funny, I found some left-wing site that was accusing the Trump Administration of the same thing back in 2020. Here is the conclusion of their take…I replaced Trump’s name with Biden and Barr with Mayorkas. I bet they aren’t writing a similar article now because…well, politics.

A Justice Department that weaponizes its prosecution powers in the service of a president’s reelection campaign and against political opponents, as Biden’s has done, poses a uniquely grave threat to the rule of law. The Attorney General is a critical actor in this drama. But he cannot accomplish this transformation alone. His ability to prosecute President Biden’s opponents or otherwise impugn them with the specter of criminal charges will likely require the acquiescence of the Department’s career prosecutors. They should not give it.

The participation of the Department’s lawyers in a politically motivated prosecution of Biden’s electoral opponent, or in any other case in which Biden has effectively conducted a public show trial on his Twitter[sic] [Instagram] feed or elsewhere, would be unethical and illegal. It would not only enable a grave danger to our democracy, it would also jeopardize these lawyers’ careers and standing in the legal community. As the Supreme Court has observed, “a prosecutor stands perhaps unique, among officials whose acts could deprive persons of constitutional rights, in his amenability to professional discipline by an association of his peers.” Imbler v. Pachtman. There is a very real possibility that this administration’s abuses of power will come under future scrutiny in a variety of settings, to include the courts.

The Department’s prosecutors should ask themselves how their own actions will appear under such a spotlight and decide now what they will do to uphold their oaths of office, the Constitution, the standards of their profession, and their own invaluable reputations in the all-too-likely event that Mayorkas unleashes the Department’s law enforcement powers for the purpose of interfering in the November election or other unconstitutionally vindictive reasons.

The Department’s prosecutors do not work for the Attorney General or the President; their oaths are to the Constitution and our laws. Protecting their institution and the role it occupies in our constitutional democracy, and honoring their own duty to follow the law, is the service to the country that they signed up for. Fulfilling that duty in this moment may be the most consequential action they ever take.

Politically Motivated Prosecutions Part II: Refuse, Report, Resign
Funny, I found some left-wing site that was accusing the Trump Administration of the same thing back in 2020. Here is the conclusion of their take…I replaced Trump’s name with Biden and Barr with Mayorkas. I bet they aren’t writing a similar article now because…well, politics.

A Justice Department that weaponizes its prosecution powers in the service of a president’s reelection campaign and against political opponents, as Biden’s has done, poses a uniquely grave threat to the rule of law. The Attorney General is a critical actor in this drama. But he cannot accomplish this transformation alone. His ability to prosecute President Biden’s opponents or otherwise impugn them with the specter of criminal charges will likely require the acquiescence of the Department’s career prosecutors. They should not give it.

The participation of the Department’s lawyers in a politically motivated prosecution of Biden’s electoral opponent, or in any other case in which Biden has effectively conducted a public show trial on his Twitter[sic] [Instagram] feed or elsewhere, would be unethical and illegal. It would not only enable a grave danger to our democracy, it would also jeopardize these lawyers’ careers and standing in the legal community. As the Supreme Court has observed, “a prosecutor stands perhaps unique, among officials whose acts could deprive persons of constitutional rights, in his amenability to professional discipline by an association of his peers.” Imbler v. Pachtman. There is a very real possibility that this administration’s abuses of power will come under future scrutiny in a variety of settings, to include the courts.

The Department’s prosecutors should ask themselves how their own actions will appear under such a spotlight and decide now what they will do to uphold their oaths of office, the Constitution, the standards of their profession, and their own invaluable reputations in the all-too-likely event that Mayorkas unleashes the Department’s law enforcement powers for the purpose of interfering in the November election or other unconstitutionally vindictive reasons.

The Department’s prosecutors do not work for the Attorney General or the President; their oaths are to the Constitution and our laws. Protecting their institution and the role it occupies in our constitutional democracy, and honoring their own duty to follow the law, is the service to the country that they signed up for. Fulfilling that duty in this moment may be the most consequential action they ever take.

Politically Motivated Prosecutions Part II: Refuse, Report, Resign
Oh, stop.

The system is doing exactly what is designed to do, what we've done since Richard Nixon. You appoint a special counsel who is separate from the DOJ and you let the chips fall where they may.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars investigating Clinton and all he found was that he lied about getting a blow job.
Even CNN knows.

This is suborning perjury by Bragg. And the judge is facilitating the suborning of perjury in his courtroom.

The New York Justice system is now a national joke.

I have a question. Is Alzheimer’s a requirement to be in the MAGA right wing? Or is it just a bonus?

You claim the witness is not credible. So let me get this straight. We have had half a dozen witnesses, all saying Trump said to do what he is accused of doing. We have canceled checks and documentation. All of which shows that Trump did what he is accused of doing. We are told that Trump is free to do that, there is no crime really. So they admit that Trump did what he is accused of doing. We have audio recordings of Trump ordering people to do what he is accused of doing.

But we must acquit because Cohan is a liar. That means there is no proof.
Funny, I found some left-wing site that was accusing the Trump Administration of the same thing back in 2020. Here is the conclusion of their take…I replaced Trump’s name with Biden and Barr with Mayorkas. I bet they aren’t writing a similar article now because…well, politics.

A Justice Department that weaponizes its prosecution powers in the service of a president’s reelection campaign and against political opponents, as Biden’s has done, poses a uniquely grave threat to the rule of law. The Attorney General is a critical actor in this drama. But he cannot accomplish this transformation alone. His ability to prosecute President Biden’s opponents or otherwise impugn them with the specter of criminal charges will likely require the acquiescence of the Department’s career prosecutors. They should not give it.

The participation of the Department’s lawyers in a politically motivated prosecution of Biden’s electoral opponent, or in any other case in which Biden has effectively conducted a public show trial on his Twitter[sic] [Instagram] feed or elsewhere, would be unethical and illegal. It would not only enable a grave danger to our democracy, it would also jeopardize these lawyers’ careers and standing in the legal community. As the Supreme Court has observed, “a prosecutor stands perhaps unique, among officials whose acts could deprive persons of constitutional rights, in his amenability to professional discipline by an association of his peers.” Imbler v. Pachtman. There is a very real possibility that this administration’s abuses of power will come under future scrutiny in a variety of settings, to include the courts.

The Department’s prosecutors should ask themselves how their own actions will appear under such a spotlight and decide now what they will do to uphold their oaths of office, the Constitution, the standards of their profession, and their own invaluable reputations in the all-too-likely event that Mayorkas unleashes the Department’s law enforcement powers for the purpose of interfering in the November election or other unconstitutionally vindictive reasons.

The Department’s prosecutors do not work for the Attorney General or the President; their oaths are to the Constitution and our laws. Protecting their institution and the role it occupies in our constitutional democracy, and honoring their own duty to follow the law, is the service to the country that they signed up for. Fulfilling that duty in this moment may be the most consequential action they ever take.

Politically Motivated Prosecutions Part II: Refuse, Report, Resign
So you are the same as they are. OK. Good for you.

Now... which laws were bent or broken, by the DOJ, in these two cases?
So you are the same as they are. OK. Good for you.

Now... which laws were bent or broken, by the DOJ, in these two cases?

If the Biden Administration, including the DOJ, was coordinating with prosecutors from NY and GA in the trials against Trump, would that be a crime or just a bad look and damaging to the rule of law? I know you hate questions, but sometimes they are necessary.
If the Biden Administration, including the DOJ, was coordinating with prosecutors from NY and GA in the trials against Trump, would that be a crime or just a bad look and damaging to the rule of law? I know you hate questions, but sometimes they are necessary.

Uh, the Feds collaborate all the time with local jurisdictions to go after Criminals.

If Biden were really going after Trump, he'd have charged Trump with the election crime of paying off Stormy, instead of leaving it to Bragg.

He also wouldn't have appointed Smith, he would have left it to regular DOJ prosecutors.

The real problem is, Trump has been committing various fraud and crime for the last 30 years. He finally got caught.

Gee, it's too bad you don't have a sensible Republican who hasn't committed crimes or was otherwise a demented creep.. (cough, cough, Nikki Haley)
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If Biden were really going after Trump, he'd have charged Trump with the election crime of paying off Stormy, instead of leaving it to Bragg.

That would have been too obvious. Also, they stand a much better chance in a very biased NYC court system than they would at the federal level. The federal courts can be biased as well, but nothing can compete with NYC, not to mention the jury pool. This Stormy case needs some bias in order to prosecute and they have it in NYC. The case is a huge stretch to prove and that is putting it mildly. They have to prove that a) Trump knew that he falsified records and b) that he did so for political reasons and not personal ones. Yeah, good luck with that.
That would have been too obvious. Also, they stand a much better chance in a very biased NYC court system than they would at the federal level. The federal courts can be biased as well, but nothing can compete with NYC, not to mention the jury pool.
BOTH sides of attorneys picked the jury pool.
This Stormy case needs some bias in order to prosecute and they have it in NYC.
THAT's where the crime occured.
The case is a huge stretch to prove and that is putting it mildly. They have to prove that a) Trump knew that he falsified records and b) that he did so for political reasons and not personal ones. Yeah, good luck with that.
They already did.
Sure. That is like saying they picked the tallest midget.
So, they should have chosen people who subscribe to "Truth' Social?
I was responding to JoeB saying Biden could have prosecuted it at the federal level because of the campaign finance violation charge.
Trump could have, but the State of NY had this case of falsifying business records going for years.
Really, I guess we all missed that.
Based on witness testimony.
They corroborated it.

Trump has nothing to counter.
Well then, WHO was Cohen lying for?
Cohen lies for Michael Cohen! If you haven't figured that out by this point, Smokin' then you're displaying a level of naivete that's astounding! In a lot of ways he's no different than Stormy Daniels. She's willing to tell you whatever you want to hear if it's going to make her money...Cohen is willing to tell you whatever you want if it A) keeps him out of prison and B) makes him money!
I have a question. Is Alzheimer’s a requirement to be in the MAGA right wing? Or is it just a bonus?

You claim the witness is not credible. So let me get this straight. We have had half a dozen witnesses, all saying Trump said to do what he is accused of doing. We have canceled checks and documentation. All of which shows that Trump did what he is accused of doing. We are told that Trump is free to do that, there is no crime really. So they admit that Trump did what he is accused of doing. We have audio recordings of Trump ordering people to do what he is accused of doing.

But we must acquit because Cohan is a liar. That means there is no proof.
Did you not grasp the concept that what Trump "did" isn't illegal? Paying for an NDA is legal. So your half dozen witnesses have proven that Trump's lawyer paid an NDA? You have cancelled checks? You have audio recordings? That's GREAT!!! What's the crime?
Cohen lies for Michael Cohen! If you haven't figured that out by this point, Smokin' then you're displaying a level of naivete that's astounding!
So, Cohen went to prison for......................Cohen?
In a lot of ways he's no different than Stormy Daniels. She's willing to tell you whatever you want to hear if it's going to make her money...Cohen is willing to tell you whatever you want if it A) keeps him out of prison
Well, THAT worked out well.
Isn't he risking prison again, by testifying?
and B) makes him money!
Well, that apple didn't fall far............from his former employer.
So, Cohen went to prison for......................Cohen?

Well, THAT worked out well.
Isn't he risking prison again, by testifying?

Well, that apple didn't fall far............from his former employer.
What? He went to prison fore the United States because he committed crimes for himself against the United States
Did you not grasp the concept that what Trump "did" isn't illegal?
YES, it is.
Paying for an NDA is legal.
Paying for an NDA, is ................STUPID.
Why would the person ISSUING an NDA.................PAY for it?
So your half dozen witnesses have proven that Trump's lawyer paid an NDA?
No, they've proven that Trump paid a porn star to keep quiet about their affair.
You have cancelled checks? You have audio recordings? That's GREAT!!! What's the crime?
Falsifying business records.

Falsifying business records in the second degree​

The New York State Senate (.gov) › legislation › laws › PEN

Sep 22, 2014 — § 175.05 Falsifying business records in the second degree. ... in the business records of an enterprise. ... misdemeanor. NYSenate.

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