Horrible… Obama to Young People: “The Republicans Are Radical… Their Vision Is Radica

I guess you can't take the COMMUNITY AGITATOR out of him even as President. total disgrace. you all who voted for him should be ASHAMED

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, April 21, 2011, 5:03 AM
Worst. President. Ever.
The most radical far left president in American history yesterday told an audience of (unemployed?) young Americans that, “Republicans are radical…. Their vision is radical.”
Via The Blaze:
YouTube - Obama Calls GOP Budget 'radical, Not Courageous'

He also told the (unemployed?) kids that Republicans will reduce the deficit “on your backs.”
What a horrible leader.

Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.

read the rest and comments.
Horrible… Obama to Young People: “The Republicans Are Radical… Their Vision Is Radical” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

how stupid are you really ? W got us in this hole , Obama's trying to get us out without to much sacrifice to public support .
grow the fuck up . next you'll post he got us in iraq and afghanistan .

If tripling the debt and increasing spending the way he has won't do it then his plan is obviously wrong. If you run your life on a financial level the way he runs the government you must have one heck of a credit rating. Obama has never created one job, make one dollar of profit in his life.
Hahaha. Nobody deserves it more than the Republicans. It is very amsusing that after have denigrated the President in practically every concievable way, the whine line dying dog at every contrived incident.

Have said that. I found that the President having an internet Town hall on 4-20 to be a slap in the face to the internet users who helped get him elected whom he spurned as soon as he was in office.

But whining over his rhetoric?

Failure on all points

What loser gets his panties in a wad over 4-20... weed day?

Oh, a typical Obama supporter I guess... fucking stoners.

Hahahahahahahaha indeed.

What was the most asked question from the internet that the President laugh off as if it didn't mean a thing?

The real assholes here are the drug-war-supporters of the nanny-state, like old Soggy here.

Forget for a minute left or right. Just give me a list of what he promised and what he has done. It is a REAL short list. Hope and change, well I hope for a change. Obama has set the country back 50 years, just a guess, it could be more.

PolitiFact | Tracking politicians' promises

Like, most of what Obama ran off is not even in your link and more than that it says "stalled" for half the shit he has already failed to do...

ending torture, the wars, homeland security and bringing the parties together was some of the big stuff Obama ran off... Most the stuff Obama has done is so pointless and irrelevant in today’s world it hurts my eyes seeing you "flaunt it" as an accomplishment.

I can make a bigger list on important issues alone where Obama is just like or more "hardcore" than that neocon Bush.
You know the torture thing is a little out there. We only water baorded two killers, the information gained save many American lives. Tit for Tat in my mind. If someone had your wife and child and were going to kill them and you knew someone who knew where they were but wouldn't tell you, I am just guessing but you wouldn't say please tell me where they are. The terrorist kill by cutting your head off or the real brave ones just wait until the women and children go to the store and set off a bomb.

This is what we have dealing with. These are not people from the bridge club or golf course.

OMG I am so outraged at this benign comment after the entire right wing has been calling him a "Radical" since the fucking election.

Good gawd you are dense! :rolleyes:

you would know about DENSE my dear. and we wouldn't EXPECT anything else out of you OBAMABOTS. He could kill someone on National T.V, and you all would make some excuse for him:lol:

You're possibly one of the stupidest posters on this forum.

First off: Conservatives everywhere have spend the last 2 years calling everything Obama's done extreme, radical.. and communist.. and socialist.. and facist.. etc, etc.. Even if it was taking things they used to support and crafting it into law.

Second off: Where the fuck did you get that all these "kids" are unemployed? Is that just a stupid-ass assumption to attack the President?

Jeez Stephanie, you get stupider and stupider.. :cuckoo:
How come every little thing Obama does that you all whine about, is something (in this case, very SPECIFIC SOMETHING), you all have done yourselves? Get a grip.

In typical lib fashion, Obama takes the legitimate and accurate criticism leveled at him and accuses his opponents of the exact same thing. It's a well honed tactic to confuse the public. When they here both sides accusing each other of the exact same thing, the rubes don't know who to believe.

Of course, the lib accusations are all lies. liberalism is just one vast lie.
He's specifically talking about Ryan's budget, which *is* Radical.

Everything else you said is true, but the fuckers got to campaign just like his opposition does, that's how every Presidential re-election bid has worked since USA.

A $1.7 trillion deficit isn't radical, but a $60 billion cut in that same budget is "radical."

Liberals have lost all credibility on the budget and defining the term "radical."
Shocking...just shocking! He called the Budget Munster's budget "radical" :eek: The horror of it all. I'm sure that if a Democrat were to introduce a purely ideological budget...the Republicans would be MUCH more respectful, right? {snicker}

You mean Obama's budget aren't "ideological?" I never realized that destroying this country wasn't ideological.
Partisan, much? Please show me one instance where Boehner and his clods have attempted to unite the country?

He just caved on the budget and backed down from a government shutdown.

What this country needs is more division. Uniting with tics and parasites is a prescription for eventual destruction.
Partisan, much? Please show me one instance where Boehner and his clods have attempted to unite the country?

He just caved on the budget and backed down from a government shutdown.

What this country needs is more division. Uniting with tics and parasites is a prescription for eventual destruction.

Correct, hanging out with shit makes you shit.

Hence why both parties are shit.
Partisan, much? Please show me one instance where Boehner and his clods have attempted to unite the country?

He just caved on the budget and backed down from a government shutdown.

What this country needs is more division. Uniting with tics and parasites is a prescription for eventual destruction.
Hey! Outstanding political philosophy there! No compromise, no quarter. That's the way to get things done in a hurry! Ask Mussolini! He'd agree if he wasn't killed at the hands of his own people.

Not a big believer in a democratic system of government, are ya?
Partisan, much? Please show me one instance where Boehner and his clods have attempted to unite the country?

He just caved on the budget and backed down from a government shutdown.

What this country needs is more division. Uniting with tics and parasites is a prescription for eventual destruction.
Hey! Outstanding political philosophy there! No compromise, no quarter. That's the way to get things done in a hurry! Ask Mussolini! He'd agree if he wasn't killed at the hands of his own people.

Not a big believer in a democratic system of government, are ya?

That's called "principle." You should try it sometime.
The GOP was elected to do a job. That job means major cuts in the budget. They would be betraying their constituents going back to them with anything else.
With S&P threatening to downgrade US debt it cannot be "business as usual." That should have been the USS Cole of the U.S budget.
He just caved on the budget and backed down from a government shutdown.

What this country needs is more division. Uniting with tics and parasites is a prescription for eventual destruction.
Hey! Outstanding political philosophy there! No compromise, no quarter. That's the way to get things done in a hurry! Ask Mussolini! He'd agree if he wasn't killed at the hands of his own people.

Not a big believer in a democratic system of government, are ya?

That's called "principle." You should try it sometime.
The GOP was elected to do a job. That job means major cuts in the budget. They would be betraying their constituents going back to them with anything else.
With S&P threatening to downgrade US debt it cannot be "business as usual." That should have been the USS Cole of the U.S budget.
Your "principles" had the House stop ALL legislative action until the Bush tax cuts were extended. ALL legislative action to coddle the rich?!? Tell me how this can be seen as responsible?

The greatness of the American system of governance comes from compromise. The entire Constitution is based on compromise. It would never had been drafted, let alone ratified had it not been for compromise.

What you and your ilk want is one party rule and no debate, no compromise. Highly un-American. Why do you hate America so much?
]Hey! Outstanding political philosophy there! No compromise, no quarter. That's the way to get things done in a hurry! Ask Mussolini! He'd agree if he wasn't killed at the hands of his own people.

Hindenburg was a great compromiser. He compromised with the Nazis by making Hitler a part of the government. Look how well that turned out!

The time for compromise with people bent on our destruction is over.

Not a big believer in a democratic system of government, are ya?

No, I'm not. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.
Of course he's up there lying through his teeth. He's a politician. They all lie. They all have a Masters Degree in lying. I have to admit he's pretty flamboyant when he throws his whoppers out there.

He's running for POTUS again what better reason the lie??

I'm sure whoever runs against him is gonna lie just as well.

Or HER teeth....


OMG, those eyes. Madness personified.
Your "principles" had the House stop ALL legislative action until the Bush tax cuts were extended. ALL legislative action to coddle the rich?!? Tell me how this can be seen as responsible?

Stopping legislative action is good for the country. You always have to worry about your money whenever Congress is in session.

The greatness of the American system of governance comes from compromise.

Utter Bullshit.

The entire Constitution is based on compromise. It would never had been drafted, let alone ratified had it not been for compromise.

The compromises in the Constitution have almost destroyed this country. Just take the "3/5ths" clause and the Commerce clause. the articles of Confederation were superior to the Constution. The later was one of the great mistakes of history.

What you and your ilk want is one party rule and no debate, no compromise. Highly un-American. Why do you hate America so much?

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