The United large live to remember, or rather they remember to live Mohammed Hassanein Heikal
The inevitable historical political old philosophical doctrine to say that the historical incidents have a reasonable elements which are related to each other. Even if each of the known link to other elements possible to predict or produce. And the inevitable historical philosophers are divided into two parts: first, ensure the absolute historical inevitability, which means that all of history there, spoke as the laws of history will occur beyond the control of human beings, and to separate the human and emotional, not an active and influential and that human freedom does not exist. The second says that history is obtained in accordance with the laws of history, not against them, can not violate them. But these laws do not make any historical event before he inevitably inevitable, but if there are humanitarian force capable of achieving.
The idea was launched by the Marxist belief in historical materialism, and this material are history, all its changes and developments in the law of historical inevitability of conflict contradictions in the things, which in motion towards the development of production in the relations of production that govern all things, and thus make the revolution Change a necessity dictated by the things in the objective conditions required by the conflict, says a Marxist theorists: The revolution in historical material is a necessary component of class conflict when this dispute shall perforce to a political struggle aimed at seizing the machinery of government to disarm vanguard of the dominant Society means the body harnesses for their own purposes
We ask in books and articles Professor Mohammed Hassanein Heikal historical determinism and faith evident in his book highlights a new visit to the date where he says in the introduction to the book (It is true that history repeats itself to the different conditions of the people, nations and conditions, but is not it true that there are laws of history. And that these laws work If its elements and agents gathered called such provisions?!
"The Karl Marx" was drafted on the right while making his famous: "The history does not repeat itself, if it did the first time in the great tragedy, the second time in the comedy funny," but it is also right to distinguish between the return of the last impossible and the laws History is real
How we find say in the introduction to his book and armies as well as al-Explode conflict in Palestine (United large live to remember, or rather they remember to live because death is forgotten or so degrees, while the memory state of alert and vigilance of the return of awareness may be a prelude to "may turn to faith And then act to do if he could arrange for an appointment with the same mind and will close on or effective as long as the Zionist project across the century: half lived with promise and the other half with a promise) note through the paragraph that Mohamed Hassanien structure does not make it The inevitable historical reason for inaction and inertia and autism and justify failure Abjectness but Idjaly to browse and read history impetus to the advancement and innovation, not to repeat mistakes makes him a safety valve in the future, where he says elsewhere in the same book (I think this was always to look back not with the past behind, but Is the need for traffic safety as much as they do any car driver wants the same safety
It is out of the way they want it fast. It appears from the window of his car on what the offer extended to the eyes but also and at the same time surrounded by mirrors reflecting back and sideways at the site of its outstanding demands, a view not to lose sight of the way before his eyes, but at the same time mirrors behind to overcome stages of the road
And without a window in front overlooking what is coming and without notes, reflecting mirrors Mavat Vgn drive into the risk of travel) and find the chapters of a new book, visit a reflection of the history of this idea strictly as this book, published in 1977 and then re-released in 1997 without Izafp change in a vivid example of reading history, where after ten years of re-deployment and control in 2007 coincided with a proposal for the Arab States knew the Arab peace initiative, which dates back to the page of the book exactly the final chapter, which speaks to the perceptions of the Israeli peace among which is that Israel Is not ready to give up on the ground, Jerusalem is outside any discussion and the West Bank are either for the full annexation of some parts or without consolidation of absolute control for other parts of the same for the Golan Heights, also found that says Israel is not ready to accept an independent Palestinian state on any part of the land Palestine and the greatest possible access is politically in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is a kind of self-management and there is no reason why the full annexation to Israel's desire to retain the purity of the Jewish State of Israel on the one hand and the difficulty of unloading the West Bank and Gaza Strip from the early inhabitants on the other, simply because A quick reading of these perceptions and other Kaltvouk permanent Israeli military can judge the Arab initiative, as will be any peace process failed on this road will not bring any result and the reality today is truly the analysis over thirty years and in the whole book is almost devoid of readings with the The reality today is confirmed by the evidence
Mohamed Hassanien as we read the historic structure in the wars Iqdamaa across the Arab Al-Jazeera in its structure, which could call it a new visit to the date Mrpokry developed for trying to find indications since the events and link them Balhazer an attempt to establish a vision of security for our nation, Fumi also added some of the factors that help Understand the new changes Ttra in every age, where he says the first link in the war Allsopps (I was constantly say that the geography and history are critical elements in making history but .. States are constants in the making of history in the making major events, but the variables, the first variable Is the realization of the true natures of the times that are here do not change geographically situated in the accumulation of history, can not play it because it has effects and true to its continuing but the past which can not be manipulated has its role in the accounts and become a recognized. Remain two variables In two constants in the two variables, the first element is the nature of the variables and the mood of any era of history, natural conditions prevailing in the era influence the decision makers, geography, history, but the constants in the first variables like what I say, the mood of the times long time, because What remains one of the Cold War era, for example, between two great this climate, what is acting under private superpower alone this climate of another, to be acting in an era when the spread position of power and stretched like the next era will see which areas open era toxicity This is also some of the area, but the international climate and changing times internationally. Violin, of course, affect the quality of weapons in the resolution)
This was an attempt to read the concept of historical inevitability in the mind of Mohamed Hassanein Heikal
The inevitable historical political old philosophical doctrine to say that the historical incidents have a reasonable elements which are related to each other. Even if each of the known link to other elements possible to predict or produce. And the inevitable historical philosophers are divided into two parts: first, ensure the absolute historical inevitability, which means that all of history there, spoke as the laws of history will occur beyond the control of human beings, and to separate the human and emotional, not an active and influential and that human freedom does not exist. The second says that history is obtained in accordance with the laws of history, not against them, can not violate them. But these laws do not make any historical event before he inevitably inevitable, but if there are humanitarian force capable of achieving.
The idea was launched by the Marxist belief in historical materialism, and this material are history, all its changes and developments in the law of historical inevitability of conflict contradictions in the things, which in motion towards the development of production in the relations of production that govern all things, and thus make the revolution Change a necessity dictated by the things in the objective conditions required by the conflict, says a Marxist theorists: The revolution in historical material is a necessary component of class conflict when this dispute shall perforce to a political struggle aimed at seizing the machinery of government to disarm vanguard of the dominant Society means the body harnesses for their own purposes
We ask in books and articles Professor Mohammed Hassanein Heikal historical determinism and faith evident in his book highlights a new visit to the date where he says in the introduction to the book (It is true that history repeats itself to the different conditions of the people, nations and conditions, but is not it true that there are laws of history. And that these laws work If its elements and agents gathered called such provisions?!
"The Karl Marx" was drafted on the right while making his famous: "The history does not repeat itself, if it did the first time in the great tragedy, the second time in the comedy funny," but it is also right to distinguish between the return of the last impossible and the laws History is real
How we find say in the introduction to his book and armies as well as al-Explode conflict in Palestine (United large live to remember, or rather they remember to live because death is forgotten or so degrees, while the memory state of alert and vigilance of the return of awareness may be a prelude to "may turn to faith And then act to do if he could arrange for an appointment with the same mind and will close on or effective as long as the Zionist project across the century: half lived with promise and the other half with a promise) note through the paragraph that Mohamed Hassanien structure does not make it The inevitable historical reason for inaction and inertia and autism and justify failure Abjectness but Idjaly to browse and read history impetus to the advancement and innovation, not to repeat mistakes makes him a safety valve in the future, where he says elsewhere in the same book (I think this was always to look back not with the past behind, but Is the need for traffic safety as much as they do any car driver wants the same safety
It is out of the way they want it fast. It appears from the window of his car on what the offer extended to the eyes but also and at the same time surrounded by mirrors reflecting back and sideways at the site of its outstanding demands, a view not to lose sight of the way before his eyes, but at the same time mirrors behind to overcome stages of the road
And without a window in front overlooking what is coming and without notes, reflecting mirrors Mavat Vgn drive into the risk of travel) and find the chapters of a new book, visit a reflection of the history of this idea strictly as this book, published in 1977 and then re-released in 1997 without Izafp change in a vivid example of reading history, where after ten years of re-deployment and control in 2007 coincided with a proposal for the Arab States knew the Arab peace initiative, which dates back to the page of the book exactly the final chapter, which speaks to the perceptions of the Israeli peace among which is that Israel Is not ready to give up on the ground, Jerusalem is outside any discussion and the West Bank are either for the full annexation of some parts or without consolidation of absolute control for other parts of the same for the Golan Heights, also found that says Israel is not ready to accept an independent Palestinian state on any part of the land Palestine and the greatest possible access is politically in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is a kind of self-management and there is no reason why the full annexation to Israel's desire to retain the purity of the Jewish State of Israel on the one hand and the difficulty of unloading the West Bank and Gaza Strip from the early inhabitants on the other, simply because A quick reading of these perceptions and other Kaltvouk permanent Israeli military can judge the Arab initiative, as will be any peace process failed on this road will not bring any result and the reality today is truly the analysis over thirty years and in the whole book is almost devoid of readings with the The reality today is confirmed by the evidence
Mohamed Hassanien as we read the historic structure in the wars Iqdamaa across the Arab Al-Jazeera in its structure, which could call it a new visit to the date Mrpokry developed for trying to find indications since the events and link them Balhazer an attempt to establish a vision of security for our nation, Fumi also added some of the factors that help Understand the new changes Ttra in every age, where he says the first link in the war Allsopps (I was constantly say that the geography and history are critical elements in making history but .. States are constants in the making of history in the making major events, but the variables, the first variable Is the realization of the true natures of the times that are here do not change geographically situated in the accumulation of history, can not play it because it has effects and true to its continuing but the past which can not be manipulated has its role in the accounts and become a recognized. Remain two variables In two constants in the two variables, the first element is the nature of the variables and the mood of any era of history, natural conditions prevailing in the era influence the decision makers, geography, history, but the constants in the first variables like what I say, the mood of the times long time, because What remains one of the Cold War era, for example, between two great this climate, what is acting under private superpower alone this climate of another, to be acting in an era when the spread position of power and stretched like the next era will see which areas open era toxicity This is also some of the area, but the international climate and changing times internationally. Violin, of course, affect the quality of weapons in the resolution)
This was an attempt to read the concept of historical inevitability in the mind of Mohamed Hassanein Heikal