Fascists All the Way Down


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Fascists All the Way Down

Meet historical fascism’s true heirs.

4 Nov 2024 ~~ By Bruce Thornton

In the famous anecdote usually attributed to Bertrand Russell, a scientist lecturing on the earth’s position in the solar system is corrected by an old lady who says the earth is actually supported by a giant turtle. When the scientist asked what supports the turtle, she triumphally answered, “It’s turtles all the way down!”
Since the Twenties and the rise of Italian Fascism and German Nazism––which eventually become the main referent of the word––the term has become an all-purpose question-begging epithet so promiscuously abused in the Thirties that, as George Orwell said in 1944, “The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies something not desirable.”
In reality, as Jonah Goldberg explained in his 2008 book Liberal Fascism, fascism is a phenomenon of the left, not the right––an “inconvenient truth,” Goldberg writes, “if ever there was one.” This confusion about fascism’s origins is furthered by the misleading Manichean contrast the left makes between fascism and communism, a consequence of Hitler’s 1941 invasion of Soviet Russia, his erstwhile ally, that ended the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement of 1939.
In fact, as Goldberg shows, “they are closely related, historical competitors for the same constituents, seeking to control and dominate the same social space,” a space opened up by secularism and the decline of Christianity, which both ideologies denigrated and dismissed; and by Enlightenment scientism that promoted the technocratic management of society, the economy, and government, and promised to create a material earthly paradise. Moreover, both shared, along with American progressivism, the belief that “the era of liberal democracy was drawing to a close,” that it was time to abandon “the anachronisms of natural law, traditional religion, constitutional liberty, capitalism and the like: God was long dead, and it was long overdue for men to take His place.”
As Goldberg goes on to document, historical fascism indeed had much in common with American progressivism, and their shared notions that political, social, and economic “experiments” conducted by rational technocrats––“experts” liberated from traditional religions superstitions, dogmas, and customs––could correct the injustices and inefficiencies created by laissez-faire capitalism and rampant individualism. Then the utopia of “equity” and “social justice,” as our “woke” progressives put it, would blossom.
Thus, today we see big corporations and social media firms eagerly embracing the “woke” Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity nostrums, making themselves into what Goldberg calls “government by proxy.” We saw this during the Biden administration when social media colluding with the Executive branch and security agencies in order to abrogate the First Amendment rights of anyone challenging or criticizing government policies.
These, of course, are carried out in the name of the same utopian promises made by the bloodiest tyrannies of the 20th century, yet continue to comprise the policies of progressive Democrats down to the Biden administration–– and Kamala Harris’ proposed policies to tax, print, borrow, and redistribute trillions of dollars to political clients, as well as expanding the intrusive regulatory state and its scores of entitlement programs, many of which, like Social Security and Medicare, are dangerously close to bankruptcy.
Finally, the choice in this election is not between cartoon “fascists,” but historical fascism’s true heirs, who for a century have been assaulting the Constitution to dismantle its guardrails that protect our unalienable rights and freedom to manage our lives according to our own lights, rather than submitting to tyranny.

Thornton has created an interesting treatise making the obvious connection between Socialism, Fascism, Communism and Nazi-ism, you don’t need to read much more than the name of the Nazi party: National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Was there ever a non-authoritarian socialist workers’ party?
This piece answers the question , if Democrats aren’t nationalists , what are they ?
As much as I don't agree with Jonah Goldberg, in this case he makes good and logical reasoning.
As I've posted in earlier Op-Eds, Fascist, Socialism, Nazi-ism, Communism, and Democrats are two wings and a tail of the same buzzard.
”Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between Communism and the Hitler faith is very slight.” Written and uttered by Joseph Goebbels
“Controversial problems [between Germany and Russia] did not, in my opinion, exist anywhere along the line from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea and to the Far East. In addition, despite all the divergencies in their views of life, there was one thing common to the ideology of Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union: opposition to the capitalist democracies in the West.”—Julius Schnurre, Nazi trade representative to Russia.
Historically, Communists never use the term “Nazi”, they always called them “Fascists”, because they didn’t want people to make the connection that they were fellow Socialists.
It should be noted that the Communists have never changed their position. It is the Democrat Party that has moved into the Communist camp.
The prime example is the creation of "Democrats for Socualist America", originally funded by the CPUSA. The Political list of active and former members is long.
Unlike the secretive card carrying Communists of the 1930's and 40's.

List of Democratic Socialists of America public officeholders

None of the illiberal, lockstep democrats in this forum have the foggiest idea what ANY political terms mean.
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