Hillary pushes Manmade Climate Change hoax yet again... and even brings in AlGore!


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
In a speech today, Hillary Clinton decided to bring up the old "Global Climate Change" hoax again, insisting that government must "do something" about it. Though the liberals have still never found the slightest proof that man has ANY effect on climate change, she kept droning on as though such proof existed.

She even brought in climate snake-oil salesman Al Gore, who showed his age as he blithely asserted that we now CAN change the climate and "do something" about it. Similarly, Gore cited no proof, but just relied on his followers to take his word for it. Applause and enthusiasm were tepid at best from the fairly small audience.

Though liberals have had more than 40 years to find some proof of these fibs, they have been unable to find any... a fact that tell the story grimly for the liberals' favorite government takeover fable. But that doesn't prevent them from presenting their wishful thinking as "fact".

The truth is that though the climate has been changing for millions of years (and then changing back), man has never had anything to do with it, and is unable to do anything about it now.

But the desperate liberals keep pushing the lie that man CAN do something about it... and carefully cite no proof at all, while asking people for massive government powers (and money) to do.... something.

Some things never change.

Did Al Gore leave in his gas guzzling SUV to board his private jet?
Did the aftermath look like this?
Did you notice Al is still whining about the 2,000 election again? That guy is pathetic. Also, it was a little ironic to hear Mrs. Clinton talking about climate change putting national security at risk after sending classified material over unsecured servers to people without security clearances.
It was like something right out of the 1990s. Hillary is dredging up every loonytune from the old days that she can find.

Old Algore even announced flatly that we have the capability to "fix" what's "wrong" with the climate.

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