Hillary in 2016

American's want to hear about jobs and fixing the economy.

The Democrats at least 'act' like they have a workable plan.

But the Republican's are fixated on "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi".

News Flash Republicans: people could care less about freakin Benghazi when they are worried about making their next house and car payment.

True story.......... :cool:

America asks Republicans...

What are you going to do about the economy? They reply, Kill Obamacare
What about jobs? kill Obamacare
What is your Healthcare plan? Kill Obamacare

all of those things would help the economy and create jobs.
She's not getting the nomination

If she wants it, it's hers. She's an amazing fundraiser and along with Bill, nobody can touch her moneterily. Let's hope her campaign manager and advisors are chosen with a little more thought this time.

please dems, please run Hillary. She is your Bob Dole and John McCain. Please run her, its her turn :eusa_whistle:
American's want to hear about jobs and fixing the economy.

The Democrats at least 'act' like they have a workable plan.

But the Republican's are fixated on "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi".

News Flash Republicans: people could care less about freakin Benghazi when they are worried about making their next house and car payment.

True story.......... :cool:

very true, unemployment has not gone down under obama, there are more in poverty and more on food stamps than when he took over. obamacare is destroying full time jobs and pricing people out of the insurance market.

the dems are lying to you, they don't care about your job, they just want to control your life so that THEY can get richer.

Benghazi is about corruption, lying, and incompetence that cost 4 americans their lives. you may not care about it, but a lot of americans do.
Benghazi is ancient history to the majority of American's and really doesn't affect their lives in the least.

And won't mean squat when people are casting their votes in 2016. . :cool:

maybe, but the country is still entitled to the truth about what happened and who was responsible.
American's want to hear about jobs and fixing the economy.

The Democrats at least 'act' like they have a workable plan.

But the Republican's are fixated on "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi".

News Flash Republicans: people could care less about freakin Benghazi when they are worried about making their next house and car payment.

True story.......... :cool:

very true, unemployment has not gone down under obama, there are more in poverty and more on food stamps than when he took over. obamacare is destroying full time jobs and pricing people out of the insurance market.

the dems are lying to you, they don't care about your job, they just want to control your life so that THEY can get richer.

Benghazi is about corruption, lying, and incompetence that cost 4 americans their lives. you may not care about it, but a lot of americans do.
Benghazi is ancient history to the majority of American's and really doesn't affect their lives in the least.

And won't mean squat when people are casting their votes in 2016. . :cool:

Americans saw 3000 Americans killed in a terrorist attack on 9-11 and 4 killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi

Outside of FoxNation....nobody is that outraged
We will run Christie so we do not have to be concerned about who the Dems run.
very true, unemployment has not gone down under obama, there are more in poverty and more on food stamps than when he took over. obamacare is destroying full time jobs and pricing people out of the insurance market.

the dems are lying to you, they don't care about your job, they just want to control your life so that THEY can get richer.

Benghazi is about corruption, lying, and incompetence that cost 4 americans their lives. you may not care about it, but a lot of americans do.
Benghazi is ancient history to the majority of American's and really doesn't affect their lives in the least.

And won't mean squat when people are casting their votes in 2016. . :cool:

Americans saw 3000 Americans killed in a terrorist attack on 9-11 and 4 killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi

Outside of FoxNation....nobody is that outraged

And you served where?
American's want to hear about jobs and fixing the economy.

The Democrats at least 'act' like they have a workable plan.

But the Republican's are fixated on "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi".

News Flash Republicans: people could care less about freakin Benghazi when they are worried about making their next house and car payment.

True story.......... :cool:

America asks Republicans...

What are you going to do about the economy? They reply, Kill Obamacare
What about jobs? kill Obamacare
What is your Healthcare plan? Kill Obamacare

all of those things would help the economy and create jobs.

LOL....Go with that
very true, unemployment has not gone down under obama, there are more in poverty and more on food stamps than when he took over. obamacare is destroying full time jobs and pricing people out of the insurance market.

the dems are lying to you, they don't care about your job, they just want to control your life so that THEY can get richer.

Benghazi is about corruption, lying, and incompetence that cost 4 americans their lives. you may not care about it, but a lot of americans do.
Benghazi is ancient history to the majority of American's and really doesn't affect their lives in the least.

And won't mean squat when people are casting their votes in 2016. . :cool:

Americans saw 3000 Americans killed in a terrorist attack on 9-11 and 4 killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi

Outside of FoxNation....nobody is that outraged

They should be, they could be next. Watch out RW, there is an IRS agent looking over your bathroom door. You used too many sheets of TP and will have to pay a fine.

you silly libtardian assholes have no idea what you are advocating for.
very true, unemployment has not gone down under obama, there are more in poverty and more on food stamps than when he took over. obamacare is destroying full time jobs and pricing people out of the insurance market.

the dems are lying to you, they don't care about your job, they just want to control your life so that THEY can get richer.

Benghazi is about corruption, lying, and incompetence that cost 4 americans their lives. you may not care about it, but a lot of americans do.
Benghazi is ancient history to the majority of American's and really doesn't affect their lives in the least.

And won't mean squat when people are casting their votes in 2016. . :cool:

maybe, but the country is still entitled to the truth about what happened and who was responsible.
Seriously, do you think the 'truth' will ever come out or be known??

In the end it will be all cover-up and lies from both sides.

Time to move on my fellow Republicans and address the real issues voters are concerned about.......jobs, economy, immigration, healthcare, infrastructure, etc. . :cool:
Benghazi is ancient history to the majority of American's and really doesn't affect their lives in the least.

And won't mean squat when people are casting their votes in 2016. . :cool:

maybe, but the country is still entitled to the truth about what happened and who was responsible.
Seriously, do you think the 'truth' will ever come out or be known??

In the end it will be all cover-up and lies from both sides.

Time to move on my fellow Republicans and address the real issues voters are concerned about.......jobs, economy, immigration, healthcare, infrastructure, etc. . :cool:

corruption and treason should never be swept under the rug. NEVER. Ignoring it condones it and it will increase.
maybe, but the country is still entitled to the truth about what happened and who was responsible.
Seriously, do you think the 'truth' will ever come out or be known??

In the end it will be all cover-up and lies from both sides.

Time to move on my fellow Republicans and address the real issues voters are concerned about.......jobs, economy, immigration, healthcare, infrastructure, etc. . :cool:

corruption and treason should never be swept under the rug. NEVER. Ignoring it condones it and it will increase.
Good Luck......... :cool:
they would have no part of your welfare state.

Speaking of welfare state.

The GOP used the "Southern Strategy" to exploit white backlash over the Civil Rights bill so as break up the New Deal coalition and recapture the South. The strategy started with Goldwater, who picked up key southern states, but came to fruition with Reagan.

A key component of the Southern Strategy was to agitate poor working class whites over welfare going to blacks. This welfare message has developed into an industry for Republican politics, but it has been largely bled of racial overtones.

The Right gets the working poor and middle class to fixate on food stamps while their donor class quietly ships jobs to China, and loots the treasury by converting Washington into a subsidy and bailout machine. It's classic Trotskyite distraction, complete with a never ending stream of propaganda, like the OPs plagiarized chain email which is merely an attempt to influence low information voters with out-of-context garbage.

Hillary Clinton is not a Marxist. Given her legislation in the senate, and the many private businesses she helped in NYS, her tax philosophy is closer to Keynes (who believed in markets and private property) than Marx (who did not).

FYI: Hillary supported Bill Clinton's chief economic advisor, Richard Rubin, whose intellectual hero was Milton Friedman. The Clintons fucked Labor Unions with NAFTA, which allowed GOP-friendly businesses to shed the expensive American wage system for cheaper foreign labor markets. Walmart, the biggest retail supporter of the GOP, has created a fortune by using ultra cheap foreign labor. Don't take my word for it, go into Walmart and read some clothing labels.

The fact remains, Clinton's past is littered with pro-business/anti labor stuff. She merely supports a tax rate that is 4pts higher on 250K+ than the GOP (and 50 pts lower than Eisenhower). So when you cut & paste out of context sentences, rather than say giving us a profile of her voting record, it makes you look like someone who has never studied an actual policy.

So let me ask. Have you done an exhaustive analysis of the policies Clinton has supported, or do you just circulate talking points on behalf of dear leader?

For my part, I think Clinton is worse than your silly little hit-job. She is a Wall Street lackey who has consistently supported big money over Labor. She is Republican Lite.
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McCain and Romney did play it too nicey nice. They needed to tell the radical right of the party to go fuck themselves

To be accurate, they should have told the "lying left" what all they were guilty of. Benghazi, non-transparency, constant lies in the last election for sure. Anyone that voted for Obama should be ashamed!:mad:

Romney played the Benghazi card three times and got his head handed to him

What makes you think it will work against Hillary?

Romney did not play it hard in the last debate! He should have reamed Obama with it!
To be accurate, they should have told the "lying left" what all they were guilty of. Benghazi, non-transparency, constant lies in the last election for sure. Anyone that voted for Obama should be ashamed!:mad:

Romney played the Benghazi card three times and got his head handed to him

What makes you think it will work against Hillary?

Romney did not play it hard in the last debate! He should have reamed Obama with it!

If at first you don't succeed.......try, try again
If we double down on the TeaPs' game, our GOP will lose 60 to 40, at least.

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