Liberalism, Poverty, and Babies


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The basic family values endorsed by conservatives begin with waiting until marriage to have children. birth marks the different between classes, between the well off and the poor.

Care to see a Liberal view of the situation?

1. "....The New York Times ran a story under the provocative headline, “For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside of Marriage.” The article suggested childbearing outside of marriage was the “new normal”—

[ According to the U.S. Census, the poverty rate for single parents with children in the United States in 2009 was 37.1 percent. The rate for married couples with children was 6.8 percent. Being raised in a married family reduced a child’s probability of living in poverty by about 82 percent. ]American FactFinder - Results *

2. .... but sociologist Kathryn Edin ... professor of public policy and management at Harvard Kennedy School and a prominent scholar of the American family.... points out that 94 percent of births to college-educated women today occur within marriage (a rate virtually unchanged from a generation ago), whereas the real change has taken place at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.

3. In 1960 it didn’t matter whether you were rich or poor, college-educated or a high-school dropout—almost all American women waited until they were married to have kids. Now 57 percent of women with high-school degrees or less education are unmarried when they bear their first child.

[ June of 1962 Port Huron was an early convention of SDS, a small group of alienated, left-wing college students, 59 from 11 campuses. Its offshoot and legitimate heir, the Weathermen, organized the Days of Rage riots in Chicago. Seems a lot of the 'rage' was against values.]

4. ... conservative political scientist Charles Murray ’65 advances in his recent book 'Coming Apart' that poor Americans value marriage less than the middle class does.

[Seems obvious, no?]

5. Edin argues that the poor place tremendous value on marriage—but often see it as unobtainable. “The poor all say they want marriages like middle-class people have, marriages that will last,” Edin says. “Middle-class people are searching longer for their partners, they’re marrying people more like themselves, and as a result marriages have gotten happier and more stable.”

[Really? Lower economic classes place tremendous value on marriage? Really?]

6. [Edin] cites a range of obstacles that prevent the poor from realizing their marital aspirations, including the low quality of many of their existing relationships; norms they hold about the standard of living necessary to support a marriage; the challenges of integrating kids from past relationships into new ones; and an aversion to divorce.

[Does this seem to be a series of excuses? What standard of living is necessary to marry?]

7. But ... they continue to see bearing and raising children as the most meaningful activity in their lives. ... given their bleak economic prospects and minimal hope of upward mobility, being a parent is one of the few positive identities available to them. Middle-class women have substantial economic incentives to delay childbearing (a woman who gives birth right after college earns half as much in her lifetime as the classmate who waits until her mid thirties), but those incentives don’t exist for poor women.

[But their 'bleak economic prospects begin with having children out of wedlock. And those 'middle-class women....somehow they have incentives??]

8. “Early childbearing is highly selective of girls whose characteristics—family background, cognitive ability, school performance, mental-health status, and so on—have already diminished their life chances so much that an early birth does little to reduce them further.”

[So, what the heck, continue down the path of responsibility, no recriminations....]

9. .... 15-year-old André, who rejoiced to learn his ex-girlfriend was pregnant.... “He was embracing life and rejecting death,” she explains. “He could have been out there dealing drugs but instead he’s diapering his baby and learning how to twist her hair.

[Heart-warming tale....I wonder if the child will see it that way.]

10. The only way disadvantaged Americans will delay childbearing, she argues, is if they see other, equally positive, paths available. “There’s either guns or babies, and if people have to make that choice, they’re going to choose babies,” she says. “As long as we sustain such high rates of inequality, it’s going to be really hard to get youth at the bottom to buy into a system that’s unavailable to them. "

[Liberalism's answer: No darn way out in America: it's either 'guns or babies.']
Kathryn Edin explains the increase in births out of wedlock | Harvard Magazine Jul-Aug 2012

Gee...I don't about if Liberal elites stopped finding excuses for why bad choices are their 'only' choices.
Sound like a plan?

" I tell you what affirmative action is, soft bigotry, low expectations. Affirmative action is a racist insult disguised as social justice by the Democrats." The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations - The Rush Limbaugh Show
If the person is responsible, provides a good home to the child and is not asking for public support, I don't see a problem with single parent households.
"The quickest and shortest way to the Poverty Line is through the divorce court"

Find a female lawyer whose specialty is divorce cases and you'll likely find a Lezzie. Lookin for diamonds in the rough, mebbe.
well, if you want to lower the rate of poverty - stop incentivizing the poor to have babies from teenage years - cut the welfare for the single mothers to 3-5 years with an obligation to finish school and/or acquire skills and find work and limit help to 2 kids only.
You will be amazed how educated in birth control and abstinence the poor immediately will become.
Democrats need a permanent underclass even if they have to replace government as the male head of household. Think of it, the Mom becomes a dependent Democrat and her child will have lived a life of government dependency. It's a Win-win for the Democrat Party
What's your plan to make things better?

Turn off the free money. Tell girls they are on their own if they get knocked up so they better think about who they are opening their legs for because that's the guy who will have to pay for their baby so choose wisely.

Revamp the divorce and child support laws. Getting a divorce shouldn't be akin to winning the lottery these days. If one partner wants to walk out of the marriage, fine, but it should mean the other half losing half his shit in the process from that point forward. Stop allowing parents to use the kids as pawns in support cases or demanding a father pay ludicrous amounts of child support but never allow the father to have any contact with the kids.
8. “Early childbearing is highly selective of girls whose characteristics—family background, cognitive ability, school performance, mental-health status, and so on—have already diminished their life chances so much that an early birth does little to reduce them further.”

well, duh, it has been known for decades now - if your daughter is not smart enough to study - she will have to get married early and settle in family life - nothing wrong with that - as long as it is a normal family, not an out-of-the-wedlock uterine workshop.
People are NOT equal in their abilities therefore they will not be equal in their earnings.
If the person is responsible, provides a good home to the child and is not asking for public support, I don't see a problem with single parent households.

In that case you require a remedial.
Comin' right up:

1. “The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”.
C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

2. “After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.”
Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31

3. 63% of all youth suicides,
70% of all teen pregnancies,
71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
80% of all prison inmates, and
90% of all homeless and runaway children came from single mother homes.
Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)

4. Children brought up in single mother homes are:
5 times more likely to commit suicide,
9 times more likely to drop out of high school,
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances,
14 times more likely to commit rape,
20 times more likely to end up in prison,
32 times more likely to run away from home.
Chuck Eddy, “The Daddy Shady Show”, Village Voice, Dec. 31, 2002

5. 50% of single mothers are below the poverty line, their children are 6 times more likely to be in poverty than children with married parents.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live”, Tyndale House.

You can start with the above.....
What's your plan to make things better?

Turn off the free money. Tell girls they are on their own if they get knocked up so they better think about who they are opening their legs for because that's the guy who will have to pay for their baby so choose wisely.

Revamp the divorce and child support laws. Getting a divorce shouldn't be akin to winning the lottery these days. If one partner wants to walk out of the marriage, fine, but it should mean the other half losing half his shit in the process from that point forward. Stop allowing parents to use the kids as pawns in support cases or demanding a father pay ludicrous amounts of child support but never allow the father to have any contact with the kids.

If you turn off all the free money involved in having kids, that means not only all money that goes to the poor,

but also all money that goes to anyone else in the form of tax credits, deductions, exemptions etc., that people get by claiming their kids as dependents.
I am married and have 3 kids still that says to me this "expert" is full of shit.

you are a lazy leftard dumbfuck, so your marital status is irrelevant
None of the above actually. I am a National Socialist not a leftist moron. You obviously didn't read the stuff she posted.
I am married and have 3 kids still that says to me this "expert" is full of shit.

Maybe you should have held off on having kids until you could afford them.
Which would be never as things continue to get more expensive. I would rather be poor but make sure my blood line continues .
What's your plan to make things better?

Turn off the free money. Tell girls they are on their own if they get knocked up so they better think about who they are opening their legs for because that's the guy who will have to pay for their baby so choose wisely.

Revamp the divorce and child support laws. Getting a divorce shouldn't be akin to winning the lottery these days. If one partner wants to walk out of the marriage, fine, but it should mean the other half losing half his shit in the process from that point forward. Stop allowing parents to use the kids as pawns in support cases or demanding a father pay ludicrous amounts of child support but never allow the father to have any contact with the kids.

If you turn off all the free money involved in having kids, that means not only all money that goes to the poor,

but also all money that goes to anyone else in the form of tax credits, deductions, exemptions etc., that people get by claiming their kids as dependents.

Here's free money for having kids you can't afford /= we're letting you keep some of the money you earned.
discouraging single motherhood as the option should be done both economically- by cutting the incentives and with education - and that means not only dry facts, but all other parts of life involved - including the entertainment industry and celebrity figures - which are, actually, acting to the contrary and glamorizing single motherhood
What's your plan to make things better?

Turn off the free money. Tell girls they are on their own if they get knocked up so they better think about who they are opening their legs for because that's the guy who will have to pay for their baby so choose wisely.

Revamp the divorce and child support laws. Getting a divorce shouldn't be akin to winning the lottery these days. If one partner wants to walk out of the marriage, fine, but it should mean the other half losing half his shit in the process from that point forward. Stop allowing parents to use the kids as pawns in support cases or demanding a father pay ludicrous amounts of child support but never allow the father to have any contact with the kids.

If you turn off all the free money involved in having kids, that means not only all money that goes to the poor,

but also all money that goes to anyone else in the form of tax credits, deductions, exemptions etc., that people get by claiming their kids as dependents.

No, it does not. Leaving what the person earned and not robbing him/her from those earnings is not equal to giving somebody who did not earn anything a free handout.
you are a lazy leftard dumbfuck, so your marital status is irrelevant
None of the above actually. I am a National Socialist not a leftist moron. You obviously didn't read the stuff she posted.

national socialism is a leftist idiocy :D
According to you. Nationalism is a rightist ideology...Socialism when its just socialism is leftist National Socialism is neither. Its a 3rd position.

Maybe you should have held off on having kids until you could afford them.
Which would be never as things continue to get more expensive. I would rather be poor but make sure my blood line continues .

And you bring what to the table?
I don't need to bring anything to the table. I have 3 white kids who will make sure our bloodline and race continue to live on. That's enough for me.

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