Hillary in 2016

its not surprising fish
she is farther left than obama. THAT is fuckin scarey
what is even scarier is that if she gets the nom, she will win. partisan politics sucks!
welcome to the NWO

I don't think she will get the nomination, way too much baggage for the DNC to try to cover up.

But if she does run, I look forward to the GOP ads showing her screaming like a drunk banshee and then doing her fake black accent. "ah ain't no ways tarred"

what a terrible person she is.

See, you guys just don't get it. You really think what you just suggested would work against her? Are you nuts? It would backfire and fail miserably. Honestly, I only see two Republicans with any chance at all, one being Christie. The other is Thune who likely will not run. He is the only one I actually have any respect for even though I pretty much disagree with him on most issues. The good thing about him is that he's not a hypocrite and he actually walks the walk unlike the rest of the Republicans.

Bottom line is that it's going to be very difficult to defeat Hillary. It will be even more difficult if she picks the right running mate.
If Hillary runs in 2016, and the GOP continues on it's present path, she will win. The present GOP is out there in the La-La land of the far right wing, and will lose big time because of that unless the sane people within that party regain control.

same question for you, rocks. Do you support the ideas in her quotes? yes or no.

The sane ones are leaving the party in droves.
The context is clear. Do you support her socialist ideas or not? Or, as I suspect, are you nothing but a dem troll whose job is to post left wing bullshit 24/7/365?

As with most quotes from conservative nutjobs, context is critical. I know it plays with the radical right, but it doesn't play with me. Pick a single Hillary quote from above, provide full context and we can talk

Sounds fair doesn't it?

Nice dodge, but your refusal to respond to a legitimate question proves that you are nothing but a disengenuous troll.

But, one more chance. Do you agree with Hillary's political philosophy as expressed by her in these quotes and many others. Put these quotes in any context that you want, their meaning is clear. Everyone knows that she is a far left socialist. Are you in agreement with her?

Au contraire mon ami; by not putting any of those quotes in their full context, you are the troll.
Keep believing that, then be sure to reserve your spot in the mental institution. Even the DNC is not stupid enough to run her. She would be dem version of Dole and McCain---------"its her turn, we have to run her" LOLOLOLOLOL bring it on. :lol:

We fully intend to run her

We can also fully expect Republicans to form their circular firing squad and lose big again

Please, please run her. I cannot wait for the ad showing her doing her fake black accent in that black church "ah aint no way tarred" what a fricken moron. "what difference does it make" that I allowed 4 americans to be killed?

You really are clueless when it comes to campaigning, aren't you? You better hope she doesn't pick the person I think she's going to pick for her running mate. If she does, it will almost be impossible for any Republican candidate to beat her.
Do you believe that a majority of the country wants to live under socialism? Isn't the obamacare fiasco enough to convince them that socialism always fails? are the american voters that stupid?

no its not. this country's partisan politics is a HUGE part of our problem
they either dont understand it, they want it. dont care because she is a woman or dont care because she is a D. a FAR LEFT D

yes, I know. Its a very sad state of affairs. Obama is president BECAUSE he is half black, no other reason---black pride and white guilt and a biased media.

If Obama was white, he would have won the election by 10 million votes or more rather than 3.5 million. Republicans were running against a sitting Black president with an economy in shambles as you were telling us, and you lost. How could Romney have lost that election? Obama won the election on the ground. It was a part of campaigning that Republicans don't understand. They think they can just run ads on television trashing their opponent and that will win it for them. It should be a lesson learned, but you guys are so arrogant, you'll never get it.
what a terrible person she is.

i have a few other definitions for that ugly old hag:
dreadful, awful, appalling, horrific, horrifying, horrible, horrendous, atrocious, abominable, deplorable, egregious, abhorrent, frightful, shocking, hideous, ghastly, grim, dire, unspeakable, gruesome, monstrous, sickening, heinous, vile; serious, grave, acute; informalgodawful; formalgrievous, severe, extreme, intense, acute, excruciating, agonizing, unbearable, intolerable, unendurable, dreadful, awful, deplorable, atrocious, hopeless, worthless, useless, poor, pathetic, pitiful, lamentable, appalling, abysmal, lousy, brutal, painful, crappy, godawful, sick, queasy, poorly, unwell, nauseous, nauseated, peaked, green around the gills

in other words.., mine.., she is a used up old America hating fucking bitch who should be buried in her own filth and stench

Hopefully, these terms will all be used in ads against her during the campaign. Bashing her endlessly will certainly help your candidate become POTUS.
is that your attempt to evade the question once again? Do you agree with her socialist agenda or not? why can't you answer that simple question?

I will respond to a full quote

What are you afraid of?

I am asking about your personal political philosophy. Hillary's is well documented. Do you share her socialist ideas or not?

If you want to look up those quotes, go right ahead, I gave you the dates that she said them, it should be easy. But you really don't want to go there do you? Because they might force you to admit that you are a left wing loon just like hillary and obama.

Neither Obama nor Hillary are far left loons. They are a bit left, but so what? You nutjobs are so far right you're about to fall off the edge of the earth. Really far left would be someone like Elizabeth Warren, and even as far left as she is, she makes more sense than anyone on the far right.
typical generalization of people. and typical liberal attempt to divide us by sex, race, location, age, income, etc. the mantra of the liberals----divide and conquer. Sorry, but the american people are on to you.
Incorrect Poindexter.

I am a life time conservative Republican.

But until my party fields a strong Reagan type republican candidate.

We will be sucking hind tit in 2016 and beyond. .. :doubt:

Reagan was a strong conservative in philosophy only. In reality he was a pragmatist who governed from just right of center. Even when he cut tax rates for the wealthy, he insisted on keeping the capital gains rate the same as the income tax rate. Personally, I really liked Reagan and thought he was a very good president. Today's conservatives have doubled and tripled down on his ideas moving so much further right that they do not remotely resemble Ronald Reagan.
McCain and Romney played too nicey-nice! It's time to take it to them and tell the truth!

Hillary is a murdering, lying, rude, unpatriotic, commie POS!

McCain and Romney did play it too nicey nice. They needed to tell the radical right of the party to go fuck themselves

should the dems tell the radical left to go fuck themselves? have they? will they? No, the dems ARE the radical left.

This is the biggest problem with those on the far right. You are so far right that anyone in the Democratic Party is a far left wing communist to you. Of course to normal everyday Americans, the Democratic Party is fairly moderate with a few on the far left.
Threads like these give me hope. They remind me how hopelessly out of touch the far right cn be. Republicans are trotting out their Hillary 2008 Playbook in an attempt to smear Hillary. All it will do is make Hillary a victim

Hillary is beatable in 2016. She is old, tired and stale....much like McCain
If Republicans run a young, dynamic candidate who is a compassionate conservative that acts like an adult.....they can win

I'm more excited about her potential VP pick. While running mates don't normally do much positive or negative for a campaign, I believe that if she picks my choice for VP, it will be a game changer.
I will respond to a full quote

What are you afraid of?

I am asking about your personal political philosophy. Hillary's is well documented. Do you share her socialist ideas or not?

If you want to look up those quotes, go right ahead, I gave you the dates that she said them, it should be easy. But you really don't want to go there do you? Because they might force you to admit that you are a left wing loon just like hillary and obama.

Neither Obama nor Hillary are far left loons. They are a bit left, but so what? You nutjobs are so far right you're about to fall off the edge of the earth. Really far left would be someone like Elizabeth Warren, and even as far left as she is, she makes more sense than anyone on the far right.

Hillary and Obama are without a doubt extreme left wing.

Way too many Democrats believe a group of Americans that expect government to follow the Constitution, spend within their/our means, reduce the national debt, have government reduce regulations so business can compete in the world market and Americans can get back to work..Leftists like Obama, Hillary and You refer to them as nutjob extremists...
what a terrible person she is.

i have a few other definitions for that ugly old hag:
dreadful, awful, appalling, horrific, horrifying, horrible, horrendous, atrocious, abominable, deplorable, egregious, abhorrent, frightful, shocking, hideous, ghastly, grim, dire, unspeakable, gruesome, monstrous, sickening, heinous, vile; serious, grave, acute; informalgodawful; formalgrievous, severe, extreme, intense, acute, excruciating, agonizing, unbearable, intolerable, unendurable, dreadful, awful, deplorable, atrocious, hopeless, worthless, useless, poor, pathetic, pitiful, lamentable, appalling, abysmal, lousy, brutal, painful, crappy, godawful, sick, queasy, poorly, unwell, nauseous, nauseated, peaked, green around the gills

in other words.., mine.., she is a used up old America hating fucking bitch who should be buried in her own filth and stench

Hopefully, these terms will all be used in ads against her during the campaign. Bashing her endlessly will certainly help your candidate become POTUS.

It worked for obama:eusa_whistle:
I will respond to a full quote

What are you afraid of?

I am asking about your personal political philosophy. Hillary's is well documented. Do you share her socialist ideas or not?

If you want to look up those quotes, go right ahead, I gave you the dates that she said them, it should be easy. But you really don't want to go there do you? Because they might force you to admit that you are a left wing loon just like hillary and obama.

Neither Obama nor Hillary are far left loons. They are a bit left, but so what? You nutjobs are so far right you're about to fall off the edge of the earth. Really far left would be someone like Elizabeth Warren, and even as far left as she is, she makes more sense than anyone on the far right.

Lets just put it this way, they are too far left for this country. Liberalism always fails---always.

Detroit is the perfect example------ruled for years by unions and liberals, now a trash heap that cannot pay its bills.
Threads like these give me hope. They remind me how hopelessly out of touch the far right cn be. Republicans are trotting out their Hillary 2008 Playbook in an attempt to smear Hillary. All it will do is make Hillary a victim

Hillary is beatable in 2016. She is old, tired and stale....much like McCain
If Republicans run a young, dynamic candidate who is a compassionate conservative that acts like an adult.....they can win

I'm more excited about her potential VP pick. While running mates don't normally do much positive or negative for a campaign, I believe that if she picks my choice for VP, it will be a game changer.

yeah, me too. Hillary and Whoopi---what a ticket:lol:

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