Hillary embracing KKK leader Robert Byrd. Where is the media on this?


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Apparently Donald Trump is a white supremacist even though he's never had any affiliation with such groups. I guess this makes Hillary a white supremacist too. ;)

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The late great Senator from West Virginia is spelled Byrd. His state loved him. He brought home the bacon. BTW, he renounced the KKK and apologized.

Since 1966 Bill Clinton interned, revered and honored James William Fulbert an Arkansas senator and mentor to Bill & Hillary Clinton to office in Arkansas and beyond. Clinton honored Fulbright in 2002 - close to half a century of documented admiration later with a presidential lifetime achievement - achievement of what? Fulbright's full political career was based on being a staunch klans member. Why is it not coming out the long-term father relationship the Clintons have had with Fulbright, or we playing politics as usual obeying by the clintons agenda? The OLD tricks of politics are not working. The clintons also lost several cases while in office from racial profiling of Hispanic drivers with Texas drivers tags to voter intimidation in Arkansas. Fulbright who made a career from being an open avid racist, segregationist, and attacker of the Civil Rights movement that also included women's rights instead of just snippets and sound bites. fulbright and the clintons are pictured throught an almost 50 year period of time together and not just a tired 2 min snippet or the same 1 picture. Fulbright was not a victim of his time - he was a loon support of injustice. How did the clintons know this animal for all those decades and not know he was an avid racist - everyone else did or are they so thick in the head they couldn't see that either-clinton is not very being very presidential.
Hillary Clinton praises racist Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood
Margaret Sanger was a racist.

She advocated eugenics. She supported the use of sterilization to rid the planet of the “unfit”.

Sanger admitted in her own autobiography that she was invited by the Klan to give them a speech.

Did I say one invite? Nope, according to Margaret Sanger she received a dozen invites by the KKK.

"Hillary embracing KKK leader Robert Bird, where is the media on this?"

One has to wonder if conservatives realize how desperate and stupid this sounds.
It's so odd...they don't believe in redemption but they want us to accept that the Con-federate traitors were forgiveable.
They don't believe in logic, truth, or the facts, either.
"Hillary embracing KKK leader Robert Bird, where is the media on this?"

One has to wonder if conservatives realize how desperate and stupid this sounds.
It's so odd...they don't believe in redemption but they want us to accept that the Con-federate traitors were forgiveable.
Oh redemption! When do Bill and Hillary start theirs?
"Hillary embracing KKK leader Robert Bird, where is the media on this?"

One has to wonder if conservatives realize how desperate and stupid this sounds.
It's so odd...they don't believe in redemption but they want us to accept that the Con-federate traitors were forgiveable.
Oh redemption! When do Bill and Hillary start theirs?

The Clintons are greedy, selfish, people who only care about power and money.
The late great Senator from West Virginia is spelled Byrd. His state loved him. He brought home the bacon. BTW, he renounced the KKK and apologized.

Well, he certainly wasn't going to get re-elected all those times on the KKK platform.

And great? Nay.

And spelling; dude you initially misspelled your screen name :lmao:
Hillary: UpClose" retired Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson says Hillary and Bill Clinton frequently mouthed racist, bigoted and other intolerant remarks.

During the six years Patterson guarded the Clintons, he said their deep-seated anti-Semitism became apparent in slurs they hurled at each other. Bill Clinton also frequently told Jewish jokes.

Patterson explains in "Hillary: UpClose" that during his tenure with the Clintons, the pair was in constant, heated arguments with one another behind closed doors.

As their conversations degenerated into arguments, Bill and Hillary would begin making demeaning remarks to each other.

Patterson said that during these verbal brawls "it was quite common" for both Bill and Hillary to refer to each other as "a Jew mother f-cker" or a "Jew Bastard."

Bill Clinton also liked ethnic humor. Patterson recalled that "a lot of jokes were made about the Jewish people."

The trooper had no explanation of why the Clintons made derogatory comments or jokes about Jews.

Clintons Made Racist, Anti-Semitic Remarks

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