Hey, how come Carney's not holding televised press briefings any more???


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"As surreal as it may sound, he technically works for you and me as an employee of the executive branch, not for Team Hopenchange. Why isn’t our press secretary out in front fielding questions about the day’s news? Could it be because … he ended up becoming the public face of the White House clusterfark over Benghazi? And now, after two more weeks of evidence about how negligent the State Department was in failing to protect Chris Stevens, the administration’s less inclined than ever to send him back out there in front of a camera?"

Literally everyone knew that Benghazi was dangerous, including State, and yet they were still willing to rotate out a security team in August because “their mission was simply over.” Seems like something the president’s mouthpiece might want to comment on. More from Jake Tapper:
Eric Nordstrom, the former Regional Security Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Libya, told congressional investigators looking into the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, that the State Department was eager for the American diplomatic presence in Libya to reduce its American security footprint and to rely more on locals, sources tell ABC News."

"Question: Who in this administration is willing to face the media anymore? Carney’s AWOL, Biden hasn’t done a national interview since May, and the Empty Chair these days contents himself with outlets like Nickelodeon. The only people you still see are Axelrod and Plouffe on Sunday morning, and all they want to talk about is Big Bird and the war on women, blah blah blah. Note to O: The media’s rooting for you. They’ll be nice-ish if you just say hi. All you need to do is explain why you left the U.S. ambassador to Libya woefully unprepared to cope with a terror attack that pretty much everyone saw coming."


Hey, how come Jay Carney’s not holding televised press briefings anymore? « Hot Air
"As surreal as it may sound, he technically works for you and me as an employee of the executive branch, not for Team Hopenchange. Why isn’t our press secretary out in front fielding questions about the day’s news? Could it be because … he ended up becoming the public face of the White House clusterfark over Benghazi? And now, after two more weeks of evidence about how negligent the State Department was in failing to protect Chris Stevens, the administration’s less inclined than ever to send him back out there in front of a camera?"

Literally everyone knew that Benghazi was dangerous, including State, and yet they were still willing to rotate out a security team in August because “their mission was simply over.” Seems like something the president’s mouthpiece might want to comment on. More from Jake Tapper:
Eric Nordstrom, the former Regional Security Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Libya, told congressional investigators looking into the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, that the State Department was eager for the American diplomatic presence in Libya to reduce its American security footprint and to rely more on locals, sources tell ABC News."

"Question: Who in this administration is willing to face the media anymore? Carney’s AWOL, Biden hasn’t done a national interview since May, and the Empty Chair these days contents himself with outlets like Nickelodeon. The only people you still see are Axelrod and Plouffe on Sunday morning, and all they want to talk about is Big Bird and the war on women, blah blah blah. Note to O: The media’s rooting for you. They’ll be nice-ish if you just say hi. All you need to do is explain why you left the U.S. ambassador to Libya woefully unprepared to cope with a terror attack that pretty much everyone saw coming."


Hey, how come Jay Carney’s not holding televised press briefings anymore? « Hot Air

They won't take questions that they can't or won't answer. It was fine when they thought they could get away with the fake story, but now that the truth is out, they run and hide. I saw a yahoo headline talking about how requested extra security was denied. I think this will turn people against Obama. When a president fails to protect our people and then lies about it, it's not exactly endearing.
Hey, how come Carney's not holding televised press briefings any more???

Maybe he's resting his back. Shovelling all that manure is hard work.

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