...this need be a stand-alone thread -- another ribbon for Sedition Hunters---


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Now this reportage has been briefly touched upon in other threads. Other threads that were focused on other topics. So this bloke is merely ancillary to them, but.......but deserves his own thread. As do the Sedition Hunters.

He is the Louisiana ex-soldier dishonorably discharged for shooting a handcuffed Iraqi prisoner in the back of the head. Served 3yrs in Army prison for it.

And then matriculated out of that to become a MAGA.
And to become a very much "WANTED" attacker that the FBI was seeking.

Well, Sedition Hunters found this J6 Jackass.

Here is this reportage:

From NBC: Online “sedition hunters” aided in identifying images of Richmond that were cited by the FBI. In its criminal complaint, the Justice Department said Richmond "wore a black helmet, goggles, shoulder pads, an orange two-way radio, and a Louisiana State Flag patch on his chest during the attack." The outfit led online sleuths to dub him "Buff Lightyear."

The man the FBI now identifies as the younger Richmond had been #182 on its Capitol Violence webpage, its "most wanted" list for Jan. 6 offenders. More than 1,200 people have been arrested in connection with Jan. 6 so far, and the Justice Department has secured about 900 convictions. Hundreds of additional Jan. 6 participants have
been identified by online sleuths but not arrested*


From Associated Press:
"During the Jan. 6 riot, body camera footage captured Richmond repeatedly assaulting police officers with a black baton in a tunnel on the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace, the FBI said. Police struggled for hours to stop the mob of Donald Trump supporters from entering the Capitol through the same tunnel entrance.


A witness helped the FBI identify Richmond as somebody who had traveled to Washington, D.C., with several other people to serve as a “security team” for the witness for rallies planned for Jan. 6, according to the agent’s affidavit."


Now, my beef with developments such as this is that this venue still has contributors who say the J6 attack was a normal tourist visit. That it didn't happen. That all of those who have been imprisoned.....should be realeased as they did nothing wrong.

But, todays reportage highlights that there WERE bad actors.....bad MAGA actors......who were major perpetrators of violence against the uniformed police who were just trying...per the oath they swore to.....just trying to protect our elected Representatives.

* More than three years later and some of these suspected criminals are still being pursued and when found, arrested, and arraigned. That is as it should be. All of us patriotic responsible Americans sincerely want those suspects---not yet arrested ----to be fretting every day that that big black SUV is gonna come rolling into their trailer park, or employer's lot......and make 'em do the televised 'perp walk'.

Now THAT......is making America great again.

Now this reportage has been briefly touched upon in other threads. Other threads that were focused on other topics. So this bloke is merely ancillary to them, but.......but deserves his own thread. As do the Sedition Hunters.

He is the Louisiana ex-soldier dishonorably discharged for shooting a handcuffed Iraqi prisoner in the back of the head. Served 3yrs in Army prison for it.

And then matriculated out of that to become a MAGA.
And to become a very much "WANTED" attacker that the FBI was seeking.

Well, Sedition Hunters found this J6 Jackass.

Here is this reportage:

From NBC: Online “sedition hunters” aided in identifying images of Richmond that were cited by the FBI. In its criminal complaint, the Justice Department said Richmond "wore a black helmet, goggles, shoulder pads, an orange two-way radio, and a Louisiana State Flag patch on his chest during the attack." The outfit led online sleuths to dub him "Buff Lightyear."

The man the FBI now identifies as the younger Richmond had been #182 on its Capitol Violence webpage, its "most wanted" list for Jan. 6 offenders. More than 1,200 people have been arrested in connection with Jan. 6 so far, and the Justice Department has secured about 900 convictions. Hundreds of additional Jan. 6 participants have
been identified by online sleuths but not arrested*


From Associated Press:
"During the Jan. 6 riot, body camera footage captured Richmond repeatedly assaulting police officers with a black baton in a tunnel on the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace, the FBI said. Police struggled for hours to stop the mob of Donald Trump supporters from entering the Capitol through the same tunnel entrance.
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A witness helped the FBI identify Richmond as somebody who had traveled to Washington, D.C., with several other people to serve as a “security team” for the witness for rallies planned for Jan. 6, according to the agent’s affidavit."


Now, my beef with developments such as this is that this venue still has contributors who say the J6 attack was a normal tourist visit. That it didn't happen. That all of those who have been imprisoned.....should be realeased as they did nothing wrong.

But, todays reportage highlights that there WERE bad actors.....bad MAGA actors......who were major perpetrators of violence against the uniformed police who were just trying...per the oath they swore to.....just trying to protect our elected Representatives.

* More than three years later and some of these suspected criminals are still being pursued and when found, arrested, and arraigned. That is as it should be. All of us patriotic responsible Americans sincerely want those suspects---not yet arrested ----to be fretting every day that that big black SUV is gonna come rolling into their trailer park, or employer's lot......and make 'em do the televised 'perp walk'.

Now THAT......is making America great again.

Already a thread on this; learn to use the search function.
Now this reportage has been briefly touched upon in other threads. Other threads that were focused on other topics. So this bloke is merely ancillary to them, but.......but deserves his own thread. As do the Sedition Hunters.

He is the Louisiana ex-soldier dishonorably discharged for shooting a handcuffed Iraqi prisoner in the back of the head. Served 3yrs in Army prison for it.

And then matriculated out of that to become a MAGA.
And to become a very much "WANTED" attacker that the FBI was seeking.

Well, Sedition Hunters found this J6 Jackass.

Here is this reportage:

From NBC: Online “sedition hunters” aided in identifying images of Richmond that were cited by the FBI. In its criminal complaint, the Justice Department said Richmond "wore a black helmet, goggles, shoulder pads, an orange two-way radio, and a Louisiana State Flag patch on his chest during the attack." The outfit led online sleuths to dub him "Buff Lightyear."

The man the FBI now identifies as the younger Richmond had been #182 on its Capitol Violence webpage, its "most wanted" list for Jan. 6 offenders. More than 1,200 people have been arrested in connection with Jan. 6 so far, and the Justice Department has secured about 900 convictions. Hundreds of additional Jan. 6 participants have
been identified by online sleuths but not arrested*


From Associated Press:
"During the Jan. 6 riot, body camera footage captured Richmond repeatedly assaulting police officers with a black baton in a tunnel on the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace, the FBI said. Police struggled for hours to stop the mob of Donald Trump supporters from entering the Capitol through the same tunnel entrance.
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View attachment 892270

A witness helped the FBI identify Richmond as somebody who had traveled to Washington, D.C., with several other people to serve as a “security team” for the witness for rallies planned for Jan. 6, according to the agent’s affidavit."


Now, my beef with developments such as this is that this venue still has contributors who say the J6 attack was a normal tourist visit. That it didn't happen. That all of those who have been imprisoned.....should be realeased as they did nothing wrong.

But, todays reportage highlights that there WERE bad actors.....bad MAGA actors......who were major perpetrators of violence against the uniformed police who were just trying...per the oath they swore to.....just trying to protect our elected Representatives.

* More than three years later and some of these suspected criminals are still being pursued and when found, arrested, and arraigned. That is as it should be. All of us patriotic responsible Americans sincerely want those suspects---not yet arrested ----to be fretting every day that that big black SUV is gonna come rolling into their trailer park, or employer's lot......and make 'em do the televised 'perp walk'.

Now THAT......is making America great again.

Whenever Chilliconcrappe has nothing to say, he becomes even more verbose.
Responding to poster MinTrut --- he is right there was a thread already about this J6 Jackass.

If a mod wishes to fold my thread into the first thread ( by poster OK) I'm cool with that.

I did like OK's thread as it has a really great picture of this MAGA-J6 Jackass.

This one:

Whenever (the OP) has nothing to say, he becomes even more verbose.

Again, as I've tried to reassure you previously poster BackAgn, it is never my intention to discombobulate your avatar, or your QAnon loyalties. Trust me. My posting ain't for you, and only about you when we attempt to comfort your unnecessary worry.

Be at peace here, poster, not that many posters and lurkers dis you or your avatar.



OK, now that you may feel more at ease, well, what do you think of that MAGA nutter that dresses up like a toy soldier and goes to Washington to beat the feces outta our uniformed police?

Are you OK with that kind of behavior?
Do you support J6 Jackasses like that knuckleheaded criminal?
Are your QAnon compatriots OK with that kind of violence against the Thin Blue Line?
Again, as I've tried to reassure you previously poster BackAgn, it is never my intention to discombobulate your avatar, or your QAnon loyalties. Trust me. My posting ain't for you, and only about you when we attempt to comfort your unnecessary worry.

Be at peace here, poster, not that many posters and lurkers dis you or your avatar.



OK, now that you may feel more at ease, well, what do you think of that MAGA nutter that dresses up like a toy soldier and goes to Washington to beat the feces outta our uniformed police?

Are you OK with that kind of behavior?
Do you support J6 Jackasses like that knuckleheaded criminal?
Are your QAnon compatriots OK with that kind of violence against the Thin Blue Line?
As in be tried to educate you, despite your imperviousness to being educated, you can’t educate anybody’s avatar.

You’re a moron. You bloviate. You’re a poseur. And you’re entirely ineffectual.
You’re a moron. You bloviate. You’re a poseur. And you’re entirely ineffectual.

Why all the anger in you, poster BAgain?
Why be so grievance filled?
You are sorta coming across as an ill-tempered sputtering Elmer Fudd.
Why be that way?
It's not a good luck for your avatar. Trust me.
Instead, try harder to be happy. K?

Why all the anger in you, poster BAgain?

Who said I’m angry, Poseur? You’re wrong most of the time. This is no exception. 😎
Why be so grievance filled?
More baseless ASSumptions by you, Poseur.
You are sorta coming across as an ill-tempered sputtering Elmer Fudd.
To you. But you don’t count. 👍
Why be that way?
Your assumptions rule you. 🤣
It's not a good luck for your avatar. Trust me.
My avatar’s look is static and has nothing to do with how I seem to a link little ke yiu.
Instead, try harder to be happy. K?

Suck my balls. K?
This story continues to perk along.
This was reported today:

"Prosecutors say the FBI discovered an assault rifle and 73 rounds of ammunition in a Jan. 6 defendant’s closet — even though he had been barred from owning firearms as a result of a 2005 conviction for shooting an Iraqi civilian in the head.

Justice Department officials pointed to the discovery Wednesday in a bid to immediately lock up the defendant, Louisiana resident Edward Richmond Jr., while he awaits trial on charges that he wielded a metal baton against police at the Capitol while donning tactical gear. They say Richmond is both dangerous to those around him and at risk of attempting to flee ahead of his criminal proceedings.

Richmond, was court-martialed and convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 2004 for shooting an unarmed, handcuffed Iraqi cowherd in the back of the head. He was sentenced to three years in military confinement for the crime. Prosecutors say that as a result of his conviction, Richmond was not permitted to own firearms — and that he’s likely to face federal charges for the AR-15 that FBI agents discovered in his closet.

“Richmond knows that a gun can irrevocably destroy lives. This did not deter him from possessing an assault weapon,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Victoria Sheets wrote in the filing seeking his pretrial detention. “He served multiple years in jail for shooting a man and was undoubtedly aware that … any future possession of firearms could send him back to jail. This did not deter him. He cannot be trusted to follow the law, and he cannot be trusted not to lash out again.”

"Prosecutors also say Richmond took steps to go “off the grid” after the FBI began pursuing him for Jan. 6 charges and that he maintains no active driver’s license or any utility bills in his name."
So you find one proven looney, and because he supports Trump, then that means everyone else that supports Trump is just like him? Is that what this thread is supposed to imply?

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