How Much More Proof Does Biden Need That Netanyahu Is Not A US Ally?

Everything Biden is doing in both Israel with his war rules and weapon hold up and Ukraine with his war rules for Ukraine to follow is only extending both conflicts.... creating more dead and injured in Gaza and Ukraine...
and of course his big donors are selling more bullets....
By failing to condemn the mullahs and support the students
So if Obama condemned Iran, the protestors would have magically been able to overthrow the government? I don’t think that’s realistic.
And by giving the Iran government billions of dollars thst it desperately needed at the time
When did that happen? What year? The green movement in Iran was from 2009 to 2010.
So they were enriching, like I said

You lied
There are different levels of enriching.
Just like there are different levels of speeding.
Iran was caught going 60, 70, even 80mph.
But they haven't gotten to 88mph, which is when the magic happens.
By failing to condemn the mullahs and support the students

And by giving the Iran government billions of dollars thst it desperately needed at the time
We didn't "give" Iran billions of dollars, we "returned" billions of dollars we had illegally embargoed.
There are different levels of enriching.
Just like there are different levels of speeding.
Iran was caught going 60, 70, even 80mph.
But they haven't gotten to 88mph, which is when the magic happens.
Yep they have been enriching, that’s what I said.
Perhaps he was a response to Obama in power at the time. As Iran became most favored Middle east nation for the Progs.
Everything Biden is doing in both Israel with his war rules and weapon hold up and Ukraine with his war rules for Ukraine to follow is only extending both conflicts.... creating more dead and injured in Gaza and Ukraine...
and of course his big donors are selling more bullets....
We could send nukes to the sides that don't have them, and get the war over with in a flash
So if Obama condemned Iran, the protestors would have magically been able to overthrow the government? I don’t think that’s realistic.

When did that happen? What year? The green movement in Iran was from 2009 to 2010.
The mullahs put the student protests down violently with obamas tacit approval

The money came later during the nuclear desl
Most Americans are on Israel’s side, not HAMAS.

If you actually read the op and came to that conclusion, you’re not intelligent enough to be in the conversation.

When the majority of ISRAEL doesn’t agree with you. You have some serious flaws in your position.
skrewey will disappear now....

WASHINGTON – Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk called on Congressional leadership to revoke its invitation for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress after he falsely alleged the Biden administration is halting arms sales.

"Israel is at war on four fronts: with Hamas in Gaza; with Houthis in Yemen; with Hezbollah in Lebanon; and with Iran overseeing the operations. What does Netanyahu do? Attack the United States based on a lie that he made up! The Speaker and Leader should withdraw his invitation to address Congress until he recants and apologizes," said Indyk, who also served as the former U.S. Middle East peace envoy.

You already lost this argument son.

And your hero Bibi is going to lose to.
We didn't "give" Iran billions of dollars, we "returned" billions of dollars we had illegally embargoed.
Any money returned to Iran happened years after the green movement.

The other poster suggested that Obama’s lack of full throated support somehow led to the failure of the green movement, which sounds stupid. I suspect they knew it sounded stupid and so threw in the money as an afterthought without wanting to acknowledge that money doesn’t travel back in time.

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