Here’s A Big Tell Democrats Believe The FBI Works For Them


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Here’s A Big Tell Democrats Believe The FBI Works For Them

Democrats want to defund police who enforce the law, and expand police forces that use law as a political weapon on Democrats’ behalf.
24 May 2023 ~~ By Joy Pullmann

Democrats are communicating loud and clear that they support law enforcement so long as it abuses police power to serve their political goals. They want to defund police who enforce the law, and expand police forces that use law as a political weapon on Democrats’ behalf.
One proof is that in last week’s hearing on FBI weaponization, support for the FBI was split exactly by political party. Democrats uniformly supported the FBI in face of evidence of gross and systemic abuse of power, while Republicans uniformly criticized it. This is a clear tell that Democrats consider the FBI to be working for them — a shocking and dangerous situation.

The last week has surfaced numerous new facts about serious ongoing and systemic FBI abuses of law enforcement powers. Special Counsel John Durham’s report showed that the FBI acted in a clearly partisan manner in multiple situations, including protecting the Hillary Clinton campaign while placing informants and electronic wiretaps on the Trump campaign based on fabricated evidence their agents didn’t check.
In Thursday’s hearing, the three whistleblowers detailed the FBI’s cruel retaliation against themselves and their families when they filed legally protected ethics complaints about: the FBI surveilling parents who complained about Democrats’ education policies at school board meetings; the FBI pursuing a SWAT-style raid against a cooperative man who attended the Jan. 6, 2021 rally; and the FBI inflating “domestic terrorism” cases to bolster Democrats’ false and horrifying claim that their political opponents are terrorists.
Don’t forget, either, that the only former president’s home the FBI has ever raided was a Republican’s, while FBI officials bent over backward to avoid touching even convincing evidence of criminal behavior related to Clinton, according to Durham’s documentation. The FBI’s recent record is clearly partisan, and that’s why its support is also now partisan.
This partisanship is not just typical politics. It’s over fundamental issues, not differing ways to get to the same goal. It’s also very dangerous to our country.
When federal law enforcement becomes the shock troops of only one political party, you don’t have the rule of law anymore. Law is only legitimate if it is equally applied to all. When members of one party or set of political beliefs are above the law and use the law not for justice but as a weapon against their political enemies, that’s what we call a police state.

Its been made made perfectly clear by Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray have created a Maoist/Marxist type police state within America under the direction of Biden's administration.
Never forget that it was the FBI who killed a woman armed only with an infant child at Ruby Ridge, Idaho and 32 women and 21 children at Waco, Texas.
The ultimate goal of defund the police is to nationalize police forces and take it out of local hands.
This is what Barack Obama planned during his 8 year tenure.
This is just standard Republican working-the-refs. They did it with the right-wing mainstream media to make it more right-wing. They're trying to do it now, in a much more whiny manner, with the right-wing FBI to make that more right-wing.

The FBI deliberatly put Trump into office in 2016. The FBI has always focused on hounding liberals and letting those on the right skate. Anyone possessing a 3-digit-IQ knows that the FBI aligns to the right. Claiming that the FBI is against Trump and conservatives is crazy person talk.
This is just standard Republican working-the-refs. They did it with the right-wing mainstream media to make it more right-wing. They're trying to do it now, in a much more whiny manner, with the right-wing FBI to make that more right-wing.

The FBI deliberatly put Trump into office in 2016. The FBI has always focused on hounding liberals and letting those on the right skate. Anyone possessing a 3-digit-IQ knows that the FBI aligns to the right. Claiming that the FBI is against Trump and conservatives is crazy person talk.
Yeah, James Comey really did with that Russian Collusion shit. Of course the bitch Hillary cut her own throat when she said that over 50 million people were a basket of deplorables, but no one really likes that sick bitch anyway...
It is telling that the Trump cult losers aren't even pretending that Trump can be defended on the evidence. They understand how guilty he is. That's why they're focusing on attacking the legal system.
Wow. None of the members on this forum get it.

The folks that are really in control? They don't give a damn about either party.

Are they using one party to destroy the other? Sure.

But in the end, THAT, is not the point here. This is the final step, and the most calamitous step.


Step 10, subvert the rule of law. The folks in control, can't close down the American Republic, until they subvert the rule of law.

If, the other party should regain control, the folks who control all the corporations, and BOTH parties, will not let this state of affairs be corrected, so long as you believe it is the parties that are the ones that are at fault, and not the folks that are controlling both the strings of the parties, and the strings of the establishment.

Claiming that the FBI is against Trump and conservatives is crazy person talk.

Actually, this is, at this point, a foregone conclusion. Only die hard partisans can deny it at this point.

. . . and yet? It was these same agencies, you are correct, that assaulted the left, from the 1950's through the 1990's.

One would have to be, yes, naive, to believe, that if the pendulum swung the other way, these agencies would stick their neck out for any particular party, they don't care. They only care about their own power, and protecting those who control the folks that control the entrenched power in BOTH parties.

They are responsible for so many terrible things. . . . If we listed them, your only counter argument would be. . . "conspiracy theory."

We have a uniparty. Most folks are too dumb to understand this.

Here’s A Big Tell Democrats Believe The FBI Works For Them

Democrats want to defund police who enforce the law, and expand police forces that use law as a political weapon on Democrats’ behalf.
24 May 2023 ~~ By Joy Pullmann

Democrats are communicating loud and clear that they support law enforcement so long as it abuses police power to serve their political goals. They want to defund police who enforce the law, and expand police forces that use law as a political weapon on Democrats’ behalf.
One proof is that in last week’s hearing on FBI weaponization, support for the FBI was split exactly by political party. Democrats uniformly supported the FBI in face of evidence of gross and systemic abuse of power, while Republicans uniformly criticized it. This is a clear tell that Democrats consider the FBI to be working for them — a shocking and dangerous situation.

The last week has surfaced numerous new facts about serious ongoing and systemic FBI abuses of law enforcement powers. Special Counsel John Durham’s report showed that the FBI acted in a clearly partisan manner in multiple situations, including protecting the Hillary Clinton campaign while placing informants and electronic wiretaps on the Trump campaign based on fabricated evidence their agents didn’t check.
In Thursday’s hearing, the three whistleblowers detailed the FBI’s cruel retaliation against themselves and their families when they filed legally protected ethics complaints about: the FBI surveilling parents who complained about Democrats’ education policies at school board meetings; the FBI pursuing a SWAT-style raid against a cooperative man who attended the Jan. 6, 2021 rally; and the FBI inflating “domestic terrorism” cases to bolster Democrats’ false and horrifying claim that their political opponents are terrorists.
Don’t forget, either, that the only former president’s home the FBI has ever raided was a Republican’s, while FBI officials bent over backward to avoid touching even convincing evidence of criminal behavior related to Clinton, according to Durham’s documentation. The FBI’s recent record is clearly partisan, and that’s why its support is also now partisan.
This partisanship is not just typical politics. It’s over fundamental issues, not differing ways to get to the same goal. It’s also very dangerous to our country.
When federal law enforcement becomes the shock troops of only one political party, you don’t have the rule of law anymore. Law is only legitimate if it is equally applied to all. When members of one party or set of political beliefs are above the law and use the law not for justice but as a weapon against their political enemies, that’s what we call a police state.

Its been made made perfectly clear by Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray have created a Maoist/Marxist type police state within America under the direction of Biden's administration.
Never forget that it was the FBI who killed a woman armed only with an infant child at Ruby Ridge, Idaho and 32 women and 21 children at Waco, Texas.
The ultimate goal of defund the police is to nationalize police forces and take it out of local hands.
This is what Barack Obama planned during his 8 year tenure.

Corruption within the FBI and the politicization of it dates at least as far back as Hoover.

It comes down to the age-old question, who will police the police that police us all? Whoever is top dog and has all the power will inevitably abuse it.

Here’s A Big Tell Democrats Believe The FBI Works For Them

Democrats want to defund police who enforce the law, and expand police forces that use law as a political weapon on Democrats’ behalf.
24 May 2023 ~~ By Joy Pullmann

Democrats are communicating loud and clear that they support law enforcement so long as it abuses police power to serve their political goals. They want to defund police who enforce the law, and expand police forces that use law as a political weapon on Democrats’ behalf.
One proof is that in last week’s hearing on FBI weaponization, support for the FBI was split exactly by political party. Democrats uniformly supported the FBI in face of evidence of gross and systemic abuse of power, while Republicans uniformly criticized it. This is a clear tell that Democrats consider the FBI to be working for them — a shocking and dangerous situation.

The last week has surfaced numerous new facts about serious ongoing and systemic FBI abuses of law enforcement powers. Special Counsel John Durham’s report showed that the FBI acted in a clearly partisan manner in multiple situations, including protecting the Hillary Clinton campaign while placing informants and electronic wiretaps on the Trump campaign based on fabricated evidence their agents didn’t check.
In Thursday’s hearing, the three whistleblowers detailed the FBI’s cruel retaliation against themselves and their families when they filed legally protected ethics complaints about: the FBI surveilling parents who complained about Democrats’ education policies at school board meetings; the FBI pursuing a SWAT-style raid against a cooperative man who attended the Jan. 6, 2021 rally; and the FBI inflating “domestic terrorism” cases to bolster Democrats’ false and horrifying claim that their political opponents are terrorists.
Don’t forget, either, that the only former president’s home the FBI has ever raided was a Republican’s, while FBI officials bent over backward to avoid touching even convincing evidence of criminal behavior related to Clinton, according to Durham’s documentation. The FBI’s recent record is clearly partisan, and that’s why its support is also now partisan.
This partisanship is not just typical politics. It’s over fundamental issues, not differing ways to get to the same goal. It’s also very dangerous to our country.
When federal law enforcement becomes the shock troops of only one political party, you don’t have the rule of law anymore. Law is only legitimate if it is equally applied to all. When members of one party or set of political beliefs are above the law and use the law not for justice but as a weapon against their political enemies, that’s what we call a police state.

Its been made made perfectly clear by Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray have created a Maoist/Marxist type police state within America under the direction of Biden's administration.
Never forget that it was the FBI who killed a woman armed only with an infant child at Ruby Ridge, Idaho and 32 women and 21 children at Waco, Texas.
The ultimate goal of defund the police is to nationalize police forces and take it out of local hands.
This is what Barack Obama planned during his 8 year tenure.

They do.
And for Republicans and independents and people under 18, and immigrants.

The FBI doesn't work for criminals which is why you're confused.
Anyone with a functioning brain knows the DOJ and every agency within it is controlled by the Democrats. Merrick Garland is just as much a meat puppet to the Party as Dementia Joe.
Criminals hate law enforcement when they can't buy their way out.
Your disdain is understood.

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