What deporting 15 million people would actually look like

Neither the Constitution nor existing immigration law says anything about open borders and the complete abandonment of laws existing in US code.
Good thing that's not happening then.
In Trump's rally yesterday he said crime in Mexico has dropped a whooping 67% since Biden began encouraging "immigrants" to rush the border
They most absolutely do qualify for government subsidies at the local, state and federal levels .. Who do you think is paying for them to stay in hotels, providing clothing, food and spending money?

Those are people not here illegally. They are people seeking asylum which is 100% legal.
It would take an army bigger than the US army to get it done.

It would cost more than the annual military budget.

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

Yeah....it can't really be done.
There is a very simple answer.
Eliminate payroll tax....assume consumption taxation. The rest will follow.

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