Hello again


Gold Member
Nov 11, 2020
Hello again , i joined a while back under the name Alex-John ( at the time i was in the process of becoming male i was born female , but i have now decided to be who i was in the first place Alexa is now my name , I was unwell at the time and my mental health was in a bad way at that time , I am doing a lot better, and sorry for the confusion i hope i can still be a member here thanks Alexa
:welcome: _Alexa_

Ask for Fatanqua, she can be your guide...

Why do people have the need to tell everyone they are mentally ill?
Hello again , i joined a while back under the name Alex-John ( at the time i was in the process of becoming male i was born female , but i have now decided to be who i was in the first place Alexa is now my name , I was unwell at the time and my mental health was in a bad way at that time , I am doing a lot better, and sorry for the confusion i hope i can still be a member here thanks Alexa
Hi _Alexa_

Thank you for joining and adding your unique perspective to the mix. I look forward to hearing more from you.

I have one friend I met online who started off arguing with me as a male, then came out Transgender and went through transition. We had been arguing if the Bible condemned people over physical gender issues of homosexuality and cross dressing, where I argued the message was about forgiveness correction and healing. Somewhere in that conversation my friend admitted his rejection of Christianity was due to resentment from suppressing his female identity, so once that fear was let go, he came out fully by accepting this. And decided he was happier living and changing to female and quit denying it!

You will get a lot of practice here representing yourself and defending/explaining your beliefs regardless what other people might post.

The free speech on this site works both ways, so I hope you take full advantage of how to use that for your benefit.

I have friends with the Green Party getting slammed for not promoting Transgender but remaining neutral. There is a huge dispute over the LGB who separate themselves from Transgender lobbying.

I treat ALL beliefs either for or against LGBT as spiritual/sexual beliefs that are not govt jurisdiction to validate.

I treat ALL beliefs whether religious/spiritual or personal/political as CREEDS protected equally under the 1st and 14th Amendments plus Civil Rights/equal accommodations standards.

Are you okay with my recommemdations to treat any beliefs for or against LGBT as individual preferences or biases each person has a right to express and exercise without imposing on anyone else?

I think the best way to stop bullying and abuse is to quit imposing on the public, especially not through govt, as everyone has their own ways of identifying.

If govt is going to establish a public policy, it would need to be based on NEUTRAL scientific terms, such as taking the 6 possible karyotypes and AGREEING which to categorize as Male or Female genetically.

Then I recommend respecting people's individual identity similar to religious affiliation and just being courteous. But keep those labels OUT of govt policy.

Do you think this will help resolve the issues with LGBT by keeping all such beliefs and preferences out of govt?

What is your experience with the movement? What do you recommend?

I have another Transgender friend Helena who disagrees with my approach of treating all beliefs equally as that person's preference govt cannot regulate. Helena believes my approach enables bigotry and abuse against LGBT.

But I do not see govt as the solution which has to come from people changing their attitudes. You cannot legislate away the problem. I believe the conflicts are internal, and the same way you and my other friends go through a spiritual process to manage your diverse situations, all people need to make that decision when they are ready, not force it through govt.

What do you think about where this whole movement is heading?

More govt involvement?

Or people resolving issues directly and NOT relying on govt to decide policy for everyone?
I apologize for this being late, but I figured that I would officially welcome you anyways. :)
I'm glad you are here to voice your opinions. I understand sex impulses are one of the most powerful forces in humanity. However, the LGBTQ represents only a very small fraction of actual human experience. I'd be happy to elaborate on my sexual feelings and experiences, but I believe that does not belong on a public message board, and those are not relevant to most people. So I have two questions:

  1. Why do you lead off with something about your personal experience as a transgender-reverse when there are so many bigger topics out there besides personal sexual preferences? (there are other online forums to express those)
  2. Are you merely seeking attention from others due to low self esteem? (there are other ways to get attention: you only really need the love from two sources: Yourself, and God...and as the classic blues man said, "Nobody loves me but my mother, and she could be jivin' me too")

Best Regards,
(I'll let you guess my gender, it's irrelevant anyway)

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