Having Lost The Ability To Prioritize.....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. ...a voter may actually choose this over a personality he doesn't favor:

2. Biden voters are so infantile that they judge a candidate more as a prospective son-in-law, than as one capable of running the economy.
That was the choice....and this is the result:

"The Woes of Bidenomics

How things are going from bad to worse.
Bidenomics consists of President Joe Biden’s radical progressive prescriptions for transforming the American economy, including massive wealth redistribution, focus on “equity” and “social justice” rather than merit and economic opportunity, disincentives for work, and cradle-to-grave entitlements. It’s not working.

3. President Biden tried his best to put a positive spin on last Friday’s dismal September jobs report. Biden said that “when you take a step back and look at what’s happening, we’re actually making real progress.
That’s right up there with Biden’s claim that his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan - leaving Americans, Afghan allies, and many billions of dollars of advanced weaponry behind under Taliban control - was an "extraordinary success."

4. The total nonfarm payroll employment rose by the paltry amount of 194,000 this September – about 300,000 short of consensus estimates. To put this pitiful number in perspective, the total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 661,000 in September 2020 – while the coronavirus was still raging, and no vaccines were available yet.

5. Biden focused on the decline of the unemployment rate to 4.8 percent. But that decline occurred largely because the labor force itself diminished by nearly 200,000 people. In other words, more and more people of prime working age have given up looking for a job and dropped out of the labor force altogether. They are not counted in calculating the nation’s unemployment rate."

6. "There are plenty of job openings today that remain unfilled. After all, why work if you can sit back and be taken care of by the entitlement state that Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress are creating, which bestows generous welfare benefits with no work requirements?

Average hourly earnings rose 0.6 percent in September from August. The year-over-year increase rose to 4.6 percent. Biden seized on this statistic to claim that “we saw one of the largest increases in average wages paid to workers on — of working Americans on record.”

However, this is of little comfort to people trying to make ends meet as inflation continues to escalate on Biden’s watch. Since May 2021, the annual inflation rate has averaged over 5 percent year-to-year. It is rising at a faster rate than the increase in average hourly wages, which means that workers are falling more and more behind every month. Their wallets are being squeezed.

Inflation hurts poor and working-class people most of all – the people Biden claims he is most concerned about."


Remember this when you go shopping, the amount you have to pay not to read mean tweets.
7. "Oil prices are at a near 7-year high. Americans are paying for it at the pump. Biden has reversed Trump administration policies that made the U.S. energy independent. He has put OPEC back in the driver’s seat.

Food prices are rising at a breakneck pace. Meat, poultry, fish, and eggs are up nearly six percent over the last year and nearly 15 percent since July 2019, with no sign of easing any time soon.

Out-of-control spending by the Biden administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress has been a significant contributor to today’s inflation problem. If passed on a partisan basis through the reconciliation process, Biden’s multi-trillion dollar “Build Back Better” tax-and-spend extravaganza will add further fuel to the inflation fire while killing good-paying jobs with strangling business taxes. Biden’s claim that “My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars” earned Two Pinocchios from the Washington Post.

No wonder Biden is getting such poor marks from the American people on the economy. The most recent Quinnipiac University national poll showed that when it comes to Biden’s handling of the economy, 39 percent approved, while 55 percent disapproved. "

"Democrats Belatedly Realize Joe Biden Is a Lousy Leader

Try not to spill anything as you laugh at Democrats as they realize in October 2021 that Joe Biden is a lousy leader, overpromising and underdelivering and stumbling badly when he needs to communicate clearly; two questions lurking in the background of the surprise resignation of Las Vegas Raiders head coach Jon Gruden; a horrific scandal in Loudon County Public Schools; and apparently, if you work at certain federal agencies, the vaccine mandate isn’t really much of a mandate.

Biden’s Party Is Making Some Unfortunate Discoveries about Him
We’ve got ships sitting 17 miles offshore, waiting nine days each for access to the port of Savannah. The backlogs and delays in international shipping are so severe that a supply-chain consultant told the Wall Street Journal this weekend, “If it wasn’t on the water four weeks ago, it’s not going to be here for Christmas.” The U.S. has 10.9 million unfilled jobs, another record, while the workforce-participation rate drags, particularly among women, despite the reopening of the nation’s schools. Gas prices are skyrocketing. Grocery prices are skyrocketing. In the words of CNN, “America’s economic recovery has hit a roadblock.” And the total U.S. public debt has reached $28.4 trillion.

If you look at the state of the country, there’s only one fitting reaction that comes to mind: Let’s go Brandon.”

If you’re looking for a laugh amidst all the bad news, there’s the remarkable phenomenon of Joe Biden fans stumbling around in shock that things are going so poorly.
CNN warns that, “Mounting problems test Biden’s presidency and Democrats’ hold on power.” FiveThirtyEight asks, “Why Has Biden’s Approval Rating Gotten So Low So Quickly?” Politico offers a headline that is a quote from Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg: “The president’s decline is alarming.” (No, that’s not a reference to Biden’s mental abilities or memory.)"
Democrats Belatedly Realize Joe Biden Is a Lousy Leader | National Review

You voted for this, Democrats.
You weren't supposed to notice any of that.

Biden voter notice who they are, and what they and their candidate is....

And this is their recorded response:

While this is one glaring example of the above, sadly, we have all seen numerous posts on the board with other such Democrat automatons.

One such voter wrote:
“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:
“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”

The response:

No Price Too High

Awe poor thing. Queef out some more boot licking insults to prologue your lies with and you'll get more of the same. Central to that idea is how much government aims to steal from those who earn it: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax...
post 58

Truth is not a Leftwing value.
7. "Oil prices are at a near 7-year high. Americans are paying for it at the pump. Biden has reversed Trump administration policies that made the U.S. energy independent. He has put OPEC back in the driver’s seat.

Food prices are rising at a breakneck pace. Meat, poultry, fish, and eggs are up nearly six percent over the last year and nearly 15 percent since July 2019, with no sign of easing any time soon.

Out-of-control spending by the Biden administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress has been a significant contributor to today’s inflation problem. If passed on a partisan basis through the reconciliation process, Biden’s multi-trillion dollar “Build Back Better” tax-and-spend extravaganza will add further fuel to the inflation fire while killing good-paying jobs with strangling business taxes. Biden’s claim that “My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars” earned Two Pinocchios from the Washington Post.

No wonder Biden is getting such poor marks from the American people on the economy. The most recent Quinnipiac University national poll showed that when it comes to Biden’s handling of the economy, 39 percent approved, while 55 percent disapproved. "

More lies from the queen of lies.

When Biden took office on Jan 21, the price for 1000 feet of lumber was $768. On October 11, the price was $760.

More lies from the queen of lies.

When Biden took office on Jan 21, the price for 1000 feet of lumber was $768. On October 11, the price was $760.

Speaking of lies.....one can always count on a Biden simpleton to produce the most transparent ones.

So you are denying ....or trying to deny....the Biden-runaway inflation????

Watch me wipe up the floor with you, again.....

U.S. Inflation Is Highest in 13 Years as Prices Surge 5% - WSJ

https://www.wsj.com › articles › us-inflation-consumer-price-index-may-2021-11623288303
The rapid rise in consumer prices in May reflected a surge in demand and shortages of labor and materials Rising costs for everyday foods such as bacon and fruit have raised concerns about inflation.

Inflation is Surging Under Biden Administration ...

https://www.atr.org › inflation-surging-under-biden-administration
Inflation is running rampant in Joe Biden's America. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that in June, consumer prices increased by 5.4 percent on an annualized basis. From May to June, consumer prices increased by 0.9 percent. In January 2021, before Joe Biden took over the presidency, annual inflation was at a stable 1.4 percent. While inflation has already hit American families ...

Americans fear highest inflation in nearly a decade

https://www.cnbc.com › 2021 › 05 › 10 › americans-fear-highest-inflation-in-nearly-a-decade.html
May 10, 2021The Exchange. As the economy reopens in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, more Americans expect inflation to increase over the next few years. Overall, the expectation is that the inflation rate ...

US inflation jumps to 5% - the highest price in 13 years ...

https://www.the-sun.com › news › 3055105 › us-inflation-highest-years-trump-biden
INFLATION in the US has skyrocketed to 5% - the highest price America has seen in 13 years. It comes after former President Donald Trump's stark warning of a massive rise in inflation under the Biden administration.

Inflation wiped out America's pay raises - CNN

https://www.cnn.com › 2021 › 08 › 10 › business › raises-inflation-wages › index.html
Aug 10, 2021Inflation wiped out America's pay raises. New York (CNN Business) Companies big and small are raising wages to attract workers and hold onto employees as the economy revs back into gear. But those ...

One more time, dunce......happy with your Trump-Biden vote?????
More lies from the queen of lies.

When Biden took office on Jan 21, the price for 1000 feet of lumber was $768. On October 11, the price was $760.

IOW, in ten months Quid Pro Joe has had no effect on lumber prices at all, which means his economic plan is doubtful at best.
Since the dunce made his appearance above......let's go over is ability and judgment once more:

"By 56–41, Americans say that Biden lacks leadership skills. By 54–42, Americans say that Biden is incompetent. By 50–44, Americans say that Biden is dishonest. Worse yet, there’s no issue on which Biden is doing well. His approve–disapprove on COVID-19 is 48–50; on the economy, it’s 39–55; on his leadership of the military, it’s 37–58 . On taxes, 37 percent of Americans approve, while 54 percent disapprove; on foreign policy, it’s 34–58 percent; and on immigration, it’s a startling 25–67 percent. That last number is particularly interesting because, if you look at the cross-tabs, you see that Biden is underwater on immigration amongst Hispanics by 46 points, 23–69.

And no, it’s not “just one poll.” In the RealClearPolitics average, Biden is at 44.6 percent approval — the lowest of his presidency thus far. Since the debacle in Afghanistan, Americans have been gradually losing faith in the president in every way that it is possible to lose faith in the president. As Biden gears up to pivot to his absurd, destructive, and thoroughly uncalled-for spending bill, he might do well to stop for a moment and realize that it’s not “them,” after all.

It’s him."

Here's that dunce, earlier:

“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:
“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”

The response:

No Price Too High

Awe poor thing. Queef out some more boot licking insults to prologue your lies with and you'll get more of the same. Central to that idea is how much government aims to steal from those who earn it: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax...
post 58
IOW, in ten months Quid Pro Joe has had no effect on lumber prices at all, which means his economic plan is doubtful at best.

Figures lie and liars figure. Supply and demand and the free market caused the spike that peaked in May
Figures lie and liars figure. Supply and demand and the free market caused the spike that peaked in May

Wait....you're not claiming there isn't a huge rise in inflation under Democrats????

I rammed that lie back down your throat, huh?


Still happy with your vote for the Democrats????
"Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, decried the Biden administration on Newsmax, saying the White House is headed toward a "critical mass of failure."

"I think this presidency is looking at a critical mass of failure," Stewart said Monday on "Spicer & Co." while mentioning that previous "failures" tend to build on themselves. "I mean, look, when [President Joe Biden] came to office, I was worried this might happen, but I never dreamed that he would achieve this in eight months."

"It's remarkable,'' Stewart said. "I mean, start with Afghanistan, then talk about inflation and stagnation and the job numbers — and still languishing with [COVID-19] — and terrifying debt, and the list goes on and on, all of them negative. And honestly, the administration's not going to be able to fix it."
Figures lie and liars figure. Supply and demand and the free market caused the spike that peaked in May
But of course we will be hearing about Quid Pro's wonderful economic plan once supplies and prices stabilize. Shouldn't we be out in front of that?
"Media in Full Spin Mode to Cover for Biden’s Failures

Joe Biden’s presidency is spiraling out of control. By any reasonable metric he has failed as a commander in chief. He has failed on immigration, he has failed on the economy, he has failed to create jobs, he has failed on foreign policy, he has failed on handling the pandemic, he has failed to unite the country, and he has failed as a leader. But that’s not what the mainstream media would have us believe.

On Thursday the Washington Post, the outlet that decided 100 days into Biden’s presidency that it would no longer fact-check him, published an article titled, “ ‘Better days are ahead’: Maskless Biden marks milestone in virus battle.” On Friday the New York Times ran an article titled, “Beneath Joe Biden’s Folksy Demeanor, a Short Fuse and an Obsession With Details.” And on Saturday, USA Today published an article titled “Joe Biden has proven an elusive target for Republicans. With the Cheney fight over, their focus is back on the president.” All these articles find ways to excuse and deflect attention from the crises Biden has ignored, worsened, and even created in his first four months in office."

I have one major problem with this sort of article.

While every detail is correct....it is a great mistake to localize, to make it about Biden.

It is the Democrat Party......no matter who they put as figurehead.

It is Democrat policies that are destroying America.

Wait....you're not claiming there isn't a huge rise in inflation under Democrats????
It is disingenuous to use the results of same year over year formula for calculating the rate and pretending the depressed prices last year, as a result of the pandemic, hasn't effected the current rate.

But that's what the Neo-GOP did 2009-2010, and again this year.

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