Having Lost The Ability To Prioritize.....

You are the one lying and I spend my time exposing your lies.

Sooooo.....are these Democrats smarter than you or dumber than you?????

Poll: Biden Losing Support Among Democrats

https://townhall.com › tipsheet › rebeccadowns › 2021 › 06 › 30 › poll-biden-losing-support-among-democrats-n2591831
Jun 30, 2021A graphic comparing Biden's support from Democrats on various issues reveals that support has decreased from April to June 2021, in every area mentioned. ... The president also no longer has a ...

The Democrats who want to destroy the Biden presidency

https://news.yahoo.com › democrats-want-destroy-biden-presidency-095810410.html
The point about time is completely preposterous. State and local governments are already in decent shape in terms of funding for urgent infrastructure repairs and upgrades, thanks to the American Rescue Plan in March which allocated $350 billion to them in part for this purpose. Even if there was a dire need to spend, infrastructure notoriously takes forever to get going — you've got to pick ...

Dems punt House infrastructure vote in blow to Biden ...

https://www.politico.com › news › 2021 › 10 › 28 › biden-house-democrats-517416
4 days agoHours earlier Biden had made a direct plea for his party's support. He stressed the implications not just for his upcoming summits with world leaders, but also Democrats' electoral futures.

Joe Biden: Democrats Belatedly Realize the President Is a ...

https://www.nationalreview.com › the-morning-jolt › democrats-belatedly-realize-joe-biden-is-a-lousy-leader
Biden also promised to cut prescription-drug prices by 60 percent, put Social Security on a path to solvency, make public colleges and universities tuition-free for families who earn less than ...

Christopher Rodriguez: Biden, Democrats don't speak for ...

https://www.foxnews.com › opinion › biden-democrats-dont-speak-hispanics-christopher-rodriguez
Democrats no longer have a monopoly on the Hispanic community. ... Biden, Democrats don't speak for Hispanics. ... There's a reason President Trump and the Republican Party saw huge shifts in ...

House Democrats Opposed To Biden Agenda Actually Hail From ...

https://www.huffpost.com › entry › conservative-house-democrats-safe-seats-corporate-donations_n_61422b06e4b098770fd28f72
House Democrats Opposed To Biden Agenda Actually Hail From Safe Seats. Corporate donations, not electoral fears, appear to be motivating obstructionist Democrats. From prescription drug prices to higher taxes on the rich, many of the Democrats in the House standing in the way of more progressive legislation hail from safe Democratic seats.

As his polls tank, it's hard to find a 'Biden voter' among ...

https://www.foxnews.com › media › biden-voter-hard-find-steadfast-democrats
President Joe Biden's cratering approval ratings in swing states is leading to a sudden dearth of self-proclaimed "Biden voters" among longtime Democrats who still strongly support the party line ...
Sooooo.....are these Democrats smarter than you or dumber than you?????

Poll: Biden Losing Support Among Democrats

https://townhall.com › tipsheet › rebeccadowns › 2021 › 06 › 30 › poll-biden-losing-support-among-democrats-n2591831
Jun 30, 2021A graphic comparing Biden's support from Democrats on various issues reveals that support has decreased from April to June 2021, in every area mentioned. ... The president also no longer has a ...

The Democrats who want to destroy the Biden presidency

https://news.yahoo.com › democrats-want-destroy-biden-presidency-095810410.html
The point about time is completely preposterous. State and local governments are already in decent shape in terms of funding for urgent infrastructure repairs and upgrades, thanks to the American Rescue Plan in March which allocated $350 billion to them in part for this purpose. Even if there was a dire need to spend, infrastructure notoriously takes forever to get going — you've got to pick ...

Dems punt House infrastructure vote in blow to Biden ...

https://www.politico.com › news › 2021 › 10 › 28 › biden-house-democrats-517416
4 days agoHours earlier Biden had made a direct plea for his party's support. He stressed the implications not just for his upcoming summits with world leaders, but also Democrats' electoral futures.

Joe Biden: Democrats Belatedly Realize the President Is a ...

https://www.nationalreview.com › the-morning-jolt › democrats-belatedly-realize-joe-biden-is-a-lousy-leader
Biden also promised to cut prescription-drug prices by 60 percent, put Social Security on a path to solvency, make public colleges and universities tuition-free for families who earn less than ...

Christopher Rodriguez: Biden, Democrats don't speak for ...

https://www.foxnews.com › opinion › biden-democrats-dont-speak-hispanics-christopher-rodriguez
Democrats no longer have a monopoly on the Hispanic community. ... Biden, Democrats don't speak for Hispanics. ... There's a reason President Trump and the Republican Party saw huge shifts in ...

House Democrats Opposed To Biden Agenda Actually Hail From ...

https://www.huffpost.com › entry › conservative-house-democrats-safe-seats-corporate-donations_n_61422b06e4b098770fd28f72
House Democrats Opposed To Biden Agenda Actually Hail From Safe Seats. Corporate donations, not electoral fears, appear to be motivating obstructionist Democrats. From prescription drug prices to higher taxes on the rich, many of the Democrats in the House standing in the way of more progressive legislation hail from safe Democratic seats.

As his polls tank, it's hard to find a 'Biden voter' among ...

https://www.foxnews.com › media › biden-voter-hard-find-steadfast-democrats
President Joe Biden's cratering approval ratings in swing states is leading to a sudden dearth of self-proclaimed "Biden voters" among longtime Democrats who still strongly support the party line ...
They're obviously all secret Republicans.
More stupidity from you. It was Trump who helped murder over 700,000 people. They died from the coronavirus. There are many people who can have other ailments but that does not mean they will die from them. Over 700,000 people have died from the coronavirus. Many others can have lingering illnesses from the coronavirus.

"There are a lot of potential side effects of COVID-19 that experts are still learning about, and it's been hard to pinpoint which are actually due to COVID-19 and which may simply be coincidence. But there's one in particular that keeps coming up: brain fog. Now, a new study suggests this could actually be a consequence of having COVID-19.

The study, which was published on October 22 in JAMA Network Open, analyzed data from 740 people with a mean age of 49 who had COVID-19 within about the past 7 and a half months. The researchers found that a significant portion had some kind of cognitive deficit (in other words, trouble thinking), like brain fog. The most common issues were memory encoding, i.e. learning new information, and memory recall, which happened in 24% and 23% of study participants, respectively. The researchers also found that those who were hospitalized with COVID were at greater risk than those who stayed in an outpatient setting."

Sooooo.......which of these folks are lying????

Either they are, or you are.

1. And as far as how disastrous the Wuhan is to folks without those underlying co-morbidities, quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data.
An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.

2. Here, from WebMD:

Coronavirus Recovery Rates

Scientists and researchers are constantly tracking infections and recoveries. But they have data only on confirmed cases, so they can’t count people who don’t get COVID-19 tests. Experts also don’t have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%.

Coronavirus Recovery

3. Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox.

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.
....between 20 and 45, 99.98%
....between 50 and 65, 99.5%
....and over 70, about 95%.

4. “Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids

This was never about healthcare. It was, is, and always will be about control.”

5. If you had no co-morbidities to begin with.....

That’s worldwide….includes nations with third world healthcare: under 1%

6. “Most people recover from Covid-19.

Most people with Covid-19 have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care,… Most people recover from Covid-19. Here's why it's hard to pinpoint exactly how many

7. The mechanism of the hoax was simply to claim that deaths that would have occurred (most who died already had DNRs), and to substitute the real cause of death (the usual causes… heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia) and pretend that the Wuhan was responsible.

It was designed to dissipate the value of Trump’s miraculous economy….and it worked.

You won, you hurt America badly, but you got rid of your bête noire.

Give it up already: no, 600,000 Americans did not die of the Wuhan Red Death.

It's just one more of the myriad lies Democrats tell.

8. “Does COVID-19 have a 98 percent survival rate?

Health officials estimate more 99% of infected patients survive

DETROIT – Health officials have confirmed the survival rate for people with the coronavirus (COVID-19) is high, but that’s no reason to relax safety measures that have been put in place.

One of the numbers that has been circulating on social media is that COVID-19 has a 98% or higher survival rate.

As of Wednesday, the number of cases in the United States was around 3,512,000 and the number of deaths was around 137,000. That would make the case fatality rate 3.9%, so based on confirmed cases, about 96% of people survive.” Does COVID-19 have a 98 percent survival rate?u

Doesn’t look like a great reason to ruin the economy and the lives of millions of unaffected individuals…..

…..unless you have an ulterior purpose.


9. “Infection Fatality Rate (23k / 1.7M = 1.4% IFR)

Actual Cases with an outcome as of May 1 = estimated actual recovered (1,671,351) + estimated actual deaths (23,430) = 1,694,781.

Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) = Deaths / Cases = 23,430 / 1,694,781 = 1.4% (1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover).” Coronavirus Death Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

10. “VERIFY: Yes, COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate but numbers don't tell the whole story

The Question

Is the survivability rate of COVID-19 close to 100%?

The Answer

According to coronavirus data from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, there have been more than 992,000 COVID-19 cases statewide since the pandemic's start. To date, there have been close to 13,000 coronavirus-related deaths.

That would make the percentage of infections resulting in survival close to 99%” VERIFY: Yes, COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate but numbers don't tell the whole story


11. Cases



New cases today



Change over 7 days


1. Deaths




That’s a fatality rate of 0.0179=1.8%


12. AND.....let's never forget that most of the "covid deaths" aren't.......they were simply called that to produce panic.

In order to advance the scheme, the powers arranged against Trump simply ordered their minions, supporters, to claim deaths due to heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, were due to the Wuhan.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.

“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”

Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

No matter the actual cause........it's the Chinavirus!

13. A startling coincidence…..the reductions in reported deaths due to the four usual causes just happen to be the number now reported due to the Chinese flu, and patients with those conditions just happened to have DNRs (do not resuscitate), and would have died with or without the virus.

“The study found that “This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years.” In fact, “the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19.”

Briand concludes that the COVID-19 death toll in the United States is misleading and that deaths from other diseases are being categorized as COVID-19 deaths.

There have reports of inflated COVID-19 deaths numbers for months.

Study Finds 89% of Patients Who Died From COVID-19 Had a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

Just one more scam and hoax......

....but this one may have worked.

You are the Nazis who are trying to seize control of this country.


The Nazis had the same policies as the Democrats.....and both put their citizens in concentration camps.

I guess you forgot who murdered 700,000 Americans and crashed the economy. Using yet another Questionable Source to support your bullshit.

How can "Bidenomics" be crashing when the legislation hasn't been implemented yet? Politically Clueless yet again.


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