Have you prepared for the worse and prayed for the better? The government's main budget experts confirmed that the US could risk economic catastrophe


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
The government's main budget experts confirmed that the US could risk economic catastrophe as soon as early June
  • The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projected the US could run out of money in early June.
  • That projection tracks with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's warnings on when the US could default.
  • Congress can step in and prevent the crisis, but so far Republicans and Democrats are still sparring.
The US just got another sign of an imminent economic catastrophe if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling this month.
Now Congress sent the Senate a budget proposal that not only raised the debt limit, but put spending limits on the already bloated catastrophic government. It is up the Dems in the Senate and then Joe Biden to pass the bill, or the country could collapse. But what if this is the plan of the Marxists in the first place, to collapse the economy, turn the country into the 3rd world that they so want, then blame the Republicans that the Lame Stream Media will follow the narrative. If you have been planning for this, then you have nothing to worry, but if the proverbial shit hits the fan and you arent ready, you will be suffering a lot and then probably shot.....
Which ever side is not inthe White House always makes a huge fuss over raising the debt ceiling. Then, when they are in power, they have no problem with it.

We need to control the debt, not threaten the nation by pretending to be against something your party did just a few years ago.
I suspect I'll weather the storm just fine.
Not the point .
This impending disaster period will be your greatest chance to make millions by buying appropriately.
Any turnip can store food etc That hardly involves IQ . That is just prudent housekeeping .

I read today that chicagoans that found that elections have consequences were bemoaning their votes for Border Jump Joe's plan to put illegals in their neighborhoods. I don't know why they're complaining.... just turn those gangbangers and criminals loose on illegal invaders and the problem could be solved in a year.

use your heads for something other than voter fraud chicago.
The ultimate cause of the debt crises is Republican tax cuts for the rich, beginning with the Reagan administration. Moreover this is true:


Nevertheless, what matters politically is not who is responsible for a crises, but who is blamed. Defaulting on the national debt may have even worse economic effects than the Stock Market Crash of 1929.

Because we had a Republican president back then and a Republican Congress, the Republicans were blamed, and the Roosevelt administration with its New Deal became possible.

Because we have a Democratic president, and an unpopular one at that, the Democrats will be blamed for the economic problems resulting from defaulting on the national debt.

I have always liked Joe Biden. I voted for him in 2020. I will vote for him in 2024. I do not think he is handling this crisis well. Franklin Roosevelt would have gone on national television and explained what is at stake, and why this problem developed. Biden is calmly waiting for things to work out in his favor. I do not think they will.

Despite his sex crime conviction Trump is ahead of Biden in the polls. Biden lacks the political muscle to force Congressional Republicans to do what they do not want to do. I think Biden should accept Republican budget cuts, while announcing that he is being forced to do so.
The government's main budget experts confirmed that the US could risk economic catastrophe as soon as early June Now Congress sent the Senate a budget proposal that not only raised the debt limit, but put spending limits on the already bloated catastrophic government. It is up the Dems in the Senate and then Joe Biden to pass the bill, or the country could collapse. But what if this is the plan of the Marxists in the first place, to collapse the economy, turn the country into the 3rd world that they so want, then blame the Republicans that the Lame Stream Media will follow the narrative. If you have been planning for this, then you have nothing to worry, but if the proverbial shit hits the fan and you arent ready, you will be suffering a lot and then probably shot.....


It is simply mind boggling how many times you rube will fall for the same trick.
U.S. Treasury Secretary: "We must prove to the world that the U.S. is not lazy and idle by urgently raising the debt ceiling."
It's like a fairy flying into a hopeless debt junkie's window with a wad of cash.

This kind of bullshit has been passed around for decades as "economic science" by the bourgeoisie.
The ultimate cause of the debt crises is Republican tax cuts for the rich, beginning with the Reagan administration. Moreover this is true:

View attachment 784947

Nevertheless, what matters politically is not who is responsible for a crises, but who is blamed. Defaulting on the national debt may have even worse economic effects than the Stock Market Crash of 1929.

Because we had a Republican president back then and a Republican Congress, the Republicans were blamed, and the Roosevelt administration with its New Deal became possible.

Because we have a Democratic president, and an unpopular one at that, the Democrats will be blamed for the economic problems resulting from defaulting on the national debt.

I have always liked Joe Biden. I voted for him in 2020. I will vote for him in 2024. I do not think he is handling this crisis well. Franklin Roosevelt would have gone on national television and explained what is at stake, and why this problem developed. Biden is calmly waiting for things to work out in his favor. I do not think they will.

Despite his sex crime conviction Trump is ahead of Biden in the polls. Biden lacks the political muscle to force Congressional Republicans to do what they do not want to do. I think Biden should accept Republican budget cuts, while announcing that he is being forced to do so.
Oh here we go again,, not the ridiculous spending that the government has been doing, also allowing millions of new mouths to feed, giving them welfare and a phone on our tax dollars which in turns makes gasoline prices go up and food starts being scarce. Oh no, it is allowing people to have more of their own money to spend on stuff they want, not some government asshole who spends it on hookers and crookers.....

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