Have you noticed? Republicans have no ability to negotiate?

Everyone has the ability to negotiate. The problem is that Republicans don't have the desire to negotiate. They are all partisanshap and are not interested in the best interests of the country as a whole. They hate Obama and they hate Democrats and that is all that matters to them.

So what part of their agenda have Democrats made concessions on?

You are avoiding the issue here: the real question is why the Republicans are so obstreperous when it comes to working with the Dems ... why are the Republicans so concerned with partisanship that they flush the entire country down the toilet? That's the issue. Everyone knows that the Republican Party has not only not worked with the Dems and the President, they have gone out of their way to be non-cooperative.

You declined to answer the question because you know it would reveal you to be a colossal hypocrite. Democrats have never done anything to advance any part of the Republican agenda, yet you sleazy numskulls expect Republicans to help Democrats advance their agenda. That's what "working with the Dems" means: helping them advance their agenda.

The surest way to flush the country down the toilet is to advance the Dim agenda, so I suppose you have your answer.

In reality, McConnell and Ryan gave Obama everything he wanted, so your petulant whining is misplaced.
It was Reagan himself that expanded the arms race so much, that the public turned against him. He was pretty much forced by the America people to put a stop to an unsustainable arms race. I remember when it happened. It was all over the news.
The public never turned against Reagan. LOL The arms race was unsustainable alright, for the Soviets. All Reagan did was modernize and restore our military after 4 years of neglect from the idiot Jimmy Carter. The Soviets, in their paranoia and desperation to hold onto their advantage, spent themselves into bankruptcy and finally collapsed. I was around too, and your recollection is a reflection of the liberal propagandists who have been trying to rewrite history ever since Ronald Reagan humiliated them by showing the world what a REAL President is.
A "real" president? Besides raising taxes again and again, what exactly was it that he did?
You mean besides creating 20 million jobs? Saving the economy? Bringing inflation down to 2% from 12.4% under Carter? Restoring our military? Winning the Cold War? Strategic Defense Initiative (missile defense systems)? Berlin Wall coming down?
Clinton created 20 million, not Reagan.
U.S. Job Creation by President / Political Party
And what did Reagan save the economy from? The 10 million jobs Carter created in a single term?
Winning the cold war? Hilarious. Reagan only followed policies that had been put in place since 1947. And the super expensive missile defense system has never worked. Never.
A Missile Defense Boondoggle Fueled by Money - Washington Spectator
The Costly Failure of Missile Defense

Republicans worship Reagan to the point of Parody. Once they started the Reagan Legacy Project in the last 90's to rewrite history, we kind of knew that would happen.

About the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project

The Legacy Project

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.

I've watched this thing grow since the late 90's and I have to admit. It's bold, It's brash, It's untrue, but it's worked remarkably well. Younger Republicans totally believe it and even some older ones.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Somebody suffers from RDS. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
History says you're wrong, MF. LOL!
Prove it.
Everyone has the ability to negotiate. The problem is that Republicans don't have the desire to negotiate. They are all partisanshap and are not interested in the best interests of the country as a whole. They hate Obama and they hate Democrats and that is all that matters to them.

So what part of their agenda have Democrats made concessions on?

You are avoiding the issue here: the real question is why the Republicans are so obstreperous when it comes to working with the Dems ... why are the Republicans so concerned with partisanship that they flush the entire country down the toilet? That's the issue. Everyone knows that the Republican Party has not only not worked with the Dems and the President, they have gone out of their way to be non-cooperative.

You declined to answer the question because you know it would reveal you to be a colossal hypocrite. Democrats have never done anything to advance any part of the Republican agenda, yet you sleazy numskulls expect Republicans to help Democrats advance their agenda. That's what "working with the Dems" means: helping them advance their agenda.

The surest way to flush the country down the toilet is to advance the Dim agenda, so I suppose you have your answer.

In reality, McConnell and Ryan gave Obama everything he wanted, so your petulant whining is misplaced.
If that were true nitwit, we wouldn't have the sequester dipshit.
Think dammit, think!
Everyone has the ability to negotiate. The problem is that Republicans don't have the desire to negotiate. They are all partisanshap and are not interested in the best interests of the country as a whole. They hate Obama and they hate Democrats and that is all that matters to them.

So what part of their agenda have Democrats made concessions on?

You are avoiding the issue here: the real question is why the Republicans are so obstreperous when it comes to working with the Dems ... why are the Republicans so concerned with partisanship that they flush the entire country down the toilet? That's the issue. Everyone knows that the Republican Party has not only not worked with the Dems and the President, they have gone out of their way to be non-cooperative.

You declined to answer the question because you know it would reveal you to be a colossal hypocrite. Democrats have never done anything to advance any part of the Republican agenda, yet you sleazy numskulls expect Republicans to help Democrats advance their agenda. That's what "working with the Dems" means: helping them advance their agenda.

The surest way to flush the country down the toilet is to advance the Dim agenda, so I suppose you have your answer.

In reality, McConnell and Ryan gave Obama everything he wanted, so your petulant whining is misplaced.
If that were true nitwit, we wouldn't have the sequester dipshit.
Think dammit, think!

The Sequester was Obama's idea, numskull. Furthermore, the Pubbies bent over and got rid of it for Obama.
Everyone has the ability to negotiate. The problem is that Republicans don't have the desire to negotiate. They are all partisanshap and are not interested in the best interests of the country as a whole. They hate Obama and they hate Democrats and that is all that matters to them.

So what part of their agenda have Democrats made concessions on?

You are avoiding the issue here: the real question is why the Republicans are so obstreperous when it comes to working with the Dems ... why are the Republicans so concerned with partisanship that they flush the entire country down the toilet? That's the issue. Everyone knows that the Republican Party has not only not worked with the Dems and the President, they have gone out of their way to be non-cooperative.

Did you miss the first two years of the Obama Administration, Esmeralda? You know the part where the Democrats controlled the House...the Senate...and the Oval Office? The part where the Democrats told Republicans..."We won! Go sit out in the hall while we pass the Affordable Care Act"?

Why are the Republicans "obstreperous"? Because when Barry, Harry and Nancy had the whip hand between 2008 and 2010...they took great delight in rubbing it the GOP's face that they COULD pass things like the ACA and there wasn't a damn thing the Republicans could do about it!

What made things even LESS "cooperative" is that when the GOP won back the House in 2010...Harry Reid tabled dozens of the bills that the GOP House sent over to the Senate...not even letting them come to the Senate floor for discussion let alone a vote!

Do you REALLY wonder why the Republicans aren't bending over backwards to "cooperate" with this President, or Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi?
Everyone has the ability to negotiate. The problem is that Republicans don't have the desire to negotiate. They are all partisanshap and are not interested in the best interests of the country as a whole. They hate Obama and they hate Democrats and that is all that matters to them.

So what part of their agenda have Democrats made concessions on?

You are avoiding the issue here: the real question is why the Republicans are so obstreperous when it comes to working with the Dems ... why are the Republicans so concerned with partisanship that they flush the entire country down the toilet? That's the issue. Everyone knows that the Republican Party has not only not worked with the Dems and the President, they have gone out of their way to be non-cooperative.

You declined to answer the question because you know it would reveal you to be a colossal hypocrite. Democrats have never done anything to advance any part of the Republican agenda, yet you sleazy numskulls expect Republicans to help Democrats advance their agenda. That's what "working with the Dems" means: helping them advance their agenda.

The surest way to flush the country down the toilet is to advance the Dim agenda, so I suppose you have your answer.

In reality, McConnell and Ryan gave Obama everything he wanted, so your petulant whining is misplaced.
If that were true nitwit, we wouldn't have the sequester dipshit.
Think dammit, think!

The sequester was all on Obungles, get informed and then comment
No, I'm not wondering. The Republicans have always been the way they are now...they don't work with Democrats and they don't care about the welfare of the country as a whole.
Show me where Republicans have been successful at negotiating.

They blackmailed Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts in the most despicable way possible.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

The sequester.

They helped BP for no reason whatsoever.

Senate Republicans block BP investigation - Twin Cities Gas Prices

And when it comes to corporations, they are so terrified. Oh, they will leave and we will be left without jobs and become a destitute country.
Well, I have news. This country is stable and has a huge market. Corporations control so much because they control Republicans. If they want to leave, let them. You know they won't leave. Where would they set up? Cambodia? Spain? Brazil? And their asses would be cut off from selling in the US.

When Republicans are in charge, they are all to happy to invade another country. But never want to help this one. Never! And they continue to shovel the wealth of the nation to the top 1 percent.

That's because we found a long time ago, it doesn't pay to negotiate with evil. You just wind up with a slightly lesser evil, but evil none the less.
So you admit Republicans are evil. At least we can agree on that.
Why??? Oh I know. Because we haven't stopped a single lib program, or dem policy
well you sure has hell tried when you didn't want to raise the debt limit unless dems caved in to your silly bs
No, I'm not wondering. The Republicans have always been the way they are now...they don't work with Democrats and they don't care about the welfare of the country as a whole.

What the hell are you talking about? The Republicans gave Obama everything he demanded.
The public never turned against Reagan. LOL The arms race was unsustainable alright, for the Soviets. All Reagan did was modernize and restore our military after 4 years of neglect from the idiot Jimmy Carter. The Soviets, in their paranoia and desperation to hold onto their advantage, spent themselves into bankruptcy and finally collapsed. I was around too, and your recollection is a reflection of the liberal propagandists who have been trying to rewrite history ever since Ronald Reagan humiliated them by showing the world what a REAL President is.
A "real" president? Besides raising taxes again and again, what exactly was it that he did?
You mean besides creating 20 million jobs? Saving the economy? Bringing inflation down to 2% from 12.4% under Carter? Restoring our military? Winning the Cold War? Strategic Defense Initiative (missile defense systems)? Berlin Wall coming down?
Clinton created 20 million, not Reagan.
U.S. Job Creation by President / Political Party
And what did Reagan save the economy from? The 10 million jobs Carter created in a single term?
Winning the cold war? Hilarious. Reagan only followed policies that had been put in place since 1947. And the super expensive missile defense system has never worked. Never.
A Missile Defense Boondoggle Fueled by Money - Washington Spectator
The Costly Failure of Missile Defense

Republicans worship Reagan to the point of Parody. Once they started the Reagan Legacy Project in the last 90's to rewrite history, we kind of knew that would happen.

About the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project

The Legacy Project

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.

I've watched this thing grow since the late 90's and I have to admit. It's bold, It's brash, It's untrue, but it's worked remarkably well. Younger Republicans totally believe it and even some older ones.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Somebody suffers from RDS. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
History says you're wrong, MF. LOL!
Prove it.
I'm not your history teacher, misfit.
No, I'm not wondering. The Republicans have always been the way they are now...they don't work with Democrats and they don't care about the welfare of the country as a whole.

The difference between you and me isn't that one of us doesn't care about the welfare of the country and the other does, Esmeralda...I think we both care about America! What we differ on is what should be done to improve the lives of Americans. You believe in government taking a larger role and see THAT as the cure for what ails us. I on the other hand see government over reach as one of the causes of what ails us.
As for your contention that Republicans never work with Democrats? Ronald Reagan had a very good working relationship with Tip O'Neal. Mitt Romney was the GOP Governor of a State that is almost exclusively Democratic. If he couldn't have worked across the aisle nothing ever would have gotten done in Massachusetts. John McCain worked so well across the aisle and was seen as such a moderate that John Kerry actually gave serious consideration to having him as his Vice Presidential running mate! Your statement was "ill advised" at best.
How about the Republicans spending years and years and nearly $80 million of the tax payers' money investigating anything and everything they could think of in the Clinton administration? That was the worst abuse ever of partisan politics in American history. Just because he was a Democrat and the conservatives didn't like him.

A waste of time, energy and money. How important is it that he had a quasi-affair with a woman not his wife? How important is that in the larger scheme of things? Not at all. It was disgusting and despicable the way the Republicans went after Bill Clinton. I suspect you will try the same with Hillary, but the country remembers and will not let you waste such time, energy and taxpayers' money on such vicious vindictiveness.

Just try it. You are already a very unpopular party that is going down the drain fast. You don’t have a chance in hell of electing the next president. Your party is sitting on top of a dunghill decaying and putrefying. If you try to spend all that energy, time and money bringing Mrs. Clinton down, it will just accelerate the process.
No, I'm not wondering. The Republicans have always been the way they are now...they don't work with Democrats and they don't care about the welfare of the country as a whole.

The difference between you and me isn't that one of us doesn't care about the welfare of the country and the other does, Esmeralda...I think we both care about America! What we differ on is what should be done to improve the lives of Americans. You believe in government taking a larger role and see THAT as the cure for what ails us. I on the other hand see government over reach as one of the causes of what ails us.
This is baloney. It's the Republicans that want to dictate the private lives of Americans via being anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti this and anti that....inserting themselves, hypothetically, on moral grounds into every aspect of the private lives of Americans. And then, hypocritically saying it is the left wing that wants government to have a 'larger role...." What complete BS.
No, I'm not wondering. The Republicans have always been the way they are now...they don't work with Democrats and they don't care about the welfare of the country as a whole.

The difference between you and me isn't that one of us doesn't care about the welfare of the country and the other does, Esmeralda...I think we both care about America! What we differ on is what should be done to improve the lives of Americans. You believe in government taking a larger role and see THAT as the cure for what ails us. I on the other hand see government over reach as one of the causes of what ails us.
This is baloney. It's the Republicans that want to dictate the private lives of Americans via being anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti this and anti that....inserting themselves, hypothetically, on moral grounds into every aspect of the private lives of Americans. And then, hypocritically saying it is the left wing that wants government to have a 'larger role...." What complete BS.

I don't know any Republicans like that.
No, I'm not wondering. The Republicans have always been the way they are now...they don't work with Democrats and they don't care about the welfare of the country as a whole.

The difference between you and me isn't that one of us doesn't care about the welfare of the country and the other does, Esmeralda...I think we both care about America! What we differ on is what should be done to improve the lives of Americans. You believe in government taking a larger role and see THAT as the cure for what ails us. I on the other hand see government over reach as one of the causes of what ails us.
This is baloney. It's the Republicans that want to dictate the private lives of Americans via being anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti this and anti that....inserting themselves, hypothetically, on moral grounds into every aspect of the private lives of Americans. And then, hypocritically saying it is the left wing that wants government to have a 'larger role...." What complete BS.

I don't know any Republicans like that.
You don't get out much do you? LMAO
Republicans vowed to fight Obama 'tooth and nail' when he was first elected, and so they have done during his entire presidency, regardless of the issue, regardless of the value to the country as a whole, regardless of what the majority of Americans want.
No, I'm not wondering. The Republicans have always been the way they are now...they don't work with Democrats and they don't care about the welfare of the country as a whole.

The difference between you and me isn't that one of us doesn't care about the welfare of the country and the other does, Esmeralda...I think we both care about America! What we differ on is what should be done to improve the lives of Americans. You believe in government taking a larger role and see THAT as the cure for what ails us. I on the other hand see government over reach as one of the causes of what ails us.
This is baloney. It's the Republicans that want to dictate the private lives of Americans via being anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti this and anti that....inserting themselves, hypothetically, on moral grounds into every aspect of the private lives of Americans. And then, hypocritically saying it is the left wing that wants government to have a 'larger role...." What complete BS.

I don't know any Republicans like that.
You don't get out much do you? LMAO
I know thousands of Republicans.
No, I'm not wondering. The Republicans have always been the way they are now...they don't work with Democrats and they don't care about the welfare of the country as a whole.

The difference between you and me isn't that one of us doesn't care about the welfare of the country and the other does, Esmeralda...I think we both care about America! What we differ on is what should be done to improve the lives of Americans. You believe in government taking a larger role and see THAT as the cure for what ails us. I on the other hand see government over reach as one of the causes of what ails us.
This is baloney. It's the Republicans that want to dictate the private lives of Americans via being anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti this and anti that....inserting themselves, hypothetically, on moral grounds into every aspect of the private lives of Americans. And then, hypocritically saying it is the left wing that wants government to have a 'larger role...." What complete BS.

I don't know any Republicans like that.
You don't get out much do you? LMAO
I know thousands of Republicans.
And none of them are against abortion or gay marriage?

BTW no one knows 'thousands' of people; that's just nonsense and hyperbole.
No, I'm not wondering. The Republicans have always been the way they are now...they don't work with Democrats and they don't care about the welfare of the country as a whole.

The difference between you and me isn't that one of us doesn't care about the welfare of the country and the other does, Esmeralda...I think we both care about America! What we differ on is what should be done to improve the lives of Americans. You believe in government taking a larger role and see THAT as the cure for what ails us. I on the other hand see government over reach as one of the causes of what ails us.
This is baloney. It's the Republicans that want to dictate the private lives of Americans via being anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti this and anti that....inserting themselves, hypothetically, on moral grounds into every aspect of the private lives of Americans. And then, hypocritically saying it is the left wing that wants government to have a 'larger role...." What complete BS.

Since I'm a Republican and I'm pro-choice, have zero problem with gay marriage and am in fact an agnostic...it would seem that what's complete BS is your take on Republicans, Esmeralda!

You don't think that the left sees government as the answer to our problems? Really? Or that so many of you on the left have attempted to "insert" yourselves into the private lives of Americans on moral grounds?
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