Has Trump ever taken responsibility?

Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?
That's what a lot of pot-smoking hippie Boomer PARENTS wanted from their adult Gen X CHILDREN: for them to admit guilt or culpability or to answer or respond to some legal claim in a financial fashion, or by giving up their rights and freedoms.

To have held Trump RESPONSIBLE for the claims made by Democrats would have been to convict him at the impeachment trial. There were not enough Democrats in the Senate to make or hold Trump RESPONSIBLE for the Democrats' claims of wrongdoing, as a RESPONDENT or DEFENDANT to some of the same legal actions often taken by parents against their children.
President Trump is still 'inheriting' Obama's problems. He won't need to take responsibility until mid way through his 2nd term like Obama.
1. I’m sure Obama did not make the farmers welfare recipients.
2. I’m sure Obama did not replenish the supplies in last 3 years.
3. I’m sure Obama did not get impeach.
4.I’m sure Obama did not pay for any fraudulent university or fraudulent foundation.

Trump inherit a booming economy that he doesn’t deserves.
I'm sure English is not your native language.
Go fuck yourself with a saguaro, leftist shillboi.
You're not American, fuck you. :fu:
This is what happened when you don’t have any rebuttal that you can counter act. Weakling. That is what you most are good at.
You noticed as well that when he can’t counter facts he insults huh. Glad to see I am not the only one that notices that :auiqs.jpg:
Trump knows that his every flinch and syllable are being judged by citizens today and history tomorrow

that's why he's coming unglued, my friends!

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

He fixed it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Michelle's $3B website never worked but his/her pal is set for life many times over. How about Barry's solar investments fiasco? How about how the banksters walked out of the WH laughing he asked them for campaign money instead of indicting them? How come there's never been a legit birth certificate? How about being "more flexible" with Putin? How about cutting off Egypt when they threw out his beloved muslim brotherhood? That nuke deal with Iran is okay with you? How did the Pentagon end up without sufficient ammunition to defend us? How did Barry blow $10T on nothing, doubling our debt? But back to Barry-Care......did we keep our doctor, keep our plan? Uh, no, it was an unmitigated disaster. How about race relations? Why did he cage children on the border? Tell me something he did correctly and I'll show you a Republican that was behind it.
Well, I do remember him saying he was sorry for the way he talked on the bus when the Access Hollywood tape got leaked.

Yes he did issue an apology for that. But even then, he tried to suggest it wasn't his voice on the tape. Even though the whole thing was on video as well as audio. Just like everything else, tried to weasel out of it. Just like mocking Serge Kovaleski when the reporter wouldn't lie for him, and then when that wouldn't play tried to deny he was mocking his arthrogryposis.

Yeah... at first he denied he said it and even said the tape was doctored. Taking responsibility after LYING about it is not exactly worthy.
thats simple,,,

hes up there everyday trying while youre sitting in the back of the bus complaining on the internet,,,

You have no idea what I do, and taking it personal is just a deflection to get off-topic.

Do you think Trump has made any mistakes? Has he taken responsibility for it? Simple premise to the thread.
At least from the first five pages I have read so far,nobody has produced any evidence where he admitted he made a mistake and took responsibility for it.lol as I said before,what does that matter for anyways,presidents are never held accountability for their crimes against humanity,bush and Obama were mass murderers,why are they not in jail for life as we would be if we murdered someone. Simple as pie answer,there is one different law for politicians than there is for us
Well, I do remember him saying he was sorry for the way he talked on the bus when the Access Hollywood tape got leaked.

Yes he did issue an apology for that. But even then, he tried to suggest it wasn't his voice on the tape. Even though the whole thing was on video as well as audio. Just like everything else, tried to weasel out of it. Just like mocking Serge Kovaleski when the reporter wouldn't lie for him, and then when that wouldn't play tried to deny he was mocking his arthrogryposis.

Yeah... at first he denied he said it and even said the tape was doctored. Taking responsibility after LYING about it is not exactly worthy.
thats simple,,,

hes up there everyday trying while youre sitting in the back of the bus complaining on the internet,,,

You have no idea what I do, and taking it personal is just a deflection to get off-topic.

Do you think Trump has made any mistakes? Has he taken responsibility for it? Simple premise to the thread.
At least from the first five pages I have read so far,nobody has produced any evidence where he admitted he made a mistake and took responsibility for it.lol as I said before,what does that matter for anyways,presidents are never held accountability for their crimes against humanity,bush and Obama were mass murderers,why are they not in jail for life as we would be if we murdered someone. Simple as pie answer,there is one different law for politicians than there is for us

True enough, but this question isn't nearly so much about Rump the President as about Rump the PERSON. It means any history of taking responsibility for anything at all, even something so small as saying "Tim Apple" or denying he was "John Miller" and "John Barron". It's not a question of "what can a politician get away with", it's a question of a glaring personality flaw.
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?

Acceptance of responsibility, but with no consequences, is pretty worthless. Don't you think?

Depends. Consequences can be hard to define - for example, consequences can be political, etc. But - I think what is more important - is whether accepting responsibility for it leads to changing something as a result. Learning from it. Not just apologizing.

Not one of the instances you gave had consequences attached. None of the perps suffered one iota so in my mind all that happened was they said "yeah, I did it, now fuck off".

Not exactly comforting.

Did they change their behavior, or attempt to fix the problem?

I still think there were consequences - for Kennedy and Reagan, those were stains on their record, forever. For Obama - Syria is and will remain a stain on his record. That's a consequence, aside from the less quantifiable consequences of conscience.
Not with Kennedy is it a stain.history has vindicated him that he was lied to by the cia on the invasion,that the cia knew the plan was set for a failure and they withheld critical facts and information from him about the invasion deliberately.that was a stain that’s on the evil cia organization,one of thousands they have and will Keep getting in the future until we get a president like him to try and get rid of them,no one since then has tried,not even the donald,yet we have clowns around here who think the donald is here to serve them and their interests:rolleyes-41: oh and Kennedy unlike clinton,never raped anyone either,that was consent on marilyns part ,everyone knows that lol
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The best system is when no one party has control of all the branches, because that is when oversight and accountability get stomped on. And it provides some balance between the Dem’s desire for a strong safety-net and the inclusion of marginalized people, and the Republican’s desire for fiscal conservatism.

Two dumpster fires, and a president who himself is a dumpster fire, but you only recognize one.

Heavens! You think what's going on right now, during the last months, was "oversight"? The Executive Branch refusing to deliver any documents, or making witnesses available? The GOP has abandoned Constitutional governance, just as they abandoned "fiscal conservatism". The latter at last since Reagan. That is the very epitome of "accountability get[ting] stomped on." The way to end that isn't divided government, it is to vote Republicans out of office until they find a way back to some semblance of decency.

I, for one, couldn't be happier with Democrats finally, at long last, waking up from their coma, and doing something about their subservience to the plutocracy. One party bowing to big pharma, big oil, and big finance, and their every demand, is more than enough, don't you think?
Yes it is oversight, but obstructed oversight. And in many ways Trump brought it on himself with his complete lack of transparency, conflicts of interest, and refusal to acknowledge even the most minimal constraints. But I also see there is a degree of partisanship in it, as was with Obama and Hilary Clinton.

Unfortunately both parties have strong ties to corporate interests and Wall Street, but it is the Trump Republicans who are actively dismantling the regulations and requirements put in place during the Great Recession (thank you Obama) to protect both consumers and the economy. They even squeezed crap into the stimulus bill like exempting small banks from having to maintain a minimal amount of assets. It is crazy. At least the Dems look out for consumer rights. The Republicans, business rights.

Despite all that though....we need a balance, not just one in full control.

Actually, this post reminds me of another trait of the Orange Turd. Immaturity. Has there ever been a more immature president than this shit stain?

Oh, you mean how obummer paid money to close national parks that are open 24/7 when he didn't get his way on a budget?

That's infantile behavior. Not one of you twits called him out on it.

You do realize Trump closed National Parks too right?
Apparently they don’t.lol the trump worshippers always want to blame everything on Obama unable to come to grips with reality he is a traiter as well.lol
What exactly is it you believe he should have taken responsibility for? Outside of the current COVID-19 siuation things have gone pretty well during his Presidency I'm not downplaying or going to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the nation but I would say Trump has responded about as well as any President Democrat or Republican could have under the circumstances. We hear sniping from both the left and right about how a President they don't like handles a situation but we rarely hear any bettter alternatives from them.
I’m no fan of trump obviously,but that’s fair,that’s a reasonable statement. Everybody that knows me knows that unlike most posters here,I am not biased to either party and understand both parties are corrupt,that there is no difference in the two,on that note though.as much as I despise trump,I would much rather have him in office now with this virus thing over those other three clown globalists Obama,bush,or Clinton anyday of the year,any of those three clowns in there,the situation would be ten times worse than it is now,for all his faults trump has,Unlike them,he at least cares about America.
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?

I don't remember Obama accepting responsibility for any of things you listed. As I remember, instead of accepting responsibility, he blamed the BP oil spill on BP instead of accepting it himself and tried to destroy the company as well as the oil industry in the south

He didn't accept responsibility for Benghazi at all- indeed he whitewashed Hillary Clinton's role in that.
You nailed it,well said, :thankusmile: :clap: :clap: One of hundreds of reasons I hate that motherfucker Kenyon Barry sotoro
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?

I don't remember Obama accepting responsibility for any of things you listed. As I remember, instead of accepting responsibility, he blamed the BP oil spill on BP instead of accepting it himself and tried to destroy the company as well as the oil industry in the south

He didn't accept responsibility for Benghazi at all- indeed he whitewashed Hillary Clinton's role in that.
You nailed it,well said, :thankusmile: :clap: :clap: One of hundreds of reasons I hate that motherfucker Kenyon Barry sotoro

Unfortunately this thread is about Rump, so all that post accomplished was yet another waddabout nickel clinkety-clinking into the Pogo's Law coffers.
With all respect to the OP, imo it slightly misstates Trump

Does it? I've never seen him take responsibility for anything bad.
I think at the heart of it Trump has simply played by different rules his entire life. He takes responsibility for his bankruptcies, but he's playing by a set of rules that accepts that bankruptcy is his end goal in a casino deal. He keeps whatever money he got from construction and start up, and walks away clean from debt that he can't service with the cash flow, because he leaves the creditors who put up the money in the first place with the "Trump name." And they're ok with that, because they are oligarchs with dirty money, so the loss they took in terms of what money Trump walks away with is good for them, because they laundered the money into a legal casino.

He signed a consent decree 40-50 years ago to stop discriminating against blacks in renting apartments. He never lived up to it because he employed an attorney who was the most loathsome individual in the business (says a lot) and who Amy Berman would put in jail today.

There are consequences. Trump is not building skyscrapers in NYC or any other US City. But he appears quite happy with his business model hosting Apprentice (you're fired! LOL) and selling Trump Steaks and Vodka. There are much better and lower costs steaks and vodka, but some people like the 'brand.'

And the only criticism I make is ….. when your facts are about casinos and oligarchs and your brand …. facing down a choice of imploding an economy and very possibly your presidency or seeing somewhere between 250K to a million Americans dying is just not something you've trained for. Obama certainly never trained for a collapse of home prices, and W never trained for navigating the gripes between Arab and Persian tribes.
That is a really good analysis...I really never looked at it that way...
What exactly is it you believe he should have taken responsibility for? Outside of the current COVID-19 siuation things have gone pretty well during his Presidency I'm not downplaying or going to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the nation but I would say Trump has responded about as well as any President Democrat or Republican could have under the circumstances. We hear sniping from both the left and right about how a President they don't like handles a situation but we rarely hear any bettter alternatives from them.
I’m no fan of trump obviously,but that’s fair,that’s a reasonable statement. Everybody that knows me knows that unlike most posters here,I am not biased to either party and understand both parties are corrupt,that there is no difference in the two,on that note though.as much as I despise trump,I would much rather have him in office now with this virus thing over those other three clown globalists Obama,bush,or Clinton anyday of the year,any of those three clowns in there,the situation would be ten times worse than it is now,for all his faults trump has,Unlike them,he at least cares about America.

I think the whole point behind this is that Rump cares only about Numero Uno. In the current event, for example, he was too concerned about his 'image' and his 'stock market numbers' to act when he needed to be acting, and that cost us. At the same time he's also been way more concerned with attacking reporters who ask "nasty" questions like "what you said the other day" -- which is, again, failure to take responsibility.
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?

I don't remember Obama accepting responsibility for any of things you listed. As I remember, instead of accepting responsibility, he blamed the BP oil spill on BP instead of accepting it himself and tried to destroy the company as well as the oil industry in the south

He didn't accept responsibility for Benghazi at all- indeed he whitewashed Hillary Clinton's role in that.
You nailed it,well said, :thankusmile: :clap: :clap: One of hundreds of reasons I hate that motherfucker Kenyon Barry sotoro

Unfortunately this thread is about Rump, so all that post accomplished was yet another waddabout nickel clinkety-clinking into the Pogo's Law coffers.
I am no fan of trump obviously,but yeah that’s a common theme around here with usmb posters that when you expose his corruption,they change the subject to talk about Obama,it’s. Common in the history section as well,anytime people expose Reagan’s corruption and how evil he was,they evade the facts and change the topic to Obama’s corruption.lol they are so biased and butthurt on the truth of the republicans corruption, that they are as bad as the dems,they play dodgeball and run. Off all the time.lol good post on the previous post on him not providing ventilators as he should have by the way,I forgot about that one,the rump fans knowing their blind love for trump though,will say that was all the democrats fault though. :auiqs.jpg:
What exactly is it you believe he should have taken responsibility for? Outside of the current COVID-19 siuation things have gone pretty well during his Presidency I'm not downplaying or going to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the nation but I would say Trump has responded about as well as any President Democrat or Republican could have under the circumstances. We hear sniping from both the left and right about how a President they don't like handles a situation but we rarely hear any bettter alternatives from them.
I’m no fan of trump obviously,but that’s fair,that’s a reasonable statement. Everybody that knows me knows that unlike most posters here,I am not biased to either party and understand both parties are corrupt,that there is no difference in the two,on that note though.as much as I despise trump,I would much rather have him in office now with this virus thing over those other three clown globalists Obama,bush,or Clinton anyday of the year,any of those three clowns in there,the situation would be ten times worse than it is now,for all his faults trump has,Unlike them,he at least cares about America.

I think the whole point behind this is that Rump cares only about Numero Uno. In the current event, for example, he was too concerned about his 'image' and his 'stock market numbers' to act when he needed to be acting, and that cost us. At the same time he's also been way more concerned with attacking reporters who ask "nasty" questions like "what you said the other day" -- which is, again, failure to take responsibility.
So very true,unfortunately rump is more afraid of not being re-elected than what this virus does.he only looks out after himself and pats himself on the back,something a good leader would never do,which we I’m afraid to say the truth is we have not had one in decades now. Got to go back to the seventys for that as we both know.lol a good leader would not be attacking reporters for asking a question that concerns us all :rolleyes-41: these trump nuts though make sick excuses for him thoughmaking sick comments that he is the best president ever bullshit.its fucking disgusting,good previous post by the way,forgot about that ventilator fact,that he knew about them but withheld them.the idiot trump lovers will of course blame it all on the dems as you know.:rolleyes-41:
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