Has New York Times NeverTrumper Bret Stephens come back from the dark side?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The miserable specter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi bowing like a little pawn to her far-left Squad and calling for impeaching President Trump, something she's known better to do up until now, seems to have snapped some sense into #NeverTrump New York Times columnist Bret Stephens.

He's got an excellent one out, pointing to the pattern of Democrats stewing in their own rage, firing into the dark without information, and then moving to impeach. Fire first, find out what was shot at later. And as he notes, they're doing it a lot.

Once upon a time, prominent Democrats called for the impeachment of a powerful conservative officeholder, only to be embarrassed into silence when it turned out that the basis for their calls was arguable and incomplete, handing their Republican opponents a P.R. coup.

That conservative was Brett Kavanaugh, and the time was two weeks ago. How well did that work out for liberals?

Now prominent Democrats have begun an impeachment process against Donald Trump, based on information that, while potentially devastating, remains arguable and even more incomplete. They do so because they appear to be certain that the full set of facts will vindicate their belief that the president is manifestly guilty of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

But what if the facts don’t vindicate that belief?

That’s a thought that should have at least delayed Nancy Pelosi from announcing the impeachment inquiry on Tuesday afternoon, a few hours after Trump promised to release the unredacted transcript of a July phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com .

Even the dimmest NeverTrumpers are starting to get it.

The choice is between Trump and Communist tyranny.
There IS no third option. The stakes are we lose and
anyone associated with right-of-center politics is headed
for a reeducation camp!!!
The choice is between Trump and Communist tyranny. There IS no third option.
I wonder how many people really, truly, seriously, literally believe this.
You see it trying to happen right before your eyes!
Well, I guess that's one.

I'll make that two. I've never seen the intelligence agencies try to oust a duly elected president. If these globalist get power, we're not talking Canada. I like your optimism Mac, but these guys are not going to be benevolent dictators.
The miserable specter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi bowing like a little pawn to her far-left Squad and calling for impeaching President Trump, something she's known better to do up until now, seems to have snapped some sense into #NeverTrump New York Times columnist Bret Stephens.

He's got an excellent one out, pointing to the pattern of Democrats stewing in their own rage, firing into the dark without information, and then moving to impeach. Fire first, find out what was shot at later. And as he notes, they're doing it a lot.

Once upon a time, prominent Democrats called for the impeachment of a powerful conservative officeholder, only to be embarrassed into silence when it turned out that the basis for their calls was arguable and incomplete, handing their Republican opponents a P.R. coup.

That conservative was Brett Kavanaugh, and the time was two weeks ago. How well did that work out for liberals?

Now prominent Democrats have begun an impeachment process against Donald Trump, based on information that, while potentially devastating, remains arguable and even more incomplete. They do so because they appear to be certain that the full set of facts will vindicate their belief that the president is manifestly guilty of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

But what if the facts don’t vindicate that belief?

That’s a thought that should have at least delayed Nancy Pelosi from announcing the impeachment inquiry on Tuesday afternoon, a few hours after Trump promised to release the unredacted transcript of a July phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com .

Even the dimmest NeverTrumpers are starting to get it.

The choice is between Trump and Communist tyranny.
There IS no third option. The stakes are we lose and
anyone associated with right-of-center politics is headed
for a reeducation camp!!!
Are you having a stroke, dude? You're rambling about some bullshit nobody cares about.

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