Has Merrick Garland screwed up the Mar-a-Lago case?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Has Merrick Garland screwed up the Mar-a-Lago case?​

13 Sep 2022 ~~ By James D. Zirin

Merrick Garland is supposed to be a pretty good lawyer. Harvard Law School, federal prosecutor, federal judge, Supreme Court nominee, attorney general presiding over the Department of Justice (DOJ) — all the cake, most of the icing, without the cherry.
But some of my former prosecutor friends tell me that he may have overlooked a key procedural point in his current joust with former President Trump over the Mar-a-Lago documents. On Sept. 8, Garland filed a notice of appeal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals from the special master order of Florida District Judge Aileen Cannon.
Simultaneously, he moved the inexperienced Trump-appointed Cannon to modify her order granting Trump’s motion to appoint a special master and gratuitously (Trump never asked for such relief) enjoining the government from “further review and use of any of the materials seized from [Trump’s] residence” (the FBI said it had already reviewed it all) “for criminal investigative purposes, pending resolution of the special master’s review process.”
What is so perplexing about the way Garland has proceeded is that it is Hornbook law in the federal courts that the filing of a notice of appeal divests the district court of jurisdiction. If Cannon has no jurisdiction, she has no power to act, and the issue of the injunction must be brought before the conservative 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, where six of the 11 active judges are Trump appointees.
At the moment, the case is a procedural mess. Even if the government persuades Cannon that she made a terrible mistake, she may have no jurisdiction to rectify it because the government has filed a notice of appeal. The government has already said it will return personal documents to Trump. But for the moment, neither the FBI nor DOJ can look at or make use of 100 classified documents because of a blanket claim of privilege that can’t possibly succeed.
So, if the FBI and DOJ can’t look at them, who can? Has Cannon bought into the MAGA trope that the FBI and the Justice Department are “vicious monsters”? Have we really come to this? As things now stand, Cannon has rendered an indefensible and politically partisan decision.

From the get-go Merrick Garland has shown the ineptness. One could than the God's that he was not given the opportunity to become a life long Supreme Court Judge.
I don't believe that AG Garland would go after Trump on his own.
The Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies are desperate to keep their power and projects in motion.
It's my personal believe that Biden's personal bias and hate was behind the Mar a Lago raid.
With the latest revelations that FBI agents were using and calling the Media inside the SCIF facility within Mar a Lago.
One cab on;y say that the actions of the DoJ directed by Garland and the FBi-STASI led by Wray has become a bad Keystone Kop episode in a long line of criminally comical errors

Has Merrick Garland screwed up the Mar-a-Lago case?​

13 Sep 2022 ~~ By James D. Zirin

Merrick Garland is supposed to be a pretty good lawyer. Harvard Law School, federal prosecutor, federal judge, Supreme Court nominee, attorney general presiding over the Department of Justice (DOJ) — all the cake, most of the icing, without the cherry.
But some of my former prosecutor friends tell me that he may have overlooked a key procedural point in his current joust with former President Trump over the Mar-a-Lago documents. On Sept. 8, Garland filed a notice of appeal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals from the special master order of Florida District Judge Aileen Cannon.
Simultaneously, he moved the inexperienced Trump-appointed Cannon to modify her order granting Trump’s motion to appoint a special master and gratuitously (Trump never asked for such relief) enjoining the government from “further review and use of any of the materials seized from [Trump’s] residence” (the FBI said it had already reviewed it all) “for criminal investigative purposes, pending resolution of the special master’s review process.”
What is so perplexing about the way Garland has proceeded is that it is Hornbook law in the federal courts that the filing of a notice of appeal divests the district court of jurisdiction. If Cannon has no jurisdiction, she has no power to act, and the issue of the injunction must be brought before the conservative 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, where six of the 11 active judges are Trump appointees.
At the moment, the case is a procedural mess. Even if the government persuades Cannon that she made a terrible mistake, she may have no jurisdiction to rectify it because the government has filed a notice of appeal. The government has already said it will return personal documents to Trump. But for the moment, neither the FBI nor DOJ can look at or make use of 100 classified documents because of a blanket claim of privilege that can’t possibly succeed.
So, if the FBI and DOJ can’t look at them, who can? Has Cannon bought into the MAGA trope that the FBI and the Justice Department are “vicious monsters”? Have we really come to this? As things now stand, Cannon has rendered an indefensible and politically partisan decision.

From the get-go Merrick Garland has shown the ineptness. One could than the God's that he was not given the opportunity to become a life long Supreme Court Judge.
I don't believe that AG Garland would go after Trump on his own.
The Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies are desperate to keep their power and projects in motion.
It's my personal believe that Biden's personal bias and hate was behind the Mar a Lago raid.
With the latest revelations that FBI agents were using and calling the Media inside the SCIF facility within Mar a Lago.
One cab on;y say that the actions of the DoJ directed by Garland and the FBi-STASI led by Wray has become a bad Keystone Kop episode in a long line of criminally comical errors
Bigly.......lololol........So glad they did it...lol

Has Merrick Garland screwed up the Mar-a-Lago case?​

13 Sep 2022 ~~ By James D. Zirin

Merrick Garland is supposed to be a pretty good lawyer. Harvard Law School, federal prosecutor, federal judge, Supreme Court nominee, attorney general presiding over the Department of Justice (DOJ) — all the cake, most of the icing, without the cherry.
But some of my former prosecutor friends tell me that he may have overlooked a key procedural point in his current joust with former President Trump over the Mar-a-Lago documents. On Sept. 8, Garland filed a notice of appeal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals from the special master order of Florida District Judge Aileen Cannon.
Simultaneously, he moved the inexperienced Trump-appointed Cannon to modify her order granting Trump’s motion to appoint a special master and gratuitously (Trump never asked for such relief) enjoining the government from “further review and use of any of the materials seized from [Trump’s] residence” (the FBI said it had already reviewed it all) “for criminal investigative purposes, pending resolution of the special master’s review process.”
What is so perplexing about the way Garland has proceeded is that it is Hornbook law in the federal courts that the filing of a notice of appeal divests the district court of jurisdiction. If Cannon has no jurisdiction, she has no power to act, and the issue of the injunction must be brought before the conservative 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, where six of the 11 active judges are Trump appointees.
At the moment, the case is a procedural mess. Even if the government persuades Cannon that she made a terrible mistake, she may have no jurisdiction to rectify it because the government has filed a notice of appeal. The government has already said it will return personal documents to Trump. But for the moment, neither the FBI nor DOJ can look at or make use of 100 classified documents because of a blanket claim of privilege that can’t possibly succeed.
So, if the FBI and DOJ can’t look at them, who can? Has Cannon bought into the MAGA trope that the FBI and the Justice Department are “vicious monsters”? Have we really come to this? As things now stand, Cannon has rendered an indefensible and politically partisan decision.

From the get-go Merrick Garland has shown the ineptness. One could than the God's that he was not given the opportunity to become a life long Supreme Court Judge.
I don't believe that AG Garland would go after Trump on his own.
The Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies are desperate to keep their power and projects in motion.
It's my personal believe that Biden's personal bias and hate was behind the Mar a Lago raid.
With the latest revelations that FBI agents were using and calling the Media inside the SCIF facility within Mar a Lago.
One cab on;y say that the actions of the DoJ directed by Garland and the FBi-STASI led by Wray has become a bad Keystone Kop episode in a long line of criminally comical errors
Something I heard said by a law scholar today on Fox. They said that just because these documents were marked "top secret" doesn't make them so. Documents pertaining to the Steele dossier were marked "top secret" yet were all lies. Lies can't be classified. Being untrue makes them automatically declassified.

So since we don't KNOW what these documents were, we can't have the slightest clue whether they were even really "top secret".
Like I had predicted the day this all started when The Hit to "Get Trump" was ordered by Obama, Biden, Clinton and The DNC, The Flynn Family will end up being wealthy beyond belief over The Deep State Witch Hunt of President Trump and everyone he was associated with. How dare they resists Globalist DemNazi Fascist Rule, The UN, and World Economic Forum.

Something I heard said by a law scholar today on Fox. They said that just because these documents were marked "top secret" doesn't make them so. Documents pertaining to the Steele dossier were marked "top secret" yet were all lies. Lies can't be classified. Being untrue makes them automatically declassified.

So since we don't KNOW what these documents were, we can't have the slightest clue whether they were even really "top secret".
The Raid was really about stopping President Trump from further exposing Those involved in The Treasonous COUP ordered by Obama, Clinton, Biden and The DemNazi Fascist Globalists code named Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

Half the upper echelon of the bureacracy in The FBI, DOJ, CIA and NSA should be shot for treason, as well as most of the leadership in The Democrat Party who participated in Treason, Sedition, and insurrection as they plotted and carried out the now 6 year long siege agains our Democracy.
The Raid was really about stopping President Trump from further exposing Those involved in The Treasonous COUP ordered by Obama, Clinton, Biden and The DemNazi Fascist Globalists code named Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

Half the upper echelon of the bureacracy in The FBI, DOJ, CIA and NSA should be shot for treason, as well as most of the leadership in The Democrat Party who participated in Treason, Sedition, and insurrection as they plotted and carried out the now 6 year long siege agains our Democracy.
Nah, we just wanted our stuff back.
And it was being given back too slowly ?
Is that the excuse you are pulling from your grab bag of right wing media deflections? It was just a document dispute? It's an oldie but a goodie.

Yeah. Ignoring subpoenas and lying about the documents existence on an official document over 18 months is pretty slow...so slow in fact, that is why one of the charges is obstruction of justice.
Relax bro.....Trump declassified everything with his mind....

Libtards were too dumb to know that former presidents can declassify whatever they want just by thinking about it.....but only white wealthy conservative former presidents....name Trump....

nobody else has this power; as Judge Cannon rightfully ruled.
The purpose of the Mar-a-Lago Raid was to cast dispersions upon the Trump candidacy and give the illusion that Trump did something wrong.

The raid wasn't done for prosecutorial purposes, Garland WANTS the case against Trump not to be heard where it can be exposed publicly.

Right now, Garland can say anything he wants about what the docs are, and no one can say authoratively any different.

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