Has Bernie lured some off the Trump Train...adults who want to depend on other adults?

Sanders’s courage is evident in the first word he uses to describe himself: “socialist.” In a country where “communism” is still the dirtiest of ideological dirty words, in a climate where even liberalism is considered radical, and socialism is immediately and perhaps willfully confused with communism, a politician dares to call himself a socialist? He does indeed. Here is someone who has “looked into his own soul” and expressed an ideology, the endorsement of which, in today’s political atmosphere, is analogous to a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Even though he has lived through a time in which an admitted socialist could not act in a film, let alone be POTUS, Sanders is not afraid to be candid about his political persuasion.
correct no citizen is. anyone can go to a doctor.

And anyone can go into bankruptcy. 66.5% of personal bankruptcies are due to medical issues.
yep, I didn't, I paid all of my bills. I put a young 30 year old in the ground as my reward. A daughter that lost her mother. Diabetes is the worse disease that exists.

I applaud you for it. But most of those bankruptcies are not because they decided not to pay. It is because they were overwhelmed by high costs. Seniors are deciding between food and their medicines. That is not because of illegal aliens.

Diabetes is horrific. My condolences.
no, they allow you to pay at what you can pay. Dude, I did it, went to a lawyer had it financed at what I could afford. It took several years to pay off. but it can be done.

And many people do it. I did it too.

But that does not change the fact that many people cannot do it.
that's true for any aspect of life. life choices provide us with challenges. if Bankruptcy is what helps one out, one should use it. It's a legal process.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.

Any idea on how those supporters feel Bernie would make this a more prosperous nation?

I discussed 2 groups. The second group is already making us prosperous.

That really doesn't explain how they are making us prosperous.
Most of the country is not prosperous.you can't have a healthy economy without a healthy middle-class and working-class. Which we don't thanks to the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Trumpsters who recognize reality will be for the Democrat.

Wait, what? Winter says a portion of the Bernie Bros are already making us prosperous. Are you not paying attention again?
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.

Any idea on how those supporters feel Bernie would make this a more prosperous nation?

I discussed 2 groups. The second group is already making us prosperous.

That really doesn't explain how they are making us prosperous.

Ok, I will break it down for you.

When I referred to some of the voters as "But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens", I meant those who work and earn a living. They pay taxes. They spend money which helps the economy. That is prosperity.

Yes it is, thank you President Trump.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?
Only GOP dupes believe people only vote for their own selfish interests. Really pathetic, brainwashed functional moron. You are perfect chumps of greedy idiot mega-rich GOP liars....the rich are getting away with murder while the rest pay too much in taxes and get too little back. What Sanders wants is what every other modern country has and they managed very well and are a hell of a lot happier than this mess. The worst upward mobility and inequality ever just keep getting worse.
how do you explain the rich demofks? curious.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?
Only GOP dupes believe people only vote for their own selfish interests. Really pathetic, brainwashed functional moron. You are perfect chumps of greedy idiot mega-rich GOP liars....the rich are getting away with murder while the rest pay too much in taxes and get too little back. What Sanders wants is what every other modern country has and they managed very well and are a hell of a lot happier than this mess. The worst upward mobility and inequality ever just keep getting worse.
how do you explain the rich demofks? curious.
Rich Democrats support taxing themselves and the rest of the rich more and investing in America again. Duh
I think some Bernie supporters want free shit. But many Bernie supporters simply think that a prosperous nation should take care of its own citizens.

Any idea on how those supporters feel Bernie would make this a more prosperous nation?

I discussed 2 groups. The second group is already making us prosperous.

That really doesn't explain how they are making us prosperous.
Most of the country is not prosperous.you can't have a healthy economy without a healthy middle-class and working-class. Which we don't thanks to the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Trumpsters who recognize reality will be for the Democrat.

Wait, what? Winter says a portion of the Bernie Bros are already making us prosperous. Are you not paying attention again?
I could not understand how you got that impression anyway. You brought that up as far as I can tell
Any idea on how those supporters feel Bernie would make this a more prosperous nation?

I discussed 2 groups. The second group is already making us prosperous.

That really doesn't explain how they are making us prosperous.
Most of the country is not prosperous.you can't have a healthy economy without a healthy middle-class and working-class. Which we don't thanks to the scumbag lying GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Trumpsters who recognize reality will be for the Democrat.

Wait, what? Winter says a portion of the Bernie Bros are already making us prosperous. Are you not paying attention again?
I could not understand how you got that impression anyway. You brought that up as far as I can tell
I thought Bernie Bros were assholes on the internet who probably will turn out to be mostly Russians and macedonians
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?

I'm probably one of the highest earners on this forum. I'm about to take a three month vacation to Brazil because fuck it, I can. I don't need anybody's help.

That being said there are a few things I like about Sanders.

1.) Love him or hate him he is consistent and he says what is in his heart. He is genuine, and that makes him quite unique in politics.

2.) His platform mirrors Nordic capitalism which I am a fan of. I knoooooow the word socialism gets thrown around and abused a lot by both sides, but if you understand the meanings of words you'll understand that that's not actually what he is or what he represents. Even the man himself seems to be a little confused.

3.) The establishment fucking hates him. He is not a status quo politician. They hate Bernie? Good, fuck them. It's the same way I feel about Trump. The enemy of my enemy etc etc...

Bernie definitely believes some pie in the sky bullshit, but I truly believe that underneath it all he's a good man that wants good things for our country and for the world, and I think that matters a lot. I'll take a good person over just about anything else that's available. Are there smarter and more realistic people I would love to vote for? FUCK YES, but those people are unfortunately irrelevant.

I think Trump might get my vote in 2020 because the damage he has done to status quo conservatism cannot be measured. He is invaluable for that. He's a true populist. Some may hate his methods, including me sometimes, but I think the change he is bringing about will ultimately be a good thing. The Republican party will never be the same again.
Well, you might have me beat for income, although there's absolutely no way of knowing, but I doubt you have anything on my family's estate.

That being said, if you're such a high earning socialist lover, then why don't you just start now and give 90% of your earnings to the government? Put your earnings where your mouth is?

Otherwise you're just a poser, lying twit.
I’ve noticed a few around here...is the free shit and his promise to steal from others for you the only attractive offering or is there something else in his platform that interests you?
If you were able to stand on your own two feet and pay for your own bad decisions in life would you still find him attractive?
I only find his economic stances interesting because he is correct on them. Socially he is completely crazy. The worker is screwed, the CEO gets richer under EVERY president including democrat ones and we should be LEADING the world in things such as healthcare and education instead we are falling farther and farther behind. Trump is a bullshit artist who suckered people who were ignored in and fed them what they wanted to hear. I was off the Trump Train LONG before I even considered voting for Sanders which I probably won't do. I will vote for Gabbard in the primary and the only reason I am doing that is because I plan to vote for mayor and sheriff. In the general I probably won't vote for president.

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