has anyone changed their mind/view because of a forum?


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
Enterprise, Alabama
On this forum there exist proofs and 'preponderance of evidence' showing a number of truths, such as homosexuality is a choice, we did NOT 'go to war cuz saddam had WMDs', 'Creation is more plausible than Evolution", etc...but even if you do NOT agree with my assessment of the data contained herein, has ANY argument you've read here changed your views on issues?
It's not easy to come to terms with realizing something you believe isn't 'truth'.

I used to believe in, and practice 'rampant tounge-speaking' in church. As a kid, I was 'taught' to do this; very emotional activity - it sure FELT holy. After talking with friends and thru study, I had to realize what i had been doing - what i just KNEW was 'of God' was likely not. People's political views are akin to religious views; so many times, inspite of the evidence people will or will not believe just for the sake of keeping their world from crumbling. It can be scary.
-=d=- said:
such as homosexuality is a choice,

I've seen no proof of this. In fact, I believe it's inborn just as much as heterosexuality is for heterosexuals.

Flame away.

"Show me how it's normal and natural... blah blah la dee dah."

rtwngAvngr said:
I've see no proof of this. In fact, I believe it's inborn just as much as heterosexuality is for heterosexuals.

Flame away.

"Show me how it's normal and natural... blah blah la dee dah."


Thanks for trying to hijack my thread!! :);
rtwngAvngr said:
No hijack.

I was questioning part of your premise.

Quit the melodrama.


I KNEW somebody would 'bite' when I posted those words/examples...I was SURE somebody would be MORE concerned with the words, than the point I was making...I just knew-that-I-knew somebody, chomping at the bit, would pounce, and shift the focus of the thread from "THE POINT" to ideas expressed leading to said point. I didn't forsee that was you though - I actually kinda forgot about you. Have you been away? :)

-=d=- said:

I KNEW somebody would 'bite' when I posted those words/examples...I was SURE somebody would be MORE concerned with the words, than the point I was making...I just knew-that-I-knew somebody, chomping at the bit, would pounce, and shift the focus of the thread from "THE POINT" to ideas expressed leading to said point. I didn't forsee that was you though - I actually kinda forgot about you. Have you been away? :)

Typically part of any discussion are the ideas that lead to said "point".

Forgot about me? That hurts.

No, I'm just trying to get a life.
rtwngAvngr said:
Typically part of any discussion are the ideas that lead to said "point".

Forgot about me? That hurts.

No, I'm just trying to get a life.

Lemme know if you can find any online - cheap.

I can honestly say that "no, my views have never been changed because of something that has been written in a forum". Perhaps I'm too old to change my views - but they are my views and they are right!! I do enjoy reading some of this stuff. Sometimes I shake my head, other times I laugh, but change my views - No! I sometimes mull some of these views over a bit and can sort of feel why some people feel the way they do - and that is okay. If we all shared the same views, it would be a pretty boring place. Okay, time for my medication.
Joan said:
I can honestly say that "no, my views have never been changed because of something that has been written in a forum". Perhaps I'm too old to change my views - but they are my views and they are right!! I do enjoy reading some of this stuff. Sometimes I shake my head, other times I laugh, but change my views - No! I sometimes mull some of these views over a bit and can sort of feel why some people feel the way they do - and that is okay. If we all shared the same views, it would be a pretty boring place. Okay, time for my medication.

Just don't be quick to dis-credit something 'simply' because you saw it on a forum.


Share the meds! :D
rtwngAvngr said:
PadeshaEmperor and wade are having a love child that will be a new species of idiot. Does that count?


OMG... that is about the funniest thing I've seen on here for a while! Kudos! :clap1:
-=d=- said:
On this forum there exist proofs and 'preponderance of evidence' showing a number of truths, such as homosexuality is a choice, we did NOT 'go to war cuz saddam had WMDs', 'Creation is more plausible than Evolution", etc...but even if you do NOT agree with my assessment of the data contained herein, has ANY argument you've read here changed your views on issues?

Not sure that I've changed any views. I have had to think a lot more critically about my views, however, and back up my claims with proof, which I think has made me better at voicing my beliefs.
I havent changed my views b/c of a thread or forum, no.

I HAVE altered my views from talking with 2 wonderful people Ive met here, one moreso than the other (thanks guys!)

Why did I alter my views? They didnt prod me, call me stupid, or :tinfoil:, make fun of me, or fight with me regarding what I thought I had believed in - they didnt even tell me Im wrong and why. They simply listened to my thoughts and questions and provided succint, kind answers.

This old saying applies: Hold a kitten gently and it will stay, hold it too tight and it will scratch you and struggle to run away.
In all honesty I can't say I've 'changed' my opinions on issues. I will say though that issues I hadn't considered of high priority, have become more important to me, enough to make me make an issue of them in letters and whatever influence I have with organizations I'm involved with. :) Those that 'know' me, recognize what I'm referring to.
Why I changed my mind (an example)

The UN: I came to this board believing in the UN system. I argued that Bush administration had done a very poor job diplomatically getting other nations to support it on the Security Council. I thought the UN system was adaquate to handle the world's problems. I thought wrong.

Now you can say it was 50% because of real world events and 50% because of new information and facts I gained from others on the board.

We've got Darfur going on, and the UN can't do squat (real world events).

At the same time, it turns out the French were doublecrossing everybody at the Security Council, even Annan, and we never would have been able to win a new resolution (posts on the board from individuals who backed up it with proof and links that I read).

We just had to carry out the orders of the older resolutions regarding Iraq.

And also, if you're debating or discussing with people, you better be able to back up what you believe in or what you surmise with facts (links, sources, transcripts, etc) and there were a number of issues I came in here with certain views on that just don't hold up under careful scrutiny. So I had to admit that (rather than supporting a lie or a misconception) and view the facts again.

Or maybe I'm just flexible (standard Navy policy) because all the rules and regulations in the Navy are constantly changing and being updated and improved.
rtwngAvngr said:
PadeshaEmperor and wade are having a love child that will be a new species of idiot. Does that count?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Holy shit, that's funny!

I haven't changed my mind, I value the board because of the wealth of information, insight and humor brought here by members... it's a very entertaining way to keep up to speed.

The Tinfoil Brigade are interesting in that even when confronted with the truth, they'll stubbornly cling to the lie - rather than honestly rethink their position.

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