Zone1 Has Anybody In The Bible Besides Jesus Ever Been Able To Predict Death? (And Some Other Questions)

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Just curious because I seem to be having that gut feeling right now where I actually know for absolute certainty that a friend of the family is about to pass away due to illness and nothing hasn't even been discovered yet. Then again I've been able to know what people were praying about, what happened to them in their childhood and or before I met them and a whole bunch of other things since I'm spiritually connected to God so it's a rather difficult thing to talk about since not very many people can do what I can do, I'm just curious if there's anything in the Bible about predicting death,.. or any of the stuff I just mentioned actually since I'm currently in the process of looking for answers and hopefully not being ridiculed for it in the process. Btw this is out of my control so I can't make this stuff happen, it just does.
People give themselves away in a million different ways if you know how to see and interpret the clues and signs .

Similar to facial mini emotions which only register for part of a second and are largely involuntary .

Those that score highly are people who are good with patterns, dot connecting and code cracking .

We all leak the future via language to some small extent -- --- so I am told by a very ,very smart polymath whose

predictions exceed chance hugely and consistently .

But the only ones who can accurately predict death that I am aware of are called Serial Killers .
But the only ones who can accurately predict death that I am aware of are called Serial Killers .

Don't forget I mentioned already that I believed this guy would die of illness so obviously I can't be referring to that. Unless you're speaking of poisoning but to jump to that conclusion is a pretty high accusation for somebody you don't even know as I would NEVER do anything of the sort. I'd only kill out of self-defense and I don't even see that ever happening.
As far as i know, Jesus only ever predicted his own death.

Yeah Jesus as a human,.. but Jesus just as God has to know when everyone is going to die. The trinity has always been difficult to explain and understand though so I'm not sure if that even makes sense. However, animals seem to have this ability.

Too bad our medical field doesn't provide the comfort/care at the end of life like this cat does.

I guess this question goes along the same lines as a sixth sense even possible to be able to detect things that it's impossible for ordinary people to know scripture wise. I sort of wish I didn't even have this to be perfectly honest with you, but the things that I've been able to predict/see makes me believe that it's possible.
King Hezekiah comes to mind. He was told when he would die:

In 2 Kings 20, King Hezekiah contracts a life-threatening illness. It looks like the end for Hezekiah, especially when the prophet Isaiah stops by to announce, “Thus says the Lord, ‘Set your house in order, for you shall die; you shall not recover’” (2 Kings 20:1). Hezekiah is unusually devastated by this news: he wept morbidly and begged God for an extension to his life. Yet God again honors Hezekiah’s bold prayer, giving Hezekiah another 15 years.

While his body improves, the speed of his spiritual decline escalates in a hurry. When the king of Babylon hears about Hezekiah’s miraculous recovery, he sends some men to congratulate him on the healing. Instead of giving glory to God for his deliverance, however, Hezekiah shows off all of the treasures he’s accumulated over his life (2 Kings 20:13). He’s taken God’s favor and twisted it into an opportunity to display his own pride.

It gets worse. When the Babylonians leave, Isaiah lets Hezekiah know that his pride will have devastating consequences: all of Hezekiah’s treasures will one day be ransacked, and his own sons will be taken, castrated, and forced to live in exile in Babylon. Hezekiah’s response is one of the most chilling in all of Scripture: “Why not, if there will be peace and security in my days?” (2 Kings 20:19) In other words, “Who cares? As long as things go well with me, that’s all that matters.”
I guess this question goes along the same lines as a sixth sense even possible to be able to detect things that it's impossible for ordinary people to know scripture wise. I sort of wish I didn't even have this to be perfectly honest with you, but the things that I've been able to predict/see makes me believe that it's possible.

Get thee into a church and meet and fellowship with some "ordinary" Christians.
Well it happened. The man I was referring to has suddenly fallen ill. I hate being right at times like these. :(

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